196 research outputs found

    Relativistic Hamiltonians in many-body theories

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    We discuss the description of a many-body nuclear system using Hamiltonians that contain the nucleon relativistic kinetic energy and potentials with relativistic corrections. Through the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, the field theoretical problem of interacting nucleons and mesons is mapped to an equivalent one in terms of relativistic potentials, which are then expanded at some order in 1/m_N. The formalism is applied to the Hartree problem in nuclear matter, showing how the results of the relativistic mean field theory can be recovered over a wide range of densities.Comment: 14 pages, uses REVTeX and epsfig, 3 postscript figures; a postscript version of the paper is available by anonymous ftp at ftp://carmen.to.infn.it/pub/depace/papers/951

    Analysis of exchange terms in a projected ERPA Theory applied to the quasi-elastic (e,e') reaction

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    A systematic study of the influence of exchange terms in the longitudinal and transverse nuclear response to quasi-elastic (e,e') reactions is presented. The study is performed within the framework of the extended random phase approximation (ERPA), which in conjuction with a projection method permits a separation of various contributions tied to different physical processes. The calculations are performed in nuclear matter up to second order in the residual interaction for which we take a (pi+rho)-model with the addition of the Landau-Migdal g'-parameter. Exchange terms are found to be important only for the RPA-type contributions around the quasielastic peak.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figs (3 in postscript, 3 faxed on request), epsf.st

    Level spacing distribution of pseudointegrable billiard

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    In this paper, we examine the level spacing distribution P(S)P(S) of the rectangular billiard with a single point-like scatterer, which is known as pseudointegrable. It is shown that the observed P(S)P(S) is a new type, which is quite different from the previous conclusion. Even in the strong coupling limit, the Poisson-like behavior rather than Wigner-like is seen for S>1S>1, although the level repulsion still remains in the small SS region. The difference from the previous works is analyzed in detail.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX file, 3 PostScript Figure

    Distorted wave impulse approximation analysis for spin observables in nucleon quasi-elastic scattering and enhancement of the spin-longitudinal response

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    We present a formalism of distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA) for analyzing spin observables in nucleon inelastic and charge exchange reactions leading to the continuum. It utilizes response functions calculated by the continuum random phase approximation (RPA), which include the effective mass, the spreading widths and the \Delta degrees of freedom. The Fermi motion is treated by the optimal factorization, and the non-locality of the nucleon-nucleon t-matrix by an averaged reaction plane approximation. By using the formalism we calculated the spin-longitudinal and the spin-transverse cross sections, ID_q and ID_p, of 12C, 40Ca (\vec{p},\vec{n}) at 494 and 346 MeV. The calculation reasonably reproduced the observed ID_q, which is consistent with the predicted enhancement of the spin-longitudinal response function R_L. However, the observed ID_p is much larger than the calculated one, which was consistent with neither the predicted quenching nor the spin-transverse response function R_T obtained by the (e,e') scattering. The Landau-Migdal parameter g'_N\Delta for the N\Delta transition interaction and the effective mass at the nuclear center m^*(r=0) are treated as adjustable parameters. The present analysis indicates that the smaller g'_{N\Delta}(\approx 0.3) and m^*(0) \approx 0.7 m are preferable. We also investigate the validity of the plane wave impulse approximation (PWIA) with the effective nucleon number approximation for the absorption, by means of which R_L and R_T have conventionally been extracted.Comment: RevTex 3, 29 pages, 2 tables, 8 figure

    Elementary derivation of Spitzer's asymptotic law for Brownian windings and some of its physical applications

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    A simple derivation of Spitzer'z asymptotic law for Brownian windings [Trans.Am.Math.Soc.87,187 (1958)]is presented along with its generalizations >.These include the cases of planar Brownian walks interacting with a single puncture and Brownian walks on a single truncated cone with variable conical angle interacting with the truncated conical tip.Such situations are typical in the theories of quantum Hall effect and 2+1 quantum gravity, respectively .They also have some applications in polymer physic

    Inducible Overexpression of sFlt-1 in Podocytes Ameliorates Glomerulopathy in Diabetic Mice

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    OBJECTIVE—Podocyte-specific, doxycycline (DOX)-inducible overexpression of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-1 (sFlt-1) in adult mice was used to investigate the role of the VEGF-A/VEGF receptor (VEGFR) system in diabetic glomerulopathy

    Plasma MicroRNA Profiles in Rat Models of Hepatocellular Injury, Cholestasis, and Steatosis

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules that function to modulate the expression of target genes, playing important roles in a wide range of physiological and pathological processes. The miRNAs in body fluids have received considerable attention as potential biomarkers of various diseases. In this study, we compared the changes of the plasma miRNA expressions by acute liver injury (hepatocellular injury or cholestasis) and chronic liver injury (steatosis, steatohepatitis and fibrosis) using rat models made by the administration of chemicals or special diets. Using miRNA array analysis, we found that the levels of a large number of miRNAs (121–317 miRNAs) were increased over 2-fold and the levels of a small number of miRNAs (6–35 miRNAs) were decreased below 0.5-fold in all models except in a model of cholestasis caused by bile duct ligation. Interestingly, the expression profiles were different between the models, and the hierarchical clustering analysis discriminated between the acute and chronic liver injuries. In addition, miRNAs whose expressions were typically changed in each type of liver injury could be specified. It is notable that, in acute liver injury models, the plasma level of miR-122, the most abundant miRNA in the liver, was more quickly and dramatically increased than the plasma aminotransferase level, reflecting the extent of hepatocellular injury. This study demonstrated that the plasma miRNA profiles could reflect the types of liver injury (e.g. acute/chronic liver injury or hepatocellular injury/cholestasis/steatosis/steatohepatitis/fibrosis) and identified the miRNAs that could be specific and sensitive biomarkers of liver injury

    Differential inflammatory microRNA and cytokine expression in pulmonary sarcoidosis

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    Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disease of unknown etiology. The disease has an important inflammatory and immune component; however, its immunopathogenesis is not completely understood. Recently, the role of microRNAs (miRNAs), the small non-coding RNAs, has attracted attention as both being involved in pathogenesis and serving as disease markers. Accordingly, changes in the expression of some miRNAs have been also associated with different autoimmune pathologies. However, not much is known about the role of miRNAs in sarcoidosis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the level of expression of selected miRNAs in healthy individuals and patients with sarcoidosis. We detected significantly increased level of miR-34a in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from sarcoidosis patients. Moreover, significantly up-regulated levels of interferon (IFN)-γ, IFN-γ inducible protein (IP-10) and vascular endothelial growth factor were detected in sera of patients when compared to healthy subjects. Our results add to a known inflammatory component in sarcoidosis. Changes in the levels of miR-34a may suggest its involvement in the pathology of this disease

    IL-12p35 induces expansion of IL-10 and IL-35-expressing regulatory B cells and ameliorates autoimmune disease

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    We thank Dr. Haohua Qian and Yichao Li (Visual function core, NEI, NIH) for technical assistance with OCT; Phyllis Silver (NEI, NIH) for EAU scoring of the eyes; Rashid Mahdi. M.J.M. for technical assistance with western blot analyses and Rafael Villasmil (NEI FLOW Cytometry Core facility) for assistance with FACS analysis.Peer reviewedPublisher PD