25 research outputs found

    An EOQ model with stock dependent demand and imperfect quality items

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    This paper deals with an economic order quantity model where demand is stock dependent. Items received are not of perfect quality and each lot received contains percentage defective imperfect quality items, which follow a probability distribution. Two cases are considered. 1) Imperfect quality items are held in stock and sold in a single batch after a 100 percent screening process. 2) A hundred percent screening process is performed but the imperfect quality items are sold as soon as they are detected. Approximate optimal solutions are derived in both cases. A numerical example is provided in order to illustrate the development of the model. Sensitivity analysis is also presented, indicating the effects of percentage imperfect quality items on the optimal order quantity and total profit

    On the Twisted N=2N=2 Superconformal Structure in 2d2d Gravity Coupled to Matter

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    It is shown that the two dimensional gravity, described either in the conformal gauge (the Liouville theory) or in the light cone gauge, when coupled to matter possesses an infinite number of twisted N=2N=2 superconformal symmetries. The central charges of the N=2N=2 algebra for the two gauge choices are in general different. Further, it is argued that the physical states in the light cone gauge theory can be obtained from the Liouville theory by a field redefinition.Comment: Plain Tex, 13 pages, IC/93/81, UG-3/9

    Optimal replenishment and sales team initiatives for pharmaceutical products – A mathematical model

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    AbstractThe paper addresses an inventory model of pharmaceutical products where the demand rate of the customers increases with the volume of the initiatives of the sales team. In this model, the deterioration of the product varies depending on on-hand inventory. The volume of sales team initiatives is a control variable. It is dependent on on-hand inventory and vice versa. The profit function of the farm is formulated by the trading of inventory costs, purchasing costs, losses due to deterioration and sales team initiative costs, considering inflation and the time value of the monetary cost and profit parameters. Finally, the profit function is maximized by a variation of the calculus method. A numerical example is given to justify our model

    On N=1 Superconformal Algebra in the Non-Critical Bosonic String Theory

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    In a recent work it has been shown that the bosonic strings could be embedded into a special class of N=1N=1 fermionic strings. We argue that the superpartners of any physical state in the spectrum of this fermionic string is non-physical. So, there is no supersymmetry in the space of physical states and the embedding is, in this sense, ``trivial''. We here propose two different constructions as possible candidates of non-trivial embeddings of the non-critical bosonic strings into some special class of N=1N=1 fermionic strings of which one is the non-critical NSR string. The BRST charge of the N=1N=1 fermionic strings in both cases decompose as QN=1=QB+Q~Q_{N=1} = Q_B + {\tilde Q}, where QBQ_B is the BRST charge of the bosonic string.Comment: 12 pages, Plain tex, UG-2/9

    Observations on the Topological Structure in 2d Gravity Coupled to Minimal Matter

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    By using a bosonization we uncover the topological gravity structure of Labastida, Pernici and Witten in ordinary 2d2d gravity coupled to (p,q)(p,q) minimal models. We study the cohomology class associated with the fermionic charge of the topological gravity which is shown to be isomorphic to that of the total BRSTBRST charge. One of the ground ring generators of cM<1c_M <1 string theory is found to be in the equivariant cohomology of this fermionic charge.Comment: 13 pages, plain tex, UG-5/94 Some clarifying statements and two new references adde

    cM<1c_M<1 String Theory as a Constrained Topological Sigma Model

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    It has been argued by Ishikawa and Kato that by making use of a specific bosonization, cM=1c_M=1 string theory can be regarded as a constrained topological sigma model. We generalize their construction for any (p,q)(p,q) minimal model coupled to two dimensional (2d) gravity and show that the energy--momentum tensor and the topological charge of a constrained topological sigma model can be mapped to the energy--momentum tensor and the BRST charge of cM<1c_M<1 string theory at zero cosmological constant. We systematically study the physical state spectrum of this topological sigma model and recover the spectrum in the absolute cohomology of cM<1c_M<1 string theory. This procedure provides us a manifestly topological representation of the continuum Liouville formulation of cM<1c_M<1 string theory.Comment: 12 pages, Latex file, UG-9/9

    Remarks on the Additional Symmetries and W-Constraints in the Generalized KdV Hierarchy

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    Additional symmetries of the pp-reduced KP hierarchy are generated by the Lax operator LL and another operator MM, satisfying res(MnLm+n/p)res (M^n L^{m+n/p}) = 0 for 1np11 \leq n \leq p-1 and m1m \geq -1 with the condition that Ltkp{\partial L \over {\partial t_{kp}}} = 0, kk = 1, 2,..... We show explicitly that the generators of these additional symmetries satisfy a closed and consistent W-algebra only when we impose the extra condition that Mtkp=0{\partial M \over {\partial t_{kp}}} = 0.Comment: 10 pages, Plain Te

    BRST Cohomology Ring in c^M<1{\hat c_M}<1 NSR String Theory

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    The full cohomology ring of the Lian-Zuckerman type operators (states) in c^M<1{\hat c_M}<1 Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond (NSR) string theory is argued to be generated by three elements xx, yy and ww in analogy with the corresponding results in the bosonic case. The ground ring generators xx and yy are non-invertible and belong to the Ramond sector whereas the higher ghost number operators are generated by an invertible element ww with ghost number one less than that of the ground ring generators and belongs to either Neveu-Schwarz (NS) or Ramond (R) sector depending on whether we consider (even, even) or (odd, odd) series coupled to 2d2d supergravity. We explicitly construct these operators (states) and illustrate our result with an example of pure Liouville supergravity.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, no figure

    Proper acceleration, geometric tachyon and dynamics of a fundamental string near Dpp branes

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    We present a detailed analysis of our recent observation that the origin of the geometric tachyon, which arises when a Dpp-brane propagates in the vicinity of a stack of coincident NS5-branes, is due to the proper acceleration generated by the background dilaton field. We show that when a fundamental string (F-string), described by the Nambu-Goto action, is moving in the background of a stack of coincident Dpp-branes, the geometric tachyon mode can also appear since the overall conformal mode of the induced metric for the string can act as a source for proper acceleration. We also studied the detailed dynamics of the F-string as well as the instability by mapping the Nambu-Goto action of the F-string to the tachyon effective action of the non-BPS D-string. We qualitatively argue that the condensation of the geometric tachyon is responsible for the (F,Dpp) bound state formation.Comment: 26 pages, v2: added references, v3: one ref. updated, to appear in Class. and Quant. Gravit