1,414 research outputs found

    SIRT1 and SIRT3 deacetylate homologous substrates: AceCS1,2 and HMGCS1,2.

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    SIRT1 and SIRT3 are NAD+-dependent protein deacetylases that are evolutionarily conserved across mammals. These proteins are located in the cytoplasm/nucleus and mitochondria, respectively. Previous reports demonstrated that human SIRT1 deacetylates Acetyl-CoA Synthase 1 (AceCS1) in the cytoplasm, whereas SIRT3 deacetylates the homologous Acetyl-CoA Synthase 2 (AceCS2) in the mitochondria. We recently showed that 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase 2 (HMGCS2) is deacetylated by SIRT3 in mitochondria, and we demonstrate here that SIRT1 deacetylates the homologous 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase 1 (HMGCS1) in the cytoplasm. This novel pattern of substrate homology between cytoplasmic SIRT1 and mitochondrial SIRT3 suggests that considering evolutionary relationships between the sirtuins and their substrates may help to identify and understand the functions and interactions of this gene family. In this perspective, we take a first step by characterizing the evolutionary history of the sirtuins and these substrate families

    Superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition in a single Josephson junction

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    The superconductor-to-insulator quantum phase transition in resistively shunted Josephson junctions is investigated by means of path-integral Monte Carlo simulations. This numerical technique allows us to directly access the (previously unexplored) regime of the Josephson-to-charging energy ratios E_J/E_C of order one. Our results unambiguously support an earlier theoretical conjecture, based on renormalization-group calculations, that at T -> 0 the dissipative phase transition occurs at a universal value of the shunt resistance R_S = h/4e^2 for all values E_J/E_C. On the other hand, finite-temperature effects are shown to turn this phase transition into a crossover, which position depends significantly on E_J/E_C, as well as on the dissipation strength and on temperature. The latter effect needs to be taken into account in order to reconcile earlier theoretical predictions with recent experimental results.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Investigation of Dynamics of Self-Similarly Evolving Magnetic Clouds

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    Magnetic clouds (MCs) are "magnetized plasma clouds" moving in the solar wind. MCs transport magnetic flux and helicity away from the Sun. These structures are not stationary but feature temporal evolution. Commonly, simplified MC models are considered. The goal of the present study is to investigate the dynamics of more general, radially expanding MCs. They are considered as cylindrically symmetric magnetic structures with low plasma {\beta}. In order to study MC`evolution the self-similar approach method and a numerical approach are used. It is shown that the forces are balanced in the considered self-similarly evolving, cylindrically symmetric magnetic structures. Explicit analytical expressions for magnetic field, plasma velocity, density and pressure within MCs are derived. These solutions are characterized by conserved values of magnetic flux and helicity. We also investigate the dynamics of self-similarly evolving MCs by means of the numerical code "Graale". In addition, their expansion in a medium with higher density and higher plasma {\beta} is studied. It is shown that the physical parameters of the MCs maintain their self-similar character throughout their evolution. Conclusions. A comparison of the different self-similar and numerical solutions allows us to conclude that the evolving MCs are quite adequately described by our self-similar solutions - they retain their self-similar, coherent nature for quite a long time and over large distances from the Sun

    Coulomb Blockade and Coherent Single-Cooper-Pair Tunneling in Single Josephson Junctions

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    We have measured the current-voltage characteristics of small-capacitance single Josephson junctions at low temperatures (T < 0.04 K), where the strength of the coupling between the single junction and the electromagnetic environment was controlled with one-dimensional arrays of dc SQUIDs. We have clearly observed Coulomb blockade of Cooper-pair tunneling and even a region of negative differential resistance, when the zero-bias resistance of the SQUID arrays is much higher than the quantum resistance h/e^2 = 26 kohm. The negative differential resistance is evidence of coherent single-Cooper-pair tunneling in the single Josephson junction.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages with 6 embedded figure

    Dynamics of solar wind protons reflected by the Moon

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    Solar system bodies that lack a significant atmosphere and significant internal magnetic fields, such as the Moon and asteroids, have been considered as passive absorbers of the solar wind. However, ion observations near the Moon by the SELENE spacecraft show that a fraction of the impacting solar wind protons are reflected by the surface of the Moon. Using new observations of the velocity spectrum of these reflected protons by the SARA experiment on-board the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft at the Moon, we show by modeling that the reflection of solar wind protons will affect the global plasma environment. These global perturbations of the ion fluxes and the magnetic fields will depend on microscopic properties of the object's reflecting surface. This solar wind reflection process could explain past ion observations at the Moon, and the process should occur universally at all atmosphereless non-magnetized objects.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Burning questions in burnout research

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    Despite the fact that burnout has been around for almost half a century, various topics are still hotly debated. Although over one million publications appeared on the subject, scholars still do not agree about many issues. This chapter discusses these issues and attempts to take stock by answering six burning questions: (1) What is the nature of burnout?; (2) Is burnout also a medical diagnosis?; (3) How can burnout be assessed?; (4) Is there a burnout pandemic?; (5) Is burnout rooted in the person and the body?; and (6) Are burnout interventions successful? Not surprisingly, these questions can only be answered preliminary. However, directions for future research are proposed to overcome the paradox between the countless number of burnout publications on the one hand and the piecemeal and incomplete knowledge on the other. Overall, the chapter contributes to the ongoing debate on the nature of burnout by placing it on an empirical footing

    Quantum Effects in Small-Capacitance Single Josephson Junctions

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    We have measured the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of small-capacitance single Josephson junctions at low temperatures (T=0.02-0.6 K), where the strength of the coupling between the single junction and the electromagnetic environment was controlled with one-dimensional arrays of dc SQUIDs. The single-junction I-V curve is sensitive to the impedance of the environment, which can be tuned IN SITU. We have observed Coulomb blockade of Cooper-pair tunneling and even a region of negative differential resistance, when the zero-bias resistance R_0' of the SQUID arrays is much higher than the quantum resistance R_K = h/e^2 = 26 kohm. The negative differential resistance is evidence of coherent single-Cooper-pair tunneling within the theory of current-biased single Josephson junctions. Based on the theory, we have calculated the I-V curves numerically in order to compare with the experimental ones at R_0' >> R_K. The numerical calculation agrees with the experiments qualitatively. We also discuss the R_0' dependence of the single-Josephson-junction I-V curve in terms of the superconductor-insulator transition driven by changing the coupling to the environment.Comment: 11 pages with 14 embedded figures, RevTeX4, final versio

    Expansion of magnetic clouds in the outer heliosphere

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    A large amount of magnetized plasma is frequently ejected from the Sun as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Some of these ejections are detected in the solar wind as magnetic clouds (MCs) that have flux rope signatures. Magnetic clouds are structures that typically expand in the inner heliosphere. We derive the expansion properties of MCs in the outer heliosphere from one to five astronomical units to compare them with those in the inner heliosphere. We analyze MCs observed by the Ulysses spacecraft using insitu magnetic field and plasma measurements. The MC boundaries are defined in the MC frame after defining the MC axis with a minimum variance method applied only to the flux rope structure. As in the inner heliosphere, a large fraction of the velocity profile within MCs is close to a linear function of time. This is indicative of} a self-similar expansion and a MC size that locally follows a power-law of the solar distance with an exponent called zeta. We derive the value of zeta from the insitu velocity data. We analyze separately the non-perturbed MCs (cases showing a linear velocity profile almost for the full event), and perturbed MCs (cases showing a strongly distorted velocity profile). We find that non-perturbed MCs expand with a similar non-dimensional expansion rate (zeta=1.05+-0.34), i.e. slightly faster than at the solar distance and in the inner heliosphere (zeta=0.91+-0.23). The subset of perturbed MCs expands, as in the inner heliosphere, at a significantly lower rate and with a larger dispersion (zeta=0.28+-0.52) as expected from the temporal evolution found in numerical simulations. This local measure of the expansion also agrees with the distribution with distance of MC size,mean magnetic field, and plasma parameters. The MCs interacting with a strong field region, e.g. another MC, have the most variable expansion rate (ranging from compression to over-expansion)

    The change of plasma C-reactive protein and metabolite concentrations, and MPS sick degree score in Landrase selected for resistance to MPS, Large Yorkshire selected for immune performances and the crossbreed

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    Swine Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniea, hp, is known as a major factor to affect for the specific pneumonia (MPS). This damages is very serious because carrier rate of hp in piglets from 3 to 4 months of age is very high, the rate of piglets that the response of antibody to hp shows positive is 80 % over, and the rate that has very terrible tissue from MPS is 51% in Japanese pig farm. We bred a resistant strain to MPS by selection to decrease MPS pathogenic condition over 5 generations using Landrase (MPS strain), and a high immune performance strain by selection for peripheral phagocytosis, complement activity and antibody production against erysipelatous vaccine using Large Yorkshire (HI strain)