99 research outputs found

    Modelos de resolución de problemas aplicados durante el proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje de los números enteros en estudiantes del séptimo grado F y G, turno vespertino, Instituto Nacional Eliseo Picado, departamento de Matagalpa, municipio Matagalpa, primer semestre 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación detalla la aplicación y análisis de modelos de resolución de problemas, orientada estimular en los estudiantes de séptimo grado del Instituto Nacional Eliseo Picado Palma el deseo de resolver problemas de números enteros y contribuir que superen las dificultades de análisis, deducción de datos y aplicación de un determinado procedimiento para encontrarle una solución lógica a dichos problemas. El objetivo general es analizar la aplicación de modelos de resolución de problemas en el proceso enseñanza y aprendizaje de números enteros. Se trabajó con una población de 65 estudiantes, de la cual se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria de 40 estudiantes, se analizaron los datos obtenidos de guías de observación, encuestas y entrevistas. La información se procesó a través de los programas de Excel y SPSS. Se concluyó que durante el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de números enteros se resuelven problemas adaptados a la vida cotidiana del estudiante y los docentes indirectamente aplican algunas fases de los modelos de resolución de problemas, pero no le especifican al estudiante que modelo, ni fase están aplicando, ellos solucionan los problemas como ejercicios prácticos y rutinarios. Se recomienda primeramente a los directores, dar talleres a los docentes sobre la aplicación e importancia de los modelos de resolución de problemas en situaciones Matemáticas y a los docentes que se los transmitan a los estudiantes paso a paso, para que se guíen al resolver problemas y estos obtenga un aprendizaje significativ

    El treball en xarxa per a l'èxit educatiu de l'alumnat amb necessitats educatives especials

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    Garantir una educació inclusiva és un dels reptes que té pendent el sistema educatiu, ja que implica promoure la igualtat d'oportunitats d'accés i de resultats a tots infants en les escoles ordinàries, inclosos aquells nens i nenes que presenten discapacitats o limitacions greus per a l'aprenentatge. Les escoles que són Comunitats d'Aprenentatge, acollint-se a un model d'escola inclusiva, promouen contextos d'aprenentatge basats en la diversificació de les interaccions, el diàleg igualitari i la participació de tota la comunitat en el procés d'aprenentatge dels nens i nenes. Aquestes escoles són el context inclusiu a través del qual hem analitzat la transformació que implica l'atenció a la diversitat i especialment, el suport educatiu a l'alumnat amb necessitats educatives especials. Les dades obtingudes mostren una desmonopolització de la responsabilitat de suport per part del mestre d'educació especial, responsabilitat que s'estén a tota la comunitat, de manera que identifiquem diferents agents de suport educatiu. Aquest suport s'ofereix en el context de l'aula ordinària, i es planifica per promoure el màxim aprenentatge per l'infant amb dificultats. Un suport educatiu que es diversifica, que implica a multiplicitat d'agents, genera un context complex i global del suport educatiu, per la qual cosa necessita d'una treball en xarxa sistemàtic, coherent i on tots els agents de suport hi participin. Presentem la forma de sistematitzar i concretar aquest treball en xarxa a través de la Comissió d'Atenció a la Diversitat (CAD) i evidenciem l'impacte que aquesta coordinació entre els diferents agents té en el progrés escolar dels infants que presenten més dificultats

    New analysis and estimations of atmospheric attenuation at 100 GHz using meteorological data in Madrid

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    Atmospheric propagation at frequencies within the THz domain are deeply affected by the influence of the composition and phenomena of the troposphere. This paper is focused on the estimation of first order statistics of total attenuation under non-rainy conditions at 100 GHz. With this purpose, a yearly meteorological database from Madrid, including radiosoundings, SYNOP observations and co-site rain gauge, have been used in order to calculate attenuation due to atmospheric gases and clouds, as well as to introduce and evaluate a rain detection method. This method allows to filter out rain events and refine the statistics of total attenuation under the scenarios under study. It is expected that the behavior of the statistics would be closest to the ones obtained by experimental techniques under similar conditions

    False alarms induced by Gaussian noise in gravitational wave detectors

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    Gaussian noise is an irreducible component of the background in gravitational wave (GW) detectors. Although stationary Gaussian noise is uncorrelated in frequencies, we show that there is an important correlation in time when looking at the matched filter signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a template, with a typical autocorrelation time that depends on the template and the shape of the noise power spectral density (PSD). Taking this correlation into account, we compute from first principles the false alarm rate (FAR) of a template in Gaussian noise, defined as the number of occurrences per unit time that the template's matched filter SNR goes over a threshold ρ. We find that the Gaussian FAR can be well approximated by the usual expression for uncorrelated noise, if we replace the sampling rate by an effective sampling rate that depends on the parameters of the template, the noise PSD, and the threshold ρ. This results in a minimum SNR threshold needed for a given GW trigger, if we want to keep events generated from Gaussian noise below a certain FAR. We extend the formalism to multiple detectors and to the analysis of GW events. We apply our method to the GW candidates added in the GWTC-3 catalog and discuss the possibility that GW200308_173609 and GW200322_091133 could be generated by Gaussian noise fluctuation

    The State of Meat Production in Developing Countries: 2002

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    Two organizations—one dedicated to the elimination of animal suffering and the other to encouraging sustainable agriculture and rural development— have joined forces to address animal welfare issues in the global livestock industry. The mission of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and its international arm, Humane Society International (HSI), is to create a humane and sustainable world for all animals, including people, through education, advocacy, and the promotion of respect and compassion. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has as a specific priority to increase food production and food security while conserving and managing natural resources. The aim is to meet the needs of both present and future generations by promoting development that does not degrade the environment and is technically appropriate, economically viable, and socially acceptable

    Compositional CLP-based Test Data Generation for Imperative Languages

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    Glass-box test data generation (TDG) is the process of automatically generating test input data for a program by considering its internal structure. This is generally accomplished by performing symbolic execution of the program where the contents of variables are expressions rather than concrete values. The main idea in CLP-based TDG is to translate imperative programs into equivalent CLP ones and then rely on the standard evaluation mechanism of CLP to symbolically execute the imperative program. Performing symbolic execution on large programs becomes quickly expensive due to the large number and the size of paths that need to be explored. In this paper, we propose compositional reasoning in CLP-based TDG where large programs can be handled by testing parts (such as components, modules, libraries, methods, etc.) separately and then by composing the test cases obtained for these parts to get the required information on the whole program. Importantly, compositional reasoning also gives us a practical solution to handle native code, which may be unavailable or written in a different programming language. Namely, we can model the behavior of a native method by means of test cases and compositional reasoning is able to use the

    Towards Compositional CLP-based Test Data Generation for Imperative Languages.

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    Test data generation (TDG) is the process of automatically generating test-cases for interesting test coverage criteria. The coverage criteria measure how well the program is exercised by a test suite. Examples of coverage criteria are: statement coverage which requires that each line of the code is executed; path coverage whic

    Atmospheric Propagation at 100 and 300 GHz: Assessment of a Method to Identify Rainy Conditions during Radiosoundings

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    The influence of atmospheric gases and tropospheric phenomena becomes more relevant at frequencies within the THz band (100 GHz to 10 THz), severely affecting the propagation conditions. The use of radiosoundings in propagation studies is a well established measurement technique in order to collect information about the vertical structure of the atmosphere, from which gaseous and cloud attenuation can be estimated with the use of propagation models. However, some of these prediction models are not suitable to be used under rainy conditions. In the present study, a method to identify the presence of rainy conditions during radiosoundings is introduced, with the aim of filtering out these events from yearly statistics of predicted atmospheric attenuation. The detection procedure is based on the analysis of a set of parameters, some of them extracted from synoptical observations of weather (SYNOP reports) and other derived from radiosonde observations (RAOBs). The performance of the method has been evaluated under different climatic conditions, corresponding to three locations in Spain, where colocated rain gauge data were available. Rain events detected by the method have been compared with those precipitations identified by the rain gauge. The pertinence Received 26 June 2012, Accepted 31 July 2012, Scheduled 15 August 2012 * Corresponding author: Gustavo Adolfo Siles Soria ([email protected]). 258 Siles et al. of the method is discussed on the basis of an analysis of cumulative distributions of total attenuation at 100 and 300 GHz. This study demonstrates that the proposed method can be useful to identify events probably associated to rainy conditions. Hence, it can be considered as a suitable algorithm in order to filter out this kind of events from annual attenuation statistics

    Frequency tunable electronic sources working at room temperature in the 1 to 3 THz band

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    Compact, room temperature terahertz sources are much needed in the 1 to 3 THz band for developing multi-pixel heterodyne receivers for astrophysics and planetary science or for building short-range high spatial resolution THz imaging systems able to see through low water content and non metallic materials, smoke or dust for a variety of applications ranging from the inspection of art artifacts to the detection of masked or concealed objects. All solid-sate electronic sources based on a W-band synthesizer followed by a high-power W-band amplifier and a cascade of Schottky diode based THz frequency multipliers are now capable of producing more than 1 mW at 0.9THz, 50 μW at 2 THz and 18 μW at 2.6 THz without the need of any cryogenic system. These sources are frequency agile and have a relative bandwidth of 10 to 15%, limited by the high power W-band amplifiers. The paper will present the latest developments of this technology and its perspective in terms of frequency range, bandwidth and power