113 research outputs found

    Formation of one-dimensional self-assembled silicon nanoribbons on Au(110)-(2x1)

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    We report results on the self-assembly of silicon nanoribbons on the (2x1) reconstructed Au(110) surface under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Upon adsorption of 0.2 monolayer (ML) of silicon the (2x1) reconstruction of Au(110) is replaced by an ordered surface alloy. Above this coverage a new superstructure is revealed by low electron energy diffraction (LEED) which becomes sharper at 0.3 Si ML. This superstructure corresponds to Si nanoribbons all oriented along the [-110] direction as revealed by LEED and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). STM and high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy indicate that the nanoribbons are flat and predominantly 1.6 nm wide. In addition the silicon atoms show signatures of two chemical environments corresponding to the edge and center of the ribbons.Comment: Under publication in Applied Physics Letter

    Multiple satellites in materials with complex plasmon spectra: From graphite to graphene

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    International audienceThe photoemission spectrum of graphite is still debated. To help resolve this issue, we present photoemission measurements at high photon energy and analyze the results using a Green's function approach that takes into account the full complexity of the loss spectrum. Our measured data show multiple satellite replicas. We demonstrate that these satellites are of intrinsic origin, enhanced by extrinsic losses. The dominating satellite is due to the π+σ plasmon of graphite, whereas the π plasmon creates a tail on the high-binding energy side of the quasiparticle peak. The interplay between the two plasmons leads to energy shifts, broadening, and additional peaks in the satellite spectrum. We also predict the spectral changes in the transition from graphite towards graphene

    Silicon Sheets By Redox Assisted Chemical Exfoliation

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    In this paper, we report the direct chemical synthesis of silicon sheets in gram-scale quantities by chemical exfoliation of pre-processed calcium di-silicide (CaSi2). We have used a combination of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to characterize the obtained silicon sheets. We found that the clean and crystalline silicon sheets show a 2-dimensional hexagonal graphitic structure.Comment: Accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    High Electron Mobility in Epitaxial Trilayer Graphene on Off-axis SiC(0001)

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    International audienceThe van de Waals heterostructure formed by an epitaxial trilayer graphene is of particular interest due to its unique tunable electronic band structure and stacking sequence. However, to date, there has been a lack in the fundamental understanding of the electronic properties of epitaxial trilayer graphene. Here, we investigate the electronic properties of large-area epitaxial trilayer graphene on a 4° off-axis SiC(0001) substrate. Micro-Raman mappings and atomic force microscopy (AFM) confirmed predominantly trilayer on the sample obtained under optimized conditions. We used angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations to study in detail the structure of valence electronic states, in particular the dispersion of π bands in reciprocal space and the exact determination of the number of graphene layers. Using far-infrared magneto-transmission (FIR-MT), we demonstrate, that the electron cyclotron resonance (CR) occurs between Landau levels with a (B)1/2 dependence. The CR line-width is consistent with a high Dirac fermions mobility of ~3000 cm2·V−1·s−1 at 4 K

    Atomically Sharp Interface in an h-BN-epitaxial graphene van der Waals Heterostructure

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    International audienceStacking various two-dimensional atomic crystals is a feasible approach to creating unique multilayered van der Waals heterostructures with tailored properties. Herein for the first time, we present a controlled preparation of large-area h-BN/graphene heterostructures via a simple chemical deposition of h-BN layers on epitaxial graphene/SiC(0001). Van der Waals forces, which are responsible for the cohesion of the multilayer system, give rise to an abrupt interface without interdiffusion between graphene and h-BN, as shown by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS) and direct observation using scanning and High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM/HRTEM). The electronic properties of graphene, such as the Dirac cone, remain intact and no significant charge transfer i.e. doping, is observed. These results are supported by Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. We demonstrate that the h-BN capped graphene allows the fabrication of vdW heterostructures without altering the electronic properties of graphene

    De Colorando Auro: Medieval colouring techniques researched using modern analytical techniques

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    The visual appearance of gold and gilding can be influenced in many ways, such as by changing the composition of the gold alloy or the nature of the gilded substrate. A less known medieval technique, reported in historical treatises, is the chemical treatment of the gilded surface itself, after application and burnishing of the gilding. We reporte here results regarding the study of the Holy Lady Shrine of Huy (13th c AD Mosan, Belgium) on which a possible artificial colouration of the gildings was detected. This led to many questions regarding applicable conservation-restoration treatments. Here is an overview of the results obtained, along with a discussion of the methodology that was developed to study this colouration process, also highlighting the necessary complementarity between laboratory and synchrotron-based analytical approaches. The 3-steps methodology proposed in this paper is generic for most cultural heritage problems where the application of ancient surface modification recipes is suspected but where the scarcity of the historical samples does not allow a direct study of such samples.L’aspect visuel de l’or et des dorures peut être modifié de diverses manières, notamment en changeant la composition de l’alliage ou la nature du support doré. Une technique médiévale moins connue, évoquée dans les traités anciens, consiste à provoquer une réaction chimique après application et brunissage de la dorure. Les recherches sur la châsse de Notre-Dame de Huy (art mosan du xiiie siècle) ont révélé une possible coloration artificielle des dorures. Cette découverte soulève de nombreuses questions quant aux traitements de conservation-restauration utilisables. Nous présentons ici un exposé sommaire des résultats obtenus ainsi qu’un compte rendu de la méthode mise au point pour étudier ce procédé de coloration, en soulignant la complémentarité indispensable entre les examens de laboratoire et l’analyse par rayonnement synchrotron. Dans les sciences du patrimoine culturel, cette méthode en trois temps concerne la plupart des situations où une recette ancienne semble avoir été employée pour modifier la surface, mais où la rareté des échantillons historiques ne permet pas l’étude directe de sous-échantillons

    Double-crowned 2D semiconductor nanoplatelets with bicolor power-tunable emission

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    Nanocrystals (NCs) are now established building blocks for optoelectronics and their use as down converters for large gamut displays has been their first mass market. NC integration relies on a combination of green and red NCs into a blend, which rises post-growth formulation issues. A careful engineering of the NCs may enable dual emissions from a single NC population which violates Kasha’s rule, which stipulates that emission should occur at the band edge. Thus, in addition to an attentive control of band alignment to obtain green and red signals, non-radiative decay paths also have to be carefully slowed down to enable emission away from the ground state. Here, we demonstrate that core/crown/crown 2D nanoplatelets (NPLs), made of CdSe/CdTe/CdSe, can combine a large volume and a type-II band alignment enabling simultaneously red and narrow green emissions. Moreover, we demonstrate that the ratio of the two emissions can be tuned by the incident power, which results in a saturation of the red emission due to non-radiative Auger recombination that affects this emission much stronger than the green one. Finally, we also show that dual-color, power tunable, emission can be obtained through an electrical excitation

    Van der Waals epitaxy of two-dimensional single-layer h-BN on graphite by molecular beam epitaxy: electronic properties and band structure

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    We report on the controlled growth of h-BN/graphite by means of molecular beam epitaxy. X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy suggests the presence of an interface without any reaction or intermixing, while the angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements show that the h-BN layers are epitaxially aligned with graphite. A well-defined band structure is revealed by ARPES measurements, reflecting the high quality of the h-BN films. The measured valence band maximum located at 2.8 eV below the Fermi level reveals the presence of undoped h-BN films (band gap 6 eV). These results demonstrate that, although only weak van der Waals interactionsare present between h-BN and graphite, a long range ordering of h-BN can be obtained even on polycrystalline graphite via van der Waals epitaxy, offering the prospect of large area, single layer h-BN

    Temperature-Triggered Sequential On-Surface Synthesis of One and Two Covalently Bonded Porous Organic Nanoarchitectures on Au(111)

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    International audienceSubtle variations of surface temperature can drastically influence the on-surface synthesis of two-dimensional covalent graphene nanoarchitectures. The structure of the engineered nanoarchitectures not only results from the temperature-activation of the catalytic process, but it is also governed by the temperature-dependent geometry of intermolecular assembly. The sequential engineering of porous organic nanoarchitectures based on the covalent Ullmann coupling of star-shaped 1,3,5-tris(3,5-dibromophenyl)benzene molecules on Au(111) in vacuum is investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. This molecule can form one-covalent-bond or two-covalent-bonds with neighboring molecules. At room temperature, the molecules self-assemble into a porous halogen-bonded network stabilized by two types of X 3 synthons. One-covalent-bond dimers appear on the surface after annealing at 145 °C. One-covalent-bond chains are created after annealing at 170 °C. Most of the molecules are bonded to two neighbors. One-covalent-bond hexagons as well as two-covalent-bond dimers are appearing on the surface after annealing at 175 °C. Annealing at 275 °C leads to the formation of a porous 2D hexagonal two-covalent-bond nanoarchitecture. STM images show that the number of intermolecular covalent bonds as well as the number of covalently bonded molecular neighbors increases as the temperature rises. Core level spectroscopy shows that the molecules are fully dehalogenated after annealing at 260 °C. These observations show that dibromophenyl-based molecules are promising organic compounds to hierarchically and selectively engineer covalent porous graphene nanoarchitectures having different structures