93 research outputs found

    Effects of different photoperiod regimes on the smoltification and seawater adaptation of seawater-farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Insights from Na+, K+-ATPase activity and transcription of osmoregulation and growth regulation genes

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    Photoperiod is thought to be the main zeitgeber that induces smoltification in salmonids. However, its effects on the smoltification of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are not fully understood and no published data documents the effects of the photoperiod regime currently used commercially, continuous light (LL). The present study compared the effect of four different photoperiod regimes (i.e. advanced phase photoperiod (APP), delayed phase photoperiod (DPP), LL and simulated natural photoperiod (SNP)) on the smoltification and growth of juvenile rainbow trout during their freshwater phase of winter-spring and the following summer post smolt phase. Smoltification was evaluated by monitoring gill Na+,K+–ATPase (NKA) activity and transcription of NKA α-subunit isoforms 1a and 1b, and Na+,K+,2Cl− cotransporter 1a. Growth was measured as specific growth rate of both length and weight, and through molecular growth proxies such as the levels of circulating insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) in plasma and transcription of igf-I, igf binding protein 1b (igfbp1b), growth hormone receptor 1 (ghr1) and cathepsin L (ctsl) in the liver. Results indicate that APP induces a longer smolt window and higher levels of plasma IGF-I in both freshwater and seawater (two months post transfer), while DPP led to a shorter smolt window, lower plasma IGF-I levels in freshwater and seawater, an earlier decrease in liver igf-I and ctsl transcription in freshwater (as seen by modelling over time) and lower specific growth rate in freshwater. The transcription analysis of osmoregulatory genes complemented NKA activity and allowed for the detection of a transient response to light and of differences between the osmoregulatory capacity of parr and desmolted fish. Furthermore, an upregulation of the liver transcription of igf-I, ghr1 and ctsl was found in all treatments during the smolt window, which corresponded to the periods with highest growth. Finally, both plasma IGF-I and liver igf-I in seawater were found to be significantly correlated to fish growth in seawater. However, our data did not show that plasma IGF-I prior to seawater transfer could be used as a reliable predictor of growth in seawater. Overall, and especially when compared with other salmonid species, photoperiod seems to be a weaker inducer of smoltification in rainbow trout, according to the parameters that were tested, suggesting that other environmental cues might be more important drivers of this process

    Effects of temperature and photoperiod on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) smoltification and haematopoiesis

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    First paragraph: Most freshwater fish would not be able to cope with the osmotic stress intrinsic to seawater, quickly dehydrating and dying, and so are bound to freshwater ecosystems (Quinn et al., 2016). However, anadromous salmonids have developed a strategy to minimize osmotic counter effects, thus allowing them to live in both freshwater, ideal for safe spawning, hatching and early growth stages, and seawater environments, rich in energy resources for fast growth (Hendry et al., 2004; Lima and Dill, 1990)

    Annual report by The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery

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    All data regarding cardiovascular surgery and thoracic surgery were obtained from NCD, whereas data regarding esophageal surgery were collected from survey questionnaire by The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery forms because NCD of esophageal surgery does not include non-surgical cases (i.e., patients with adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation alone). Based on the change in data aggregation, there are several differences between this 2015 annual report and previous annual reports: the number of institutions decreased in each category from 578 (2014) to 568 (2015) in cardiovascular, from 762 to 714 in general thoracic and from 626 to 571 in esophageal surgery. Because more than two departments in the same institute registered their data to NCD individually, we cannot calculate correct number of institutes in this survey. Then, the response rate is not indicated in the category of cardiovascular surgery (Table 1), and the number of institutions classified by the operation number is also not calculated in the category of cardiovascular surgery (Table 2)

    Endoplasmic reticulum stress as a key mechanism in stunted growth of seawater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Background Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a salmonid species with a complex life-history. Wild populations are naturally divided into freshwater residents and sea-run migrants. Migrants undergo an energy-demanding adaptation for life in seawater, known as smoltification, while freshwater residents display these changes in an attenuated magnitude and rate. Despite this, in seawater rainbow trout farming all fish are transferred to seawater. Under these circumstances, weeks after seawater transfer, a significant portion of the fish die (around 10%) or experience growth stunting (GS; around 10%), which represents an important profitability and welfare issue. The underlying causes leading to GS in seawater-transferred rainbow trout remain unknown. In this study, we aimed at characterising the GS phenotype in seawater-transferred rainbow trout using untargeted and targeted approaches. To this end, the liver proteome (LC-MS/MS) and lipidome (LC-MS) of GS and fast-growing phenotypes were profiled to identify molecules and processes that are characteristic of the GS phenotype. Moreover, the transcription, abundance or activity of key proteins and hormones related to osmoregulation (Gill Na+, K + –ATPase activity), growth (plasma IGF-I, and liver igf1, igfbp1b, ghr1 and ctsl) and stress (plasma cortisol) were measured using targeted approaches. Results No differences in Gill Na+, K + –ATPase activity and plasma cortisol were detected between the two groups. However, a significant downregulation in plasma IGF-I and liver igf1 transcription pointed at this growth factor as an important pathomechanism for GS. Changes in the liver proteome revealed reactive-oxygen-species-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress as a key mechanism underlying the GS phenotype. From the lipidomic analysis, key observations include a reduction in triacylglycerols and elevated amounts of cardiolipins, a characteristic lipid class associated with oxidative stress, in GS phenotype. Conclusion While the triggers to the activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress are still unknown, data from this study point towards a nutritional deficiency as an underlying driver of this phenotype

    Circulating insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in fish : their identities and physiological regulation

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    Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) play crucial roles in regulating the availability of IGFs to receptors and prolong the half-lives of IGFs. There are six IGFBPs present in the mammalian circulation with IGFBP-3 being most abundant. In mammals IGFBP-3 is the major carrier of circulating IGFs, facilitated by forming a ternary complex with IGF and an acid-labile subunit (ALS). IGFBP-1 is generally inhibitory to IGF action by preventing it from interacting with its receptors. In teleosts, the third-round of vertebrate whole genome duplication created paralogs of each IGFBP, except IGFBP-4. In the fish circulation, three major IGFBPs are typically detected at molecular ranges of 20–25, 28–32 and 40–50 kDa. However, their identities are not well established. Three major circulating IGFBPs in Chinook salmon have been identified through protein purification and cDNA cloning. Salmon 28- and 22-kDa IGFBPs are co-orthologs of IGFBP-1, termed IGFBP-1a and -1b, respectively. They are induced under catabolic conditions such as stress and fasting but their responses are somewhat different, with IGFBP-1b being the most sensitive of the two. Cortisol stimulates production and secretion of these IGFBP-1 subtypes while, unlike in mammals, insulin may not be a primary suppressor. Salmon 41-kDa IGFBP, a major carrier of IGF-I, is not IGFBP-3, as might be expected extrapolating from mammals, but is in fact IGFBP-2b. Salmon IGFBP-2b levels in plasma are high when fish are fed, and GH treatment increases its circulating levels similar to mammalian IGFBP-3. These findings suggest that salmon IGFBP-2b acquired the role and regulation similar to mammalian IGFBP-3. Multiple replications of fish IGFBPs offer a unique opportunity to investigate molecular evolution of IGFBPs

    Response of the salmon somatotropic axis to growth hormone administration under two different salinities

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    We compared the response of plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) to growth hormone (GH) administration under two different salinities to test the hypothesis that environmental salinity alters the "activity" of the GH-IGF-I axis. In July, postsmolt coho salmon reared in fresh water (FW) were transferred to either FW or half seawater (1/2 SW) (15 ppt) tank. During the experiment, water temperature was maintained at 10℃ for both salinities; photoperiod was adjusted to that of Seattle (48°N), and fish were not fed. Two days after transfer, fish were injected once with porcine GH (pGH) at a dose of 2 or 8 μg/g body weight. Liver and blood samples were collected 1, 2 and 3 days after injection. Liver GH receptor (GHR) mRNA expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, and plasma IGF-I, 41-kDa IGF-binding protein (main carrier of IGF-I) and pGH were quantified by radioimmunoassays. Transfer to 1/2 SW resulted in transient increases in basal levels of liver GHR mRNA and 41 kDa IGF-binding protein (IGFBP) but not IGF-I. The GH-injection increased liver GHR mRNA, plasma IGF-I and 41-kDa IGFBP in fish in both FW and 1/2 SW. However, the time course and magnitude of the response differed between salinities. Fish in FW receiving 8 μg/g pGH had the highest IGF-I levels (63.7 ± 6.8 ng/ml) one day after injection, whereas fish in 1/2 SW showed a peak (88.8 ± 14.3 ng/ml) two days after injection of the same dose. It is speculated that the prolonged response to GH by fish in 1/2 SW may be due to slower disappearance of pGH from the circulation in fish in 1/2 SW. The transient increase in basal liver GHR mRNA may also contribute to a greater response for fish in 1/2 SW. These results suggest that salinity is capable of altering the "activity" of the GH-IGF-I axis in salmon