62 research outputs found


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    Existem inúmeras técnicas de compactação de arquivos, especialmente de imagens. O código de Huffman é um algoritmo de compressão de dados baseado nas probabilidades de ocorrência dos símbolos do conjunto de dados a ser compactado para determinar códigos de tamanho variável para cada símbolo

    Multifarious Transnational Engagements of Contemporary Diaspora Members: From Revolving-door Universalists to Multi-nationals and Site-Hopping Vagabonds

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    Drawing on recent studies of diaspora and its members’ transnational engagements, which treat the former as fuzzy-boundary, context-dependent groupings, and the latter as multi-faceted (rather than two-pronged) relationships, in this paper I explore the notion of diasporans’ polymorphous and multi-directional transnational commitments; identify different types of such involvements; and propose a preliminary list of macro- and micro-level circumstances contributing to multifarious transnationalism. In conclusion, I consider the implications of the notion of diaspora members’ multifarious transnational engagements for the study of (im)migrant transnationalism in general and suggest some interesting questions for future research on this phenomenon generated by this discussion

    Semi-arid zone caves:Evaporation and hydrological controls on δ<sup>18</sup>O drip water composition and implications for speleothem paleoclimate reconstructions

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    Oxygen isotope ratios in speleothems may be affected by external processes that are independent of climate, such as karst hydrology and kinetic fractionation. Consequently, there has been a shift towards characterising and understanding these processes through cave monitoring studies, particularly focussing on temperate zones where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration. Here, we investigate oxygen isotope systematics at Wellington Caves in semi-arid, SE Australia, where evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. We use a novel D2O isotopic tracer in a series of artificial irrigations, supplemented by pre-irrigation data comprised four years of drip monitoring and three years of stable isotope analysis of both drip waters and rainfall. This study reveals that: (1) evaporative processes in the unsaturated zone dominate the isotopic composition of drip waters; (2) significant soil zone ‘wetting up’ is required to overcome soil moisture deficits in order to achieve infiltration, which is highly dependent on antecedent hydro-climatic conditions; (3) lateral flow, preferential flow and sorption in the soil zone are important in redistributing subsurface zone water; (4) isotopic breakthrough curves suggest clear evidence of piston-flow at some drip sites where an older front of water discharged prior to artificial irrigation water; and (5) water residence times in a shallow vadose zone (<2 m) are highly variable and can exceed six months. Oxygen isotope speleothem records from semi-arid regions are therefore more likely to contain archives of alternating paleo-aridity and paleo-recharge, rather than paleo-rainfall e.g. the amount effect or mean annual. Speleothem-forming drip waters will be dominated by evaporative enrichment, up to ∼3‰ in the context of this study, relative to precipitation-weighted mean annual rainfall. The oxygen isotope variability of such coeval records may further be influenced by flow path and storage in the unsaturated zone that is not only drip specific but also influenced by internal cave climatic conditions, which may vary spatially in the cave

    Global variations in diabetes mellitus based on fasting glucose and haemogloblin A1c

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    Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) are both used to diagnose diabetes, but may identify different people as having diabetes. We used data from 117 population-based studies and quantified, in different world regions, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, and whether those who were previously undiagnosed and detected as having diabetes in survey screening had elevated FPG, HbA1c, or both. We developed prediction equations for estimating the probability that a person without previously diagnosed diabetes, and at a specific level of FPG, had elevated HbA1c, and vice versa. The age-standardised proportion of diabetes that was previously undiagnosed, and detected in survey screening, ranged from 30% in the high-income western region to 66% in south Asia. Among those with screen-detected diabetes with either test, the agestandardised proportion who had elevated levels of both FPG and HbA1c was 29-39% across regions; the remainder had discordant elevation of FPG or HbA1c. In most low- and middle-income regions, isolated elevated HbA1c more common than isolated elevated FPG. In these regions, the use of FPG alone may delay diabetes diagnosis and underestimate diabetes prevalence. Our prediction equations help allocate finite resources for measuring HbA1c to reduce the global gap in diabetes diagnosis and surveillance.peer-reviewe

    ¿Quién le teme a las diásporas y por qué?

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    La consideración sistemática, comprehensiva, teórica y analítica del diasporismo y las diás- poras es relativamente reciente. Sus primeros análisis sistemáticos comenzaron a producirse en la década de 1980, de modo que existen todavía lagunas significativas en su investigación y análisis así como en la formulación de un panorama general del diasporismo y las diásporas. En consecuencia, existen también dificultades en cuanto a una plena comprensión abarcadora del fenómeno. Al pasar revista a la literatura existente sobre diasporismo y diásporas, se evidencia que la comprensión de las diásporas en general, y particularmente de, por una parte, su reciente involucramiento en política, terrorismo y actividades criminales en los países receptores y, por la otra, sus contribuciones culturales, sociales, políticas y económicas a dichos países y a sus patrias de origen, está muy lejos de ser exhaustiva. Con el objeto de dar cuenta de modo más preciso sobre las particularidades del fenómeno, en este artículo se describe y analiza el fenómeno diaspórico en toda su amplitud, dejando a un lado las miradas convencionales que han obstaculizado y restringido significativamente el alcance del debate sobre el fenómeno diaspórico etno-nacional-religioso en general, y sobre las contribuciones o amenazas generadas por dichas diásporas en sus países receptores

    L'« United Jewish Appeal » ou la métamorphose du don

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    Yohanan Manor, Gabriel Sheffer : Der United Jewish Appeal oder die Verwandlung der Gabe. Der United Jewish Appeal ist eine amerikanische Organisation die zur Aufgabe hat, Geldmittel aufzutreiben zur Finanzierung der ausländischen jüdischen Gemeinde — und besonders Israels. In Wirklichkeit hat ein Teil ihrer Aufgaben nicht mehr mit den ursprünglich bekannten Zielen zu tun. So liefert sie einen Organisationsrahmen und sogar eine Rahmenstruktur für die gesamte Gemeinde ; sie tragt ausserdem zur Symbolik der jüdischen Identifizierung bei und fördert die Zusammenarbeit der verschiedenen judischen Gruppen. Heutzutage bedeutet die Gabe an die United Jewish Appeal die Legitimierung Israels durch die Diaspora einerseits, und andererseits die Anerkennung der Bedeutung Israels in der Hierarchie der vordringlichen Aufgaben der amerikanischen jüdischen Gemeinde. Diese verschiedenen Aufgaben werden jedoch in letzter Zeit von gewissen Gruppen in Frage gestellt, sowie in den Vereinigten Staaten als auch in Israel.Johanna Manor, Gabriel Sheffer: L'United Jewish Appeal или метаморфоза дара. L'U.J.A. — американская организация, специализирующаяся на объединении фондов для финансирования еврейских общин за рубежом, в основном в Израиле. Фактически некоторые из своих функций не касаются своих первоначальных целей. Она еще и поставляет организационную рамку и даже рамочную структуру всему объединению; организация поставляет кроме того символику еврейского определения и благоприятствует кооперации между различными еврейскими группами. Сегодня дар U.J.A. выражает узаконение Израиля посредством диаспоры с одной стороны, и принятие важности Израили в иерархии приоритетов американской еврейской общины с другой стороны. Однако эти различные функции в настоящее время пересматриваются некоторыми группами, как в С.Ш.А., так и в Израиле.Yohanan Manor, Gabriel Sheffer : The United Jewish Appeal or gift metamorphosed. The United Jewish Appeal is a well known American Jewish voluntary organization. It specializes in fund raising for financing Jewish communities overseas. De facto it assumes functions which do not fit its original and publicized goals. Thus, it provides an organizational framework for the whole community and especially for its 'federations'; it is responsible for the production and reproduction of leadership ; it supplies symbols for Jewish identification; and it promotes co-operation among various Jewish groups. Four major factors explain the deviation from the organization's original goals : I. A successful combination of American and Jewish cultural tenents ; II. Donating fits the pragmatic essence of Judaism ; III. Donating has become an expression of belonging to the Jewish people ; IV. It fits the emotional 'arrangements' between Israel and the diaspora. Futhermore, donating to the UJA express Israel's legitimation of the diaspora on the one hand, and the acceptance of the importance of Israel in the order of priorities of the American Jewish community on the other hand. However, now these characteristics are under heavy attacks from various quarters. They are questioned by some groups in the US as well as in Israel.Yohanan Manor et Gabriel Sheffer : L'United Jewish Appeal ou la métamorphose du don. L'United Jewish Appeal est une organisation américaine dont la spécialité est de lever des fonds pour financer les communautés juives étrangères — et principalement Israël. En fait, certaines de ses fonctions sont extérieures à ses premiers buts avoués. C'est ainsi qu'elle fournit un cadre organisationnel et même une structure d'encadrement à la communauté entière ; elle alimente en outre la symbolique de l'identification juive, et favorise la coopération entre les divers groupes juifs. Aujourd'hui, le don à 1'U.J.A. exprime la légitimation d'Israël par la diaspora, d'une part, et l'acceptation de l'importance d'Israël dans la hiérarchie des priorités de la communauté juive américaine, d'autre part. Cependant, ces diverses fonctions sont maintenant remises en question par certains groupes, aussi bien aux Etats-Unis qu'en Israël.Yohanan Manor y Gabriel Chhffer : La United Jewish Appeal о la metamorfoeis del donativo. La United Jewish Appeal es una organización americana cuya especialidad es recoger fondos para proveer a las comunidades judias forasteras y principalmente Israel. De hecho ciertas funciones actuales son exteriores a las primeras metas declaradas. Asi ofrece un cuadro organizational y hasta una estructura de organización a la comunidad entera ; además alimenta la simbólica de la identificación judía, y favorece la cooperación entre los diversos groupos judios. Hoy expresa el donativo a la U.JA. la legitimación de Israel рог la diaspora por una parte y la aceptación de la importancia de Israel en la jerarquia de las prioridades de la comunidad judía americana por otra parte. Sin embargo esas diversas funciones se hallan discutidas hoy por ciertos grupos tan bien en los Estados Unidos como en Israel.Manor Yohanan, Sheffer Gabriel. L'« United Jewish Appeal » ou la métamorphose du don. In: Revue française de sociologie, 1977, 18-1. pp. 3-24