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    Електронне урядування та ІКТ як інструменти протидії корупції у контексті світового тренду прозорості публічної служби

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    The article provides a detailed analysis of the problem of implementing the concept of e-government and using ICT instruments of corruption prevention. That issue is considered in the context of the global trend of ensuring transparency of public service. Prospects for the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as cost-effective and convenient tools of ensuring openness and transparency of the public service system and also the corruption reducing have been studied. Transparency of action within the public service and public administration system, public initiative and public rejection of corruption are seen as prerequisites for building participatory democracy, restoring the public trust in government and, consequently, preventing corruption through sound management decisions, ensuring high accuracy and openness of official information for the public. It has been identified that the Internet and ICT have significantly reduced the cost of collecting, disseminating and accessing information, which has been a significant step towards eradicating corruption at the grassroots level. As a result of these tools using, the last decade has demonstrated the rapid development of the concept of e-government to ensure maximum access to information with the transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures. The focus is put on the studying of the innovative component of anti-corruption public management, which means the modernisation of ways of the providing the information to citizens, on the one hand, and strengthen the ability of citizens to resist corruption, on the other. Such a component, in particular, is ICT and digitalising of public services, which remains the main focus of the paper. It is concluded that the intensifying of the usage of digital technologies in public administration and public service aims, in addition to overcoming corruption, is aiming the increasing of the level of transparency and fairness in decision-making, disintermediation and increasing budget expenditures efficiency.В статье осуществлен развернутый анализ проблемы реализации концепции электронного правительства и использования инструментов ИКТ для противодействия коррупции. Этот вопрос рассматривается в контексте мирового тренда обеспечения прозрачности публичной службы. Исследованы перспективы использования информационных и коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) как экономически эффективных и удобных средств обеспечения открытости и прозрачности системы публичной службы и уменьшения коррупции. Прозрачность действий в рамках системы публичной службы и публичного управления, общественная инициатива и общественное неприятие коррупции рассматриваются как необходимые условия для построения демократии участия, восстановление доверия к правительству и, соответственно, предотвращения коррупции путем обоснованного принятия управленческих решений, обеспечения высокой точности государственной информации и ее открытости для общественности. Определено, что Интернет и ИКТ существенно снизили затраты на сбор, распространение и доступ к публичной информации, что стало важным шагом на пути искоренения коррупции на уровне ее возникновения. В результате использования этих инструментов, последнее десятилетие знаменовало стремительное развитие концепции электронного правительства для обеспечения максимального доступа к информации и обеспечения прозрачности, подотчетности и принятия мер по предотвращению коррупции. Внимание сфокусировано на исследовании инновационного компонента публичного управления процессами противодействия коррупции, который заключается в модернизации способов предоставления информации гражданам государственными служащими, с одной стороны, и усилении способности граждан противостоять коррупции, с другой стороны. Таким компонентом, в частности, все активнее становятся ИКТ и диджитализация публичных услуг, на чем сфокусировано внимание автора. Подведен итог, что активизация использования цифровых технологий в публичном управлении и на публичной службе ставит своей целью, помимо преодоления коррупции, повышение уровня прозрачности и справедливости в принятии решений, дезинтермедиацию и повышение эффективности и оптимизации бюджетных расходов.У статті здійснено розгорнутий аналіз проблеми реалізації концепції електронного урядування та використання інструментів ІКТ для протидії корупції. Це питання розглядається в контексті світового тренду забезпечення прозорості публічної служби, що лежить в основі філософії «належного управління». Досліджено перспективи використання інформаційних та комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ) як економічно ефективних та зручних засобів забезпечення відкритості та прозорості системи публічної служби й зменшення корупції. Прозорість дій в межах системи публічної служби та публічного управління, громадська ініціатива та суспільне несприйняття корупції розглядаються як необхідна умова для побудови демократії участі, відновлення довіри громадян до уряду та, відповідно, запобігання корупції через обґрунтоване прийняття управлінських рішень, забезпечення високої точності державної інформації та її відкритості для громадськості. Визначено, що активізація використання Інтернету та ІКТ суттєво знизили витрати на збір, розповсюдження та забезпечення доступу до публічної інформації, що стало вагомим кроком на шляху викорінення корупції на базовому рівні. Як результат використання цих інструментів, останнє десятиліття знаменувало стрімкий розвиток концепції електронного уряду для забезпечення максимального доступу до точної інформації та гарантування прозорості, підзвітності та вжиття заходів щодо уникнення корупції. Увагу сфокусовано на дослідженні інноваційного компоненту публічного управління процесами протидії корупції, що полягає у модернізації способів надання інформації громадянам публічними службовцями з одного боку, та посиленні здатності громадян протистояти виклику корупції, з іншого. Таким компонентом, зокрема, все активніше стають ІКТ та діджиталізація публічних послуг, на що сфокусовано увагу авторів. Підсумовано, що активізація використання цифрових технологій у публічному управлінні та на публічній службі має на меті, окрім подолання корупції, підвищення рівня прозорості та справедливості у прийнятті управлінських рішень, дезінтермедіацію та підвищення ефективності й оптимізацію бюджетних витрат на розвиток сфери публічного управління

    Body modifications as a gender related cultural and social phenomenon

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    Social and cultural interaction is a very important aspect of the modern society. Body modifications are a clear sample of this kind of interaction. The process of body modifying has been started as a cultural issue many ages ago and remains current nowadays. The thesis explores modern nature of body modifications in terms of Helsinki, Finland. Body modifications are the phenomenon that has always existed in the human civilization and it should be studied properly as any developing social tendency. That research covers such aspects as motivation and inspiration for having a body modification and relation of the modern society to body modified people. The research is conducted in 2016-2018 in Helsinki. I used qualitative research method in order to analyze deeper every particular case. The base of the research is ten personal interviews conducted on the same questionnaire. The respondents have different gender, age, professional area and personal background, the only common point for them is living in Helsinki at the moment of the interview. The questionnaire consists of eight questions. The first questions explore the modifications that the respondent has: the age when the respondent got the first modification, the motivation for body modifying, the meaning and kind of current body modification. The second part of the questionnaire explores the respondent’s personal aspects. Facing criticism in the society, relationship with a family and friends, identity formation in terms of the body modifying and regret issues are in the list of questions. The interviews also divided according to gender factor. Five of the interviews are male and five are female. The gender factor has a great influence on the research. The interviews were analyzed in two groups, female and male. The results of each group were compared for the comparative analysis. The comparative analysis showed that women face criticism toward their appearance more often than men and stereotypes on the base of appearance are also more connected with femininity image. There is also a correlation between the gender and location, size or kind of a body modification that the respondents have. In terms of that research I explored so-called “the blue disease” that means addiction to the process of modifying body. According to the results, the age when the first body modification was made might have effect on following inclination to “the blue disease”. For proving of my hypothesis I used other sources in the field of tattoos and gender studies. Its overview and correlation between these studies and my research helped me to clarify the data I collected from the interviews. At its broadest, we can say that society becomes more and more tolerant to body modified people though some gender related stereotypes are still exist. Body modifications develop and change. Its historical sacral and social meaning remains in some way but nowadays body modifications are more about the perception of beauty and ways of self-expression. New kinds of body modifications such as eye balls tattoo or silicone implants appear often, so the body modification phenomenon will remain current for a long time

    Проблеми соціально-психологічної адаптації курсантів національної гвардії України до навчання

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    Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign sources, the article considers the definition of the concept of adaptation and socio-psychological adaptation. The basic levels of adaptation of cadets to the conditions of study in the military higher education are revealed: 1) partial adaptability; 2) sufficient adaptability; 3) full adaptability. The basic approaches of the Ukrainian scientists in the study of social and psychological adaptation of cadets are considered. The concept is introduced: social and psychological adaptation of the cadets of the National Guard of Ukraine is the process of acquiring them social and psychological status, mastering certain social role functions as a result of adaptation to new living conditions, new people and values. There were four stages of social and psychological adaptation of cadets: preparatory or vocational guidance (the stage of professional self-determination of entrants, related to the formation of skills to overcome the difficulties of the first period of adaptation to study); orientation (assimilation of regulatory aspects of the new social environment); adaptive (adaptation to the peculiarities and requirements of educational and service activities, to the microclimate of the training cadet group); the stage of self-esteem (self-assessment of one’s own professional choice and behavior in the group, the stage of active formation of «I-concept»). The main features of training at a higher military educational institution were revealed. Stages of social-psychological adaptation of cadets to the conditions of military service were formed. Environmental factors that negatively influence the cognitive activity of cadets were considered. The factors that influence the psychosocial sphere are revealed. Observing, we have found that the most difficult period of study at the institution is the first course. It is during the first year of study that the formation of an independent personality takes place, life values and guidelines are determined. Adaptation of the cadet to training in higher military education plays an important role in this development. It is precisely on how easily and quickly this period will pass that the mental state of the cadet depends on his success and future professional activity. The primary task of commanders, course officers, and educators is to help cadets successfully pass the mandatory adaptation period.У статті розкрито поняття «адаптація», «соціально-психологічна адаптація», «професійна адаптація». Проаналізовано основні підходи до виокремлення основних проблем соціально-психологічної адаптації. Розглянуто етапи соціально-психологічної адаптації. Описано етапи адаптації які притаманні саме курсантам. Виділено зовнішні та внутрішні фактори професійної адаптації. Перераховано складові професійної адаптації. Зроблено висновки в яких висвітлено основні проблеми, які заважають курсантам швидко адаптуватися до умов навчання

    Science in times of crisis: How does the war affect the efficiency of Ukrainian scientists?

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    This study aims to assess how to prevent the loss of academic potential due to the full-scale war unleashed by Russia on the territory of Ukraine. The paper establishes the relationship between the location of Ukrainian researchers and their ability to engage in scientific activity and determines the factors that decrease scientific efficiency during the war. Moreover, it identifies the influence of the scientists’ place of residence on their scientific efficiency. The sample comprises 172 lecturers from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. This university was chosen because it was located in the temporarily occupied territory at the beginning of the war and later was relocated to another city. 40.8% of respondents who left the temporarily occupied territory for the Ukraine-controlled territories noted a decrease in the effectiveness of their scientific activities. Furthermore, 33.8% could not think about science at all. The most challenging situation is for those who went abroad: 55.6% show decreased scientific activity, and 27.7% note its complete absence. The most significant reasons that prevent scientific activity are financial instability, lack of access to equipment, loss of relevance of previously started research, inability to concentrate on science, poor quality or lack of Internet, and adaptation to a new residence.--//-- This is an open access article Yana Suchikova, Natalia Tsybuliak, Hanna Lopatina, Liudmyla Shevchenko and Anatoli I. Popov (2023). Science in times of crisis: How does the war affect the efficiency of Ukrainian scientists?. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 21(1), 408-424. doi:10.21511/ppm.21(1).2023.35 published under the CC BY 4.0 licence.The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Centre of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016- 2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Tree diversity patterns along the latitudinal gradient in the northwestern Russia

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    Background One of the key forest characteristics is the biodiversity, particularly the diversity of trees which are forest ecosystem engineers. Nowadays the most worldwide common approach for assessment of forest conditions and dynamics is based on the systematic monitoring, performed at a set of regularly structured plots. To fulfill the existing gap in this sort of knowledge on the Russian forests, an extensive study of tree species diversity on a regular network was conducted in north-west of Russia. Methods The study used the ICP Forests monitoring network that spans over 1700 km along the western Russian border from forest-tundra in the north to broadleaved-coniferous forests in the south. Tree data were collected at 710 sites that were assigned along a regular grid. We performed series of statistical analyses of the tree species distribution and diversity in relation to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Results According to the Maxent species distribution modelling results only Pinus sylvestris, Betula sp. and Picea abies have the potential to grow throughout the study area. The locally maximum tree species diversity varies along the latitudinal gradient from 1 to 3 species in the north to 5–7 species in the south. Monocultural stands are relatively abundant across the study area, being especially common in the south taiga. The prevailing part of the monocultural stands is represented by Scots pine (72%). The age distribution of dominant trees has a clear connection with the intensity of forest use. We found that recent wildfire events had only little effect on tree diversity in the study area. Conclusions We demonstrated that ICP Forests monitoring network enables to successfully establish the main qualitative and quantitative relations of the spatial variation of tree species diversity to climatic, landscape, soil and anthropogenic factors. Analysis of the influence of these factors on tree species distribution allowed us to conclude that with the continuing trend of reducing the frequency and intensity of fires, Norway spruce will further replace Scots pine and Betula sp. in the north-western Russia. Extending the monitoring network, especially adding the time-series context, could provide novel appealing opportunities for forest dynamics projection and sustainable management.Peer reviewe


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    Abstract. Method of forecasting thermodynamic properties of melts from the liquidus coordinates ofphase diagram in the area of equilibrium of a solid component with a solution is presented. Gibbs mixingenergies in the binary boundary MgO – Al2O3, MgO – SiO2, MgO – CaF2, Al2O3 – SiO2, Al2O3 – CaF2,SiO2 – CaF2 systems are calculated by this method.Keywords: a activity, coordinates of liquidus, the diagrams of the state, the double and triple systems, theequalization of Hauffe-Wagner, the melts, the partial molar energy of Gibbs, the thermodynamics properties

    The organization of the rating system for assessing the quality of university students training

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    In spite the universities use the rating system of assessing for a quite long time, this issue is still not fully considered. The article is based on the position of insufficient state of knowledge of the multifunctionality of the students rating. The rating helps to reveal the potential of students. It is mentioned that the rating system of assessment is a tool that will improve the quality of training and provide the required level of motivation. During the research, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. As a result, the principles of the rating assessment system were revealed, a definition of the term "Rating" was given, its goals were indicated. As an example of the organization of the rating system of assessment, the Nyzhnii Novhorod State Pedagogical University and its "Regulations on the rating system for assessing the quality of student training" were used. It is noted that the rating includes: current check, midterm and final examinations. Further, all possible conditions under which the student receives points were identified and considered. On the example of the NSPU named after Kozma Minin transferring of the rating points into a five-point grading rating system is presented. Also, the types of violations for which points are discarded, are considered. As the study showed, comprehensive planned system yields productive results for students and the university.peer-reviewe

    Logistics approaches to stabilization and development of tourism activities during the pandemic

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    The relevance of the problem under study is stipulated by the need to stabilize the market for tourist services in existing restrictions caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The purpose of the research: The purpose of the article is to develop integrated measures for the formation of transport and logistics clusters to increase the synergetic effect of the proposed activities aimed at raising the mobility level of potential consumers of tourist services. Methods of the research: The main research methods include predicting and simulating; they make it possible to consider the problem of forming the package of tourist and transport services as a process of targeted monitoring and optimization of tourist routs. Results of the research: The article presents the concept of creation of the network of transport and tourist clusters in Poland and its functioning; large rail carriers are the core of the clusters. Practical significance: The proposed models for the formation of a package of tourist services are aimed at increasing the synergetic effect for all cluster participants, as well as at the development of tourist activities during the pandemic

    Modeling the impact of University students research work on the results of their final certification

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    The problem of the quality of education is formulated as the central problem of the educational process of the higher education institution. It is emphasized that the final certification is an integral indicator that takes into account all the knowledge and skills acquired during the period of study in various disciplines and other "activities", one of which research work of students (NIRS) is. The task of predicting the influence of students' research activities on the results of their final certification is formulated. Methods of linear multifactor regression and artificial neural networks as a possible mathematical toolkit for predicting are described. It is shown that the best predicting result is provided by the method of artificial neural networks with a perceptron architecture with 8 input factors and two hidden layers with 5 neurons in each. It is indicated that the proposed approach to predicting can be applied when planning the department’s activities, for example, when correcting the curriculum of specialties, syllabuses of scientific disciplines, while adjusting the department’s management strategy regarding the interaction of students with academic supervisors

    Methods of the Objects Identification and Recognition Research in the Networks with the IoT Concept Support

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    An emergence of intelligent devices, a large number of sensors, the issue of their identification and interaction becomes relevant in the era of information technologies development. A control object, a structural diagram of an identification system, an algorithm for the correlation method of identification have been considered in the article, and a general idea of managing the process of recognizing an information network object has been given