4,966 research outputs found

    Airborne measurements of tropospheric ozone destruction and particulate bromide formation in the Arctic

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    Aircraft profiles of O3 concentrations over the Arctic ice pack in spring exhibit a depletion of O3 beneath the surface temperature inversion. One such profile from the NOAA WP-3D Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP) flights in April, 1986 north of Alert, NWT (YLT, 82.5 N) is shown. The gradient of O3 across the temperature inversion, which is essentially a step function from tropospheric values (35 to 40 ppbv) to 0, is somewhat masked by a 1-min running mean applied to the data. Evidence is presented that O3 destruction beneath the Arctic temperature inversion is the result of a photochemical reaction between gaseous Br compounds and O3 to produce particulate Br aerosol. It is noted that in springtime, O3 at the Alert Baseline Station regularly decreases from 30 to 40 ppbv to near 0 over the period of a few hours to a day. At the same time, there is a production of particulate Br with a near 1.0 anti-correlation to O3 concentration. Surface concentrations of bromoform in the Arctic exhibit a rapid decrease following polar sunrise. AGASP aircraft measurements of filterable bromine particulates in the Arctic (March-April, 1983 and 1986) are shown. The greatest concentrations of Br aerosol (shown as enrichment factors relative to to Na in seawater, EFBR (Na)) were observed in samples collected beneath the surface temperature inversion over ice. Samples collected at the same altitude over open ocean (off Spitzbergen) labeled Marine did not exhibit similar Br enrichments. A second region of particulate Br enrichment was observed in the lower stratosphere, which regularly descends to below 500 mb (5.5 km) in the high Arctic. The NOAA WP-3D flew in the stratosphere on all AGASP flights and occasionally measured O3 concentrations in excess of 300 ppbv

    Particulate release from surfaces exposed to a plasma

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    Lack of involvement of known DNA methyltransferases in familial hydatidiform mole implies the involvement of other factors in establishment of imprinting in the human female germline

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    BACKGROUND: Differential methylation of the two alleles is a hallmark of imprinted genes. Correspondingly, loss of DNA methyltransferase function results in aberrant imprinting and abnormal post-fertilization development. In the mouse, mutations of the oocyte-specific isoform of the DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1 (Dnmt1o) and of the methyltransferase-like Dnmt3L gene result in specific failures of imprint establishment or maintenance, at multiple loci. We have previously shown in humans that an analogous inherited failure to establish imprinting at multiple loci in the female germline underlies a rare phenotype of recurrent hydatidiform mole. RESULTS: We have identified a human homologue of the murine Dnmt1o and assessed its pattern of expression. Human DNMT1o mRNA is detectable in mature oocytes and early fertilized embryos but not in any somatic tissues analysed. The somatic isoform of DNMT1 mRNA, in contrast, is not detectable in human oocytes. In the previously-described family with multi-locus imprinting failure, mutation of DNMT1o and of the other known members of this gene family has been excluded. CONCLUSIONS: Mutation of the known DNMT genes does not underlie familial hydatidiform mole, at least in the family under study. This suggests that trans-acting factors other than the known methyltransferases are required for imprint establishment in humans, a concept that has indirect support from recent biochemical studies of DNMT3L

    Immediate replacement of fishing with dairying by the earliest farmers of the NE Atlantic archipelagos

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    The appearance of farming, from its inception in the Near East around 12 000 years ago, finally reached the northwestern extremes of Europe by the fourth millennium BC or shortly thereafter. Various models have been invoked to explain the Neolithization of northern Europe; however, resolving these different scenarios has proved problematic due to poor faunal preservation and the lack of specificity achievable for commonly applied proxies. Here, we present new multi-proxy evidence, which qualitatively and quantitatively maps subsistence change in the northeast Atlantic archipelagos from the Late Mesolithic into the Neolithic and beyond. A model involving significant retention of hunter–gatherer–fisher influences was tested against one of the dominant adoptions of farming using a novel suite of lipid biomarkers, including dihydroxy fatty acids, ω-(o-alkylphenyl)alkanoic acids and stable carbon isotope signatures of individual fatty acids preserved in cooking vessels. These new findings, together with archaeozoological and human skeletal collagen bulk stable carbon isotope proxies, unequivocally confirm rejection of marine resources by early farmers coinciding with the adoption of intensive dairy farming. This pattern of Neolithization contrasts markedly to that occurring contemporaneously in the Baltic, suggesting that geographically distinct ecological and cultural influences dictated the evolution of subsistence practices at this critical phase of European prehistory

    Drag reduction obtained by modifying a standard truck

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    A standard two-axle truck with a box-shaped cargo compartment was tested to determine whether significant reductions in aerodynamic drag could be obtained by modifying the front of the cargo compartment. The coastdown method was used to determine the total drag of the baseline vehicle, which had a square-cornered cargo box, and of several modified configurations. Test velocities ranged from 56.3 to 94.6 kilometers per hour (35 to 60 miles per hour). At 88.5 kilometers per hour (55 miles per hour), the aerodynamic drag reductions obtained with the modified configurations ranged from 8 to 30 percent

    Learning to Read Better: Training Decoding, Comprehension and Perceptual Skills

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    The present study is a program evaluation designed to evaluate an elementary school remedial reading instructional program using Carr\u27s model (1982) of reading ability. The Learning to Read Better program evolved from Anes\u27 (1979a, 1979b, 1981) study and experience In teaching children with reading problems. The program is structured according to the components of the reading process, with time in the reading room and teaching responsibility allocated so that learning in each component occurs during every remedial session. Four key components of the reading process emphasized in this program are: visual-perceptual training, decoding, oral reading, and comprehension

    Monomer diffusion rates in photopolymer material: Part I. Low spatial frequency holographic gratings: reply

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    In [1,2] an error (by a factor of 1000) in the diffusion rate of monomer in a photopolymer material used by the authors of [3], is presented. In [3] no errors are identified in our analysis and our physical evidence is not addressed. It is implied that our model and our results are disproven by the results in the papers referenced in [3]. In fact these papers do not provide any such quantitative evidence. The observations made regarding the significance of the authors’ contributions, in particular the validity of their model and the practical importance of their material are also discussed. © 2012 Optical Society of Americ

    Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Optical Properties Over Central Illinois and Comparison with Surface and Satellite Measurements

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    Between June 2006 and September 2009, an instrumented light aircraft measured over 400 vertical profiles of aerosol and trace gas properties over eastern and central Illinois. The primary objectives of this program were to (1) measure the in situ aerosol properties and determine their vertical and temporal variability and (2) relate these aircraft measurements to concurrent surface and satellite measurements. Underflights of the CALIPSO satellite show reasonable agreement in a majority of retrieved profiles between aircraft-measured extinction at 532 nm (adjusted to ambient relative humidity) and CALIPSO-retrieved extinction, and suggest that routine aircraft profiling programs can be used to better understand and validate satellite retrieval algorithms. CALIPSO tended to overestimate the aerosol extinction at this location in some boundary layer flight segments when scattered or broken clouds were present, which could be related to problems with CALIPSO cloud screening methods. The in situ aircraft-collected aerosol data suggest extinction thresholds for the likelihood of aerosol layers being detected by the CALIOP lidar. These statistical data offer guidance as to the likelihood of CALIPSO's ability to retrieve aerosol extinction at various locations around the globe