919 research outputs found
A new species of the genus Gomphomastax Brunner von Wattenwyl (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae: Gomphomastacinae) from Indian Kashmir
A new species, Gomphomastax nigrovittata Usmani, from Kashmir is described and illustrated. In addition to conventional morphological characters, genitalic structures are also studied. A key to known species of Gomphomastax from Indian Kashmir is given
This study investigated students’ motivation in speaking through Contextual Teaching Learning at a Junior High School in Jampang Kulon, West Java. The procedures of action research (plan, act, observe, reflect, and revise) were used to investigate the participants’ learning activities and motivation. The study was conducted in two cycles involving two on-site English teachers. Data were collected through the teacher’s journal, observers’ sheets, students’ diaries, and questionnaires. The results of the research indicated that students’ motivation in speaking could be improved through activating the students’ needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Finally, the results of the study are expected to have a contribution to developing students to be motivated language learners
Effect of Electrolytes on the Adsorption of Nitrite and Nitrate from Aqueous Solutions by Activated Carbon
Nitrite and nitrate levels were quantitatively adsorbed to wood-derived activated carbon in aqueous system and the effects of electrolytes investigated in this study using batch sorption process. The data showed that nitrate adsorbed nearly 1.5 times higher than that of nitrite. The adsorption is adequately explained by Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models (r=0.99) with parameters indicative of a beneficial adsorption.. However, the adsorption is markedly reduced in presence of electrolytes (
Pemikiran Syekh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari Tentang Zakat dalam Kitab Sabîl Al-Muhtadîn Analisis Intertekstual
Sabil al-Muhtadin is a fiqh book written by Muhammadd Arsyad al-Banjari (d. 1812) in year 1193-1995 H / 1779-1781 A.D. Backgrounds of its written are, for example, desires to improve currently available Malay fiqh book entitled ash-Shirath al-Mustaqim written by Syekh Nuruddin Ar-Raniri. There are three significant thoughts on almsgiving / zakat described in Sabil al-Muhtadin, which are not explained in ash-Shirath al-Mustaqim. First, there are no obligation to almsgivingonjewelries except gold and silver jewelry. Second, portion of the needy are allowed to be utilized for production interests. Third, involvement of imam (leader) in managing zakat / almsgiving especially in giving zakat / almsgiving to the needy for productive interests. Those thoughts are evaluated by research team of IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin and Rasyidah HA as the result of Al-Banjari's individual interpretation and judment (ijtihad). Al-Banjari in his preface of Sabil al-Muhtadin described that during his writting of this book, he based on books written by muta'akkhirin scholars in Syafi'i mazhab in particular al-Anshari's Fath al-Wahhab (d. 926), al-Haitami's Tuhfat al-Muhtaj(d. 973), asy-Syarbini's Mughni al-Muhtaj (d. 977) and ar-Ramli's Nihayat al-Muhtaj (d. 1004). With the confession of Al-Banjari, it is necessary to do research using intertextual approach to find out whether those thoughts are the results of his individual interpretation and judgment (ijtihad). After reviewing all named references, it turnedout that what are evaluated as ijtihad results are already discussed by previous scholars
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui pemahaman siswa sebelum menggunakan bahan ajar PAI berbasis tugas (hafalan) kelas IV SDN 17 Galung-Galung Kabupaten Majene, (2) mengetahui pemahaman siswa setelah menggunakan tugas- bahan ajar berbasis PAI (hajian) kelas IV SDN 17 Galung-Galung Kabupaten Majene, (3) mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan bahan ajar berbasis PAI (hajian) berbasis tugas terhadap efektifitas pemahaman siswa kelas IV di SDN 17 Galung-Galung Kabupaten Majene. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan design pre-experimental dengan jenis desain “One-group Design pretest-posttest”. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 siswa dengan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 17 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar tes. Data yang di analisis penelitian digunakan dalam ini adalah teknik analisis inferensial. Berdasarkan hasil pemahaman siswa sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan bahan ajar PAI berbasis tugas (Resitasi) terdapat perbedaan yaitu sebelum penggunaan bahan ajar PAI berbasis tugas (Resitasi) menggunakan skor tertinggi 71 dan terendah 46 menggunakan rata-rata 54,94. Sedangkan setelah penggunaan bahan ajar berbasis tugas PAI (Resitasi) dengan skor tertinggi 92 dan terendah 50 hasilnya homogen 68,24. Kemudian dilakukan uji hipotesis perhitungan untuk, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa akan terdapat perbedaan pemahaman siswa yang signifikan antara siswa yang dibelajarkan sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan bahan ajar berbasis tugas PAI (recitation). Pada analisis uji-t hal ini terlihat yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan T-test Paired Sample dengan bantuan SPSS menunjukkan Thitung = 6,373 dengan Ttabel = 2,144. Sehingga hasil perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan bahan ajar PAI berbasis tugas dapat efektif untuk pemahaman siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 17 Galung-Galung Kabupaten Majene
Interval-valued fuzzy ideals generated by an interval-valued fuzzy subset in ordered semigroups
In this paper, we de ne the concept of interval-valued fuzzy left (right, two
sided, interior, bi-) ideal in ordered semigroups. We show that the interval-
valued fuzzy subset
is an interval-valued fuzzy left (right, two sided, interior,
bi-) ideal generated by an interval-valued fuzzy subset
fuzzy left (right, two sided, interior, bi-) ideals generated by
respectivelyPeer Reviewe
KEDUDUKAN GURU SEBAGAI PENDIDIK: Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab, Hak dan Kewajiban, dan Kompetensi Guru
Abstract: Teachers as professional educators are in charge in educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in formal early education. In performing these duties, the teachers are responsible for the students, parents, nation and religion. In carrying ou their task, they also have the right to have salary, promotion, opportunities to improve their competence, as well as have an obligation to plan good instruction, and developing qualification and competence sustainably. The teachers who perform their duties are called professional, that is, having some expertise or competence including pedagogy, personality, and social, professional. interwoven with one another.Abstrak: Guru sebagai pendidik profesional bertugas untuk mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini pada jalur pendidikan formal. Dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, guru bertanggung jawab terhadap peserta didik, orang tua, masyarakat, bangsa, negara, dan agama. Dalam menjalankan tugas-nya, guru mempunyai hak berupa penghasilan, promosi, kesempatan meningkatkan kompetensi serta berkewajiban untuk merencanakan pembelajaran secara baik, mengembangkan kualifikasi dan kompetensinya secara berkesinam-bungan dan sebagainya. Guru yang menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik disebut guru yang profesional, yakni guru yang memiliki beberapa keahlian atau kompetensi meliputi pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional yang terjalin satu dengan lainnya
Introducing a national health insurance system in South Africa: A general practitioner’s bottom-up approach to costing
BACKGROUND: The introduction of national health insurance (NHI) is an important debate in South Africa, with affordability and institutional capacity being the key issues. NHI costing has been dominated by estimates of exorbitant cost. However, capitation is not only a different payment system but also a different service delivery model, and as a result there are opportunities for risk management and efficiencies. OBJECTIVE: This study explores how private general practitioners (GPs) may choose to embrace these service delivery concepts and deal with the cost implications to meet NHI requirements. METHODS: Data were collected from 598 solo private GPs through a self-administered online questionnaire survey across South Africa. RESULTS: In spite of poor engagement with the public sector, and some challenges in costing and organisation, GPs appear to have an affordable and pro-active response to NHI capitation costing and fee setting. On average, they would accept a minimum global fee of R4.03 million to look after a population of 10 000 people for personal healthcare services. CONCLUSION: At a total cost to the country of R16.9 billion, government could affordably use GPs to develop the primary health care part of NHI to cover the entire South African uninsured population. It is anticipated that a similar approach would be successful in other developing countries
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