70 research outputs found


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     antimicrobial efficacy against clinical isolates.Methods: The extract was tested at various concentrations 64, 128, 256, and 512 mg/ml for antimicrobial activity and 0.1 and 5 mg/L were preparedfor larvicidal activity. The numbers of dead larvae were counted after 24 hrs of exposure.Result: The lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the extract were 128 mg/ml against Klebsiella spp. - 1 alone and rest of theclinical test pathogens execute MIC activity at 512 mg/ml. The extract also showed antifungal activity with MIC of 64 mg/ml against the Candidaalbicans. Larvicidal activity of I. tinctoria extract were tested against fourth instar larvae A. aegypti and larval mortality were found after 24 hrs withlethal concentration (LC50)=3.1870 and LC90=5.3991 were observed.Conclusions: These results indicated that the extract displayed larvicidal potential on A. aegypti and antimicrobial activity against clinical isolates.Keywords: Infectious disease, Indigofera tinctoria, Antimicrobial activity, Larvicidal activity

    Fetus in Fetu as a suprarenal mass in a neonate – a rare and perplexing entity

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    Fetus in fetu (FIF) is a rare entity in which a malformed vertebrate fetus is incorporated within its twin. This entity should be differentiated from a teratoma, which has more malignant potential. We describe a neonate with a heterogeneous calcified suprarenal mass. The aspiration cytology revealed a heterogeneous cell population with spindle cells and small round blue cells. Operative and histopathologic examination showed features consistent with a fetus in fetu. This case report describes a rare entity and discusses its clinical presentation, cytological features on fine-needle aspiration, and the difficulties posed in its differentiation from a teratoma


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    Cerebellum called as the “little brain” .The cerebellum regulates various functions like motor coordination, equilibrium and muscle tone because of its connections with other parts of the brain as well as other parts of the body. Whether the fastigial nucleus of the rat cerebellum plays any role in behavior, reference and working memory forms the focus of the present study. The fastigial nucleus as part of spino-cerebellum of Wistar albino rat was unilaterally (left side) destroyed by electrolytic lesion using stereotaxic procedures and the behavior, learning and memory were analyzed by using open field, elevated plus maze and eight arm radial mazes on 10th and also 15th day after the lesion along with controls as well as with sham operated animals. The alterations in behavior were only observed on the 10th day but not in 15th day. There was no alteration was observed in radial maze among the groups indicated that cerebellum has no role in memory process. The changes perceived in behavior on 10th day may be due the inflammation or reduced metabolism in the damaged areas followed which may recovered on 15th day as inflammation subsides and the metabolism is normalized. These results indicate that fastigial nucleus is not playing any role in either behavior or memory

    Oxidant stress evoked damage in rat hepatocyte leading to triggered nitric oxide synthase (NOS) levels on long term consumption of aspartame

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    This study investigates how long-term (40 mg/kg b.wt) consumption of aspartame can alter the antioxidant status, stress pathway genes, and apoptotic changes in the liver of Wistar albino rats. Numerous controversial reports are available on the use of aspartame as it releases methanol as one of its metabolites during metabolism. To mimic the human methanol metabolism the methotrexate treated rats were included to study the aspartame effects. The aspartame treated methotrexate (MTX animals showed a marked significant increase in the superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), lipid peroxidation (LPO), and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in the liver from control and MTX control animals, and showed a significant decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH) and protein thiol in aspartame treated animals. The aspartame treated MTX animals showed a marked significant decrease in the body weight, brain, and liver weight. The aspartame treated MTX animals showed a marked increase in the inducible nitric oxide (iNOS), neuronal nitric oxide (nNOS), c-fos, Heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 Tumour necrosis Factor (TNF)α, caspase 8, c-jun N terminal kinases (JNK) 3 and Nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) gene expression in the liver from control and MTX control animals. The aspartame treated MTX animals showed a marked increase in the c-fos, Hsp 70, iNOS Caspase 8, and JNK 3 protein expression in the liver from control and MTX control animals indicating the enhancement of stress and apoptosis. The aspartame treated MTX animals showed a streak of marked DNA fragmentation in the liver. On immunohistochemical analysis aspartame treated animals showed brown colored positive hepatocytes indicating the stress specific and apoptotic protein expression. Since aspartame consumption is on the rise among people, it is essential to create awareness regarding the usage of this artificial sweetener

    Biochemical responses and mitochondrial mediated activation of apoptosis on long-term effect of aspartame in rat brain

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    Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, is very widely used in many foods and beverages. But there are controversies about its metabolite which is marked for its toxicity. Hence it is believed to be unsafe for human use. Previous studies have reported on methanol exposure with involvements of free radicals on excitotoxicity of neuronal apoptosis. Hence, this present study is proposed to investigate whether or not chronic aspartame (FDA approved Daily Acceptable Intake (ADI),40 mg/kg bwt) administration could release methanol, and whether or not it can induce changes in brain oxidative stress status and gene and protein expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and pro-apoptotic Bax and caspase-3 in the rat brain region. To mimic the human methanol metabolism, Methotrexate (MTX)-treated Wistar strain male albino rats were used and after the oral administration of aspartame, the effects were studied along with controls and MTX-treated controls. Aspartame exposure resulted with a significant increase in the enzymatic activity in protein carbonyl, lipid peroxidation levels, superoxide dismutase, glutathione-S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activity in (aspartame MTX)-treated animals and with a significant decrease in reduced glutathione, glutathione reductase and protein thiol, pointing out the generation of free radicals. The gene and protein expression of pro apoptotic marker Bax showed a marked increase whereas the anti-apoptotic marker Bcl-2 decreased markedly indicating the aspartame is harmful at cellular level. It is clear that long term aspartame exposure could alter the brain antioxidant status, and can induce apoptotic changes in brain
