Wajah Hukum (E-Journal, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari)
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    208 research outputs found

    Analisis Yuridis Penerbitan Surat Persetujuan Berlayar Mt. Sea Tanker Ii di Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Batam

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    MT. Sea Tanker II, which was going to docking to Surabaya, was hampered by its departure due to the non-issuance of a Sailing Approval Letter by the KSOP Batam Region, on the grounds that the owner MT. Sea Tanker II was reported by other parties regarding MT. Sea Tanker II at the Riau Islands Police. MT. Sea Tanker II has carried out its obligations to pay the fees for anchoring services, mooring services, guide-in services, and delay-in services, as well as completing the required documents for the issuance of the Sailing Approval Letter, but the Special KSOP Batam Region is not willing to issue the SPB for fear of being investigated by investigators from the Regional Police. Riau Islands. The actions taken were not in accordance with the KSOP authority contained in articles 207 and 208 point (g) of Law Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping, which states that KSOP Batam Region can only detain ships with a written order from the Court. This research is a legal research, namely the process of finding legal rules, legal principles, or legal doctrine in order to answer legal issues and analyze court decisions

    Upaya Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Menangani Kejahatan Narkotika Sebagai Kejahatan Transnasional

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    Drug trafficking is growing rapidly and becoming more sophisticated. It has been organized as a transnational crime which is a form of crime across countries. The drug business has transcended cultural and social boundaries and has become a business that knows no boundaries. This has become a serious problem for every country. This is because this case has caused health problems and crime. Indonesia has become a destination country for drug trafficking. The development of this business has also grown once in the country of Indonesia. Indonesia's vast territory and lack of supervision in border areas make it easy to smuggle these illegal goods. That way, the illicit business can continue. Drug abuse can harm people who use it even to the people around them. Therefore, Indonesia has made efforts in dealing with this transnational drug crime. Therefore, the purpose of this journal is to find out the efforts of the government in Indonesia in dealing with this transnational crime

    Fulfillment of The Rights of Accessibility to Population and Civil Registration for People with Disabilities

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    The objective of this study is to discover the legal position of the National ID number functioning as the primary identity that forms the basis for fulfilling citizens’ rights, including fundamental rights to health services and education for persons with disabilities. Also, to determine the innovation implemented by the Dinas Adminduk of Palu City to encourage public service fulfillment for persons with disabilities. This research is empirical legal research with statutory and conceptual approaches. This research concludes that the legal position of the National ID number functioning as the primary identity that forms the basis for fulfilling citizens’ rights has been legalized in the Regulation of The President of The Republic of Indonesia Number 83 Year 2021. This causes every Indonesian citizen to be mandatory to have an ID number to access public services, which leads to the fulfillment of the constitutional rights of citizens. SIMALEO BERGERAK, PELANGI in the District, and PELAYAN SEKSI are the innovations developed to help the citizens, especially persons with disabilities, to have an ID number. Therefore, the obligation to fulfill the constitutional rights of persons with disabilities can be carried out by the State

    Peran Bhabinkamtibmas Menjaga Stabilitas Keamanan dan Ketertiban Masyarakat Desa Taman Agung Lampung Selatan

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    The National Police is responsible for seeking, preventing, and eliminating any symptoms that may appear and may disrupt security and order in the community. The research method is a normative juridical approach and an empirical approach. And concluded with a deductive way of thinking so that it becomes a general description of the answer to the problem based on the results of the study. The results of the research are the Implementation of Perkap Article 1 paragraph (7) Number 1 of 2021 which has been implemented but has not been effective or has been implemented but has not been implemented optimally, this is due to inadequate facilities and infrastructure and residents do not fully understand the importance of maintaining security. and common order. Inhibiting Factors People who do not fully understand the rules and also facilities and infrastructure that are less supportive, and budget constraints. creating Suggestions that all villagers need to support all programs that have been made by bhabinkamtibmas in security and order in the community, increasing socialization and dialogue between residents and members of bhabinkamtibmas in order to create a good partnership relationship

    Akibat Hukum Merger Bank Syariah Mandiri, BRI Syariah, dan BNI Syariah

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    The purpose of writing this article is to examine legal arrangements for merger of Islamic banking and legal consequences of the merger of Bank Syariah Mandiri, BRI Syariah, and BNI Syariah. The research method used in this research is normative juridical method. Results of this study found that provisions regarding the merger of Islamic Banking are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation as mandated by Article 17 paragraph (3) of Law Number 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking. The legal arrangements for the merger of Islamic Banking in Indonesia can be referred to the Banking Law, Limited Liability Company Law, Islamic Banking Law, Government Regulation Number 28 of 1999, and OJK Regulation Number 41 of 2019. In addition, the merger of Sharia Banks must also pay attention to terms and conditions relating to the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition as referred to in Law Number 5 of 1999. The legal consequences of the merger of BRI Syariah, BNI Syariah and Bank Mandiri Syariah may affect the company, shareholders, customers and employee

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Kosmetik Pemutih Wajah “Cream HN” Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli Online Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen

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    Cosmetics are used primarily for women for various purposes such as to make an attractive appearance. One of them is the HN Cream product, which is still a serious problem, which includes products that are not as safe as consumer expectations. As a result of using these products, it causes financial losses and also skin diseases including skin peeling, acne breakouts, and others. This is not in accordance with Law no. 8 of 1999 regarding Consumer Protection. The main problem that the author raises in this study is how the process of applying legal protection to consumers of facial whitening cosmetics Cream HN in online buying and selling transactions according to Law no. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and how are the factors inhibiting the implementation of consumer protection for Cream HN cosmetics in online buying and selling transactions. His method applies an empirical juridical approach, and is carried out directly to the place that is the object of his research. Researchers also obtained data through the interview process. His research was obtained from the results of selling Cream HN online. The approach uses a primary approach, which is in the form of data obtained from field studies. The result is that to provide legal protection guarantees regarding consumers, business actors when selling online must be based on Law no. 8 of 1999 regarding consumer protection

    Penyelesaian Perceraian Yang Dilakukan Di Luar Pengadilan Studi Kasus Di Desa Mudung Darat Kecamatan Maro Sebo Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Regarding the settlement of divorce outside the court, it is not something new, but there are many problems related to marriages that were carried out previously. According to the provisions of the marriage law, divorce should be carried out in a court session, and not outside the court session, This is what makes me interested in exploring divorce cases that are carried out outside of court, the impact of a divorce that is carried out outside of court, for the wife, especially not only on the wife's rights but also regarding the rights of children and joint property that they acquired during the marriage. not obtained by the wife and their children, if during the marriage they obtained children and property. However, the divorce carried out by this husband and wife couple is not the same as marriage in general, where the implementation of the marriage carried out by both parties is carried out in Mudung Darat Village, Maro Sebo District, Muaro Jambi Regency in a private manner or privately, and witnessed. by local traditional leaders, the divorce cannot be carried out in court, only traditional leaders can finalize the divorce from the couple, besides that the woman (ex-wife) does not get any rights at all towards her husband

    Kebijakan Hukum dalam Menanggulangi (Over Criminalization) Korupsi Dana Desa Untuk Mewujudkan Keadilan Restoratif

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    This study examines the existence of the prosecution authority in Indonesia which is closely related to the Legal Policy in Overcoming (Over Criminalization) Corruption in the Village Fund to realize restorative justice. This needs to be done considering the very large amount of Fund Allocation from 2018-2021 which reached IDR 72 trillion which was intended for 83,381 villages and was very vulnerable to corruption. The problem that will be discussed in this research is How is the Legal Policy in Overcoming Corruption (Over Criminalization) of Village Fund Corruption to realize restorative justice. The research method used is a normative research method with a statute approach and analyzed using content analysis

    Efektivitas Sanksi Pidana terhadap Orang Tua Pecandu Narkotika yang Tidak Melapor Anaknya Ke Kepolisian Resor Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    Currently, many children are addicted to narcotics, so the role of parents is needed in reporting their children if they use narcotics to the authorities, including the Tanjung Jabung Timur Resort Police. This research is of the juridical empirical type which is carried out directly to the field using a socio-legal research approach. For data sources, it was carried out directly in the field by direct interviews with informants and library research was also carried out by means of document studies so that the data analysis used was qualitative analysis. The results of this discussion are related to the effectiveness of criminal sanctions against parents of narcotics addicts who do not report their children to the East Tanjung Jabung Resort Police, namely that the criminal sanctions have not been effective and efforts to make these criminal sanctions effective, the East Tanjung Jabung Police continue to socialize related parents with the criminal sanction.

    Tinjauan Hukum Kerahasiaan Rekam Medis dalam Laporan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Berbasis Digital

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    The study aims to explain about legal aspects of medical record data confidentiality in digitally based maternal and child health reports. Teh method of this study is normative legal research with a conceptual approach, then quantitative analysis of legal interpretation. This Study shows confidentiality of information about patients is addressed to all health workers, administrative personnel (not health workers) who have access, and students or students who are obtaining education in every health service facility, both data information stored manually and digitally. The dissemination of personal data without permission is a criminal act and violates the code of ethics. Maintaining the confidentiality of digital-based maternal and child health report data is an obligation for all health workers and administrative personnel who have access to or are involved in this activity and this is protected by the Law but it has not have the specific rule


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    Wajah Hukum (E-Journal, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari) is based in Indonesia
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