14 research outputs found

    Evaluating the change in Streptococcus mutans in plaque around orthodontic brackets using fluoride toothpaste, probiotic curd, and recaldent - A comparative in-vivo study

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    Introduction: Enamel demineralization is still a problem associated with orthodontic treatment, leading to the formation of white spot lesions;this is a grave concern to orthodontists and patients. Various methods are now employed to reduce the incidences of demineralization. Aim: To evaluate and compare the effects of Fluoride toothpaste, Probiotic curd, and Recaldent on Streptococcus mutans colonies inplaque around orthodontic brackets in different groups of patients. Further, the three agents were compared and assessed for regular useby orthodontic patients for reduction of decalcification. Materials and methods: This study consisted of 60 randomly selected patients having orthodontic treatment in the Department oforthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics. The study protocol was approved by the institutional Ethics committee of MCE Society,Azam Campus, Pune. Group A: The patients were given fluoride containing toothpaste (ParodontaxTM Daily Fluoride toothpasteGlaxoSmithKline). Group B: The patients were asked to brush twice daily with recaldent containing tooth mousse (Dentsply ToothMousse- GC). Group C: Patients were given probiotic curd(Nestle Acti Plus). Samples were collected twice, once initially, seven days afterbonding at the start of the study and secondly, after 30 days. After DNA extraction PCR analysis was done to evaluate the colonies ofS. mutans as colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/ml) in the plaque specimens. RealPlex software programme was used to plot theresults of the colonies detected in the sample. Results: Streptococcus mutans colonies around the brackets after 30 days post use of Fluoride toothpaste, probiotic curd and Recaldentwas reduced by 44.5 %, 0.86 % and 41.8% respectively. Conclusion: The regular use of fluoride toothpaste and Recaldent will help in reducing decalcification during orthodontic treatment.Further research is needed to establish the advantages of probiotic curd in reducing white spot lesions

    Effect of Acid Impurities on Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Cadmium Selenide Single Crystal in Silica Hydrogels

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    Single crystal of Cadmium selenide has been grown in silica hydro gel at ambient temperature by reacting aqueous solutions of Cd EDTA and H2NCSeNH2. Foreign impurities such as H2SO4 ,HCl, HNO3, CH3COOH, HClO4 acids in small quantities added with a view to modify the initial characteristics of the growth medium helped to suppress the Nucleation density and improve the size and optical transparency of the crystals. The crystals grown, in silica gels with HClO4 and HNO3 impurities were quite flawless with well defined edges and faces, and up to a maximum size of about four times larger than the ones obtained without impurities. With the impurity the number of lies rings reduces and more transparent single crystals were observed

    Synthesis and Structural Investigation of Nano-Sized Cadmium Ferrite

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    This report presents the synthesis of cadmium ferrite (CdFe2O4) by Oxalate co-precipitation and its subsequent characterization by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques. XRD results confirm the single cubic spinel phase formation with lattice parameter 8.7561Ao. An infrared spectroscopy study shows the presence of main two absorption bands indicating the presence of tetrahedral and octahedral group complexes, respectively, within the spinel lattice. We also report strain (y), hopping length (LA and LB) and dislocation density (rD) of ferrite sample

    Синтез і характеристики наночастинок фериту Mg-Cd (Mg0.5Cd0.5Nd0.01Fe1.99O4), легованого Nd3+, отриманого у формі товстої плівки для датчиків газу

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    Методом оксалатного співосадження отримано нанокристалітні ферити з додаванням Nd3+ до зразка, формула якого Mg1 – xCdxFe2O4 (x = 0.5). Для характеристики зразків використовували FTIR, XRD та SEM. За даними XRD, структура являє собою кубічну шпінель з ортоферитом (NdFeO3) як вторинною фазою. Розмір кристалітів складає 36,8 нм. SEM аналіз морфології поверхні вказує на розмір зерна 0,38 мкм. У спектрі FTIR спостерігаються дві сильні смуги поглинання в діапазоні 350-800 см – 1. Нам вдалося виявити різні гази, такі як Cl2, LPG і етанол, використовуючи газовий датчик від кімнатної температури до 500 °C. Для газоподібного етанолу з 100 ppm при 500 °C склад Mg0.5Cd0.5Nd0.01Fe1.99O4 має найбільший відгук. Зразки феритового датчика Mg-Cd з додаванням Nd3+ демонструють гарний відгук та час відновлення. Склад матеріалу, тестовий газ і розмір зерен визначають час для завершення тесту.The oxalate co-precipitation method was used to prepare nanocrystallite ferrites with Nd3+ added to the general formula Mg1 – xCdxFe2O4 (x = 0.5). FTIR, XRD, and SEM were all used to characterize the samples. According to XRD, the structure is cubic spinel with orthoferrite (NdFeO3) as a secondary phase. The crystallite size is 36.79 nm. SEM analysis of surface morphology indicates a grain size of 0.38 µm. There are two strong absorption bands observed in the FTIR spectrum in the range of 350-800 cm – 1. We were able to detect various gases such as Cl2, LPG, and ethanol using the gas sensor from room temperature to 500 °C. For 100 ppm ethanol gas at 500 °C, the Mg0.5Cd0.5Nd0.01Fe1.99O4 composition has the greatest response. Mg-Cd ferrite sensor samples with Nd3+ added show good response and recovery time. Material composition, test gas, and grain size determine the time to complete the test