7,243 research outputs found

    Long-snouted seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, under global warming

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    The earth’s climate system and the global ocean have been warming up, since the mid-twentieth century and it is expected that the global and ocean´s temperature will rise in the next years even more [1,2,13,25,28]. For ectotherms, such as fish, temperature is a determinant cue for several behavioural [29], physiological [24], and metabolic processes [6]. Seahorses’ particular life history makes them vulnerable to human or natural disturbances [17]. The long snout seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, is one of the two species that inhabit the coastal areas of Portugal [23]. The present study aims to assess the effects of ocean warming on growth, feed intake and behavior patterns of adult H. guttulatus. Results provide clear evidence of detrimental effects of exposure to warming on this species. Under extreme temperatures (24ºC), the increased food ingestion was not enough for fish to support growth (weighted less), which suggests that fish were spending energy to counterbalance the thermal stress they were exposed to. Fish under both elevated temperature treatments (20 and 24ºC) were also spending more energy in active behaviours. Altogether, these data may indicate that ocean warming will have a drastic effect on seahorse populations currently inhabiting the Sado estuary.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigative activities for statistics learning with 1st grade Portuguese students

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    The relevance of data exploration in mathematics programmes at all levels of education led us to develop a learning experience with 1st grade students with the aim of investigating the contribution of investigative activities in the learning of statistics. To achieve this objective, the following research questions were outlined: How do students implement investigative activities when learning statistics? What difficulties do students have in carrying out investigative activities when learning statistics? Adopting a qualitative and interpretative approach, data were collected through students’ written records, the reflections of the teacher, and a written test applied before and after the learning experience. The results obtained suggest that students were able to carry out investigative activities when learning statistics although with some weaknesses, namely defining the topic and research questions, and analysing the data due to the greater complexity of the research proposed by them. Students were able to formulate conclusions, although in some groups the conclusions were underdeveloped. Students were most confident in data collection, organization, and representation activities, with limitations typical of their young age (e.g., written communication). Students also showed difficulties in managing group work and knowledge of statistics, notably concerning strategies of data organization and representation and statistical measures

    Bone mineralization in preterm neonates receiving different parenteral intake of calcium and phosphorus: preliminary results

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    Introdução: Os recém-nascidos pré-termo estão em risco acrescido de desenvolver osteopénia, pela dificuldade no suprimento parentérico de aporte mineral suficiente. Existe uma grande amplitude de doses de cálcio e fósforo recomendadas para estes recém-nascidos por via parentérica, havendo também um elevado risco de precipitação mineral nestas soluções. A ultrassonografia quantitativa é um método recentemente utilizado para avaliação da mineralização óssea em recém-nascidos pré-termo. Objectivo: Medir a mineralização óssea a recém-nascidos pré-termo submetidos a nutrição parentérica com duas doses diferentes doses de cálcio e fósforo. Métodos: Foram incluídos recém-nascidos pré-termo (IGd<33semanas) consecutivos, com necessidade de aporte nutricional parentérico, que foram aleatorizados para receber um aporte parentérico diário de cálcio de 40-50mg.kg-1 (1,00-1,25 mmol.kg-1) (grupo Convencional) ou 70-80mg.kg-1 (1,75-2,00mmol.dl-1) (grupo Alta). Foi mantida a razão mássica Ca:P de 1,7:1 nos dois grupos. Foram efectuadas medições semanais por ultrassonografia quantitativa no ponto médio da tíbia, até serem atingidas as 40 semanas de idade de gestação corrigida. Estabeleceu-se um outro grupo (Controlo) referente apenas à mineralização óssea na primeira semana de vida de recém-nascidos (IGd<40 semanas), para reflectir a mineralização intrauterina. Resultados: Foram incluídos 19 recém-nascidos (grupo Convencional=7, grupo Alta=12), com (média±DP) IG 30,4±1.9 semanas e peso à nascença 1360±400g. Os recém-nascidos inclídos no grupo convencional apresentaram uma mineralização óssea significativamente inferior à dos controlos, o que não ocorreu quando comparados os grupos alta e controlo (para as 32 semanas de idade de gestação corrigida). Os recém-nascidos do grupo Convencional apresentaram ainda mineralização óssea significativamente mais baixa na terceira semana pós-natal, comparativamente com o grupo Alta (p=0,030). Conclusões: A manter-se a tendência, talvez haja um efeito benéfico de uma dose parentérica mais elevada de cálcio e fósforo na mineralização óssea de RNs pré-termo sem o risco de nefrocalcinose. A mineralização óssea intrauterina parece ser superior à do recém-nascido submetido a nutrição parentérica sem manipulação do seu aporte mineral; no entanto, a utilização de soluções parentéricas enriquecidas em minerais ósseos parece provocar uma mineralização óssea semelhante à adquirida no útero

    Meta-analysis of the effects of sanitizing treatments on Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes inactivation in fresh produce

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    The aim of this study was to perform a meta-analysis of the effects of sanitizing treatments of fresh produce on Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes. From 55 primary studies found to report on such effects, 40 were selected based on specific criteria, leading to more than 1000 data on mean log reduction of these three bacterial pathogens impairing the safety of fresh produce. Data were partitioned to build three meta-analytical models that could allow the assessment of differences in mean log reductions among pathogens, fresh produce and sanitizers. Moderating variables assessed in the meta-analytical models included type of fresh produce, type of sanitizer, concentration, treatment time and temperature. Further, a proposal was done to classify the sanitizers according to their bactericidal efficacy by means of a meta-analytical dendrogram. The results indicated that both time and temperature significantly affected the mean log reductions of the sanitizing treatment (p<0.0001). In general, sanitizer treatments led to lower mean log reductions when applied to leafy greens (for example, 0.68 log-reductions [0.00-1.37] achieved in lettuce) as compared to other non-leafy vegetables (for example, 3.04 mean log-reductions [2.32-3.76] obtained for carrots). Among the pathogens, E. coli 0157:H7 was more resistant to ozone (1.6 mean log reductions), while L. monocytogenes and Salmonella presented high resistance to organic acids such as, citric acid, acetic acid and lactic acid (∼3.0 mean log reductions). With regards to the sanitizers, it has been found that slightly acidic electrolysed water, acidified sodium chlorite and the gaseous chlorine dioxide clustered together, indicating they possessed the strongest bactericidal effect. The results reported seem to be an important achievement for advancing the global understanding of the effectiveness of sanitizers for microbial safety of fresh produce

    Genome sequences of five African swine fever virus genotype IX isolates from domestic pigs in Uganda

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    Complete genome sequences of five African swine fever virus isolates were determined directly from clinical material obtained from domestic pigs in Uganda. Four sequences were essentially identical to each other, and all were closely related to the only known genome sequence of p72 genotype IX

    Genome sequences of five African swine fever virus genotype IX isolates from domestic pigs in Uganda

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    Complete genome sequences of five African swine fever virus isolates were determined directly from clinical material obtained from domestic pigs in Uganda. Four sequences were essentially identical to each other, and all were closely related to the only known genome sequence of p72 genotype IX

    SENTRY antimicrobial surveillance program report: latin american and brazilian results for 1997 through 2001

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    The alarming emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance among common bacteria threatens the effectiveness of therapy for many infections. Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance is essential to identify the major problems and guide adequate control measures. Several resistance surveillance programs have been implemented in North America and Europe in the last decade; however, very few programs have assessed antimicrobial resistance in Latin American countries. The SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program was initiated in 1997 and represents the most comprehensive surveillance program in place at the present time worldwide. The SENTRY Program collects consecutive isolates from clinically documented infections in more than 80 medical centers worldwide (10 in Latin America). The isolates are collected according to the type of infection (objectives) and susceptibility tested in a central microbiology laboratory by reference broth microdilution methods according to NCCLS guidelines. The Program also incorporated molecular typing (ribotyping and PFGE) and resistance mechanism analysis of selected isolates. In this report we present a very broad analysis of the data generated by testing almost 20,000 bacterial isolates against more than 30 antimicrobial agents. The susceptibility results (MIC50, MIC90 and % susceptible) are presented in 11 tables according to the organism and site of infection. The data from Brazil, as well as the data from isolates collected in 2001, are analyzed separately. This report allows the evaluation of the activities numerous antimicrobial agents against clinical isolates collected in Latin American countries.Federal University of São Paulo Division of Infectious Diseases Special Laboratory of Clinical MicrobiologyThe JONES Group JMI LaboratoriesUNIFESP, Division of Infectious Diseases Special Laboratory of Clinical MicrobiologySciEL

    A new 'saccamminid' genus (Rhizaria: Foraminifera), from 4400 m water depth in the Nazare Canyon (NE Atlantic)

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    We describe Bithekammina occulta, a new monothalamous agglutinated foraminiferan ('saccamminid') collected in multicore samples at 4400 m on the terrace of the lower Nazare Canyon on the Portuguese margin. The test is spherical to oval, up to similar to 400 mu m in length, with a simple circular aperture. The wall has a very smooth surface with a distinct sheen in reflected light. It is <10 mu m thick and composed of very fine agglutinated plate-like clay particles and a thin inner organic layer. The most distinctive feature of the new species is that the test is contained within an agglutinated case ('secondary test') composed mainly of larger (10-50 mu m) quartz grains. The case is equipped with a long, narrow tube that originates near the aperture of the inner test and presumably acts as a channel through which pseudopodia are deployed. Secondary agglutinated structures have been described in a number of foraminifera, but never before in a 'saccamminid'.EC FP6 GOCE-CT-2005–511234 HERMESEC FP7 - 226354 HERMIONEFCT - PTDC/MAR/110082/2009 DeepForamsFCT - SFRH/BPD/26272/200