102 research outputs found

    Effect of fentanyl on the success of inferior alveolar nerve block for teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: a randomized clinical trial

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    Aim: The purpose of this prospective, randomized, double-blind study was to evaluate the effect of adding fentanyl to lidocaine 2% with epinephrine 1:80,000 on the success of the inferior alveolar nerve block in mandibular molar teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis. Methodology: 100 healthy adult patients with diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis in one of the mandibular molar tooth were selected and randomly divided in two groups of 50 patients each. In the first group (fentanyl group), 0.25 ml of a cartridge of 1.8 ml of 2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 epinephrine solution was drained and the same amount from 50μg/ ml fentanyl solution was added to the cartridge. In the second group (non-fentanyl group) 0.25 ml of a cartridge of 1.8 ml of 2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 epinephrine solution was drained and the same amount from saline solution was added to the cartridge. Each group received two cartridges of prepared soloution with inferior alveolar nerve block injection technique. Access cavity preparation started 15 minautes after injection and after confirming the lip numbness. Success defined as no pain or mild pain on the basis of Heft-Parker visual analog scale during access cavity preparation or initial instrumentation. Data were analyzed by T-test and Chi-square Results: The success rate of inferior alveolar nerve block injection was 58% for Fentanyl group and 46% for Non-Fentanyl group. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.23). Conclusions: The addition of fentanyl to lidocaine 2% with epinephrine 1:80,000 did not increase the success rate of the inferior alveolar nerve block in mandibular molar teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis

    Development of cGMP manufacturing processes for the large-scale production of cell-based therapies for commercial applications

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    The landmark discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) ushered in a new era of cell and gene-based therapies and their potentially curative nature for a number of devastating diseases and disorders. This has resulted in a large number of clinical trials being initiated for the use of cell-based therapies for the treatment of various diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Type I diabetes, and large B-cell lymphoma. Additionally, the recent approval of therapies using immune cells and their success in the clinic are positive indicators of the commercial applicability of cell-based therapies. However, in order to reach the market it is necessary to develop industrialized cGMP manufacturing processes that are scalable, robust and reliable and can meet commercial demands. In addition, for a commercial process it is important to have a good understanding of the critical process parameters (CPPs) and their impact on the critical quality attributes (CQAs) of the final therapeutic product. Lonza has approached the development of industrialized bioprocesses with focus on (1) the development of cGMP manufactured, quality-assured cell bank processes (e.g. iPSC manufacturing process utilizing a robust cell culture system), (2) implementation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to aid in scaling culture systems, (3) implementation of process analytical technologies (PAT) to monitor/control the culture conditions and automation to decrease labor and improve reproducibility of the process, (4) utilizing a standard approach to performing process characterization studies based on a failure mode and affects analysis (FMEA) to identify modes of failure, risks and mitigations and aid in commercial readiness, and (5) the development, optimization and qualification of analytical methods to characterize the state of the cultures and support release of cell-based products. Importantly, the development of analytical methods that can demonstrate the characteristics and potency of the final drug product as it relates to its in vivo mechanism of action are critical. In this respect, Lonza has developed a library of robust / qualified analytical methods that can be assessed and utilized for different clinical programs in order to support commercial activities. Here, we will discuss how we have applied our unique approach to support the industrialization of cell-based therapies for applications utilizing iPSCs and T-cells.

    Indium Antimonide Nanowires: Synthesis and Properties

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    This article summarizes some of the critical features of pure indium antimonide nanowires (InSb NWs) growth and their potential applications in the industry. In the first section, historical studies on the growth of InSb NWs have been presented, while in the second part, a comprehensive overview of the various synthesis techniques is demonstrated briefly. The major emphasis of current review is vapor phase deposition of NWs by manifold techniques. In addition, author review various protocols and methodologies employed to generate NWs from diverse material systems via self-organized fabrication procedures comprising chemical vapor deposition, annealing in reactive atmosphere, evaporation of InSb, molecular/chemical beam epitaxy, solution-based techniques, and top-down fabrication method. The benefits and ill effects of the gold and self-catalyzed materials for the growth of NWs are explained at length. Afterward, in the next part, four thermodynamic characteristics of NW growth criterion concerning the expansion of NWs, growth velocity, Gibbs-Thomson effect, and growth model were expounded and discussed concisely. Recent progress in device fabrications is explained in the third part, in which the electrical and optical properties of InSb NWs were reviewed by considering the effects of conductivity which are diameter dependent and the applications of NWs in the fabrications of field-effect transistors, quantum devices, thermoelectrics, and detectors

    Point Mutations on Mitochondrial DNA in Iranian Patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia

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    ObjectiveMitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is considered a candidate modifier factor for neuro-degenerative disorders. The most common type of ataxia is Friedreich's ataxia (FA). The aim of this study was to investigate different parts of mtDNA in 20 Iranian FA patients and 80 age-matched controls by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and automated DNA sequencing methods to find any probable point mutations involved in the pathogenesis of FA.Materials and MethodsWe identified 13 nucleotide substitutions including A3505G, T3335C, G3421A, G8251A, A8563G, A8563G, G8584A, T8614C, T8598C, C8684T, A8701G, G8994A and A9024G.ResultsTwelve of 13 nucleotide substitutions had already been reported as polymorphism. One of the nucleotide substitutions (A9024G) had not been reported before. The A9024G nucleotide substitution does not change its amino acid. The controls were also investigated for this polymorphism which was found in two of them (2.5%).ConclusionNone of the mutations found in this study can affect the clinical manifestations of FA. This survey also provides evidence that the mtDNA A9024G allele is a new nonpathogenic polymorphism. We suggest follow-up studies for this polymorphism in different populations.

    Hubungan Konsep Diri dan Intensitas Penggunaan Media Sosial Instagram dengan Gaya Hidup Hedonis Mahasiswa

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    Hedonic lifestyle is a person's way of life that is being implemented in behaviour that prioritise indulgence and pleasure as the main purposes of life. The purpose of this research to find the relationship between self-concept and the intensity of instagram social media users with hedonic lifestyle of student. The population in this study are students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The research sample was 126 students in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, age 18 until 24 years old, and using instagram social media. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling and slovin formula. This research is using a scale of self-concept, a scale of the intensity of instagram social media users and a scale of hedonic lifestyle. Data were analyzed by multiple linier regression. The results of data analysis showed a significant relation between self-concept and the intensity of instagram social media usage with hedonic lifestyle of student.. The result of the first minor hypothesis between self-concept and hedonic lifestyle, the correlation coeficient r = -0,314 and Sig. (1-tailed) = 0,000 (p<0,01) which means that there is a significant negative relation between self-concept and hedonic lifestyle. The result of the second minor hypothesis between the intensity of instagram social media users and hedonic lifestyle, the correlation coeficient r = 0,269 and Sig. (1-tailed) = 0,001 (p<0,01) which means that there is a significant positive relation between between the intensity of instagram social media users and hedonic lifestyle. Based on the results of the analysis the variable of hedonic lifestyle in the low category with 61.9%. The variable of self-concept in the high category with 71,4%. And the variable of intensity of instagram social media users in the medium category with 61,9%. The effective contribution of self-concept and the intensity of instagram social media users with hedonic lifestyle is 18,7%. Self-concept variable contributes to hedonic lifestyle by 10,68% and the intensity of instagram social media users variable contributes to hedonic lifestyle is 8,02%

    Left ventricular pseudo-aneurysm: Do not make the same mistake

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    The differentiation between left ventricular pseudo-aneurysm and true aneurysm is sometimes difficult and there are some pitfalls in the process of making the right diagnosis. Correct diagnosis has considerable effect on the outcome and management of the patients. We report the case of 59-year-old man who referred to the emergency department with complaints of lower extremity edema and dyspnea on exertion. In his past medical history, he had been diagnosed with post-myocardial infarction and apical true aneurysm four months before his arrival at the emergency ward. The patient was under strict medical follow-up for his condition. Echocardiography was conducted in the emergency ward, and it revealed a huge apical pseudo-aneurysm, which had been miss-diagnosed in the past echocardiographic examination. We herein seek to address this issue and underscore the pitfalls in making the correct and necessary distinction between these two not so uncommon entities

    Application of multiplex PCR with histopathologic features for detection of familial breast cancer in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded histologic specimens

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    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among females in the world. Age and familial history are the major risk factors for the development of this disease in Iran. Mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are associated with a greatly increased risk for development of familial breast cancer. Frequency of BRCA mutations was identified in familial breast cancers (FBC) and non familial breast cancers (NFBC) by molecular genetics, morphological and Immunohistochemical methods. Thirty forth formalin fixed, paraffin embedded breast tissue tumors were analyzed from 16 patients with FBC and 18 patients with NFBC. Three 5382insC mutations detected by multiplex PCR in 16 familial breast cancers. Immunohistochemical method was used to detect estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterona receptor (PR) and TP53. Comparison of ER, PR and TP53 exhibited high difference (P < 0.0001) in familial breast cancers and nonfamilial breast cancers. Our results demonstrated that 5382insC mutation, ER, PR, TP53, mitotic activity, polymorphism, necrosis and tubules can serve as the major risk factors for the development of FBC.Рак молочної залози (РМЗ) є найбільш частим видом злоякісних пухлин у жінок в світі. В Ірані вік та наявність захворювань РМЗ в найближчих родичів є головними факторами ризику розвитку цього захворювання. Мутації гена BRCA1/2 зумовлюють високий ризик розвитку протягом життя РМЗ. Досліджено частоти мутацій ВRCA в осіб з сімейним раком молочної залози (СРМЗ) та несімейним раком молочної залози (НСРМЗ) з Ірану. Для досягнення поставленої цілі використовували молекулярно-генетичні, морфологічні та імуногістохімічні методи. Проаналізовано 34 тканини пухлин, зафіксованих в парафіні, у 16 хворих СРМЖ і 18 хворих НСРМЖ. При дослідженні генів ВRCA1 та ВRCA2 з мультиплексним ПЦР ідентифіковано три мутації (538insC) в 16 хворих СРМЖ. Імуногістохімічним методом визначали рецептор естрогена (ЕР), рецептор прогестерона (РП) і ТР53. Порівняння ЕР, РП і ТР53 в тканинах СРМЖ та НРМЖ показало високі достовірні відмінності (Р < 0.0001). В результаті досліджень виявлено, що мутація 5382insC, ЭР, РП, TP53, мітотична особливість, поліморфізми, некроз і тубули можуть бути використані як головні фактори ризику розвитку СРМЖ.Отмечено, что рак молочной железы (РМЖ) является наиболее частым видом злокачественных опухолей у женщин в мире. В Иране возраст и наличие заболеваний РМЖ у ближайших родственников являются главными факторами риска развития этого заболевания. Мутации гена BRCA1/2 обусловливают высокий риск развития в течение жизни РМЖ. Исследованы частоты мутаций BRCA у лиц с семейным РМЖ (СРМЖ) и несемейным РМЖ (НСРМЖ) из Ирана. Для достижения поставленной цели использованы молекулярно-генетические, морфологические и иммуногистохимические методы. Проанализированы 34 ткани опухолей, зафиксированных в парафине, у 16 больных СРМЖ и 18 больных НСРМЖ. При исследовании генов BRCA1 и BRCA2 с мультиплексным ПЦР идентифицированы три мутации (5382insC) у 16 больных СРМЖ. Иммуногистохимическим методом определены рецепторы эстрогена (ЭР), прогестерона (РП) и ТР53. Сравнение ЭР, РП и ТР53 в тканях СРМЖ и НРМЖ показало высокие достоверные различия. В результате исследований выявлено, что мутация 5382insC, ЭР, РП, ТР53, митотическая особенность, полиморфизмы, некроз и тубулы можно использовать как главные факторы риска развития СРМЖ

    Implementasi Reforma Agraria pada Masa Orde Lama dan Reformasi

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    Reform is a method to solve agrarian problem for economic inequality of population income in Indonesia. and the food and ruler and landlord are well resolved so that the economic progress of the nation can be evenly and well-being achieved. The policy taken by the state leaders must comply with the interests of all Indonesian citizens without discriminate or their policies should be the same as the principles of applicable law. And the reform of the reforms in the old order and the Reformation is certainly. A way to create a responsive policy that can coordinate interest. All citizens but in different ways are most important in running. A policy remains to be based on the provisions of the law due to Indonesia state law under the UUD 1945, in making the concept of agrarian policy in order to walk with. Should involve scientists, officers, activists, and also elements of society

    Indium Antimonide Nanowires:Synthesis and Properties

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    This article summarizes some of the critical features of pure indium antimonide nanowires (InSb NWs) growth and their potential applications in the industry. In the first section, historical studies on the growth of InSb NWs have been presented, while in the second part, a comprehensive overview of the various synthesis techniques is demonstrated briefly. The major emphasis of current review is vapor phase deposition of NWs by manifold techniques. In addition, author review various protocols and methodologies employed to generate NWs from diverse material systems via self-organized fabrication procedures comprising chemical vapor deposition, annealing in reactive atmosphere, evaporation of InSb, molecular/chemical beam epitaxy, solution-based techniques, and top-down fabrication method. The benefits and ill effects of the gold and self-catalyzed materials for the growth of NWs are explained at length. Afterward, in the next part, four thermodynamic characteristics of NW growth criterion concerning the expansion of NWs, growth velocity, Gibbs-Thomson effect, and growth model were expounded and discussed concisely. Recent progress in device fabrications is explained in the third part, in which the electrical and optical properties of InSb NWs were reviewed by considering the effects of conductivity which are diameter dependent and the applications of NWs in the fabrications of field-effect transistors, quantum devices, thermoelectrics, and detectors