36 research outputs found

    The Apostasia genome and the evolution of orchids

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    Constituting approximately 10% of flowering plant species, orchids (Orchidaceae) display unique flower morphologies, possess an extraordinary diversity in lifestyle, and have successfully colonized almost every habitat on Earth(1-3). Here we report the draft genome sequence of Apostasia shenzhenica(4), a representative of one of two genera that form a sister lineage to the rest of the Orchidaceae, providing a reference for inferring the genome content and structure of the most recent common ancestor of all extant orchids and improving our understanding of their origins and evolution. In addition, we present transcriptome data for representatives of Vanilloideae, Cypripedioideae and Orchidoideae, and novel third-generation genome data for two species of Epidendroideae, covering all five orchid subfamilies. A. shenzhenica shows clear evidence of a whole-genome duplication, which is shared by all orchids and occurred shortly before their divergence. Comparisons between A. shenzhenica and other orchids and angiosperms also permitted the reconstruction of an ancestral orchid gene toolkit. We identify new gene families, gene family expansions and contractions, and changes within MADS-box gene classes, which control a diverse suite of developmental processes, during orchid evolution. This study sheds new light on the genetic mechanisms underpinning key orchid innovations, including the development of the labellum and gynostemium, pollinia, and seeds without endosperm, as well as the evolution of epiphytism; reveals relationships between the Orchidaceae subfamilies; and helps clarify the evolutionary history of orchids within the angiosperms

    Transcriptional Homeostasis of a Mangrove Species, Ceriops tagal, in Saline Environments, as Revealed by Microarray Analysis

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    <div><h3>Background</h3><p>Differential responses to the environmental stresses at the level of transcription play a critical role in adaptation. Mangrove species compose a dominant community in intertidal zones and form dense forests at the sea-land interface, and although the anatomical and physiological features associated with their salt-tolerant lifestyles have been well characterized, little is known about the impact of transcriptional phenotypes on their adaptation to these saline environments.</p> <h3>Methodology and Principal findings</h3><p>We report the time-course transcript profiles in the roots of a true mangrove species, <em>Ceriops tagal</em>, as revealed by a series of microarray experiments. The expression of a total of 432 transcripts changed significantly in the roots of <em>C. tagal</em> under salt shock, of which 83 had a more than 2-fold change and were further assembled into 59 unigenes. Global transcription was stable at the early stage of salt stress and then was gradually dysregulated with the increased duration of the stress. Importantly, a pair-wise comparison of predicted homologous gene pairs revealed that the transcriptional regulations of most of the differentially expressed genes were highly divergent in <em>C. tagal</em> from that in salt-sensitive species, <em>Arabidopsis thaliana</em>.</p> <h3>Conclusions/Significance</h3><p>This work suggests that transcriptional homeostasis and specific transcriptional regulation are major events in the roots of <em>C. tagal</em> when subjected to salt shock, which could contribute to the establishment of adaptation to saline environments and, thus, facilitate the salt-tolerant lifestyle of this mangrove species. Furthermore, the candidate genes underlying the adaptation were identified through comparative analyses. This study provides a foundation for dissecting the genetic basis of the adaptation of mangroves to intertidal environments.</p> </div

    Wolfberry genomes and the evolution of Lycium (Solanaceae)

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    AbstractWolfberry Lycium, an economically important genus of the Solanaceae family, contains approximately 80 species and shows a fragmented distribution pattern among the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Although several herbaceous species of Solanaceae have been subjected to genome sequencing, thus far, no genome sequences of woody representatives have been available. Here, we sequenced the genomes of 13 perennial woody species of Lycium, with a focus on Lycium barbarum. Integration with other genomes provides clear evidence supporting a whole-genome triplication (WGT) event shared by all hitherto sequenced solanaceous plants, which occurred shortly after the divergence of Solanaceae and Convolvulaceae. We identified new gene families and gene family expansions and contractions that first appeared in Solanaceae. Based on the identification of self-incompatibility related-gene families, we inferred that hybridization hotspots are enriched for genes that might be functioning in gametophytic self-incompatibility pathways in wolfberry. Extremely low expression of LOCULE NUBER (LC) and COLORLESS NON-RIPENING (CNR) orthologous genes during Lycium fruit development and ripening processes suggests functional diversification of these two genes between Lycium and tomato. The existence of additional flowering locus C-like MADS-box genes might correlate with the perennial flowering cycle of Lycium. Differential gene expression involved in the lignin biosynthetic pathway between Lycium and tomato likely illustrates woody and herbaceous differentiation. We also provide evidence that Lycium migrated from Africa into Asia, and subsequently from Asia into North America. Our results provide functional insights into Solanaceae origins, evolution and diversification.</jats:p

    Response of Dahlia Photosynthesis and Transpiration to High-Temperature Stress

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    The high temperature may cause difficult growth or bloom in the summer, which is the key problem limiting the cultivation and application of dahlia. The photosynthetic physiological mechanisms of dahlia under high temperature stress were studied to provide a theoretical basis for expanding the application range of cultivation and annual production. Two dahlia varieties, ‘Tampico’ and ‘Hypnotica Tropical Breeze’, were used as test materials and were treated for 1 d or 2 d at temperatures of 35/30 °C or 40/35 °C (day/night: 14 h/10 h) and then recovered at 25/20 °C for 7 d. A 25/20 °C treatment was used as the control. The results are as follows: (1) High-temperature stress resulted in the chlorophyll (Chl) content, Fv/Fm, transpiration rate (Tr), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), and water potential decreasing significantly, and the Chl content, Tr, and stomatal density of ‘Tampico’ were higher than those of ‘Hypnotica Tropical Breeze’ during the same period. (2) After the two dahlia varieties were treated with high-temperature stress and recovered at 25/20 °C for 7 d, the plant morphology and various physiological indices under the 35/30 °C treatment gradually returned to normal, with ‘Tampico’ in better condition than ‘Hypnotica Tropical Breeze’. (3) Both dahlia varieties could not withstand the stress of 40/35 °C for 2 days

    Morphological Type Identification of Self-Incompatibility in Dendrobium and Its Phylogenetic Evolution Pattern

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    Self-incompatibility (SI) is a type of reproductive barrier within plant species and is one of the mechanisms for the formation and maintenance of the high diversity and adaptation of angiosperm species. Approximately 40% of flowering plants are SI species, while only 10% of orchid species are self-incompatible. Intriguingly, as one of the largest genera in Orchidaceae, 72% of Dendrobium species are self-incompatible, accounting for nearly half of the reported SI species in orchids, suggesting that SI contributes to the high diversity of orchid species. However, few studies investigating SI in Dendrobium have been published. This study aimed to address the following questions: (1) How many SI phenotypes are in Dendrobium, and what are they? (2) What is their distribution pattern in the Dendrobium phylogenetic tree? We investigated the flowering time, the capsule set rate, and the pollen tube growth from the representative species of Dendrobium after artificial pollination and analysed their distribution in the Asian Dendrobium clade phylogenetic tree. The number of SI phenotypes exceeded our expectations. The SI type of Dendrobium chrysanthum was the primary type in the Dendrobium SI species. We speculate that there are many different SI determinants in Dendrobium that have evolved recently and might be specific to Dendrobium or Orchidaceae. Overall, this work provides new insights and a comprehensive understanding of Dendrobium SI

    100 CEGs for checking transcript assembly completeness

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    The alignment results from100 randomly selected conserved core eukaryotic genes (CEGs) among Arabidopsis thaliana, P. equestris and eleven transcriptomes for examining the transcript assemblies completeness. 82CEGs sequences (82%) were perfectly reconstructed, showing high consistency, although there were some sequences suggesting that partial sequencing missed in PEQU genome, such as sequences from At2g36880.1 and At1g12840.1 homologous genes, and some sequences in transcriptomes should be merged, such as sequences from At4g39280.1 homologous genes

    P. equestris genome gene models

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    The P. equestris genome gene models contain predicted coding sequence, proteins and gff format fil

    De novo transcriptome assembly databases for the butterfly orchid Phalaenopsis equestris

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    Orchids are renowned for their spectacular flowers and ecological adaptations. After the sequencing of the genome of the tropical epiphytic orchid Phalaenopsis equestris, we combined Illumina HiSeq2000 for RNA-Seq and Trinity for de novo assembly to characterize the transcriptomes for 11 diverse P. equestris tissues representing the root, stem, leaf, flower buds, column, lip, petal, sepal and three developmental stages of seeds. Our aims were to contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving the analysed tissue characteristics and to enrich the available data for P. equestris. Here, we present three databases. The first dataset is the RNA-Seq raw reads, which can be used to execute new experiments with different analysis approaches. The other two datasets allow different types of searches for candidate homologues. The second dataset includes the sets of assembled unigenes and predicted coding sequences and proteins, enabling a sequence-based search. The third dataset consists of the annotation results of the aligned unigenes versus the Nonredundant (Nr) protein database, Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) and Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) databases with low e-values, enabling a name-based search

    Data from: De novo transcriptome assembly databases in the butterfly orchid Phalaenopsis equestris

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    Orchids are renowned for their spectacular flowers and ecological adaptations. After the sequencing of the genome of the tropical epiphytic orchid Phalaenopsis equestris, we combined Illumina HiSeq2000 for RNA-Seq and Trinity for de novo assembly to characterize the transcriptomes for 11 diverse P. equestris tissues representing the root, stem, leaf, flower buds, column, lip, petal, sepal and three developmental stages of seeds. Our aims were to contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving the analysed tissue characteristics and to enrich the available data for P. equestris. Here, we present three databases. The first dataset is the RNA-Seq raw reads, which can be used to execute new experiments with different analysis approaches. The other two datasets allow different types of searches for candidate homologues. The second dataset includes the sets of assembled unigenes and predicted coding sequences and proteins, enabling a sequence-based search. The third dataset consists of the annotation results of the aligned unigenes versus the Nonredundant (Nr) protein database, Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) and Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) databases with low e-values, enabling a name-based search