104 research outputs found

    The use of causal maps as interdisciplinary didactic reduction

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    Presented article is devoted to theoretical substantiation and development of interdisciplinary didactic reduction method, based on the use of causal maps. The article discusses properties of causal maps in the context of its use in teaching methods. It was determined that the creation of the causal maps that reflect all connections between and / or within the three information blocks should be an effective reduction method of learning content of the topics about measurements of the various sciences. The blocks are named: “The physical basis of measurement”, “The elements of the measuring instrument” and “The measurement technique”. The article establishes that the method of using of causal maps in related topics of natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities corresponds to properties of didactic reduction methods, due to abstraction and providing the omission of factors that do not have a determining influence on the situation, and getting in the vertices concepts less volume than learning texts. The method can provide an illustrative or symbolic representation of complex information on causal maps, review situations based on known models. The research justifies the possibility of constructing of quantitative variables in formulas to their qualitative explanations and presentation of the relationship between them in the causal maps. The process of tasks’ decision, that has different difficulty levels, using causal maps allows to influence on additional perception channels, and through the students' understanding of causality allows intensifying the development of mental processes

    Rate of convergence of Wong-Zakai approximations for SDEs and SPDEs

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    In the work we estimate the rate of convergence of the Wong-Zakai type of approximations for SDEs and SPDEs. Two cases are studied: SDEs in finite dimensional settings and evolution stochastic systems (SDEs in the infinite dimensional case). The latter result is applied to the second order SPDEs of parabolic type and the filtering problem. Roughly, the result is the following. Let Wn be a sequence of continuous stochastic processes of finite variation on an interval [0, T]. Assume that for some a > 0 the processes Wn converge almost surely in the supremum norm in [0, T] to W with the rate n-k for each k < a. Then the solutions Un of the differential equations with Wn converge almost surely in the supremum norm in [0, T] to the solution u of the "Stratonovich" SDE with W with the same rate of convergence, n-k for each k < a, in the case of SDEs and with the rate of convergence n-k/2 for each k < a, in the case of evolution systems and SPDEs. In the final chapter we verify that the two most common approximations of the Wiener process, smoothing and polygonal approximation, satisfy the assumptions made in the previous chapters

    Methodological function of philosophy of education and analysis of reforms of the higher education

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    In the real work methodological function of philosophy of education is defined and its role is investigated in the analysis of reforms of the higher education.В настоящей работе определяется методологическая функция философии образования и исследуется ее роль при анализе реформ высшего образования

    Deforming Euclidean cone 3-manifolds

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    Given a closed orientable Euclidean cone 3-manifold C with cone angles less than or equal to pi, and which is not almost product, we describe the space of constant curvature cone structures on C with cone angles less than pi. We establish a regeneration result for such Euclidean cone manifolds into spherical or hyperbolic ones and we also deduce global rigidity for Euclidean cone structures.Comment: Only changes for the grants footnotes have been mad

    Weather Atlas for Hydrographic Work in the Arctic on the Example of the Barents Sea

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    Based on the results of research and literature data, the methodology of compiling the manual "Weather Atlas for hydrographic work in the Arctic" is considered. The necessity of taking into account wind and waves for planning and efficient operation of hydrographic vessels is illustrated

    Identification of protein coding genes in genomes with statistical functions based on the circular code

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    A new statistical approach using functions based on the circular code classifies correctly more than 93 % of bases in protein (coding) genes and non-coding genes of human sequences. Based on this statistical study, a research software called "Analysis of Coding Genes" (ACG) has been developed for identifying protein genes in the genomes and for determining their frame. Furthermore, the software ACG also allows an evaluation of the length of protein genes, their position in the genome, their relative position between themselves, and the prediction of internal frames in protein genes

    Intensification of heat-exchange of a direct-flow steam boiler of a coil type based on an educational laboratory stand

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    In the work under consideration, using an experimental stand formed by a cylindrical coil, the modes of air movement through the flue of a ramjet steam boiler were investigated. Experimental studies have revealed shortcomings in the operation of a direct-flow steam boiler and proposed ways to increase heat transfer in a steam boiler by turbulizing the gas-air flow in the convective part of the boiler flue. The Ansys programmable engineering environment was used to simulate the heat exchange between waste gases and water in the heat exchanger. The Ansys SpaceClaim program was used to design the geometric model. Finite element grid was created using the Ansys Icem CFD program. In the process of creation, materials were selected and designated for each part of the model, water and steam temperatures inside the heat exchanger, exhaust gas temperature, boundary conditions and heat exchange conditions between them were also set. After entering all the parameters the model calculations were carried out and the results were presented in the form of a temperature distribution diagram. In conclusion, a variant of further research of aerodynamic processes in a ramjet steam boiler and a demonstration of the selected option were presented

    Study on the relationship between physical activity and the development of professional competence: Findings from a study in Ukraine

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    The search for motivation for physical activity is always relevant, competitive advantages in the labour market are one of type of such motivation. This article presents the application of the developed method for identifying professionally important qualities as components of a student’s competency levels and their physical activity levels. 314 Ukrainian students, 442 of their parents and 104 professionals who have subordinates in the fields of education and technology were reviewed. We have detailed well-known studies in the field of professionally important qualities. In spite of this, it has been identified that professionals in general are mildly interested in the qualities obtained through a student’s physical activity. Wherein the lower r value between the weight of qualities mentioned by the athletes and their parents in comparison with the r value between the weight of qualities mentioned by non-athletes and their parents reveals an increased social mobility rate of athletes

    MetaGene: prokaryotic gene finding from environmental genome shotgun sequences

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    Exhaustive gene identification is a fundamental goal in all metagenomics projects. However, most metagenomic sequences are unassembled anonymous fragments, and conventional gene-finding methods cannot be applied. We have developed a prokaryotic gene-finding program, MetaGene, which utilizes di-codon frequencies estimated by the GC content of a given sequence with other various measures. MetaGene can predict a whole range of prokaryotic genes based on the anonymous genomic sequences of a few hundred bases, with a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 90% for artificial shotgun sequences (700 bp fragments from 12 species). MetaGene has two sets of codon frequency interpolations, one for bacteria and one for archaea, and automatically selects the proper set for a given sequence using the domain classification method we propose. The domain classification works properly, correctly assigning domain information to more than 90% of the artificial shotgun sequences. Applied to the Sargasso Sea dataset, MetaGene predicted almost all of the annotated genes and a notable number of novel genes. MetaGene can be applied to wide variety of metagenomic projects and expands the utility of metagenomics