654 research outputs found

    Relação trabalho-família: um estudo com motoristas profissionais

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia do Trabalho, das Organizações e dos Recursos Humanos)Este estudo pretende contribuir para a compreensão da relação entre trabalho e família, e da influência que outras variáveis possam ter nesta relação. Para tal, foi analisada a relação entre conflito trabalho-família e conflito família-trabalho, a satisfação com o trabalho e com a família, e com a perceção de suporte social dos participantes por parte de supervisores e dos colegas de trabalho. Os dados foram recolhidos através de questionário em formato de papel, tendo sido obtido um total de 154 respostas, junto de uma população totalmente masculina, de uma empresa de transportes de passageiros, no norte de Portugal. Além dos questionários foram realizadas na fase anterior duas entrevistas a motoristas e uma entrevista a um supervisor direto. Os resultados revelaram, de um modo global, que os participantes, em média, apresentam valores baixos de conflito trabalho-família e conflito família-trabalho. Os resultados também indicam que a idade dos filhos, o número de horas trabalhadas semanalmente e a perceção de suporte dos supervisores constituem preditores significativos do conflito trabalho-família.This study aims to contribute to understanding the relationship between work and family, and the influence that other variables may have on this regard. To this end, it was analyzed the relation between workfamily conflict and family-work conflict, satisfaction with work and family and with the perception of social support the participants by supervisors and coworkers. Data were collected through a questionnaire in paper format, having obtained a total of 154 responses, with an all-male population, in a company of passenger’s transports, in the north of Portugal. In addition to the questionnaires were conducted previously two interviews with drivers and an interview with a direct supervisor. The results revealed, on the whole, that participants, on average, have low levels of work-family conflict and family-work conflict. The results also indicate that the age of the children, the number of hours worked each week and perceptions of support from supervisors are significant predictors of work-family conflict

    Conflicto trabajo-familia: un estudio con conductores profesionales

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    Este estudo pretende contribuir para a compreensão do conflito entre trabalho e família em motoristas profissionais que trabalham com transporte de passageiros e da influência que outras variáveis possam ter nesse âmbito. Foi analisada especificamente a relação entre o conflito trabalho-família e as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade), do contexto familiar (número e idade dos filhos) e do contexto profissional (duração da jornada de trabalho, satisfação com o trabalho, suporte social dos supervisores e suporte social dos colegas de trabalho). Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de questionário, tendo participado 154 trabalhadores de uma empresa de transportes de passageiros do norte de Portugal. Todos os participantes eram do sexo masculino, e a maioria deles tinha idade entre 40 e 59 anos, eram casados e tinham filhos. Os resultados revelaram que os motoristas apresentam valores médios relativamente reduzidos de conflito trabalho-família e indicaram que a idade dos filhos, o número de horas trabalhadas semanalmente e a percepção de suporte dos supervisores constituíram preditores significativos do conflito trabalho-família.This study aims to contribute to the understanding of work-family conflict among professional drivers, and the influence that other variables may have in that context. We analyzed the relationship between work-family conflict and socio-demographic variables (age), family context (number of children and their ages), and professional context (number of working hours, job satisfaction, and perception of supervisor and co-worker social support) in particular. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 154 male workers of a passenger transport company in the north of Portugal. The majority of the participants were aged 40-50, were married, and had children. Data showed that the drivers reported relatively low mean levels of workfamily conflict. Results also showed that the age of their children, weekly hours worked, and the perception of supervisor support were significant predictors of work-family conflict.Este estudio pretende contribuir a la comprensión del conflicto entre trabajo y familia en conductores profesionales que trabajan con el transporte de pasajeros, y de la influencia que otras variables puedan tener en ese contexto. Específicamente, se analizó la relación entre el conflicto trabajo-familia y las variables sociodemográficas (edad), el contexto familiar (número de hijos y su edad), así como el contexto profesional (duración de la jornada de trabajo, satisfacción laboral, apoyo social de los supervisores y soporte social de los compañeros de trabajo). Los datos se recogieron mediante un cuestionario aplicado a 154 trabajadores hombres de una empresa de transporte de pasajeros del norte de Portugal. La mayoría de los participantes tenía entre 40 y 59 años, estaban casados y tenían hijos. Los resultados muestran que los conductores tienen valores medios relativamente bajos de conflicto trabajo-familia. Los resultados también indicaron que la edad de los hijos, el número de horas trabajadas semanalmente y la percepción de apoyo de los supervisores constituyeron predictores significativos del conflicto trabajo-familia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida em Pacientes Vítimas de Queimaduras

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    Nos últimos anos, o conhecimento médico e as técnicas cirúrgicas para o tratamento das queimaduras transformaram os procedimentos e as terapêuticas no tratamento do paciente queimado, permitindo um aumento significativo da sua sobrevida. Apesar disto, as sequelas daí resultantes são prevalentes e conduzem a alterações na perceção de QDV das suas vítimas. Dada a importância do tema, o principal objetivo deste estudo é a análise de fatores associados à adaptação do paciente queimado à sua condição para determinar modelos preditores das dimensões da QDV. Para a concretização do objetivo foi feito o estudo de adaptação portuguesa do “Burn Specific Health scale - Revised” (BSHS-R). Posteriormente procurou-se entender a relação existente entre a QDV e características sociodemográficas, variáveis clínicas e variáveis psicológicas como a sintomatologia emocional, o ambiente familiar e a inteligência emocional percebida. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado no Hospital da Prelada, Porto, com uma amostra de 92 pacientes vítimas de queimaduras, que se encontravam internados na Unidade de Queimados e na Cirurgia Plástica e Reconstrutiva, entre novembro de 2009 e junho de 2014. Os resultados alcançados sugerem boas características psicométricas do BSHS-R na população estudada, comprovando tratar-se de um instrumento útil para a avaliação da perceção de QDV do paciente queimado. Foram encontradas diferenças na QDV nas variáveis sociodemográficas (género) e clínicas (extensão da queimadura, classificação da queimadura, visibilidade da queimadura). Confirmou-se também a existência de associações entre a QDV, a sintomatologia emocional, o ambiente familiar e a inteligência emocional percebida. Os modelos preditores de QDV consideram a sintomatologia emocional como uma variável com efeito mediador entre a inteligência emocional percebida e a QDV.Recently, medical knowledge and surgical techniques for burn treatment have transformed the procedures and therapeutics in the treatment of a burned patient, increasing significantly his life expectancy. Nevertheless, the resulting sequelae are significant and lead to changes in the Quality of Life (QOL) perception of the victims. Given the importance of the subject, the key objective of this study is the analysis of factors related to the adaptation of the burned patient to his condition to assess predictive models of the QOL dimensions. For the accomplishment of the objective a Portuguese adaptation study has been made of the “Burn Specific Health scale - Revised” (BSHS-R). Subsequently it was analyzed the relationship between QOL and the sociodemographic characteristics, clinical variables and psychological variables such as emotional symptomatology, the family environment and perceived emotional intelligence. This is a transversal study realized with a sample of 92 patients, which had been hospitalized in the Burn, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery units of the Prelada Hospital, Porto, between November 2009 and June 2014. The achieved results suggest good psychometric characteristics of the BSHS-R in the observed population, confirming its usefulness as an instrument to assess the perceived QOL of the burned patient. Some differences have been found in the QOL in the sociodemographic variables (gender) and clinical (burn extension, type of burn and burn visibility). There has also been observed the existence of relationship between the QOL, the emotional symptomatology, the family environment and the perceived emotional intelligence. The predictive models of QOL consider the emotional symptomatology as a variable with a mediating effect between the perceived emotional intelligence and the QOL.En los últimos años, el conocimiento médico y las técnicas quirúrgicas para el tratamiento de las quemaduras han transformado los procedimientos y las terapias del paciente quemado, permitiendo un aumento significativo de su supervivencia. A pesar de esto, las secuelas resultantes muestran una alta prevalencia y conducen a alteraciones de las percepción de la Calidad de Vida (CdV) de las víctimas. Dada la relevancia del tema, el principal objetivo de este estudio es el análisis de los factores asociados a la adaptación del paciente quemado y su condición para determinar modelos predictores de las dimensiones de la CdV. Para la operativización de dicho objetivo, se realizó la adaptación portuguesa del “Burn Specific Health scale - Revised” (BSHS-R). Posteriormente, se trató de comprender la relación existente entre la CdV, características sociodemográficas, variables clínicas y variables psicológicas (como la sintomatología emocional, el ambiente familiar y la inteligencia emocional percibida). Se trata de un estudio transversal llevado a cabo en el hospital de Prelada, Oporto, con una muestra de 92 pacientes victimas de quemaduras, que se encontraban internados en la unidad de quemados, cirugía plástica y reconstructiva, entre noviembre de 2009 y junio de 2014. Los resultados obtenidos muestran buenas características psicométricas del BSHS-R en la población estudiada, confirmándose que se trata de un instrumento útil para la evaluación de la CdV del paciente quemado. Se encontraron diferencias en la CdV en función de las variables sociodemográficas (género) y clínicas (extensión, clasificación y visibilidad de la quemadura). Se confirmó la existencia de asociaciones entre la CdV, la sintomatología emocional, el ambiente familiar y la inteligencia emocional percibida. Los modelos predictores de la CdV consideran la sintomatología emocional como variable mediadora entre la Inteligencia emocional percibida y la CdV

    Molecular techniques and target selection for the identification of Candida spp. in oral samples

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    Candida species are the causative agent of oral candidiasis, with medical devices being platforms for yeast anchoring and tissue colonization. Identifying the infectious agent involved in candidiasis avoids an empirical prescription of antifungal drugs. The application of high-throughput technologies to the diagnosis of yeast pathogens has clear advantages in sensitivity, accuracy, and speed. Yet, conventional techniques for the identification of Candida isolates are still routine in clinical and research settings. Molecular approaches are the focus of intensive research, but conversion into clinic settings requires overcoming important challenges. Several molecular approaches can accurately identify Candida spp.: Polymerase Chain Reaction, Microarray, High-Resolution Melting Analysis, Multi-Locus Sequence Typing, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism, Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-mass spectrometry, and Next Generation Sequencing. This review examines the advantages and disadvantages of the current molecular methods used for Candida spp. Identification, with a special focus on oral candidiasis. Discussion regarding their application for the diagnosis of oral infections aims to identify the most rapid, affordable, accurate, and easy-to-perform molecular techniques to be used as a point-of-care testing method. Special emphasis is given to the difficulties that health care professionals need to overcome to provide an accurate diagnosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tornar-se Psicólogo para além das aulas: Grupo de desenvolvimento com estudantes de Psicologia

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    O Desenvolvimento Profissional (DP) tem vindo a ser revelado como um elemento crítico na formação e desempenho profissional do Psicólogo. Tendo por base os fundamentos teóricos acerca do DP e da construção da identidade profissional, e com carácter exploratório, construiu-se, implementou-se e avaliou-se a eficácia de um programa de intervenção. O principal objectivo desta é, num contexto seguro à exploração, promover o DP de estudantes de Psicologia, em duas componentes (intrapessoal e interpessoal/social). Constituíram-se dois grupos (um de 10 e outro de cinco participantes), avaliados formalmente no início e no fim do programa, através de uma medida construída para o efeito – Questionário de Desenvolvimento de Estudantes de Psicologia. Os resultados apoiam a eficácia da intervenção e indicam mudanças ao nível do autoconhecimento, da representação de DP, do conhecimento do papel de Psicólogo, dos recursos para a transição entre papéis e contextos, da coerência e riqueza narrativa e das competências relacionais básicas. Não obstante as reformulações necessárias identificadas na avaliação informal, o programa promove o DP e a construção da identidade profissional dos estudantes de Psicologia, tendo os participantes demonstrado a sua satisfação com a mesma

    Satisfaction of users of family health strategy in a pole in county health / RN

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    Objective: To evaluate the user satisfaction of the family health strategy in Santa Cruz / RN and analyze the implantation consequences of PSF in the health of the local population. Method: It was conducted an exploratory descriptive study with qualitative boarding, with data obtained from structured interview applied on users in the period October 2010 to September 2011. Results: High levels of satisfaction in relation to access, waiting time, service and infrastructure, in addition to significant dissatisfaction related to the marking of examinations and participation of the population in the management of the unit. Conclusion: It is suggested improvements in the integration of UBS with other levels of care, and the implementation of projects that make the active population within units

    Therapeutic Potential of Deflamin against Colorectal Cancer Development and Progression

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes that play a crucial role in tumor microenvironment remodeling, contributing to inflammatory and angiogenic processes, and ultimately promoting tumor maintenance and progression. Several studies on bioactive polypeptides isolated from legumes have shown anti-migratory, anti-MMPs, and anti-tumor effects, potentially constituting novel strategies for both the prevention and progression of cancer. In this work, we inves- tigated the anti-tumor role of deflamin, a protein oligomer isolated from white lupine seeds (Lupinus albus) reported to inhibit MMP-9 and cell migration in colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines. We found that deflamin exerts an inhibitory effect on tumor growth and metastasis formation, contributing to increased tumor apoptosis in the xenotransplanted zebrafish larvae model. Furthermore, deflamin resulted not only in a significant reduction in MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity but also in impaired cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro. Using the xenograft zebrafish model, we observed that deflamin inhibits collagen degradation and angiogenesis in the tumor microenvironment in vivo. Overall, our work reveals the potential of deflamin as an agent against CRC development and progression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limits and obstacles in the adherence to antiretroviral therapy

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    Objective: To analyze and list factors and monitoring techniques related to the adherence to antiretroviral treatment. Method: study of integrative review of the literature from the electronic bases LILACS and MEDLINE, conducted in April and May, 2013. Results: factors such as education level, complexity of treatment, psychological aggravating and the relationship between health professional and the user were highlighted in adherence to ART. In this context, to monitor and measure adherence to antiretroviral therapy with the use of appropriate techniques can contribute to a significant increase of these values. Conclusion: it is true that there is no gold standard to ensure ideal adhesion, however, the use of correct and combined monitoring techniques, can significantly decrease the impact of several factors that predispose the ineffective adherence to AIDS treatment

    Health care for people with HIV: evaluation of users

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    Objective: This is it an evaluative study with a quantitative approach that aimed to assess the user satisfaction for outpatient care, conducted in a referral hospital in the treatment of AIDS in Natal/RN. Method: The target population consisted of all 626 patients with HIV in monitoring. As an instrument of data collection used a structured form. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: was observed that males with a mean age of 38 years, characterize the profile of HIV carriers coming from metropolis, with basic education and family income of up to two minimum wages, and type of heterosexual exposure. Most users deemed the service of assessment unsatisfactory. Was observed a significant difference (ρ < 0,001) between the variable of satisfaction and the predictor variables. Conclusion: We conclude that the health care service was appointed as being unsatisfactory by respondents demonstrated this by statistical tests

    Evaluation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate adherence to antiretroviral treatment for AIDS patients. Method: This is a quantitative study, field, and descriptive, at Reference Center for infectious diseases in Natal/RN, from August 2010 to July 2011. Data were collected through medical records, interviews and the pharmacy dispensing records. Results: Participated in the study 402 patients, among whom (70,2%) were male, the mean age was 35 years, and 90,0 had been diagnosed of HIV infection between 1 to 5 years. It was observed that 30% of the patients adhered to treatment. Conclusion: The Adherence in the present study are lower than those recommended in the literature, to increase adherence to ART is essential to carry out strategies to increase awareness and user engagement