11 research outputs found

    Comparison of Fecal Calprotectin Levels in Iranian general population and army personnel

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         Fecal Calprotectin is released in colon by activated neutrophils. Investigation of diagnostic application of determination of fecal Calprotectin levels is considered by many researchers to compare between different colorectal diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). Due to the effect of nutrition habits on the inflammatory processes of bowel, the main goal of this study was to evaluate the level of fecal Calprotectin in healthy subjects in Iranian army personnel that have specific and the same nutrition habits, in comparison with non-military population and also make this test an in-house method in Army laboratories.In this study a prospective and sample collection method used available samples (Convenience sampling). We collected stool samples from 108 subjects from Army personnel and 108 samples from non-military Iranian population with corresponding data collection form. Determination of Calprotectin levels was done by specific third generation quantitative ELISA method and statistics were done using SPSS software.The results showed that mean Calprotectin level in two included groups were 26.1 micrograms per gram in Army personnel group and 25.4 micrograms per gram in non-military control subjects. Fecal Calprotectin level in two studied groups wasn’t significantly different. Despite the little increase in Calprotectin levels in Army personnel group compared with control group this difference wasn’t statistically significant (P>0.05). We can conclude that the nutrition habits of army personnel could cause effects on inflammatory processes in digestive system. Determination of fecal Calprotectin levels as a cost effective and non invasive test could be used by military physicians for early diagnosis of inflammation in personnel by routine tests subjects.

    Clinicopathological Characteristics of Gastric Cancer in Iranian Patients Referred to Imam Reza Hospital During 2008 to 2017

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    Background and Aim: There are a limited number of studies regarding the clinicopathological features of gastric cancer. Here, the clinicopathological features of gastric cancer including tumor type and size, degree of differentiation, tumor operability, and immunohistochemically results of E-cadherin and P53 expression was investigated in Iranian patients. Methods: This retrospective study was performed on patients who were admitted at Imam Reza Hospital in Tehran-Iran from 2008 to 2017 with a diagnosis of gastric cancer. Required information including age, sex, type of cancer, pathology, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) results and treatment were extracted from the hospital archive. Results: Out of 264 enrolled patients (with the mean age of 70.03±14.01 years), 180 cases were men. The frequency of intestinal-type, Diffuse-type, lymphoma and GIST tumor were 54.5%, 27.7%, 12.25% and 5.92% respectively. In addition, 67.58% and 13.83% of the tumors were undifferentiated and poorly differentiated respectively. Surgery was less probable in less differentiated tumors (r=0.582 P=0.001). The surgery rate in GIST, intestinal-type, and Diffuse-type tumors were 100%, 57%, and 14.4%, respectively. IHC results showed that E-cadherin expression was present in 78.6, of which 50.9% were weakly positive (+1). Also, the high expression of P53 was observed in 60.7% of patients. Conclusion: According to the data, we can conclude that poorly differentiated tumors, decreased expression of E-cadherin, and increased expression of P53 is linked to poor prognosis in Iranian patients with gastric cancer. In this regard, further clinical trials and multicenter studies should be done to evaluate the possible factors for improving the prognosis and survival rates of Iranian patients with gastric cancer. *Corresponding Author: Shahrokh Iravani; Email: [email protected] Please cite this article as: Sattartabar B, Nourian M, Samizadeh E, Mehrvar N, Jalaeikhoo H, Mehrvar A, Iravani S. Clinicopathological Characteristics of Gastric Cancer in Iranian Patients Referred to Imam Reza Hospital During 2008 to 2017. Arch Med Lab Sci. 2020;6:1-6 (e18). https://doi.org/10.22037/amls.v6.3330

    Subtypes Distribution and Frequency of Blastocystis sp. Isolated from Diarrheic and Non-diarrheic Patients

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    Background: Blastocystis is one of the most common parasites, reported from both human and animals. This parasite is more prevalent in regions with low levels of hygiene, close contact with animal and unsuitable disposal systems. The aim of the study was to subtype Blastocystis sp., isolated from diarrheic and non-diarrheic patients using sequencing of 18S ribosomal DNA. Methods: Totally, 300 stool samples were collected from diarrheic and non-diarrheic patients referred to Imam Reza Hospital, Tehran from Apr to Aug 2015. All samples were concentrated using conventional Formalin – ether technique and recognized under light microscope. The fresh stool samples were also cultivated in clotted fetal bovine medium and examined for growing of Blastocystis every 48 h with direct smear slides for 10 d.DNA extraction was performed on all positive samples. Amplified DNA fragment of 18S rDNA was sequenced and compared with reference genes, previously deposited in Genbank database. Results: The number of diarrheic and non-diarrheic patients participated in the study was 134 (44.66%) and 166 (55.34%), respectively. Three subtypes 1, 2, 3 were identified from positive samples. Subtype 2 was the most prevalent (36.5%) followed by subtype 1 (33.3%) and subtype 3 (30.2%). There were no mixed subtypes. Furthermore, the most prevalent subtypes in diarrheic and non-diarrheic patients were subtype 2 (39.28%) and subtype 1 (37.14%), respectively. Conclusion: Blastocystis sp., is one of the most prevalent unicellular parasites among diarrheic and non-diarrheic patients. Indeed, ST2 was the most prevalent subtype particularly in those samples collected from diarrheic patients

    Comparing Lecture and Problem-based Learning Methods in Teaching Limb Anatomy to First Year Medical Students

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    Introduction: Problem-based learning has replaced traditional teaching in most universities around the world but still there are many challenges in replacing traditional methods by this new method of learning. Two methods of lecture and problem-based learning (PBL) for teaching anatomy to junior medical students are compared in this study. Methods: Forty students of Artesh University of Medical Sciences, who entered university in 2005, were divided into two groups randomly. Groups were matched based on their Diploma average score, the raw score achieved in entrance exam, and the average score of their previous term. Then, limb anatomy was taught to both groups during two semesters, one group was taught through traditional method and the other through problem-based learning method. The headings of the lesson were the same for the two groups. Students were evaluated through a pre-test at the beginning of the semester and a post-test which was held at the end of the semester. Their viewpoints were also asked at the same time with post-test. Data was analyzed by SPSS software using independent T-test and paired T-test. Results: Post-test scores in both groups were higher than the pre-test scores significantly. The mean difference for correct answers to judgment questions in post-test was higher significantly in PBL group compared with the traditional group. PBL group students were more satisfied with their teaching method. Students' viewpoints in PBL group concerning three domains of developing a sense of participation, encouraging students to study more and teacher's teaching abilities, earned higher scores compared to the traditional group. Conclusion: Students are encouraged to reflect more, and avoid memorizing the material in PBL method. Moreover, this method motivates students to study more by encouraging them into more group interaction

    Association of Helicobacter Pylori Infection with ABO and Rh Blood Groups in Military Students and Soldiers

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) is one of the most common infectious bacteria cause diseases such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, adenocarcinoma, etc. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that individuals who had O blood group were more likely to develop peptic ulcers. The aim of present study was to investigate the association between the prevalence of H. Pylori infection in soldiers and military students with ABO, Rh blood group in Tehran city. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study 417 individuals aged 18-27 years who were selected among military students of AJAUMS (Aja University of Medical Sciences) University of Afsari Imam Ali and soldiers. Personal, social and health information of individuals were collected through questionnaires. Phenotype of ABO blood groups and Rh in all participants were studied by a standard hemagglutination test. Antibody levels of Anti- H. pylori IgG in serum of all participants were determined by ELISA test. Collected data analyzed by using SPSSsoftware version 16 and Chi-square test. Results: Overall 183 (43.9%) of 417 subjects were seropositive, and 234 (56.1%) subjects were seronegative. Prevalence of infection in AJAUMS students compared to other two groups showed a significant decrease. However, the prevalence of infection in the group of persons with more than five family members was significantly higher than the group with less than 5. Conclusion: There was no association between ABO, Rh blood groups with H. Pylori infection