4,866 research outputs found


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    Masih tingginya Angka Kematian Bayi, Anak Balita dan Ibu Melahirkan mencerminkan pelayanan kesehatan yang ada saat ini belum memadai dan belum menjangkau masyarakat banyak di pedesaan, terutama pelayanan ibu hamil yang segan untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya di Posyandu, karena keterbatasan sarana dan tenaga yang ada. Cakupan persalinan oleh bidan desa dari 35 Puskesmas pada tahun 2005 (40 %) Puskesmas yang mencapai target dengan pencapaian tertinggi (98,48 %) dan (60 %) Puskesmas belum mencapai target dengan pencapaian terendah (54,54 %), cakupan persalinan di Kabupaten Kuningan pada tahun 2005 dibanding tahun 2004 ada peningkatan (2.36 %) tetapi belum mencapai target angka tersebut menunjukan bahwa persalinan yang ditolong oleh tenaga bidan masih rendah. Serta masih tingginya cakupan persalinan oleh dukun bayi (23.77 %). jenis penelitian yang digunakan Explanatory atau confimatory metode survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini semua bidan di desa di Kabupaten Kuningan dan sampel diambil sebanyak 71 responden dari seluruh populasi. Analisa data secara deskriptif dan analitik menggunakan uji chi square . Sebagian bidan di desa sudah melaksanakan fungsi manajemen dengan baik antara lain untuk fungsi perencanaan (39,4 %), fungsi pembinaan (56,3%), fungsi kerjasama (47,9 %) dan fungsi evaluasi (46,5 %) dan untuk fungsi perencanaan kurang (60,6 %), fungsi pembinaan kurang (43,7 %), fungsi kerjasama kurang (52,1 %) dan fungsi evaluasi(53,5 %). Hasil penelitian ada hubungan antara fungsi perencanaan nilai p=0,001, pembinaan p=0,001, kerjasama p=0,001, evaluasi p=0,003, dengan cakupan persalinan oleh bidan di desa, dimana p<0,05. Perlu dilakukan peningkatan pendidikan dan pelatihan fungsi manajemen bidan di desa yang lebih baik dan terarah sehingga dapat meningkatkan cakupan persalinan, juga perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai faktor-faktor lain diluar fungsi manajemen bidan di desa yang berpengaruh terhadap cakupan persalinan. Kata kunci: fungsi managemen, bidan desa, cakupan persalinan THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MANAGEMENFUNCTION OF RURAL MIDWIFE AND CONFINEMENT COVERAGE IN DISTRICT OF KUNINGAN 2006 The high mortality of infants, under five yeras old children (balita) and bear mothers reflect the recent helath services not yet adequately and reach to rural society, especially service to pregnat mother which unwilling to check it's pregnacy in Posyandu, because to view of facility and employee. Convinement Coverage by rural midwife from 35 Public Health Service in 2005 is only 40 % Public Health service achieve to target with highest attainment is 98.48% and 60% public health services not yet achieve to target with attainment lowest is 54.54%, coverage of confinement in Regency of Kuningan in 2005 compared to 2004 there is improvement 2.36% but not yet reached to target. this indicates that confinement wth helped by midwife still low, and remain high coverage of confinement by traditional midwifw 23.77%. The research type used is explanatory or cobnfirmatory with survey methode and cross sectional approach. Data intake midwife interview using quetionaire. Population in all these research are all rural midwifes in district of Kuningan and the sample taken 71 respondents from all population. The some of rural midwifes have executed good management fungtion for example for the planning fungtion is 39.4%, construction funcftion is 56.3%, coveration function is 47.9% and evaluation function is 46.5% and for the planning fubnction is less if 60.6%, construction function is less of 43.7%, cooperation function is less of 52.1% and evaluation function is less of 53.5%. Data analyzed descriptive using chi square test. Result of research show relation between planning function, construction p value=0.001, cooperation p value=0.001, evaluation function p value=0.003 with coverage of confinement by rural midwifes p < 0.005. Based ti result of research, it is need to improve of education and training of the better and aimed management finction of riral midwifes so can improve coverage of confinement, also required to makes further research about othervfactors outside management function of rural midwifes having and effect on to coverage of confinement Keywords: Management Function, Rural Midwife, Confinement Coverag


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    The purpose of this research is to develop a new product in the form of handouts television receiver system at SMK Piri 1 Yogyakarta. Another purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of the development stage and television receiver system handouts according to the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) at SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta. The method used is the method of research and development ((Research and Development)). New product development in the form of handouts subjects television receiver system through several stages, namely (1) a preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) development of initial product, (4) the revised design, (5) the initial field trials, (6) Revision I, (7) main field trials; (8) revision II; (9) operational field trials; (10) Revision of the final product, and (11) improve the product. The research was conducted at the Department of Mechanical Grade XI Audio Video SMK PIRI1 Yogyakarta. Data was collected using instruments such as questionnaires. The analysis technique used is the qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the feasibility study handout television receiver system. The results of this study were produced in the form of instructional media shaped products subject handout television receiver system. Based on the syllabus, standards and basic competencies materials then developed into three (3) pieces handout. Subject matter of each handout, namely (1) handout 1: explained the working principle of the television receiver and everything that stuff, explaining parts - the parts and functions of a television receiver, (2) a handout 2: explain the working principle of black and white TV and color, (3 ) handout (3): describes the kind of - kind of a television receiver. Test the feasibility of the learning handouts television receiver system that was developed, in the judgment of matter expert lecturers earn an average overall score of 4 with good assessment criteria, teachers Audio Video Engineering Program as matter experts earned an average overall score of 3.58 with the assessment criteria well, from one media experts earned an average overall score of 4.05 with a good assessment criteria, from two media specialists earned an average overall score of 4.05 with the criteria of good judgment, and of the field test to obtain an average overall score amounted to 4.10 with assessment criteria well. Handout eligibility standards if the average overall score of not less than the minimum standard of good. Based on these data it can be concluded that the handout television receiver system at SMK Piri 1 Yogyakarta already well developed so it is worth using. Keywords: handout, a television receiver system

    Optimizing designs of two-level factorial experiments given partial prior information (NAMER)

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    NAMER is used to find Bayes procedure for designing two level, fractional factorial experiments when given partial prior information. Program is written in FORTRAN 4 for IBM 7094 computer

    The development of thermal lattice Boltzmann models in incompressible limit

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    In this paper, an incompressible two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) thermohydrodynamics for the lattice Boltzmann scheme are developed. The basic idea is to solve the velocity field and the temperature field using two different distribution functions. A derivation of the lattice Boltzmann scheme from the continuous Boltzmann equation for 2-D is discussed in detail. By using the same procedure as in the derivation of the discretised density distribution function, we found that new lattice of four-velocity (2-D) and eight-velocity(3-D) models for internal energy density distribution function can be developed where the viscous and compressive heating effects are negligible. These models are validated by the numerical simulation of the 2-D porous plate Couette flow problem where the analytical solution exists and the natural convection flows in a cubic cavity

    The effects of problem-based learning in students reading comprehension for mastering the content and vocabulary acquisition

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    English reading comprehension is the most crucial language abilities in colleges where English is learned as a second language. A vigorous and powerful reading ability is certainly crucial in primary studies for students to accomplish in advanced education. However, the method in which they are instructed through lecture and paper pencil’s method were less relevant and effective in 21st Century. Students become passive, demotivated, bored, and feeling shy by the conventional teaching and learning. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) on student’s English reading comprehension for mastering the contents and vocabulary acquisition. The study used a quantitative data where using an experimental pre-posttest design and the independent t-test and one-way ANOVA has been performed to test the hypothesis of the studies. The result indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups for student’s reading comprehension for mastering the content and vocabulary acquisition using PBL. The results showed that the students who received PBL learning approached achieved higher performance outcome than student who is not received the PBL approach

    An algorithm for generating all possible 2(p-q) fractional factorial designs and its use in scientific experimentation

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    An algorithm and computer program are presented for generating all the distinct 2(p-q) fractional factorial designs. Some applications of this algorithm to the construction of tables of designs and of designs for nonstandard situations and its use in Bayesian design are discussed. An appendix includes a discussion of an actual experiment whose design was facilitated by the algorithm


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    PERSEPSI MAHASISWA TERHADAP EFEKTIFITAS PEMBERIAN BEASISWA PADA PRESTASI BELAJAR MAHASISWA FAKULTASILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA Oleh : Sahrir Sidik 05104244038 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhada p efektifitas pemberian beasiswa pada prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta tahun 2011.Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) dari 8 jurusan penerima beasiswa peningkatan prestasi belajar (PPA) yang berjumlah 137 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 mahasiswa, pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling. Besarnya sampel penelitian dihitung menggunakan perhitungan proporsi 5 persen yang diambil secara acak. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan angket tentang persepsi terhadap efektifitas pemberian beasiswa pada prestasi belajar. Untuk menguji validitas angket digunakan rumus product moment dari Pearson dan uji reliabilitas angket digunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 80% mahasiswa memiliki persepsi baik terhadap manfaat beasiswa dalam hal membantu keuangan, memperlancar studi dan meningkatkan prestasi. Peneliti menyimpulkan; Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa peningkatan prestasi akademik (PPA) di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) UNY tahun 2011 memiliki persepsi baik terhadap efektifitas pemberian beasiswa. Kata kunci : persepsi, efektifitas beasiswa, mahasiswa FIP UN

    Two-dimensional Gaussian processes applied to the determination of contact between lubricated rolling surfaces

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    The effectiveness of a lubricant film preventing metallic contact between two rolling surfaces (such as in ball bearings) as a function of surface roughness parameters was investigated. The parameters considered are the spectral moments of the two-dimensional surface obtained by superposition of the two rolling surfaces. The peak height distribution, estimation of one-dimensional profile spectral moments, and the estimation of two-dimensional surface moments from several profile measurements were considered. Also given is an asymptotic relation between the mean film thickness and contact occurrences

    NAMER: A FORTRAN 4 program for use in optimizing designs of two-level factorial experiments given partial prior information

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    Under certain specified conditions, the Bayes procedure for designing two-level fractional factorial experiments is that which maximizes the expected utility over all possible choices of parameter-estimator matchings, physical-design variable matchings, defining parameter groups, and sequences of telescoping groups. NAMER computes the utility of all possible matchings of physical variables to design variables and parameters to estimators for a specified choice of defining parameter group or groups. The matching yielding the maximum expected utility is indicated, and detailed information is provided about the optimal matchings and utilities. Complete documentation is given; and an example illustrates input, output, and usage

    Maximum likelihood estimation for life distributions with competing failure modes

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    Systems which are placed on test at time zero, function for a period and die at some random time were studied. Failure may be due to one of several causes or modes. The parameters of the life distribution may depend upon the levels of various stress variables the item is subject to. Maximum likelihood estimation methods are discussed. Specific methods are reported for the smallest extreme-value distributions of life. Monte-Carlo results indicate the methods to be promising. Under appropriate conditions, the location parameters are nearly unbiased, the scale parameter is slight biased, and the asymptotic covariances are rapidly approached