539 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Effects of Financial Development on Tax Revenues: Accounting for Institutional Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Several studies have shown that financial development improves efforts to increase the tax base and tax revenue through different channels. This paper analyzes the effect of financial development on tax revenue conditional on institutional quality for a panel of developing countries over the period 1990-2019. Using a threshold approach, the results indicate that the influence of financial development on non-cash tax receipts is not monotonic and is sensitive to level of institutions. Financial development improves the tax base and tax revenue when the quality of institutions is better. The results point out as well heterogeneousness across countries and over the years counts. Estimates with financial market index confirm the evidence that countries that benefit most from increased tax revenues are those that improve their institutional quality

    Effets de la Politique Fiscale sur la Croissance Economique: Une Analyse sur Donnees de Panel Appliquee a Six Pays de L’Uemoa

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    Dans cet article, nous Ă©tudions sur la base d’un modèle de croissance endogène, l’impact du niveau d’imposition du bĂ©nĂ©fice des sociĂ©tĂ©s sur la croissance. L’outil Ă©conomĂ©trique privilĂ©giĂ© est le modèle de transition lisse de panel (PSTR) fondĂ© sur la composition de la structure fiscale. L’étude porte sur la pĂ©riode 1970-2016 et concerne six (6) pays de l’Union Economique et MonĂ©taire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus rĂ©vèlent que l’imposition des bĂ©nĂ©fices des sociĂ©tĂ©s influence positivement l’économie lorsque le taux d’imposition retardĂ© d’une pĂ©riode est infĂ©rieur Ă  12,7%. Dans ce cas, la politique fiscale est efficace. Par contre, lorsque le niveau d’imposition des bĂ©nĂ©fices des sociĂ©tĂ©s est supĂ©rieur au seuil critique, l’impact de la politique d’imposition sur la croissance devient nĂ©gatif. Pour ce faire, nous recommandons un système fiscal moins distorsif, disproportionnĂ©, ciblĂ© et dĂ©mocratique. In this paper, we study on the basis of an endogenous growth model, the impact of tax rates on profits on growth for six (6) countries of UEMOA, for the period 1970-2016. The preferred econometric tool is the Smooth Panel Transition Model (PSTR) based on the composition of the tax structure. The results show that tax of profits positively influences the economywhen the tax rate delayed by one period is less than 12.7%. In this case, the tax policy is effective. On the other hand, for tax of profits levels above the critical threshold, the impact of the corporate income tax policy on growth becomes negative. To achieve this, we would recommend a tax system that is less distortive, disproportionate, targeted and democratic. &nbsp

    Multi-objective design of a power inductor: a benchmark of inverse induction heating

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    In the paper, a bi-objective optimization problem characterized by coupled field analysis is investigated. The optimal design of a pancake inductor for the controlled heating of a graphite disk is considered as the benchmark problem. The Pareto front trading off electrical efficiency and thermal uniformity is identified by means of a standard algorithm of evolutionary computing. A mesh-inspired definition of thermal uniformity is proposed

    La cinematica nel core dell'ammasso globulare NGC 6441 da osservazioni SINFONI

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    In questo elaborato viene presentata l'analisi cinematica delle regioni centrali di NGC 6441, uno degli ammassi globulari più massivi (M ~10^6 Msol) della nostra Galassia. L'ammasso è stato selezionato, insieme ad altri 18, all'interno dell'ESO Large Program “Unveiling the kinematics in the core of high-density globular clusters with SINFONI" (PI: Ferraro) per cercare evidenze di buchi neri di massa intermedia (IMBH), la cui esistenza è ancora controversa. Poichè la misura della dispersione di velocità da spettri integrati può essere affetta dalla contaminazione di poche stelle brillanti, in questo lavoro si sono misurate le velocità radiali (RV) di stelle individuali, utilizzando lo spettrografo IFU SINFONI dell'ESO, dotato di un sistema di ottiche adattive. Sono state misurate le RV di 709 stelle giganti nei primi 17" dal centro, da cui è stato estratto un sotto-campione di alta qualità di circa 200 stelle. Queste misure sono state poi combinate con un campione di RV nelle regioni più esterne dell'ammasso, ottenute con gli spettrografi multi-oggetto KMOS e FLAMES dell'ESO. Tali dati sono stati utilizzati per il calcolo del profilo di dispersione di velocità e per la ricerca di rotazione lungo l'intera estensione radiale nell'ammasso. I risultati ottenuti sembrano escludere sia l'esistenza di un IMBH, che la presenza di forte rotazione interna. Inoltre hanno evidenziato una significativa decrescita della dispersione di velocita` nelle regioni centrali (parzialmente confermata anche da misure di moti propri ottenute con HST), che potrebbe suggerire la presenza di anisotropia tangenziale nel centro del sistema. Un simile comportamento (sebbene di minore entita`) e’ stato evidenziato in altri ammassi, suggerendo che potrebbe trattarsi di una caratteristica comune in questi sistemi stellari


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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the application of the discovery learning learning model, the application of learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media to the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD. This research is an experimental quantitative research with hypothesis testing which aims to determine whether or not there is a result of the independent variable, namely the discovery learning model and learning video media (on one dependent variable, namely learning outcomes, and to analyze the effect independent variables together with the variables of student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were fifth grade students at SD with data collection techniques using a quasi-experimental approach in the form of time series design and three-way anova statistical analysis to determine differences in student learning outcomes produced through class learning in three learning series and to find out the level of significance of the interactions that occur between the three approaches to learning in the classroom on student learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate that the application of the discovery learning learning model, learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media is effective in improving the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD

    Convolutional neural networks for the shape design of a magnetic core for material testing: Forward and inverse approaches

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    In this paper CNNs are used for solving an optimization problem with two different approaches: CNN is used as a surrogate model of the forward problem, inserted in an optimization loop governed by a genetic algorithm, in the first approach, while a CNN is trained for solving directly the inverse problem in the second approach. The case study is the shape design of a magnetic core used for material testing


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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the application of the discovery learning learning model, the application of learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media to the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD. This research is an experimental quantitative research with hypothesis testing which aims to determine whether or not there is a result of the independent variable, namely the discovery learning model and learning video media (on one dependent variable, namely learning outcomes, and to analyze the effect independent variables together with the variables of student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were fifth grade students at SD with data collection techniques using a quasi-experimental approach in the form of time series design and three-way anova statistical analysis to determine differences in student learning outcomes produced through class learning in three learning series and to find out the level of significance of the interactions that occur between the three approaches to learning in the classroom on student learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate that the application of the discovery learning learning model, learning video media and jointly applying the discovery learning learning model and learning video media is effective in improving the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD

    Multi-physics and multi-objective design of a benchmark device: a problem of inverse induction heating

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    In the paper, a bi-objective optimization problem characterized by a multi-physics field analysis is investigated. The optimal design of a pancake inductor, related to the design of industrial devices for the controlled heating of a graphite disk is considered as the benchmark problem. The expected goal of the optimization process is to improve temperature uniformity in the disk as well as electrical efficiency of the inductor. The optimized device is designed using a multi-physics problem: magnetic problem for electrical efficiency computation and thermal problem for temperature uniformity computation. The solution of the relevant bi-objective optimization problem is based on a modified multi-objective genetic algorithm in the class of Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm. The proposed algorithm exploits the migration concept to vary the population genetic characteristics during optimization process in order to improve the Pareto front approximation


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    Background: Nowadays there is a need to find naturally occurring substances from plants with antimicrobial activity as an alternative to available used antibiotics. Materials and Methods: Salvadora persica (miswak) and Commiphora gileadensis were collected, dried and extracted with either methanol or warm water and the obtained extracts were assessed for their antibacterial activity against 5 different genera of bacteria using agar well diffusion method. The tested bacteria included some human pathogens. Results: The obtained extracts exhibited considerable inhibitory effects against all the tested bacteria with various degrees of growth inhibition. It was shown that methanol extract was more effective compared to water extracts. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the methanol extracts ranged from 50-100 µg/ml. No toxicity was found using Artimia salina as test organism and no antitumor activity against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Conclusion: S. persica and C. gileadensis showed moderate to high inhibitory activity on pathogenic bacteria with no toxicity and can be used traditionally as alternative medicin

    Optimization of Compensation Network for a Wireless Power Transfer System in Dynamic Conditions: A Circuit Analysis Approach

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    The paper is focused on the optimization of the compensation network of a wireless power transfer system (WPTS) intended to operate in dynamic conditions. A laboratory prototype of a WPTS has been taken as a reference in this work, allowing for the experimental data and all the numerical models here presented to reproduce the configuration of the existing device. The numerical model has been used to perform FEM analysis with variable relative positions of the emitting and receiving coil to simulate the movement in a 'recharge while driving' condition. Inductive lumped parameters, i.e., self and mutual inductances computed from FEM results, have been used for the optimal design of the compensation network necessary for the WPTS operation. The optimal design of the resonance circuits has been developed by defining objective functions, aiming to achieve these goals: transmitted power must be as constant as possible when the vehicle is in movement and the electrical efficiency must be satisfactory high in most of the coupling conditions. The performances of the optimized network are finally compared and discussed
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