84 research outputs found

    Motivation and stimulation of civil servants – participants in project activities

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    An experience of material and non-material stimulation of participants of project activity in executive authorities abroad has been examined. Possibilities of adaptation of methods and tools of material and non-material stimulation in Russia have been established. It has been recommended to increase the quality of formal personnel procedures and to use the criterion of «personal eff ctiveness», when paying for civil servants employed in project management. The obtained results will allow adjusting the current approach to material and non-material incentives for project activity participants in the executive authorities of the Russian Federation

    Relations of the Republic of Belarus with the Republic of Ukraine through euroregions

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    In this presentation, the relations of the Republic of Belarus with the Republic of Ukraine through the euroregions will be considered.В даннй статье будут рассмотрены отношения Республики Беларусь с Республикой Украиной по линии еврорегионов

    Cross-border cooperation as a component of sustainable regional development of Mongolia

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    The paper examines the problem of sustainable socio-economic regional development of Mongolia. Based on the analysis of the main indicators of the economy of Mongolia and its aimaks, it has been concluded, that cross-border cooperation plays a significant role in the sustainable development of the economy of Mongolia; due to heterogeneity and signifi diff entiation in terms of development, when developing a strategy for cross-border cooperation, there is a need to take into account the specifics of each individual region and aimak; the solution of the problem of sustainable socio-economic regional development of Mongolia should be implemented on the basis of an integrated approach

    Progress to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 "Clean Water and Sanitation" in Belarus

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    10995/27938В статье рассмотрена тема прогресса достижения Цели устойчивого развития 6 «Чистая вода и санитария» в РБ.The article discusses the topic of achieving sustainable development goal 6 «Clean water and sanitation» in the Republic of Belarus

    A phylogenomic perspective on diversity, hybridization and evolutionary affinities in the stickleback genus Pungitius

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    Hybridization and convergent evolution are phenomena of broad interest in evolutionary biology, but their occurrence poses challenges for reconstructing evolutionary affinities among affected taxa. Sticklebacks in the genus Pungitius are a case in point: evolutionary relationships and taxonomic validity of different species and populations in this circumpolarly distributed species complex remain contentious due to convergent evolution of traits regarded as diagnostic in their taxonomy, and possibly also due to frequent hybridization among taxa. To clarify the evolutionary relationships among different Pungitius species and populations globally, as well as to study the prevalence and extent of introgression among recognized species, genomic data sets of both reference genome-anchored single nucleotide polymorphisms and de novo assembled RAD-tag loci were constructed with RAD-seq data. Both data sets yielded topologically identical and well-supported species trees. Incongruence between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA-based trees was found and suggested possibly frequent hybridization and mitogenome capture during the evolution of Pungitius sticklebacks. Further analyses revealed evidence for frequent nuclear genetic introgression among Pungitius species, although the estimated proportions of autosomal introgression were low. Apart from providing evidence for frequent hybridization, the results challenge earlier mitochondrial and morphology-based hypotheses regarding the number of species and their affinities in this genus: at least seven extant species can be recognized on the basis of genetic data. The results also shed new light on the biogeographical history of the Pungitius-complex, including suggestion of several trans-Arctic invasions of Europe from the Northern Pacific. The well-resolved phylogeny should facilitate the utility of this genus as a model system for future comparative evolutionary studies.Peer reviewe

    Паразиты дальневосточного леопарда (Panthera pardus orientalis) на юго-западе Приморского края России

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    The results of long-term studies of invasions of the Panthera pardus orientalis, Schlegel 1857. The study of parasitic invasions of the Far Eastern leopard was carried out by two methods. The first method included the study of excrement of the Far Eastern leopard collected in different seasons of the year from January 2009 to December 2014 by the Kotelnikov-Khrenov method. The second method is a complete parasitologic autopsy on Scriabin, the dead animals on the basis of PGHS. The autopsy was conducted by the chief veterinarian of the Primorsky Krai, and the autopsy report was compiled. To analyze the data obtained, the indicator was used - the index of occurrence, expressed as a percentage. As a result, the species composition of helminths parasitizing the Far Eastern leopard is supplemented by species of nematodes - Ancylostoma sp., Gnathostoma spinigerum Capillaria sp., Dirofilaria sp; cestodes - Taenia sp., Dipylidium caninum, Spirometra erinaceieuropei, Mesocestoides lineatus; trematodes - Nanophyetus salmicola schikhobalowi, Clonorchis sinensis, Metagonimus yokogawa. Dominiruet monoinvasion (66,6%). Di-invasion and triinvasia are much less common - 17,7% and 4,4%. Of the protozoans, oocysts were found isospora rivolta. On the body of the dead animals were found ixodid mites - Haemaphysalis flava, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Haemaphysalis japonica douglasi, Haemaphysalis punctate. It indicates the presence in the excrement of fleas of genus Ctenocephala и клещей рода and mites of the genus Otodectes.Цель исследования - выявить экто- и эндопаразитов дальневосточного леопарда (Panthera pardus orientalis, Schlegel 1857). Материалы и методы. Изучение паразитарных инвазий дальневосточного леопарда проводили двумя методами. Первый метод включал исследование фекалий дальневосточного леопарда, собранных в разные сезоны года с января 2009 г. по декабрь 2014 г. методом Котельникова-Хренова. Второй метод включал полное гельминтологическое вскрытие по Скрябину погибших животных на базе Приморской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии. Вскрытие проводили главным ветеринарным врачом Приморского края; составлен протокол вскрытия. Собранных паразитов фиксировали и обрабатывали стандартными методиками. Определение вида клещей проводили по определителю Н. A. Филипповой (1997). Для анализа полученных данных использовали показатель - индекс встречаемости, выраженный в процентах. Результаты и обсуждение. Видовой состав гельминтов, паразитирующих у дальневосточного леопарда, дополнен видами нематод - Ancylostoma sp., Gnathostoma spinigerum, Capillaria sp., Dirofilaria sp; цестод - Taenia sp., Dipylidium caninum, Spirometra erinaceieuropei, Mesocestoides lineatus; трематод - Nanophyetus salmicola schikhobalowi, Clonorchis sinensis, Metagonimus yokogawa. Доминирует моноинвазия (66,6 %). Дииинвазия и триинвазия наблюдаются гораздо реже - 17,7 и 4,4 % соответственно. Из простейших были обнаружены ооцисты Isospora rivolta. На теле погибших животных были найдены иксодовые клещи Haemaphysalis flava, H. longicornis, H. japonica douglasi, H. punctate. Указывается на нахождение в фекалиях блох рода Ctenocephala и клещей рода Оtodectes