153 research outputs found

    Preterites in the Izbornik from XIIIth century

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    The article presents a study of preterital forms system in a handwritten Old Russian Izbornik (National Library of Russia, Q. p. I. 18), from the first half of the 13th century. The manuscript has an unusual composition, representing a collection of exegetical texts on the Old and New Testament. The Izbornik is interesting, in particular, by a presentation of erotapocritical exegetic forms. Besides, the codex contains fragments from earlier manuscripts including Izbornik 1073 and Izbornik 1076 what allows observing the dynamics of grammatical forms for about 150 years. An online edition of the manuscript was accomplished at Kazan Federal University. This machine-readable publication is accompanied by various search modules and indexes and located on the “Kazan digital collection” page of the “Manuscript” portal. The authors present the past tense forms analysis in Izbornik for the first time. The research showed a particular distribution and discorce functions of preterital forms in this unique composition. The analysis of preterites in Izb gives essential data for comparison with the preterital system in Tolstovskii Sbornik from the 13th century.

    O tempo perfeito no manuscrito do século XIII

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    This article reflects the result of perfect form semantics study in the collection of words and teachings (RNL, F.p.1.39) of the 13th century, which was carried out within the framework of the project devoted to the evolution and the functioning of an ancient Russian verb. Most of the manuscript is occupied by Kirill Turovsky’s words. Besides, it contains the oldest South Russian translation of "Tales of Aphroditian." In this regard, the attention of researchers was mainly paid to the contents of the collection, and not to its linguistic and morphological characteristics. The work is the part of a comprehensive analysis of Tolstoy's collection linguistic features. We have determined that in the source, as in many other works, the overwhelming number of perfect forms is represented by the 2nd and the 3rd person singular, but, unlike the "traditional" use of the 3rd person forms without a link, the collection has only few forms without a link. The formulation of a single meaning, which could explain all the contexts of the use and non-use of perfects, is impossible for us. Presumably, perfect conveys a certain complex of subjectively colored meanings, connected, on the one hand, with emotionally expressive isolation of an action or an event, and on the other hand - with an evidence or with a reference to a known information / source.Este artículo refleja el resultado del estudio semántico de forma perfecta en la colección de palabras y enseñanzas (RNL, Fp1.39) del siglo XIII, que se llevó a cabo en el marco del proyecto dedicado a la evolución y el funcionamiento de un antiguo verbo ruso . La mayor parte del manuscrito está ocupado por las palabras de Kirill Turovsky. Además, contiene la traducción más antigua del sur de Rusia de "Tales of Aphroditian". En este sentido, la atención de los investigadores se centró principalmente en los contenidos de la colección y no en sus características lingüísticas y morfológicas. El trabajo es parte de un análisis exhaustivo de las características lingüísticas de la colección de Tolstoy. Hemos determinado que en la fuente, como en muchas otras obras, la abrumadora cantidad de formas perfectas está representada por la segunda y la tercera persona del singular, pero, a diferencia del uso "tradicional" de las formas de tercera persona sin un vínculo, la colección tiene pocas formas sin un enlace. La formulación de un significado único, que podría explicar todos los contextos del uso y no uso de los perfectos, es imposible para nosotros. Presumiblemente, perfecto transmite un cierto complejo de significados subjetivamente coloreados, conectados, por un lado, con el aislamiento emocionalmente expresivo de una acción o un evento, y por otro lado, con una evidencia o con una referencia a una fuente / información conocida.Este artigo reflete o resultado da perfeita forma semântica de estudo na coleção de palavras e ensinamentos (RNL, Fp1.39) do século XIII, que foi realizada no âmbito do projeto dedicado à evolução e ao funcionamento de um antigo verbo russo . A maior parte do manuscrito é ocupada pelas palavras de Kirill Turovsky. Além disso, contém a mais antiga tradução para o sul da Rússia de "Tales of Aphroditian". A esse respeito, a atenção dos pesquisadores foi principalmente paga ao conteúdo da coleção, e não às suas características lingüísticas e morfológicas. O trabalho é parte de uma análise abrangente das características linguísticas da coleção de Tolstoi. Determinamos que na fonte, como em muitos outros trabalhos, o número esmagador de formas perfeitas é representado pela 2ª e 3ª pessoas do singular, mas, ao contrário do uso "tradicional" das formas de 3ª pessoa sem um link, a coleção tem apenas alguns formulários sem um link. A formulação de um significado único, que poderia explicar todos os contextos do uso e não uso de perfeitos, é impossível para nós. Presumivelmente, o perfeito transmite um certo complexo de significados subjetivamente coloridos, conectados, por um lado, com o isolamento emocionalmente expressivo de uma ação ou um evento e, por outro lado, com uma evidência ou com uma referência a uma informação / fonte conhecida

    The use of the Bayesian approach in the formation of the student's competence in the ICT direction

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    The theory of Bayesian networks has recently become very popular in solving various applied problems in various areas of science and production. To effectively use the Bayesian approach, a high-quality software product is needed that implements the mathematical ideas of Bayesian networks in practice. Such software products currently developed quite a large number. This paper presents the most common ones. The paper gives a small introduction about the competence of students and explores the possibility of using Bayesian networks in the formation of the competence of an IT trainer. Developed an integrated algorithm for the formation of the competence of training in the direction of IT


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    Abstract.The purpose of this work is to study the Tatar-English translation features of the dramatic works. In order to entirely clarify the problem, we based our study on the translation of the Toufan Minnullin’s comedy "Äldermeštėn Älmändar" As it is known, among all translation fields the hardest one is the translation of fiction. Translator of the fiction not only has to be experienced in translation but also to have a creative view and understand linguistic and cultural features of specific people. The following research methods were used in this paper: descriptive method (to clarify the features of Tatar culture in the translation), comparative method (comparative analysis of the features of Tatar, Russian and English languages). The analysis of the translation showed the following aspects of translators’ decision-making process: 1. Grammar and lexical techniques are actively used. There were various lexicaladditions and omissions and a large number of complete transformations at the level of sentences. On the one hand the reasons for these interpreter decisions could be the grammatical and cultural differences of the original and target language, and on the other hand it was the desire to recreate the spoken language in the target language. 2. While translating the cultural realities, the translator used the methods of transcription, calculating and omitting. 3. An important role in the original work is played by inserting Russian text into Tatar to represent the specific, humorous, vivid village speech of Tatarstan. The problem of its translation is that the target language of the work - English - doesnot have a similar tradition of actively incorporating significant foreign-language elements into everyday speech. As a result, the translator is forced to abandon almost all such techniques of the original, while allowing losing a significant, though not paramount, an aesthetic feature of the original.Keywords: translation, translation of plays, comparison of literary techniques, translation from Tatar intoEnglish, Tufan Minnullin


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    This paper focuses on the study of some aspects of the theory of oriented graphs in Bayesian networks. In some papers on the theory of Bayesian networks, the concept of “Generation of vertices” denotes a certain set of vertices with many parents belonging to previous generations. Terminology for this concept, in our opinion, has not yet fully developed. The concept of “Generation” in some cases makes it easier to solve some problems in Bayesian networks and to build simpler algorithms.  In this paper we will consider the well-known example “Asia”, described in many articles and books, as well as in the technical documentation for various toolboxes. For the construction of this example, we have used evaluation versions of AgenaRisk.Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się na badaniu pewnych aspektów teorii zorientowanych grafów w sieciach bayesowskich. W niektórych artykułach na temat teorii sieci bayesowskich pojęcie „generacji wierzchołków” oznacza pewien zestaw wierzchołków z wieloma rodzicami należącymi do poprzednich generacji. Terminologia tego pojęcia, naszym zdaniem, nie została jeszcze w pełni rozwinięta. Koncepcja „Generacji” w niektórych przypadkach ułatwia rozwiązywanie niektórych problemów w sieciach bayesowskich i budowanie prostszych algorytmów. W tym artykule rozważymy dobrze znany przykład „Azja”, opisany w wielu artykułach i książkach, a także w dokumentacji technicznej różnych zestawów narzędzi. Do budowy tego przykładu wykorzystaliśmy wersje testowe AgenaRisk

    Application of associative experiment in forming the Foreign communicative competence

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The article focuses on some problems in teaching foreign languages, solution of which is successfully achieved through the method of free associations. The article also concerns the functioning of associative experiment in the course of teaching of foreign languages. In a technique of teaching of foreign languages free associative experiment is used, first of all, for studying of associative structure of memory at perception and interpretation of unknown foreign words, and also for research of problems of bilingualism and monoligualism

    Competence and competency: main similarities and differences

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    В статье рассматривается проблема разграничения двух таких понятий как компетенция и компетентность. Приводятся точки зрения различных ученых по данной тематике. Анализируются основные различия и сходства компетенции и компетентности.In the article the problem of distinguishing between two concepts such as competence and competency. Given point of view of various scholars on this subject. Analyzes the main differences and similarities of competence and competency

    Public Health Risk Assessment Due to Air Pollution in the Temir District of the Aktobe Region

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    BACKGROUND: This article focuses on the health risk assessment associated with air pollution for the population of the Temir district in the Aktobe region. The risk assessment of the effects of air pollution on public health revealed a tendency to deterioration in the health indicators of the children’s population. AIM: The research object was the population of the Temir district living near the oil and gas field Zhanazhol. METHODS: The work was carried out according to the risk assessment methodology described in the manual R 2.1.10-1920-04. The maximum non-carcinogenic risk due to exposure to chemicals in the air basin of residential areas was established for children from 0 to 6 years of age in the Temir district. RESULTS: A high risk of respiratory, blood, and cardiovascular diseases was observed. Sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, and carbon oxides contained in atmospheric air contribute to the risk of developing these diseases. The levels of carcinogenic risk to public health in the Temir district show that the maximum individual risk of oncological diseases is observed in the group of children. The risk of malignant neoplasms in adolescents is 1.2 times lower, in the male population – 1.4 times lower, on average, and in the female population – 1.3 times lower than in children. Public health risk analysis aims to select the best ways in a particular situation to eliminate or reduce risk associated with air pollution for the population. CONCLUSION: The methodology of a comprehensive health risk analysis is a promising and developing approach in the system of monitoring the quality of the human environment and assessing environmental hazards

    Cycles in Bayesian Networks

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    The article is devoted to some critical problems of using Bayesian networks for solving practical problems, in which graph models contain directed cycles. The strict requirement of the acyclicity of the directed graph representing the Bayesian network does not allow to efficiently solve most of the problems that contain directed cycles. The modern theory of Bayesian networks prohibits the use of directed cycles. The requirement of acyclicity of the graph can significantly simplify the general theory of Bayesian networks, significantly simplify the development of algorithms and their implementation in program code for calculations in Bayesian networks