203 research outputs found

    Ramon Porté, poeta llibertari

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    Comparació del tractament de la diversitat cultural entre Espanya i Canadà

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi:  MP1040. Curs: 2015/2016Vivim en un món cada cop més divers on la multiculturalitat és un fet real que compon tota societat. Per a donar resposta a aquest context social tot país democràtic deu incloure dintre de les seues lleis fonamentals, el respecte i l’atenció cap a aquest amb la finalitat de que tothom es senti inclòs en tota societat. Paper fonamental per a que aquest fet es porti a terme el té el sistema educatiu de cada país, així és en els centres escolars on es deu lluitar per fer un bon tractament d’aquesta diversitat mitjançant una educació que aposti per la inclusió de tota la seua comunitat educativa, utilitzant aquesta com a principi enriquidor i serà, doncs, responsabilitat de tota comunitat educativa que s’aconsegueixi amb èxit mitjançant l’aplicació d’unes lleis i uns programes que tindran establerts aquells objectius i actuacions que cal seguir. El present treball té la finalitat de comparar el tractament de la diversitat cultural en el sistema educatiu espanyol amb el de Canadà, per ser aquest país un dels referents mundials per els seus resultats d’èxit quant a la inclusió del seu alumnat en els centres educatius. Els punts que he analitzat són: la normativa vigent, el paper del centre educatiu, la comunitat educativa, el professorat, els programes educatius i la relació existent entre la família i escola d’aquests països

    La legítima en el anteproyecto de ley de sucesiones de la Generalitat Valenciana

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    En el presente trabajo se analizará el Anteproyecto de Ley de Sucesiones de la Generalitat Valenciana, que, de ser aprobado, será decisivo en orden a la creación de un Derecho civil propio, en línea de continuidad con lo con lo iniciado por la Ley 10/2007, de 20 de marzo, en materia de régimen económico matrimonial

    Reflexions sobre la vocal temàtica

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    The stem vowel in Catalan verbs is a formative which is adjoined to the verbal base in order to constitute the verbal stem. Both the processes of inflection and of derivation act upon the verbal stem. This essay analyzes the function of the vowel stem and its allomorphic distribution, as well as the consequences of this distribution. In addition, in view of pairs of verbs such as aterrar and aterrrir, the conclusion reached is that the stem vowel cannot be considered to afford any lexical meaning. On the other hand, it is able to make a word into a verb. This behaviour is typically derivative, and it is not the only case. In spite of this, it also partakes in inflectional properties, for which reason the article upholds that the distinction between inflection and derivation cannot be radical, but gradual

    Requisitos de sombra de las aglaonemas

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    Aglaonema María and Silver Queen were grown under 63%, 80% and 92% shade to determine the optimum shade level or light intensity level for commercial production. María's shoot height and number of offsets increased as the shade level decreased. In Silver Queen the number of leaves increased and the number of offsets decreased as the shade level increased. The highest number of offsets was produced by Silver Queen at 63% shade. Light intensity at 63% nylon fiber shade increased offset production in both Silver Queen and María. Thus, 63% shade seems to be the ideal shade for aglaonema offset production.Las aglaonemas María y Silver Queen se cultivaron bajo 63, 80 y 92% de sombra para determinar la intensidad de luz óptima para producirlas comercialmente. La altura de la planta y el número de hijos de María aumentaron según disminuyó la sombra. En la aglaonema Silver Queen el número de hojas aumentó y el número de hijos disminuyó según aumentó la sombra. El mayor número de hijos lo produjo Silver Queen a 63% de sombra. La sombra de 63% a base de fibra de nilón aumentó la producción de hijos tanto en Silver Queen como en María. El 63% parece ser el nivel de sombra ideal para producir hijos en aglaonema

    Influencia de estereotipos y diferencias de género en las representaciones de las profesiones por niños y niñas de tercer ciclo de primaria

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    Treball final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015En este TFG se desarrolla un estudio sobre la influencia de los estereotipos de género en las representaciones de las profesiones elegidas por niños y niñas de tercer ciclo de Primaria. También se estudian las diferencias de género reflejadas en los dibujos realizados. Esta investigación se lleva a cabo sobre una base de datos de 23 dibujos de niños y niñas de edades comprendidas entre los diez y los doce años. Estos dibujos están clasificados según las etapas del desarrollo infantil según Lowenfeld. A partir del análisis de la muestra desarrollado con una metodología cualitativa se ha llegado a la conclusión de que existe una diferencia de género en los dibujos de profesiones realizados por los alumnos y alumnas de tercer ciclo de Primaria y que la influencia de los estereotipos de género aprendidos por socialización también están presentes en sus representaciones

    Preliminary studies for cell-laden hydrogels developement

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    The following document presents a Master’s Thesis based on preliminary studies for the development of cell-laden hydrogels and their biological characterisation. The aim of this hydrogels elaboration is the peripheral nerve regeneration, in this case mainly related to the regeneration of the sense of touch. The results obtained through the experimentation of cells encapsulation would serve to know which are the best conditions and the preferable environments where cells can live and reproduce. It would definitely set a step forward for the in vivo studies and the real regeneration of the peripheral nerves. In first place, there is a preface, where the main reasons to develop this project and the importance that hydrogels have in the current investigation for tissue regeneration are explained. In second place, the objectives of this project and its scope are defined. Then, an introduction and description of the materials being used in the experiments is done. The developed hydrogels are chitosan based with a phosphate salt as gelling agent. The cells being used for the encapsulation are Schwann cells, which are the cells in the peripheral nervous system, residing at sensory nerve endings. Next, the summarisation of the executed experiments can be found. The first point made is the description of the obtaining process of hydrogels and the characterisation of the selected ones for doing the cell encapsulation, while the second point made is the description of the experimentation with cells, its complications and results. The hydrogels finally obtained will be used in further investigations and this project will give an idea from where to focus the attention in the future and on how to continue with the experimentation. The hydrogels characterisation and the experiments done at the Politecnico di Torino brought to light the best hydrogel in terms of gelation time, stability and pH are the CS 95/100 2.5% w/v R=4 with β-GP and the CS 95/100 2% w/v R=4.5 with G1-P. The experimentation with cells developed in San Luigi Hospital, in Orbassano, Torino, were based in the study of the behaviour of cells to these two hydrogels and its components. The results showed that the hydrogel CS 95/100 2.5% w/v R=4 with β-GP presents a better response in the experiments of cells encapsulation and cells on the top, for the concentrations defined. On the contrary, the hydrogel CS 95/100 2% w/v R=4.5 with G1-P presents better cells behaviour when working with lower concentrations of salt. Further investigations will be performed to define the optimal hydrogel composition.Outgoin

    Dialectal Variation in a Nineteenth-Century Catalan Grammar Corpus

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    AbstractOne of the main objectives currently developed by the LEXDIALGRAM project is the creation of a grammar corpus obtained from digitizing Catalan dialect works that were written during the nineteenth century. Digitized materials are included in an internet web-portal (http://www.ub.edu/lexdialgram/) in order to promote their access and dissemination. Currently eight grammars and two orthographies corresponding to the Valencian, Majorcan, Menorcan, Algherese and Rossellonés varieties are included. The texts were processed using a computer tool that has facilitated access to materials through simple and complex queries. Computerization has helped to develop studies based on the analysis of dialectal language variation, from both a synchronic and diachronic viewpoint. The corpus allows us to develop sociolinguistic analysis and issues arising from language contact, since in many cases the works are bilingual or trilingual. This paper is divided into two parts: the first describes the corpus and the computer tool used to process the Catalan grammars; the second examines two grammatical phenomena. Altogether, it is a sample of the potential of this data as a resource to describe linguistic variety in an area and in a given time period, and the possibility of accomplishing comparative dialectal studies
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