422 research outputs found

    Kombinasi MSER dan SURF dalam Mendeteksi Teks pada Gambar Natural

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    Deteksi teks pada sebuah citra merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan sebelum melakukan pengenalan karakter. Proses deteksi teks berperan penting dalam perolehan informasi pada sebuah citra. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan deteksi teks secara otomatis menggunakan Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) dan Speeded-up Robust Features (SURF). Kombinasi MSER dan SURF digunakan untuk menemukan wilayah kandidat teks pada sebuah citra. Kemudian edge detection juga dilakukan untuk melakukan validasi terhadap wilayah teks yang telah ditemukan. Berikutnya, metode Stroke Width Transform (SWT) digunakan untuk membedakan wilayah citra teks dan non-teks. Dataset yang digunakan adalah ICDAR 2003. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa hasil kombinasi MSER dan SURF dapat mendeteksi teks pada natural image secara lebih baik dibandingkan dengan MSER saja

    Comparison of Transfer Learning Algorithm Performance in Hand Sign Language Digits Image Classification

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    Image hand sign classification has become an interesting topic in image processing and machine learning. However, to achieve optimal performance in hand sign image classification tasks, a large and diverse dataset as well as powerful learning algorithms are required. One popular technique for improving the performance of classification models is transfer learning, which allows the use of knowledge learned from previous models and applies it to new tasks. In this study, the performance of two different transfer learning algorithms, ResNet-50 and VGG-16, was compared on the Sign Language Digits Dataset, which consists of 10 different types of handwriting images. The results of the experiment showed that both tested transfer learning algorithms had good performance. However, VGG-16 provided the best results with an accuracy of 97,29%, precision of 97,38%, recall of 97,45%, and an F1 score of 97,36%, while ResNet-50 achieved an accuracy of 94,57%, precision of 94,75%, recall of 94,96%, and an F1 score of 94,78%. In conclusion, transfer learning algorithms are effective techniques for improving the performance of hand sign image classification models. Choosing the appropriate transfer learning algorithm and dataset can help generate more accurate classification models.Klasifikasi citra handwriting telah menjadi topik yang menarik dalam pengolahan citra dan pembelajaran mesin. Namun, untuk mencapai kinerja yang optimal dalam tugas klasifikasi citra handwriting, diperlukan dataset yang besar dan beragam, serta algoritma pembelajaran yang kuat. Salah satu teknik yang populer untuk meningkatkan kinerja model klasifikasi adalah transfer learning, yang memungkinkan untuk menggunakan pengetahuan yang telah dipelajari dari model sebelumnya dan diterapkan pada tugas baru. Pada penelitian ini, dibandingkan kinerja dua algoritma transfer learning yang berbeda, yaitu ResNet-50 dan VGG-16 pada klasifikasi citra dataset Sign Language Digits Dataset yang terdiri dari 10 jenis citra handwriting yang berbeda. Hasil dari eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa kedua algoritma transfer learning yang diuji memiliki kinerja yang baik. Namun, VGG-16 memberikan hasil terbaik dengan akurasi sebesar 97.67% dan presisi sebesar 97.67%, sedangkan pada ResNet-50 memberikan akurasi sebesar 94,96% dan presisi sebesar 94.96%. Sebagai kesimpulan, algoritma transfer learning merupakan teknik yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kinerja model klasifikasi citra handwriting. Pemilihan algoritma transfer learning yang tepat dan dataset yang sesuai dapat membantu menghasilkan model klasifikasi yang lebih akurat

    Size structure of finescale razorbelly minnow, Salmostoma phulo (Cyprinidae) inhabiting a coastal river of Bangladesh

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    The aim of this study was to report the size structure of finescale razorbelly minnow, Salmostoma phulo in the Payra River, Southern Bangladesh, based on length-frequency distribution (LFD), sex ratio (SR), length-weight relationships (LWR), length-length relationships (LLR), condition factors (allometric K_A; Fulton’s, K_F; relative, K_R and relative weight, W_R) and form factor (a_3.0). A total of 306 individuals ranging from 6.00–10.70 cm in total length and from 1.26-9.20 g in body weight were collected using traditional fishing gear from January 2014 to November 2014. The overall sex ratio of the species did not reveal significant variation from the expected value of 1:1 (χ2 =0.32, p3). Moreover, the values of b for LWR, LLR and condition factors did not differ significantly (p>0.05) between the sexes of S. phulo. The estimated value of W_R was very close to 100 indicating the balanced habitat with available food relative to the presence of predators. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first inclusive and comprehensive explanation on the size structure of S. phulo from Bangladesh and it should be crucial for the sustainable management of this SIS fishery not only in southern coastal waters of Bangladesh but also in all of its geographical distributions including India and Myanmar

    Double cantilever indirect tension testing for fracture of quasibrittle materials

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    The Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) Mode I fracture testing has been widely used in fracture testing of especially fiber reinforced polymer composites and adhesive joints. Application of classical DCB testing to plain concrete or unreinforced ceramic specimens is not straightforward and cannot be carried out as in fiber reinforced polymer composites. Instead, an indirect tension approach is proposed in this study. Tests of notched geometrically similar DCB specimens made of normal and high strength concretes loaded eccentrically at the cantilever beam-column ends in compression have been carried out. Classical Type II size effect analyses of peak loads obtained from these tests are performed. The Microplane Model M7 is calibrated independently using uniaxial compression tests and employed to predict the peak loads of both tested and virtual geometrically similar DCB specimens. The same size effect analyses are performed on the predicted peak loads and the errors in the fracture parameters of the classical size effect analysis are determined.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analisis Biaya, Pendapatan dan R/c USAhatani Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea Reptana Poir.) (suatu Kasus di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1) Besarnya biaya dan penerimaan pada USAhatani kangkung per hektar per satu kali musim tanam di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis. 2) Besarnya pendapatan pada USAhatani kangkung per hektar per satu kali musim tanam di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis. 3) BesarnyaR/C pada USAhatani kangkung per hektar per satu kali musim tanam di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey yang dilakukan di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis. Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sampling jenuh atau sensus, dimana jumlah petani kangkung darat di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih dijadikan sampel semua yaitu sebanyak 33 orang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa :1) Besarnya biaya total pada USAhatani kangkung per hektar per satu kali musim tanam di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis sebesar Rp 3.025.439,29, yang terdiri dari biaya tetap sebesar Rp 92.540,26 dan biaya variabel sebesar Rp. 2.932.899,04. Sedangkan penerimaannya adalah sebesar Rp 5.093.809,52, diperoleh dari hasil panen kangkung darat sebanyak 5.361,90 kg dengan harga Rp 950/Kg.2) Besarnya pendapatan pada USAhatani kangkung per hektar per satu kali musim tanam di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis adalah sebesar Rp 2.068.370,23.3) Besarnya R/C per hektar per satu kali musim tanam USAhatani kangkung di Desa Budiasih Kecamatan Sindangkasih Kabupaten Ciamis adalah sebesar 2,61

    Hydra effects predator-prey bazykin's model with stage-structure and intraspecific for predator

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    Bazykin's predator-prey population model is considered to represent the exchange stability condition of population growth. The existence of the hydra effect and, at the same time, analyzing its influence on population growth. The condition of the model divides the species into a stage structure, namely, prey, immature predators, and mature predators. The population growth of the three species has its own characteristics. This research revealed that the Holling type II and intraspecific predatory function responses together induce the Hydra effect. In the model formed, there are 12 equilibrium points, with details for every seven points of negative imaginary equilibrium and five points of non-negative equilibrium. The findings of research studies center on five points of non-negative equilibrium. All real roots that interpret the species population's growth conditions are taken and tested for long-term stability. The test results show one point of equilibrium that meets the Routh-Hurwitz criteria and their characteristic equations. In numerical simulations, the maximum sustained yield is in the local asymptotic stable state. The growth of prey trajectories increased significantly, although at the beginning of the interaction there was a slowdown in population growth. Meanwhile, the population of immature predators and mature predators was not significantly different. Both populations grow steadily toward the point of population stability. It turns out that the two populations grow inversely, the faster the rate of predation by predators, the faster the growth rate of the prey population

    Effects Of Addition Of Tilapia And Periphyton Substrates On Water Quality And Abundance Of Plankton In Freshwater Prawn Culture Ponds.

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    Abstract: The research investigated the effects of addition of tilapia and periphyton substrates on water quality and abundance of plankton in freshwater prawn culture ponds. The absence and presence (0 and 0.5 individual/m 2) of tilapia were investigated in 40m 2 ponds stocked with 3 prawn juveniles (5.023 ±0.04g)/m 2 with or without added substrates for periphyton development. A locally formulated and prepared pellet feed (2mm) containing 30% protein with C/N ratio close to 10 was used. The feed was applied at the rate of the 10 % body weight and gradually decreased to 3 % at the end of the culture period. Water quality parameters and the abundance of plankton and periphyton biomass were measured. The abundance of plankton and periphyton biomass was significantly higher in tilapia-free ponds comparing to tilapia added ponds. The addition of substrates did not influence size at harvest but improved the survival of prawn from 54.4 to 76.9%. Substrates contributed an increase in gross and net yield of prawn by 33 % and 42.5%, respectively. Addition of tilapia and periphyton substrates benefited the freshwater prawn culture through reducing toxic inorganic nitrogenous compounds in water, enhancing the utilization of natural foods and improving survival, production and economic benefit
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