62 research outputs found

    Natural Killer Cells and Their Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Friend or Foe?

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term disease that leads to inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. Natural killer (NK) cells are an important part of the innate immune system and are responsible for the first line of defense against pathogens during the initial immune challenge before the adaptive immune system eventually eliminates the infectious burden. NK cells have the capacity to damage normal cells or through interaction with other cells such as dendritic cells, macrophages, and T cells cause autoimmune diseases, such as RA. NK cells isolated from the joints of patients with RA suggest that they may play a role in this disease. However, the involvement of NK cells in RA pathology is not fully elucidated. Both protective and detrimental roles of NK cells in RA have recently been reported. A better understanding of NK cells' role in RA might help to develop new therapeutic strategies for treatment of the RA or other autoimmune diseases. We have decided in this paper to focus on the NK cell biology, and attempt to bring the interested readership of this Journal up to date on the NK cell, specifically its possible relation to RA

    Oman Medical Specialty Board Calcium Intervention Ameliorates Experimental Model of Multiple Sclerosis

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    Abstract Objective: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory disease of the CNS. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a widely used model for MS. In the present research, our aim was to test the therapeutic efficacy of Calcium (Ca) in an experimental model of MS. Methods: In this study the experiment was done on C57BL/6 mice. EAE was induced using 200 μg of the MOG 35-55 peptide emulsified in CFA and injected subcutaneously on day 0 over two flank areas. In addition, 250 ng of pertussis toxin was injected on days 0 and 2. In the treatment group, 30 mg/kg Ca was administered intraperitoneally four times at regular 48 hour intervals. The mice were sacrificed 21 days after EAE induction and blood samples were taken from their hearts. The brains of mice were removed for histological analysis and their isolated splenocytes were cultured. Results: Our results showed that treatment with Ca caused a significant reduction in the severity of the EAE. Histological analysis indicated that there was no plaque in brain sections of Ca treated group of mice whereas 4 ± 1 plaques were detected in brain sections of controls. The density of mononuclear infiltration in the CNS of Ca treated mice was lower than in controls. The serum level of Nitric Oxide in the treatment group was lower than in the control group but was not significant. Moreover, the levels of IFN-γ in cell culture supernatant of splenocytes in treated mice were significantly lower than in the control group. Conclusion: The data indicates that Ca intervention can effectively attenuate EAE progression

    Porous magnesium-based scaffolds for tissue engineering.

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    Significant amount of research efforts have been dedicated to the development of scaffolds for tissue engineering. Although at present most of the studies are focused on non-load bearing scaffolds, many scaffolds have also been investigated for hard tissue repair. In particular, metallic scaffolds are being studied for hard tissue engineering due to their suitable mechanical properties. Several biocompatible metallic materials such as stainless steels, cobalt alloys, titanium alloys, tantalum, nitinol and magnesium alloys have been commonly employed as implants in orthopedic and dental treatments. They are often used to replace and regenerate the damaged bones or to provide structural support for healing bone defects. Among the common metallic biomaterials, magnesium (Mg) and a number of its alloys are effective because of their mechanical properties close to those of human bone, their natural ionic content that may have important functional roles in physiological systems, and their in vivo biodegradation characteristics in body fluids. Due to such collective properties, Mg based alloys can be employed as biocompatible, bioactive, and biodegradable scaffolds for load-bearing applications. Recently, porous Mg and Mg alloys have been specially suggested as metallic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. With further optimization of the fabrication techniques, porous Mg is expected to make a promising hard substitute scaffold. The present review covers research conducted on the fabrication techniques, surface modifications, properties and biological characteristics of Mg alloys based scaffolds. Furthermore, the potential applications, challenges and future trends of such degradable metallic scaffolds are discussed in detail

    Tissue Engineering in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : From Lab to Clinics

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    Regenerative medicine aims at the functional restoration of tissue malfunction, damage or loss, and can be divided into three main approaches. Firstly, the cell-based therapies, where cells are administered to re-establish a tissue either directly or through paracrine functions. Secondly, the often referred to as classical tissue engineering, consisting of the combined use of cells and a bio-degradable scaffold to form tissue. Thirdly, there are material-based approaches, which have made significant advances which rely on biodegradable materials, often functionalized with cellular functions (De Jong et al. 2014). In 1993, Langer and Vacanti, determined tissue engineering as an “interdisciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and the life sciences toward the development of biological substitutes that restore, maintain, or improve tissue function”. They published this definition in Science in 1993. Tissue engineering has been classically thought to consist of three elements: supporting scaffold, cells and regulating factors such as growth factors (Fig. 1). Depending on the tissue to be regenerated, all three vary. Currently, it is known, that many other factors may have an effect on the outcome of the regenerate. These include factors enabling angiogenesis, physical stimulation, culture media, gene delivery and methods to deliver patient specific implants (PSI) (Fig. 2). During the past two decades, major obstacles have been tackled and tissue engineering is currently being used clinically in some applications while in others it is just taking its first baby steps.Peer reviewe

    Listeria monocytogenes infection enhances the interaction between rat non-classical MHC-Ib molecule and Ly49 receptors

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    Murine NK cell Ly49 receptors, functionally analogous to KIRs in humans recognize MHC class I molecules and play a key role in controlling NK cell function. We have previously shown that the paired activating Ly49s4 and inhibitory Ly49i4 receptors recognize undefined non-classical MHC-Ib ligands from the RT1-CE region in rats. Here, the RT1-CE16 gene of the RT1d haplotype was stably transfected into the mouse RAW macrophage cell line, termed RAW-CE16d cells. Combining RAW-CE16d cells with Ly49 expressing reporter cells demonstrated Ly49i4 and Ly49s4 specificity for CE16d. The Ly49s4/i4:CE16d interaction was confirmed by specific MHC-I blocking monoclonal Abs. Further, we used our in vitro model to study the effect of Listeria monocytogenes (LM) on CE16d after infection. LM infection and IFN-γ stimulation both led to enhanced CE16d expression on the surface of transfected RAW-CE16d cells. Interestingly, the reporter cells displayed increased response to LM-infected RAW-CE16d cells compared with IFN-γ-treated RAW-CE16d cells, suggesting a fundamental difference between these stimuli in supporting enhanced Ly49 recognition of CE16d. Collectively, our data show that Ly49s4 and Ly49i4 recognize the non-classical RT1-CE16d molecule, which in turn is up-regulated during LM infection and thereby may contribute to NK-mediated responses against infected cells

    Listeria monocytogenes infection affects a subset of Ly49-expressing NK cells in the rat.

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    NK cells are protective against certain bacterial and viral infections, and their production of IFN-γ is important for the early innate immune defence against L. monocytogenes. We have previously shown that depletion of NK cells in rats leads to increased bacterial burden upon L. monocytogenes infection, and that a subset of NK cells encompassing the majority of Ly49 receptors (Ly49s3+ NK cells) contributed to this effect. In this study, we have further investigated how the Ly49s3+ NK cell subset is affected by L. monocytogenes infection. We observed an increased percentage of Ly49s3+ NK cells in the spleen and a reduction in the bone marrow within the first 48 hrs of L. monocytogenes infection. Concomitantly, we observed increased expression levels of the inflammatory chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR3 by Ly49s3+ bone marrow NK cells, as compared to Ly49s3- NK cells, suggesting involvement of Ly49s3+ NK cells in the early phase of infection. However, NK cell production of IFN-γ was independent of Ly49 receptor expression. Furthermore, we observed increased expression levels of MHC class I molecules on both macrophages and NK cells during the first 48 hrs of infection, paralleled by a reduction in the surface expression of Ly49s3 on NK cells. In conclusion, L. monocytogenes infection modulates the tissue distribution of Ly49s3+ NK cells, and induces increased MHC class I expression and hence reduced surface expression of Ly49 receptors on NK cells. These changes indicate that L. monocytogenes infection may have multiple effects on NK cells in vivo, and suggests the involvement of Ly49-expressing NK cells in the immune responses towards L. monocytogenes