41 research outputs found

    AS-ALPS: a database for analyzing the effects of alternative splicing on protein structure, interaction and network in human and mouse

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    We have constructed a database, AS-ALPS (alternative splicing-induced alteration of protein structure), which provides information that would be useful for analyzing the effects of alternative splicing (AS) on protein structure, interactions with other bio-molecules and protein interaction networks in human and mouse. Several AS events have been revealed to contribute to the diversification of protein structure, which results in diversification of interaction partners or affinities, which in turn contributes to regulation of bio-molecular networks. Most AS variants, however, are only known at the sequence level. It is important to determine the effects of AS on protein structure and interaction, and to provide candidates for experimental targets that are relevant to network regulation by AS. For this purpose, the three-dimensional (3D) structures of proteins are valuable sources of information; however, these have not been fully exploited in any other AS-related databases. AS-ALPS is the only AS-related database that describes the spatial relationships between protein regions altered by AS (‘AS regions’) and both the proteins’ hydrophobic cores and sites of inter-molecular interactions. This information makes it possible to infer whether protein structural stability and/or protein interaction are affected by each AS event. AS-ALPS can be freely accessed at http://as-alps.nagahama-i-bio.ac.jp and http://genomenetwork.nig.ac.jp/as-alps/

    Ligand-binding site prediction of proteins based on known fragment–fragment interactions

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    Motivation: The identification of putative ligand-binding sites on proteins is important for the prediction of protein function. Knowledge-based approaches using structure databases have become interesting, because of the recent increase in structural information. Approaches using binding motif information are particularly effective. However, they can only be applied to well-known ligands that frequently appear in the structure databases

    Splicing factor and exon profiling across human tissues

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    It has been shown that alternative splicing is especially prevalent in brain and testis when compared to other tissues. To test whether there is a specific propensity of these tissues to generate splicing variants, we used a single source of high-density microarray data to perform both splicing factor and exon expression profiling across 11 normal human tissues. Paired comparisons between tissues and an original exon-based statistical group analysis demonstrated after extensive RT-PCR validation that the cerebellum, testis, and spleen had the largest proportion of differentially expressed alternative exons. Variations at the exon level correlated with a larger number of splicing factors being expressed at a high level in the cerebellum, testis and spleen than in other tissues. However, this splicing factor expression profile was similar to a more global gene expression pattern as a larger number of genes had a high expression level in the cerebellum, testis and spleen. In addition to providing a unique resource on expression profiling of alternative splicing variants and splicing factors across human tissues, this study demonstrates that the higher prevalence of alternative splicing in a subset of tissues originates from the larger number of genes, including splicing factors, being expressed than in other tissues

    RESOPS: A Database for Analyzing the Correspondence of RNA Editing Sites to Protein Three-Dimensional Structures

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    Transcripts from mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA of land plants often undergo cytidine to uridine conversion-type RNA editing events. RESOPS is a newly built database that specializes in displaying RNA editing sites of land plant organelles on protein three-dimensional (3D) structures to help elucidate the mechanisms of RNA editing for gene expression regulation. RESOPS contains the following information: unedited and edited cDNA sequences with notes for the target nucleotides of RNA editing, conceptual translation from the edited cDNA sequence in pseudo-UniProt format, a list of proteins under the influence of RNA editing, multiple amino acid sequence alignments of edited proteins, the location of amino acid residues coded by codons under the influence of RNA editing in protein 3D structures and the statistics of biased distributions of the edited residues with respect to protein structures. Most of the data processing procedures are automated; hence, it is easy to keep abreast of updated genome and protein 3D structural data. In the RESOPS database, we clarified that the locations of residues switched by RNA editing are significantly biased to protein structural cores. The integration of different types of data in the database also help advance the understanding of RNA editing mechanisms. RESOPS is accessible at http://cib.cf.ocha.ac.jp/RNAEDITING/

    Verification of alternative splicing variants based on domain integrity, truncation length and intrinsic protein disorder

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    According to current estimations ∼95% of multi-exonic human protein-coding genes undergo alternative splicing (AS). However, for 4000 human proteins in PDB, only 14 human proteins have structures of at least two alternative isoforms. Surveying these structural isoforms revealed that the maximum insertion accommodated by an isoform of a fully ordered protein domain was 5 amino acids, other instances of domain changes involved intrinsic structural disorder. After collecting 505 minor isoforms of human proteins with evidence for their existence we analyzed their length, protein disorder and exposed hydrophobic surface. We found that strict rules govern the selection of alternative splice variants aimed to preserve the integrity of globular domains: alternative splice sites (i) tend to avoid globular domains or (ii) affect them only marginally or (iii) tend to coincide with a location where the exposed hydrophobic surface is minimal or (iv) the protein is disordered. We also observed an inverse correlation between the domain fraction lost and the full length of the minor isoform containing the domain, possibly indicating a buffering effect for the isoform protein counteracting the domain truncation effect. These observations provide the basis for a prediction method (currently under development) to predict the viability of splice variants

    Identification of Mannose Interacting Residues Using Local Composition

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    BACKGROUND: Mannose binding proteins (MBPs) play a vital role in several biological functions such as defense mechanisms. These proteins bind to mannose on the surface of a wide range of pathogens and help in eliminating these pathogens from our body. Thus, it is important to identify mannose interacting residues (MIRs) in order to understand mechanism of recognition of pathogens by MBPs. RESULTS: This paper describes modules developed for predicting MIRs in a protein. Support vector machine (SVM) based models have been developed on 120 mannose binding protein chains, where no two chains have more than 25% sequence similarity. SVM models were developed on two types of datasets: 1) main dataset consists of 1029 mannose interacting and 1029 non-interacting residues, 2) realistic dataset consists of 1029 mannose interacting and 10320 non-interacting residues. In this study, firstly, we developed standard modules using binary and PSSM profile of patterns and got maximum MCC around 0.32. Secondly, we developed SVM modules using composition profile of patterns and achieved maximum MCC around 0.74 with accuracy 86.64% on main dataset. Thirdly, we developed a model on a realistic dataset and achieved maximum MCC of 0.62 with accuracy 93.08%. Based on this study, a standalone program and web server have been developed for predicting mannose interacting residues in proteins (http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/premier/). CONCLUSIONS: Compositional analysis of mannose interacting and non-interacting residues shows that certain types of residues are preferred in mannose interaction. It was also observed that residues around mannose interacting residues have a preference for certain types of residues. Composition of patterns/peptide/segment has been used for predicting MIRs and achieved reasonable high accuracy. It is possible that this novel strategy may be effective to predict other types of interacting residues. This study will be useful in annotating the function of protein as well as in understanding the role of mannose in the immune system

    Large-scale identification and characterization of alternative splicing variants of human gene transcripts using 56 419 completely sequenced and manually annotated full-length cDNAs

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    We report the first genome-wide identification and characterization of alternative splicing in human gene transcripts based on analysis of the full-length cDNAs. Applying both manual and computational analyses for 56 419 completely sequenced and precisely annotated full-length cDNAs selected for the H-Invitational human transcriptome annotation meetings, we identified 6877 alternative splicing genes with 18 297 different alternative splicing variants. A total of 37 670 exons were involved in these alternative splicing events. The encoded protein sequences were affected in 6005 of the 6877 genes. Notably, alternative splicing affected protein motifs in 3015 genes, subcellular localizations in 2982 genes and transmembrane domains in 1348 genes. We also identified interesting patterns of alternative splicing, in which two distinct genes seemed to be bridged, nested or having overlapping protein coding sequences (CDSs) of different reading frames (multiple CDS). In these cases, completely unrelated proteins are encoded by a single locus. Genome-wide annotations of alternative splicing, relying on full-length cDNAs, should lay firm groundwork for exploring in detail the diversification of protein function, which is mediated by the fast expanding universe of alternative splicing variants

    Knowledge-Based Structural Models of SARS-CoV-2 Proteins and Their Complex with Potential Drugs

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a pandemic of the 2019 novel cornavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19). There is, however, no confirmed anti-COVID-19 therapeutic currently. In order to assist structure-based discovery of repurposing drugs against this disease, knowledge-based models of SARS-CoV-2 proteins were constructed using MODELLER software, and their models were refined by PHENIX and COOT. The model quality was assessed with MolProbity. The ligand molecules in the template structures were compared with approved/experimental drugs and components of natural medicines from the KEGG and KNApSAcK databases. The models suggested several drugs, such as carfilzomib, sinefungin, tecadenoson, and trabodenoson, as potential drugs for COVID-19.</div