357 research outputs found

    Petrography of Yamato 984028 lherzolitic shergottite and its melt vein: Implications for its shock metamorphism and origin of the vein

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    AbstractYamato 984028 (Y984028) is a newly identified lherzolitic shergottite, recovered from the Yamato Mountains, Antarctica, in 1999. As part of a consortium study, we conducted petrographic observations of Y984028 and its melt vein in order to investigate its shock metamorphism. The rock displays the typical non-poikilitic texture of lherzolitic shergottite, characterized by a framework of olivine, minor pyroxene (pigeonite and augite), and interstitial maskelynite. Shock metamorphic features include irregular fractures in olivine and pyroxene, shock-induced twin-lamellae in pyroxene, and the complete conversion of plagioclase to maskelynite, features consistent with those found in other lherzolitic shergottites. The melt vein is composed of coarse mineral fragments (mainly olivine) entrained in a matrix of fine-grained euhedral olivine (with several modes of compositional zoning) and interstitial glassy material. Some coarse olivine fragments consist of an assemblage of fine-grained euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals, suggesting shock-induced fragmentation, recrystallization, and/or a process of sintering. The implication is that the fine-grained olivine crystals in the matrix of the melt vein represent complicated crystallization environments and histories

    A pet-type robot AIBO-assisted therapy as a day care program for chronic schizophrenia patients

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    BackgroundAAT (Animal-assisted therapy) was developed to promote human social and emotional functioning as a day care program for psychiatric patients.AimsIn this study, we performed AAT using a pet-type robot, AIBO for schizophrenic patients.Methods After obtaining informed consent, we performed the AIBO-assisted therapy for three schizophrenic (ICD-10, F20.x2) patients (male: 1, female: 2) whose medication did not change over the 8 weeks study period in a ward.Results It was found that the AAT using AIBO may be useful for the patients with negative and general psychopathological symptoms such as “Anxiety” and “Uncooperativeness”.ConclusionWe make use of this result, and we want to develop the AAT program using a pet-type robot, AIBO which may be suitable for Japanese psychiatric patients

    Transcriptional expression levels of chicken collectins are affected by avian influenza A virus inoculation

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    Mammalian collectins have been found to play an important role in the defense against influenza A virus H9N2 inoculation, but for chicken collectins this has not yet been clarified. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of avian influenza A virus (AIV) inoculation on collectin gene expression in the respiratory tract of chickens and whether this was affected by age. For this purpose 1- and 4-week-old chickens were inoculated intratracheally with PBS or H9N2 AIV. Chickens were killed at 0, 8, 16 and 24 h postinoculation and trachea and lung were harvested for analysis. Viral RNA expression and mRNA expression of chicken collectins 1 and 2 (cCL-1 and cCL-2), chicken lung lectin (cLL) and chicken surfactant protein A (cSP-A) were determined using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. In lung, a decrease in mRNA expression of cCL-2, cLL and cSP-A after inoculation with H9N2 was seen in both 1- and 4-week-old birds, although at different time points, while in trachea changes were only seen in 4-week-old birds and expression was increased. Moreover, collectin expression correlated with viral RNA expression in lung of 1-week-old birds. These results suggest that both age and location in the respiratory tract affect changes in collectin mRNA expression after inoculation with H9N2 and indicate a possible role for collectins in the host response to AIV in the respiratory tract of chickens

    Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: 3. Occurrence and Amplitude as Functions of Magnetic Latitude, Local Time, and Magnetic Disturbance Indices

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    Rapid changes of magnetic fields associated with nighttime magnetic perturbation events (MPEs) with amplitudes |ΔB| of hundreds of nT and 5–10 min duration can induce geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) that can harm technological systems. This study compares the occurrence and amplitude of nighttime MPEs with |dB/dt| ≥ 6 nT/s observed during 2015 and 2017 at five stations in Arctic Canada ranging from 64.7° to 75.2° in corrected geomagnetic latitude (MLAT) as functions of magnetic local time (MLT), the SME (SuperMAG version of AE) and SYM/H magnetic indices, and time delay after substorm onsets. Although most MPEs occurred within 30 min after a substorm onset, ∼10% of those observed at the four lower latitude stations occurred over two hours after the most recent onset. A broad distribution in local time appeared at all five stations between 1700 and 0100 MLT, and a narrower distribution appeared at the lower latitude stations between 0200 and 0700 MLT. There was little or no correlation between MPE amplitude and the SYM/H index; most MPEs at all stations occurred for SYM/H values between −40 and 0 nT. SME index values for MPEs observed \u3e1 h after the most recent substorm onset fell in the lower half of the range of SME values for events during substorms, and dipolarizations in synchronous orbit at GOES 13 during these events were weaker or more often nonexistent. These observations suggest that substorms are neither necessary nor sufficient to cause MPEs, and hence predictions of GICs cannot focus solely on substorms

    Clinical Usefulness of Multiplex PCR Lateral Flow in MRSA Detection: A Novel, Rapid Genetic Testing Method

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) with exogenous cassette DNA containing the methicillin-resistant gene mecA (SCCmec) poses a problem as a drug-resistant bacterium responsible for hospital- and community-acquired infections. The frequency of MRSA detection has recently been increasing rapidly in Japan, and SCCmec has also been classified more diversely into types I–V. A rapid test is essential for early diagnosis and treatment of MRSA infections, but detection by conventional methods requires at least two days. The newly developed multiplex PCR lateral flow method allows specific amplification of femA to detect S. aureus, mecA to detect SCCmec, and kdpC to detect SCCmec type II; moreover, PCR products can be evaluated visually in about 3 h. In the present study, we developed a PCR lateral flow method for MRSA using this method and investigated its clinical usefulness in the detection of MRSA. The results showed a diagnostic concordance rate of 91.7% for MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus between bacteriological examination and PCR lateral flow, and a high level of specificity in PCR lateral flow. In addition, a higher detection rate for S. aureus using the same sample was observed for PCR lateral flow (70.2%) than for bacteriological tests (48.6%). The above results show that PCR lateral flow for MRSA detection has high sensitivity, specificity, and speed, and its clinical application as a method for early diagnosis of MRSA infections appears to be feasible

    Optimization of Boundary Conditions for a Global MHD Simulation Model by Using Data Assimilation

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第36回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月26日(月)、27日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階ラウン