Jurnal Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang
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    391 research outputs found

    Titik Temu Pancasila dan Etika Politik Gereja dalam Melawan Radikalisme di Indonesia

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    The condition of intolerance that grows and develops in society has resulted in Indonesia being prone to disintegration. The most effective action against this radicalism movement is not done physically but ideologically. The most appropriate ideological tools against this movement are Pancasila and political ethics because both teach about divine and human values. However, both of them still receive less attention and are used in counter-radicalism activities. This study aims to explore the intersection of Pancasila and church political ethics as an antidote to radicalism in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with the library method. This study indicates that the meeting point between Pancasila and church political ethics lies in the divine value that lives human values. Divine values can only be preserved and developed in human values. It affirms that all forms of oppression and violence that interfere with human values must be rejected and eliminated from the life of the nation and state in Indonesia. Thus, Pancasila and church political ethics in Indonesia can be the most appropriate values to fight radicalism. These findings can make a scientific contribution to increasing the role of the church in living the values of Pancasila to counter radicalism in Indonesia.

    Relevansi Ontologi Brahman dan Ātman dalam Kitab Īṣāvasya Upaniṣad dengan Pluralitas Agama di Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a plurality country which is indicated by the diversity of ethnicities, races, customs, languages, and religions. Plurality, including religion, can have implications for cooperation but also conflict. The facts show that the plurality of religions in Indonesia is in trouble. But inherently, all religions, including Hinduism, also have values that can overcome the problem of plurality, which is hidden in its theological concepts. This study aims to explore the Brahman and Ātman in the Īṣāvasya Upaniṣad ontologically and its relevance to the plurality of religions in Indonesia. This research is library research using a qualitative approach. The material objects of the research are Brahman and Ātman in the Īśāvasya Upaniṣad. Data collection in this study was carried out through document studies on primary and secondary data sources. Data analysis in this study used methodical steps of descriptive, interpretative, and holistic analysis. The results showed that the study of Brahman and Atman was ontologically described in several categories, including substance, quantity, quality, place, time, position, ownership, and action. In addition, this study contains value concepts relevant to religious plurality, including kinship, tolerance, harmony, divinity, holiness, nobility, brotherhood, empathy, love, and mutual respect

    Dimensi Eko-Eskatologis dalam Mitos Penciptaan pada Masyarakat Manggarai Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    One of the problems suspected to be faced by human is environmental problems. Whereas in various traditions generated by the ancestors, it encourages harmony between human life and nature through mythology, including the teachings of eschatology. The ecological crisis that occurred because of leaving the concept of eco-eschatology in religion and culture. This paper aims to find the ecoeschatological dimension in the creation myth of the Manggarai Community, NTT. The study used qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Data were obtained through interviews with several key informants from several villages in Manggarai. The results of the study found two myths that have the eco-eschatological  local wisdom, namely the myth of the origin of humans and the origin of plants. There are several eco-eschatological meanings in the creation myth, those are everything was created by Morin, all creations have an eschatological future, and there is continuity and discontinuity between the old creation in the world and the new creation in the eschatological world. These meanings bear some resemblance to the teachings in Catholic theology of creation. This finding contributes to the Church in efforts to sensitize the people in relation to the ecological crisis. In addition, local wisdom is also the basis for the environmental conservation movement

    Kontekstualisasi Teologis Sakramen Tobat dalam Tradisi Sob Lor pada Masyarakat Kei Provinsi Maluku

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    Contextualization of theology is no longer optional but is the essence of theology itself. One of the contextualization spaces is the cultural tradition of the community. In the Kei community in Maluku Province, various traditions contain theological elements that form theological contextualization. This study aims to find the theological aspects of the Sacrament of Penance in a Kei cultural practice known as Sob Lor. The method used in this study is a qualitative-descriptive method with a semiotic approach. The data described were collected through literature review and in-depth interviews at Kei. This study succeeded in finding a meeting point between the sacrament of penance and the Sob Lor tradition in the Kei community. The sacrament of penance aims to improve the sinner's relationship with the Church due to sin. At the same time, the Sob Lor tradition or village cleansing rite is primarily a cleansing due to violations of customary law. This study found four theological elements of the Sacrament of Penance contained in the Sob Lor ritual: Allah, Sin, the conditions of forgiveness, and the results of participation in the rite. These four things meet each other between the theological concept of the sacrament of penance with the Sob Lor tradition. Thus, the meeting point of the Catholic faith tradition and the Kei culture can be material to deepen and increase the Catholic faith.

    The Other Side of Ramadan: Ramadan and its implication on Social Cohesion in West Sumatra and Yogyakarta

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    This article examines the implications of Ramadan on social cohesion in communities in West Sumatra and Yogyakarta. The issue is based on the assumption that Ramadan is a religious momentum that is only concerned with the vertical affairs between humans and their Lord alone and has a social dimension, i.e., values of solidarity, sense of belonging, tolerance, and social harmony. These are fostered through religious rituals such as fasting, zakat, and other kinds of worship. The study adopted a qualitative approach and was supported by survey data on several selected community samples. Survey data was collected related to the volume of philanthropy, the frequency of ritual worship during the month of Ramadan concerning the level of quality of social cohesion, solidarity, and social trustworthiness. In addition, the data were collected through a questionnaire instrument to capture the fundamental impact of Ramadan on strengthening social capital. In general, this study concludes that West Sumatra is superior to Yogyakarta for its social cohesion on 3 (three) indicators: moral feeling, sense of belonging, and social harmony. However, despite the difference in numbers between the two regions, there are differences among indicators. While for the other two indicators, safety feeling and tolerance, Yogyakarta is better than West Sumatra

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    Revealing The Religiosity in Sedulur Sikep Macapat Songs

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    Sikep society is known as one of Javanese cultural heritage keepers. Moreover, the society has unique religiosity attitudes that are somehow it misunderstood as disobedience. This research tries to dig the religiosity attitudes reflected on Sikep society’s Macapat songs, especially their focuses and objects. The analysis used appraisal language theory as the approach. The data of the research are words, phrases, or metaphors that reflect attitude in the texts of Sikep society’s macapat songs. The result of the study showed that thereare only two dimensions of religiosity attitudes found in Sikep society’s Macapat song, those are beliefs and values. The value of religiosity reflected on appreciation and judgment; the belief of religiosity consisted of appreciation, judgment, and affect. The objects of religiosity attitudes in the Sikep society’s macapat songs include people (Sikep society, Ki Surantika, man, the children of Sikep society, government, and the ancestors), and something that is humanized (intention, body and soul). The focus of positive moral attitude involves all words, phrases, and metaphor that reflected the principles, prohibitions, ideals; the focuses of negative moral attitude expressed the negative attitudes and behaviors that they proposed to be avoided. Here, the dominant positive attitudes showed their social life. Then, the only two dimensions of religiosity indicate the lack of restricted rules and ritual applied in their religious life

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    The Concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script

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    Various lontar and Tattwa scripts in Bali are the fruit of local wisdom inspired by the teachings of the Vedic scriptures. This local script is based on the truth that has been guiding most Balinese people. One of the Tattwa truths written in the Vedas is the concept of yoga as a means to attain spiritual awareness. Yoga offers a holistic, practical and religious approach that aims to help all components of the body work together in harmony. This text contains theology, cosmology, and practice of the teachings of Prayogasandhi (tapa, brata, yoga and samadhi) knowledge to save souls from misery. This study aims to understand the concept of Yoga in the Tattwa Jñana Script as a way to achieve spiritual awareness. The theory used is structural theory and semiotic theory. This study uses the method of collecting data documents and literature. The data analysis technique was carried out qualitatively by describing it descriptively. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The Tattwa Jñana script consists of prose which is divided into several chapters, and consists of 74 slokas in Old Javanese. (2) The concept of yoga in the Tattwa Jñana script is Prayogasandhi. Prayogasandhi is a means to attain spiritual awareness through tapas, brata, yoga and samadhi to Iswara (God). Prayogasandhi needs to be followed by discipline, true knowledge (samyagjna) and contemplation

    Model Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter pada Sekolah Perjumpaan di Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The character of students should be able to describe the implementation of the educational process. However, so far, the educational process has emphasized more knowledge orientation than character building. It is reflected in the pride of almost every educational institution if its students succeed in achieving a high National Exam or UAN Final Score. This orientation is supported by the growth and development of tutoring institutions, private lessons, study groups, or teacher rooms. This condition triggers a real thought and action to restore the primary function of education as character building. One model of strengthening character education is through the community of Sekolah Perjumpaan in West Nusa Tenggara. This research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects of this study were student participants in the Sekolah Perjumpaan in West Nusa Tenggara. This research was conducted at the community point of Sekolah Perjumpaan in Bangket Bilong Village, Midang, Mantang, and at the initiator of the Sekolah Perjumpaan. This study found that the Sekolah Perjumpaan is a model of strengthening character education, positioning students as subject to subject, and awakening students to fulfill each participant's obligations as complementary beings collectively. Thus, the character education model of the Sekolah Perjumpaan can be applied in other educational institutions


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