12 research outputs found


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    The article reviews the concept of instrumental performance training for prospective music teacher through the prism of system approach. It is considered to be psychological and educational issue in terms of the tasks for instrumental performance practice of specialists in comprehensive school. The author points out that the implementation of all kinds of instrumental performance practice of prospective music teacher should be found on the fusion of instrumental performance, psychological and pedagogical skills, sophisticated aesthetic taste and conscious respect to music. The author of the article believes that the intention to equip students with profound book learning and methodological knowledge in the domain of instrumental performance practice should be pursued through the development of their intellectual abilities, formation of genre and stylistic notion, faculty to make sense of musical forms and art expressive means. Improving the quality of professional training of future music teachers, in particular the improvement of their instrumental and performing skills is one of the leading tasks of modern music and pedagogical education.The article reviews the concept of instrumental performance training for prospective music teacher through the prism of system approach. It is considered to be psychological and educational issue in terms of the tasks for instrumental performance practice of specialists in comprehensive school. The author points out that the implementation of all kinds of instrumental performance practice of prospective music teacher should be found on the fusion of instrumental performance, psychological and pedagogical skills, sophisticated aesthetic taste and conscious respect to music. The author of the article believes that the intention to equip students with profound book learning and methodological knowledge in the domain of instrumental performance practice should be pursued through the development of their intellectual abilities, formation of genre and stylistic notion, faculty to make sense of musical forms and art expressive means. Improving the quality of professional training of future music teachers, in particular the improvement of their instrumental and performing skills is one of the leading tasks of modern music and pedagogical education


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    In the imminent future, an accelerated aging trend is anticipated in certain professions, concomitant with the swift emergence of novel occupational domains. Consequently, there will be a heightened demand for fresh knowledge across diverse age cohorts. Adult education emerges as a pivotal mechanism capable of adeptly addressing this exigency. This study examines the evolving adult education frameworks in both Ukraine and Europe, delineating primary commonalities and distinctive attributes. Additionally, an evaluation of the impact of the European adult education system on the maturation of the national counterpart is undertaken. The findings reveal that the adult education system in Ukraine is grounded in the guidance provided by European counterparts in its developmental trajectory, concurrently aspiring towards autonomous and congruent rejuvenation. The delineated legislative and regulatory framework governing the operation of adult education within our nation underscores the imperative for enhancements in this educational domain. The necessity for the advancement of lifelong learning in Ukraine is underscored through a thorough examination of a sociological survey. The outcomes of this analysis substantiate the exigency to elevate public awareness concerning the phenomenon of adult education and to foster an appreciation for the systematic nature of its operation. The potential for the development of adult education in Ukraine appears promising; however, due to objective constraints, this potential has yet to be fully realized.Num futuro iminente, prevê-se uma tendência de envelhecimento acelerado em certas profissões, concomitante com a rápida emergência de novos domínios profissionais. Consequentemente, haverá uma maior procura por novos conhecimentos em diversas faixas etárias. A educação de adultos surge como um mecanismo fundamental capaz de responder habilmente a esta exigência. Este estudo examina a evolução dos quadros de educação de adultos na Ucrânia e na Europa, delineando pontos comuns primários e atributos distintivos. Além disso, é realizada uma avaliação do impacto do sistema europeu de educação de adultos na maturação da contraparte nacional. As conclusões revelam que o sistema de educação de adultos na Ucrânia se baseia na orientação fornecida pelos homólogos europeus na sua trajetória de desenvolvimento, aspirando simultaneamente a um rejuvenescimento autónomo e congruente. O quadro legislativo e regulamentar delineado que rege o funcionamento da educação de adultos na nossa nação sublinha a necessidade imperativa de melhorias neste domínio educativo. A necessidade do avanço da aprendizagem ao longo da vida na Ucrânia é sublinhada através de um exame aprofundado de um inquérito sociológico. Os resultados desta análise substanciam a exigência de aumentar a consciência pública sobre o fenómeno da educação de adultos e de promover uma apreciação da natureza sistemática do seu funcionamento. O potencial para o desenvolvimento da educação de adultos na Ucrânia parece promissor; no entanto, devido a restrições objectivas, este potencial ainda não foi plenamente realizado

    The impact of pandemic on the development of distance learning technologies in the training of music teachers

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, each of us should be able to continue working, studying, and living, although the disease imposes certain restrictions because people have to maintain a social distance and have many other limitations. The main thing for the educational space is that you have to minimize contact in all areas. This article aims to substantiate the feasibility of distance education and its technologies scientifically. Furthermore, the relationship between distance music education, modern computer technology, and applications that are now called know-how is revealed. Research methodology. The research practice is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the information sources and the results obtained. These collection methods are valid for secondary and primary information. The survey method became necessary in this context. Research data was obtained through thematic analysis and observations related to the research objectives of the work. The research results of the survey were used in the systematization and formation of conclusions. The introduction of audio-visual technology in the educational process contributes to the improvement of motivation to learn in the background of improved academic performance. The importance of this study is determined by the fact that it is not only concerned with the general problem of the educational system in general but pays special attention to music education in particular. The study also deals with technological innovation and all that goes along. Another factor in the importance of the study is that the methodological developments presented in the research and the research problem are relevant to workers in the field of music education, which makes the promulgation of successful teaching practices essential

    Istraživanje i opravdanje vremena izvođenja operativnih akcija vatrogasno-spasilačkih postrojbi za spašavanje ljudi u požaru

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    The paper conducts research to determine and justify the total time of rescuing people in a fire in case of threat to their lives. It is established that the total time of rescuing people in a fire consists of the time before the report of the fire, the time of collection and departure of the unit, the time of departure and the time of operational deployment. Which in turn are determined depending on such indicators as the number of fire and rescue units and their location, their tactical capabilities and equipment of fire and rescue vehicles and fire equipment, population density, road coverage, terrain and operational and tactical characteristics of the area departure of the unit. Graphically shows the components of the total time of rescuing people in a fire, depending on these indicators. Also, a comparative analysis of the total time of rescuing people in a fire, taking into account the scheme number, period and place of use of the fire and rescue unit with the safe time of people in the room before the fatal concentration of carbon monoxide. The obtained results allow researchers to determine the total time of rescuing people in a fire with the appropriate adjustment of its components and the introduction of their relevant documentation. The paper also substantiates the choice of the scheme of operational deployment of the fire and rescue unit upon arrival at the scene of the fire.U radu se prikazuje istraživanje kako bi se utvrdilo i opravdalo ukupno vrijeme spašavanja ljudi u požaru u slučaju prijetnje njihovim životima. Utvrđuje se da se ukupno vrijeme spašavanja ljudi u požaru sastoji od vremena prije dojave o požaru, vremena prikupljanja i odlaska postrojbe, vremena polaska i vremena operativnog raspoređivanja. Navedena se, pak, određuju ovisno o pokazateljima kao što su broj vatrogasno-spasilačkih jedinica i njihov položaj, njihove taktičke sposobnosti i opremljenost vatrogasno-spasilačkih vozila i vatrogasne opreme, gustoća naseljenosti, pokrivenost cesta, terena i operativno-taktičke karakteristike područja odlaska jedinice. Grafički se prikazuju komponente ukupnog vremena spašavanja ljudi u požaru, ovisno o ovim pokazateljima, također, i usporedna analiza ukupnog vremena spašavanja ljudi u požaru, uzimajući u obzir broj sheme, razdoblje i mjesto korištenja vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice sa sigurnim vremenom ljudi u sobi prije kobne koncentracije ugljičnog monoksida. Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju istraživačima da utvrde ukupno vrijeme spašavanja ljudi u požaru uz odgovarajuće podešavanje njegovih komponenata i uvođenjem njihove relevantne dokumentacije. U radu se također obrazlaže izbor sheme operativnog raspoređivanja vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice po dolasku na mjesto požara

    Development of Music Education in Virtual and Extended Reality

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    The relevance of the chosen topic of the paper is determined by the need to study the development of music education in our time in virtual and augmented reality, focused on the study of new vectors of music education in Ukraine and its entry into the world educational and cultural space based on innovative technologies. The study aims to define and justify the development of music education in virtual and augmented reality, research of innovative technologies to expand the possibilities of the creative process in the art of music, and definition of methods of musical expansion reality. The paper analyzes the directions of development of music education in the works of researchers and scientists, as in the last few decades, scientists have become more interested in the virtualization of society and music education, in particular. Virtual reality is becoming the object of study in philosophy and the humanities and the natural sciences, art history. The article also collects theoretical developments on the topic, specifies the tasks in the music education system in our time in virtual and augmented reality, explores the role and place of innovative technologies to expand the creative process in music, methods of expanding musical reality determined.</p

    Preparation of Future Teachers of Music Art for Instrumental Performance

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    The article reviews the concept of instrumental performance training for prospective music teacher through the prism of system approach. It is considered to be psychological and educational issue in terms of the tasks for instrumental performance practice of specialists in comprehensive school. The author points out that the implementation of all kinds of instrumental performance practice of prospective music teacher should be found on the fusion of instrumental performance, psychological and pedagogical skills, sophisticated aesthetic taste and conscious respect to music. The author of the article believes that the intention to equip students with profound book learning and methodological knowledge in the domain of instrumental performance practice should be pursued through the development of their intellectual abilities, formation of genre and stylistic notion, faculty to make sense of musical forms and art expressive means. Improving the quality of professional training of future music teachers, in particular the improvement of their instrumental and performing skills is one of the leading tasks of modern music and pedagogical education

    Model of Formation of Future Musical Art Teacher' Readiness to Civil Education of Pupils

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    У статті в результаті аналізу психолого-педагогічної й навчально-методичної літератури, вивчення нормативних документів про діяльність закладів освіти, узагальнення передового педагогічного досвіду, а також за допомогою моделювання представлено теоретичні підходи до обґрунтування основних складників моделі формування готовності майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва до громадянського виховання учнів. Це дозволило створити підґрунтя для практичної експериментальної перевірки зазначеної моделі, зокрема - відповідних організаційно-педагогічних умов і шляхів їх створення, що є перспективою подальших наукових досліджень.The article presents theoretical approaches to the study of the basic components of structural and functional model of preparation of future musical art teachers to civil education of pupils. Preparation of students to civic education is a serious pedagogical problem today. This is becoming especially actual today because of the challenges of military, socio-political and economic issues in Ukraine. Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical, educational and methodological literature, studying of normative documents about activities of education institutions, generalization of advanced teaching experience modeling. Specification of essence of concepts "model", "modeling" in terms of pedagogical research; graphic representation of model of formation of future musical art teacher's readiness to civil education of pupils with such interrelated and interdependent parts as objective, principles, functions, conceptual framework (personal, activity, competence based approaches), the stages of preparation (analytical and predictive, projective and preparatory, modeling and formative, productive and comparative), organizational and pedagogical conditions, cognitive, motivational and valuing and actionable and behavioral components, and result (the readiness of future teachers of musical art to civil education of pupils); characteristic of the principles of the model, its features, and content of the stages of preparation of future teachers of musical art to the civil education of pupils are important scientific results of the article. Implementation of this model to the educational environment of higher educational institutions should contribute to the effectiveness of the process under study. Studying of the model of formation of musical arts teacher's readiness to civic education of pupils provides its further practical experimental testing, in particular of the corresponding organizational and pedagogical conditions and ways of creating them, and that is the prospect for further research in this direction of research

    The Main Directions of Future Musical Art Teachers’ Preparation for Pupils’ Civil Education

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    У статті висвітлено оптимальні напрями підготовки майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва до громадянського виховання учнів у сучасних умовах на основі вивчення й аналізу літератури, інтегрування та конкретизації досліджуваних явищ. Розкриття змісту зазначених напрямів (реалізація змістового модуля; упровадження проектів громадянської спрямованості; керування педагогічною практикою) дає змогу комплексно підійти до організації освітньої діяльності в музично-педагогічних закладах із позицій особистісного, діяльнісного, компетентнісного й системного підходів. У подальшому доцільно дослідити питання організації громадянського самовиховання студентів.In this article the optional directions of future musical art teachers’ preparation for civil pupils’ education in modern conditions, based on the studying and analyzing literature, integration and specification of the investigated phenomena are illuminated, considered the basic problems of future music masters’ readiness forming to realization of civil education of pupils. The most efficient as well as optional and acceptable directions of the future musical art teachers’ preparation for civil pupils’ education are: realization of an appropriate content module using the interactive methods and innovative technologies in the work with students; implementation of civil focusing on educational establishment activity projects, management of students’ pedagogical practice which is advisably built. In order to implement an effective pedagogical activity, modern musical art teachers should obtain the foundations of pedagogical technologies, and also feel an internal need in their constant using and applying. The result of the civic orientation projects implementation into an educational establishment activity is a demonstration of future musical art teachers’ citizenship identity in the intellectual and emotional-value spheres. The main conditions of successful students’ professional-pedagogical interest forming in the process of pedagogical practice are: positive pedagogical environment providing; support of the plasticizing students by teachers, supervisors, psychologists; investigation of the basic constituents of civil competence of a future music master; differentiated pedagogical practice preparation and organization, creative nature of pedagogical practice organization. The revealing of the indicated directions’ contents allows approaching the educational activity in musical-pedagogical establishments complexly, using a personal, activity, competence and systematic approaches. In this article only several main directions of future musical art teachers’ preparation for civil pupils’ education are highlighted. The students’ civil self-educational organization issue needs further exploration

    Professional Properties of the Future Teachers of Musical Art

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    У статті шляхом вивчення й аналізу документів, психолого-педагогічної літератури з проблеми дослідження, інтегрування та конкретизації визначено сутність поняття «професійні властивості вчителя музичного мистецтва»; уточнено професійні властивості особистості вчителя-музиканта; окреслено та схарактеризовано основні професійно значущі й особистісні якості майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. У результаті створено основу для визначення організаційно-педагогічних умов формування професійних властивостей майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва, а також - для розробки на їх основі моделі, що є перспективами подальших наукових розвідок.The article defines the essence of the concept "professional properties of the musical art teachers" through the study and analysis of documents, psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, the integration and concretization. Based on the study and analysis of the relevant definitions in the research literature, it was figured out that the properties of the professional teachers of musical art are defined as professionally significant personal characteristics, which determine the characteristics of his/her musical and educational activities. These properties determine the social demands of the teacher- musician in the form of certain functions, abilities, knowledge, skills, personal and professional qualities (features) and focus to professional activities. We marked out organizational and structural, targeted and others functions. Basic abilities are musical, academical, didactical, communicative, organizational, gnostic, prognostic, perceptional, constructional, leadership, creative and expression. Basic knowledge and skills are cultural, musical and pedagogical, psychological, methodological, music theory, music performance. The list is continued by pedagogical, gnostic, communicative and motor skills; professionally significant and personal features and focus on the practical implementation of the educational potential of music education of children, maintaining the image of teachers, the prestige of the profession, for the professional and personal self-improvement. Identified and described the main professionally significant features (love of musical-pedagogical activity, professional competence, musicality, communication skills, musical and pedagogical thinking) and personal features (general erudition and culture, humanity, love for children, creativity, self-improvement) of the future musical art teachers. Thus, the study created the basis to define the organizational and pedagogical conditions of formation of the most important professional properties of the future teachers of musical art and also to develop on their basis the suitable model which is the prospect of further scientific studies

    Exploring the Efficacy of Nile Red in Microplastic Quantification: A Costaining Approach

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    The presence of microplastic particles ([less than]5 mm) in the environment has generated considerable concern across public, political, and scientific platforms. However, the diversity of microplastics that persist in the environment poses complex analytical challenges for our understanding of their prevalence. The use of the dye Nile red to quantify microplastics is increasingly common. However, its use in microplastic analysis rarely accounts for its affinity with the breadth of particles that occur in environmental samples. Here, we examine Nile red’s ability to stain a variety of microplastic particles and common natural and anthropogenic particles found in environmental samples. To better constrain microplastic estimates using Nile red, we test the coapplication of a second stain that binds to biological material, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). We test the potential inflation of microplastic estimates using Nile red alone by applying this costaining approach to samples of drinking water and freshwater. The use of Nile red dye alone resulted in a maximum 100% overestimation of microplastic particles. These findings are of particular significance for the public dissemination of findings from an emotive field of study