368 research outputs found

    Спадкування у римському приватному праві та Кодексі Східної Галіції

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    The purpose of this article is to study the history of the formation and development of legislation on inheritance in Roman law and on the territory of Galicia according to the Civil Code of 1797.The problems of the historical development of Ukrainian law in the conditions of the development of the Ukrainian state cannot remain outside the attention of scientists and practitioners. Inheritance law, which originated in Ancient Rome and continues to develop in the modern world, is of great importance. In view of this, it is significant and relevant to carry out historical and legal research on the formulation of the institution of inheritance law in Roman law and in the western Ukrainian lands during the Civil Code of Galicia in 1797.In Roman private law, inheritance by law (ab intestato) went through four stages of its development: inheritance according to the norms of ancient civil law, inheritance according to the praetorian edict, inheritance according to pre-Justinian legislation and inheritance according to the laws of Justinian and took place in the following cases: when the deceased did not leave a will ; if the will did not meet the necessary requirements or later became invalid or was annulled; if the heirs under the will did not enter into the rights of inheritance. The Civil Code of Galicia of 1797 defined inheritance by law in the following cases: if the deceased did not make a valid will; if in his will he did not dispose of the whole property or did not properly mention the persons to whom by law he had to leave a part of the inheritance.As a result of the study of the features of inheritance in Roman private law and in the territory of Eastern Galicia in 1797, it becomes obvious that the code of Eastern Galicia integrated the main features of Roman private law, somewhat expanded and improved them. The conducted analysis shows that at different times inheritance law was and remains an important part of civil law that requires detailed regulation.Стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей спадкування у римському приватному праві та Цивільному кодексі Галичини 1797 року. Метою даної статті є дослідження історії становлення та розвитку законодавства про спадкування в Римському праві та на теренах Галичини за Цивільним кодексом 1797 року. Проблематика історичного розвитку українського права в умовах розбудови української держави не може залишатися поза увагою науковців і практиків. Важливе значення має спадкове право, яке зародилося у Давньому Римі та продовжує розвиватись у сучасному світі. З огляду на це значущим і актуальним є здійснення історико-правових досліджень щодо формування інституту спадкового права в Римському праві та на західно-українських землях в період дії Цивільного кодексу Галичини 1797 року


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    This article is devoted to forming of active professional position of future teachers by means of using interactive methods of learning during pedagogical training


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    In article the place of diagnostics in system of pedagogical monitoring is determined, the experience of use the testing as method of the control and estimating of results of cognitive activity of the students is submitted.У статті визначено місце діагностики в системі педагогічного моніторингу. представлено досвід використання тестування як метода контролю та оцінювання результатів навчаїьно-піяюваїьнді діяльності студентів

    Особливості управління технологічними процесами в умовах мікрогравітації та мікроприскорень

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    Структурні особливості фізичних та математичних моделей керуємих технологічних процесів. Дається критична оцінка існуючих методів і принципів управління та віброзахисту технологічних процесів в умовах мікрогравітації та мікро-прискорень. Відображені особливості фізичних і математичних моделей суцільних середовищ як поліфізичних динамічних систем. Обговорюється якісні та кількісні підходи до управління технологічними процесами. Звертається увага на невирішені проблеми управління технологічними процесами та ймовірні шляхи їх вирішення.Structure Features of the Physical and Mathematical models of the Controlled Technological Process. There is given critical estimation of existing methods and principles of management and vibroprotection technological processes in the conditions of microgravity and microaccelerations. Features of physical and mathematical models of continuous environments are reflected how as polyphysical dynamic systems. It is discussed qualitative and quantitative approaches to management of technological processes. The attention to the moved problems of management by technological processes and possible ways of their decision is paid

    Creating Women Concept-Characters in P. Zagrebelny’s Fictional Discourse

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    The article focuses on the verbalisation of the concept woman in P. Zagrebelnyi’s fictional discourse. The artist is analysed, on the one side, as a linguistic personality with his features of psyche, as a representative of a language group, and on the other side, as a creative personality that uniquely represents himself in fictional discourse, creative dimensions with his features of communicative behaviour. The analysis of the concept is performed regarding the achievements of psycholinguistics, gender linguistics, lingua-cultural studies, pragmatically-oriented communicative linguistics, on the basis of anthropocentric and discoursecentric paradigms, that made it possible to identify senses in the structure of the concept and clarify the mechanism of their occurrence. Attention is paid to the writer’s fictional discourse, which is analysed with regard to principles of discourse-analysis. Therefore, extralingual factors that gave rise to certain lexemes representing the concept are crucial for the research. As a result of the study, groups of lexemes that constitute the concept and denote animals, birds, natural phenomena, pieces of land were revealed. Nouns that constitute a layer of military vocabulary and name psychological states and contain negative connotations were identified. Features characteristic of women representatives of Ukrainian culture are compared and contrasted with the descriptions of women representatives of other cultures. The language units, evoked by the mentality and mental outlook of Ukrainians, were analysed