60 research outputs found

    Social inclusion and European adult education schools, research findings

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    Lifelong learning has become an emerging phenomenon that influences a large part of European education policies. This European project deals how the adult education promotes the employment and the social inclusion, especially for people in their multiple situations of vulnerability. This work is developed under the leadership of the University of Oviedo and it analyzes the action of several adult schools in Spain and Italy. The project brings together synergies internationally in order to improve the work of teachers of these schools, since this is where is located one of the main public access routes to the normalization of these people in society. Our main objective is to show these methodologies and the characteristics of these systems. We use a descriptive methodology from the perspective of the teacher training. The analysis of these centers was carried out through a questionnaire to quantify each component and the educational variables of these schools. The analysis highlights their characteristics, and the results detect their tasks, their methodologies, and a large unknown action. In essence, the activity focuses on offering, those over eighteen years old, the possibility of acquiring and developing skills aimed at facilitating employment and their active participation in social dynamics. The breadth and variety of its teachings makes these centers a representation of the diversity in our society. The project discovers how are the teachers, their academic profile, and the challenges to provide each student with the answer to his/her needs, with the aim of developing their capabilities to the fullest./n El aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida se ha convertido en un fenómeno emergente que preside buena parte de las políticas europeas de educación. Este proyecto europeo pretende clarificar cómo la formación de adultos contribuye al empleo y a la inclusión social, especialmente de las personas en sus múltiples situaciones de vulnerabilidad. El trabajo se desarrolla bajo el liderazgo de la Universidad de Oviedo y analiza la acción de varias escuelas de adultos de España e Italia. El proyecto reúne internacionalmente sinergias con el fin de mejorar la tarea del profesorado de estos centros, ya que es aquí donde se encuentra una de las principales vías de acceso público a la normalización de estas personas en la sociedad. El objetivo principal es analizar las características de este sistema, analizándolo con una metodología descriptiva y bajo la perspectiva de la formación del profesorado. El análisis de estos centros se realizó a través de un cuestionario que cuantificaba cada uno de los componentes y las variables educativas de estas escuelas. Los resultados ponen de relieve sus características, sus tareas, sus metodologías y, en gran medida, su trascendente y desconocida acción. La amplitud y la variedad de sus enseñanzas convierte a estos centros en una representación de la diversidad patente en nuestra sociedad. En esencia, la actividad se centra en ofrecer a los mayores de dieciocho años la posibilidad de adquirir y desarrollar competencias dirigidas a facilitar el empleo y su participación activa en las dinámicas sociales. El proyecto descubre cómo es su profesorado; su perfil académico, y los retos a los que se enfrentan para proporcionar a cada uno de sus estudiantes la respuesta a las necesidades que presenta, con el objetivo de desarrollar al máximo sus capacidades. /n

    Estimating the impact of a gender-neutral quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination program in all hpv 6/11/16/18 -related diseases in Colombia

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    We assessed the public health and economic impact of adding males to the existing female-only quadrivalent HPV vaccine (4vHPV) program in Colombia, analyzing different gender-neutral vaccination (GNV) vaccine coverage rates (VCRs). A published HPV-type dynamic transmission model was used to compare female-only vaccination (FOV) versus GNV with two-dose 4vHPV in the 9-10-year-old cohort over a 100-year timeframe in Colombia. The model compared 35% VCR for FOV with GNV at VCRs of 35% (scenario A), 50% (scenario B) and different VCRs between females/males (50%/35%, scenario C). The predicted health outcomes included HPV 6/11/16/18-related disease and deaths averted [cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal and head and neck cancers, genital warts (GW), and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis], direct healthcare cost prevented by vaccination, and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). All GNV scenarios are estimated to provide faster and greater reductions in HPV 6/11/16/18-related diseases relative to FOV at 35% VCR, mainly scenarios B and C. The highest cumulative reductions in the incidence of HPV 6/11/16/18-related disease and deaths were seen in scenario B relative to FOV at 35% VCR at year 100, averting 28,001 cervical cancer (CC) cases, 11,968 non-CC cases (4,753 in females and 7,215 in males) and 15,141 deaths. The greatest projected reductions in health care costs are due to diseases caused by HPV-6/11 infection, driven by GW. The cost savings varied from 88 (scenario A) to 184 million (scenario B) relative to FOV at 35%. The ICER for all scenarios was <0, indicating that under the model assumptions it is cost-saving to implement a GNV-4vHPV in Colombia. In Colombia, a GNV-4vHPV program is a cost-saving strategy in the three scenarios analyzed relative to the current FOV program and result in greater improvement of the public health and economic impact in both women and men

    Devenires de la Literatura y la Filosofía

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    Los textos aquí reunidos, que transitan de la filosofía a la literatura y viceversa, son un intento de pensar el devenir no como mero cambio, sino como un proceso inagotable que se opone al principio de no contradicción, que privilegia lo inacabado, lo indiferenciado, lo que se resiste a toda resolución permanente. Por ello mismo es también un devenir cargado de potencia, de posibilidades heterogéneas que pueden permitirnos salir de la Imagen del pensamiento y, así, pensar la diferencia.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, S.A. de C.V

    Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Determinants of Adherence to Current Dietary Recommendations and Diet Quality in Middle-Aged Spanish Premenopausal Women

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    Background: A healthy diet when approaching menopause could prevent some of the symptoms associated with the climacteric. Few studies examine adherence to current healthy dietary recommendations in middle-aged premenopausal women. Our objective was to analyze the diet quality and the adherence to the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) dietary recommendations in middle-aged Spanish premenopausal women, and to identify the associated sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study based on 1251 premenopausal women, aged 39-50, who attended to Madrid City Council Medical Diagnostic Center. Women completed an epidemiological and a food frequency questionnaire. Degree of adherence to the SENC recommendations was estimated with a score that evaluated null (0 points) and full (1 point) adherence of each specific recommendation. Associations were explored using an ordinal logistic multivariable regression model. Results: Regarding food groups, the worst adherence was found for sweets, red/processed meat, olive oil and eggs. Most of the participants exceeded the recommended caloric intake from proteins and fats, and practically all of them showed vitamin D intake deficiency. The overall score ranged from 2 to 12 (out of 15), with a median of 6.0 (interquartile range: 5.0-7.0). Former smokers (OR: 1.38; 95%CI: 1.08-1.78), as well as those with higher educational level (ORSSecondary:1.68; 95%CI: 0.97-2.93, ORUniversity:1.82; 95%IC: 1.05-3.14), with two or more children (OR: 1.31; 95%IC: 1.00-1.72), with higher caloric intake (OR>2188.2kcal/day: 8.22; 95%CI: 6.19-10.92) and with greater physical activity (OR≥21METS-h/week: 1.29; 95%CI: 0.95-1.76) showed greater adherence. Conclusions: Almost two-thirds of middle-aged premenopausal participants showed low or moderate compliance with SENC recommendations. Education, smoking, parity, and physical activity were associated with the degree of adherence to these recommendations.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (EC11–273) and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI15CIII/0029). The article presents independent research.S

    Brief Report: CYP27B1 rs10877012 T Allele Was Linked to Non-AIDS Progression in ART-Naïve HIV-Infected Patients: A Retrospective Study.

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    HIV/AIDS progression is linked to vitamin D, which is regulated by several key cytochromes P450 (CYP). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CYP genes influence vitamin D metabolism and serum levels. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between CYP SNPs and the clinical AIDS progression in antiretroviral treatment (ART)-naïve HIV-infected patients. We performed a retrospective study in 661 ART-naïve HIV-infected patients who were stratified by their AIDS progression pattern [181 long-term nonprogressors (LTNPs), 332 moderate progressors, and 148 rapid progressors (RPs)]. Four CYP SNPs (CYP2R1 rs10500804, CYP2R1 rs1993116, CYP27B1 rs10877012, and CYP24A1 rs6013897) were genotyped using Agena Bioscience's MassARRAY platform. Correction for multiple testing was performed using the false discovery rate (Benjamini-Hochberg procedure). The adjusted regression showed a significant association only for CYP27B1 rs10877012 SNP. When analyzing all HIV patients, the rs10877012 T allele was protective against AIDS progression (ordinal outcome) under the dominant [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 0.69; P = 0.021) and additive (aOR) = 0.75; P = 0.025] inheritance models. When analyzing LTNPs versus RPs, the rs10877012 T allele also showed a significant protective association under the dominant (aOR = 0.45; P = 0.004) and additive (aOR = 0.54; P = 0.008) inheritance models. P values remained significant after correcting by multiple comparisons only for the comparison of LTNPs versus RPs (extreme phenotypes). The CYP27B1 rs10877012 T allele was linked to non-AIDS progression in ART-naïve HIV-infected patients. The rs10877012 SNP seems to have an impact on the clinical AIDS progression, possibly modifying vitamin D levels, which could be relevant for the pathogenesis of HIV infection.This work has been (partially) funded by the RD16/0025/0019 and RD16CIII/0002/0002, projects as part of Acción Estratégica en Salud, Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (2013-2016) and cofinanced by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), RETIC PT17/0015/0042, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) (grant number PI16/01863, PI17/01115, PI17CIII/00003), EPIICAL Project and Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3703). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VINational R&D&i Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, the Consolider Program, and CIBER Actions and financed by ISCIII with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. This work has been supported partially by a EUROPARTNER: Strengthening and spreading international partnership activities of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection for interdisciplinary research and innovation of the University of Lodz Programme: NAWA International Academic Partnership Programme. This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action CA 17140 "Cancer Nanomedicine from the Bench to the Bedside" supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). AFR and MAJS are supported by “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [grant number CP14/0010and CP17CIII/00007, respectivelly].Programa de Investigación de la Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid to JLJ.S

    Ciencias de la Biología y Agronomía

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    Este volumen I contiene 17 capítulos arbitrados que se ocupan de estos asuntos en Tópicos Selectos de Ciencias de la Biología y Agronomía, elegidos de entre las contribuciones, reunimos algunos investigadores y estudiantes. Se presenta un Estudio Comparativo de los Recursos Hidrológico-Forestales de la Microcuenca de la Laguna de Epatlan, Pue. (1993 a 2014); la Situación Actual de la Mancha de Asfalto en Maíz (Zea mays L.) en los Municipios de Jiquipilas y Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, México; las poblaciones sobresalientes de maíz de la raza Zapalote Chico, en la Región Istmeña de Oaxaca; Se indica el índice de área foliar de cultivo de Chile Poblano mediante dos métodos en condiciones protegidas; Esquivel, Urzúa y Ramírez exploran el efecto de la biofertilización con Azospirillum en el crecimiento y producción de Jitomate; esbozan su artículo sobre la determinación del nivel de Heterosis en híbridos de Maíz para la Comarca Lagunera; una investigación sobre la estabilización de semilla de Solanum lycopersicum durante el almacenamiento y estimulación de la germinación; acotan sobre el CTAB como una nueva opción para la detección de Huanglongbing en cítricos, plantean su evaluación sobre el aluminio y cómo afecta la vida de florero de Heliconia psittacorum; indican sobre el impacto del H-564C, como un híbrido de maíz con alta calidad de proteina para el trópico húmedo de México; presetan su investigación sobre la producción de Piña Cayena Lisa y MD2 (Ananas comosus L.) en condiciones de Loma Bonita, en Oaxaca; acotan sobre el efecto de coberteras como control biológico por conservación contra áfidos en Nogal Pecanero; esbozan sobre la caracterización de cuatro genotipos de Frijol Negro en Martínez de la Torre, Veracruz, México; presentan una caracterización hidroecológica de la microcuenca de Arroyo Prieto, Yuriría, Gto., y alternativas para su restauración ambiental; presentan su investigación sobre el efecto del hongo Beauveria bassiana sobre solubilización de fosfatos y la disponibilidad de fósforo en el suelo; plantean su investigación sobre la Germinación y regeneración in vitro de Epidendrum falcatum LINDL; esbozan su artículo sobre genotipos de frijol negro y su tolerancia a sequía terminal en Veracruz, México


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    Introducción: La parálisis facial es un trastorno neuromuscular relativamente frecuente generado por la lesión de las vías centrales o periféricas del nervio facial como consecuencia de una lesión, se presenta con asimetría, disfunción  y disminución en el desempeño de los músculos de la expresión facial. A nivel mundial se estima una incidencia anual de 23/100.000 habitantes afectando a ambos géneros por igual entre los 10 y los 45 años. Resumen del caso: El objetivo de este artículo es la presentación del caso clínico de un paciente que presentó este trastorno por secuela de fractura ósea del occipital y del peñasco a causa de traumatismo craneoencefálico, con un periodo de evolución de 9 meses. Discusión: Se justifica la importancia y pertinencia de las modalidades cinéticas en la recuperación de la funcionalidad del paciente con este tipo de trastorno. Conclusiones: La parálisis facial genera un impacto funcional y psicológico importante para la persona que la padece, por tanto la intervención fisioterapéutica debe enfocarse desde la rehabilitación integral tanto funcional como de integración social

    Integrative development of a short screening questionnaire of highly processed food consumption (sQ-HPF)

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    Background: Recent lifestyle changes include increased consumption of highly processed foods (HPF), which has been associated with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, nutritional information relies on the estimation of HPF consumption from food-frequency questionnaires (FFQ) that are not explicitly developed for this purpose. We aimed to develop a short screening questionnaire of HPF consumption (sQ-HPF) that integrates criteria from the existing food classification systems. Methods: Data from 4400 participants (48.1% female and 51.9% male, 64.9 +/- 4.9 years) of the Spanish PREDIMED-Plus (PREvention with MEDiterranean DIet) trial were used for this analysis. Items from the FFQ were classified according to four main food processing-based classification systems (NOVA, IARC, IFIC and UNC). Participants were classified into tertiles of HPF consumption according to each system. Using binomial logistic regression, food groups associated with agreement in the highest tertile for at least two classification systems were chosen as items for the questionnaire. ROC analysis was used to determine cut-off points for the frequency of consumption of each item, from which a score was calculated. Internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach's analysis, and agreement with the four classifications was assessed with weighted kappa coefficients. Results: Regression analysis identified 14 food groups (items) associated with high HPF consumption for at least two classification systems. EFA showed that items were representative contributors of a single underlying factor, the HPF dietary pattern (factor loadings around 0.2). We constructed a questionnaire asking about the frequency of consumption of those items. The threshold frequency of consumption was selected using ROC analysis. Comparison of the four classification systems and the sQ-HPF showed a fair to high agreement. Significant changes in lifestyle characteristics were detected across tertiles of the sQ-HPF score. Longitudinal changes in HPF consumption were also detected by the sQ-HPF, concordantly with existing classification systems. Conclusions: We developed a practical tool to measure HPF consumption, the sQ-HPF. This may be a valuable instrument to study its relationship with NCDs

    Effect of a Nutritional and Behavioral Intervention on Energy-Reduced Mediterranean Diet Adherence Among Patients With Metabolic Syndrome: Interim Analysis of the PREDIMED-Plus Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Key PointsQuestionWhat is the effect of a nutritional and behavioral intervention focused on encouraging an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet and physical activity on the dietary pattern of participants after 12 months? FindingsIn this preliminary analysis of an ongoing randomized clinical trial involving 6874 participants, an intervention focused on encouraging an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet and promoting physical activity, compared with advice to follow an energy-unrestricted Mediterranean diet, resulted in a significant increase in a measure of diet adherence, the 17-item energy-reduced Mediterranean diet score, at 12 months (4.7 points vs 2.5 points; score range, 0-17; minimal clinically important difference, 1 point). MeaningA nutritional and behavioral intervention focused on encouraging an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet and physical activity led to a significant improvement in a measure of diet adherence at 12 months. Further evaluation of the effects on long-term cardiovascular and other health outcomes is needed. ImportanceHigh-quality dietary patterns may help prevent chronic disease, but limited data exist from randomized trials about the effects of nutritional and behavioral interventions on dietary changes. ObjectiveTo assess the effect of a nutritional and physical activity education program on dietary quality. Design, Setting, and ParticipantsPreliminary exploratory interim analysis of an ongoing randomized trial. In 23 research centers in Spain, 6874 men and women aged 55 to 75 years with metabolic syndrome and no cardiovascular disease were enrolled in the trial between September 2013 and December 2016, with final data collection in March 2019. InterventionsParticipants were randomized to an intervention group that encouraged an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet, promoted physical activity, and provided behavioral support (n=3406) or to a control group that encouraged an energy-unrestricted Mediterranean diet (n=3468). All participants received allotments of extra-virgin olive oil (1 L/mo) and nuts (125 g/mo) for free. Main Outcomes and MeasuresThe primary outcome was 12-month change in adherence based on the energy-reduced Mediterranean diet (er-MedDiet) score (range, 0-17; higher scores indicate greater adherence; minimal clinically important difference, 1 point). ResultsAmong 6874 randomized participants (mean [SD] age, 65.0 [4.9] years; 3406 [52%] men), 6583 (96%) completed the 12-month follow-up and were included in the main analysis. The mean (SD) er-MedDiet score was 8.5 (2.6) at baseline and 13.2 (2.7) at 12 months in the intervention group (increase, 4.7 [95% CI, 4.6-4.8]) and 8.6 (2.7) at baseline and 11.1 (2.8) at 12 months in the control group (increase, 2.5 [95% CI, 2.3-2.6]) (between-group difference, 2.2 [95% CI, 2.1-2.4]; P<.001). Conclusions and RelevanceIn this preliminary analysis of an ongoing trial, an intervention that encouraged an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet and physical activity, compared with advice to follow an energy-unrestricted Mediterranean diet, resulted in a significantly greater increase in diet adherence after 12 months. Further evaluation of long-term cardiovascular effects is needed. Trial Registrationisrctn.com Identifier: ISRCTN89898870 This preliminary exploratory analysis of the ongoing PREDIMED-Plus randomized trial reports dietary adherence among Spanish community-dwelling participants with metabolic syndrome randomized to an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet, physical activity, and behavioral support vs an energy-unrestricted Mediterranean diet alone