303 research outputs found

    An analysis of the attitude of correctional officers toward inmate educational programs ...

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    Parametric and non-parametric tests of significance were used to test the hypotheses for significance. A t-test was used to test HO(, 0). An analysis of variance procedure was used in testing HO(, 1). The non-parametric Spearman rank order correlation coefficient was chosen to test HO(, 2), HO(, 3), and HO(, 4). The hypotheses were tested at the .05 level of significance. In each case, the results were statistically not significant. The researcher accepted the null hypotheses.The problem of this study was to answer the question: What are the attitudes of correctional officers toward inmate educational programs in Oklahoma's maximum, medium, and minimum security prisons? Attitudes of correctional officers were studied in relation to their gender, educational level, number of years employed by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, age, and the security level of the institution in which they are employed.An extensive review of current literature pertaining to rehabilitative and treatment programs in correctional institutions was performed. Special attention was given to literature related to the role of the correctional officer in the rehabilitation and treatment of inmates. An opinionnaire was developed to collect demographic and attitudinal information from correctional officers employed by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. The population for the study was limited to the 1,270 correctional officers employed by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. A sample of 20 percent (254) of the population was chosen to participate in the study. A total of 212 (85 percent) opinionnaires were returned and validated for statistical analysis

    Optimal placement of fuses and switches in active distribution networks using value-based MINLP

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    Contingency conditions in distribution networks create financial losses for different parts of the system including electricity customers, electricity retailers, distributed generation (DG) units, etc. Therefore, protective device allocation methods have been introduced in recent years to enhance the reliability of the power system. In this study, a new formulation is proposed to find the optimal places of sectionalizing switches and fuses while taking the financial loss of both electricity customers and DG units into account. The current method has the flexibility to consider DG effect on any location of the network and its islanded operation in case of contingencies. Moreover, the uncertainty in load and renewable generation is taken into account using stochastic programming. The results demonstrate that the DG units and their financial loss can change the results of switch and fuse placement dramatically when there are no tie switches in the network. Furthermore, it is found that this method can decrease the total reliability costs by 3.86% when high penetration of DG units is introduced into a modified Roy Billinton test system (RBTS). The problem is modeled as a mixed-integer nonlinear (MINLP) formulation and is handled using BARON solver in GAMS environment

    External voltage sources and Tunneling in quantum wires

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    We (re) consider in this paper the problem of tunneling through an impurity in a quantum wire with arbitrary Luttinger interaction parameter. By combining the integrable approach developed in the case of Quantum Hall edge states with the introduction of radiative boundary conditions to describe the adiabatic coupling to reservoirs, we are able to obtain the exact equilibrium and non equilibrium current. One of the most striking features observed is the appearance of negative differential conductances out of equilibrium in the strongly interacting regime g <=.2. In spite of the various charging effects, a remarkable form of duality is still observed. New results on the computation of transport properties in integrable impurity problems are gathered in appendices. In particular, we prove that the TBA results satisfy a remarkable relation, originally derived using the Keldysh formalism, between the order T^2 correction to the current out of equilibrium and the second derivative of this current at T=0 with respect to the voltage.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Lenvatinib in Advanced Radioiodine-Refractory Thyroid Cancer - A Retrospective Analysis of the Swiss Lenvatinib Named Patient Program.

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    javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@5a6991ed Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) accounts for approximately 95% of thyroid carcinomas. In the metastatic RAI-refractory disease, chemotherapy has very limited efficacy and is associated with substantial toxicity. With increasing knowledge of the molecular pathogenesis of DTC, novel targeted therapies have been developed. Lenvatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) with promising clinical activity based on the randomized phase III SELECT trial. In Switzerland, a Named Patient Program (NPP) was installed to bridge the time gap to Swissmedic approval. Here, we report the results from the Swiss Lenvatinib NPP including patients with metastatic RAI-refractory DTC. javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@7407c55a Main inclusion criteria for the Swiss NPP were RAI-refractory DTC, documented disease progression, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0-3. The number of previous therapies was not limited. The Swiss Lenvatinib NPP was initiated in June 2014 and was closed in October 2015 with the approval of the drug. javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@1c5cb2cc Between June 2014 and October 2015, 13 patients with a median age of 72 years have been enrolled. Most patients (69%) had at least one prior systemic therapy, mainly sorafenib. 31% of patients showed a PR and 31% SD. Median progression free survival was 7.2 months and the median overall survival was 22.7 months. Dose reduction due to adverse events was necessary in 7 patients (53%). At the time of analysis 6 patients (47%) were still on treatment with a median time on treatment of 9.98 months. javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@713fc2d4 Our results show that lenvatinib has reasonable clinical activity in unselected patients with RAI-refractory thyroid cancer with nearly two-third of patients showing clinical benefit. The toxicity profile of lenvatinib is manageable

    Power Quality Enhancement in Sensitive Local Distribution Grid Using Interval Type-II Fuzzy Logic Controlled DSTATCOM

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    In the current scenario, integration of renewables, growth of non-linear industrial and commercial loads results in various power quality issues. Among commercial utilities connected to the grid, hospital-operated loads include sensitive, linear, non-linear, and unbalanced loads. These loads are diverse as well as prioritized, which also causes major power quality issues in the local distribution system. Due to its widespread divergence, it leads to harmonic injection and reactive power imbalance. Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) is proposed as a solution for harmonic mitigation, load balancing, reactive power imbalances, and neutral current compensation. The present work utilizes Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller (IT2FLC) with Recursive Least Square (RLS) filter for generating switching pulses for IGBT switches in the DSTATCOM to improve power quality in the Local Distribution Grid. The proposed approach also shows superior performance over Type 1 fuzzy logic controller and Conventional PI controller in mitigating harmonics. For effective realization, the proposed system is simulated using MATLAB software

    Dynamics of hollow atom formation in intense x-ray pulses probed by partial covariance mapping

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    When exposed to ultraintense x-radiation sources such as free electron lasers (FELs) the innermost electronic shell can efficiently be emptied, creating a transient hollow atom or molecule. Understanding the femtosecond dynamics of such systems is fundamental to achieving atomic resolution in flash diffraction imaging of noncrystallized complex biological samples. We demonstrate the capacity of a correlation method called "partial covariance mapping'' to probe the electron dynamics of neon atoms exposed to intense 8 fs pulses of 1062 eV photons. A complete picture of ionization processes competing in hollow atom formation and decay is visualized with unprecedented ease and the map reveals hitherto unobserved nonlinear sequences of photoionization and Auger events. The technique is particularly well suited to the high counting rate inherent in FEL experiments

    Characterization of Coupled Ground State and Excited State Equilibria by Fluorescence Spectral Deconvolution

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    Fluorescence probes with multiparametric response based on the relative variation in the intensities of several emission bands are of great general utility. An accurate interpretation of the system requires the determination of the number, positions and intensities of the spectral components. We have developed a new algorithm for spectral deconvolution that is applicable to fluorescence probes exhibiting a two-state ground-state equilibrium and a two-state excited-state reaction. Three distinct fluorescence emission bands are resolved, with a distribution of intensities that is excitation-wavelength-dependent. The deconvolution of the spectrum into individual components is based on their representation as asymmetric Siano-Metzler log-normal functions. The application of the algorithm to the solvation response of a 3-hydroxychromone (3HC) derivative that exhibits an H-bonding-dependent excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) reaction allowed the separation of the spectral signatures characteristic of polarity and hydrogen bonding. This example demonstrates the ability of the method to characterize two potentially uncorrelated parameters characterizing dye environment and interactions