227 research outputs found

    Interaction-based quantum metrology showing scaling beyond the Heisenberg limit

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    Quantum metrology studies the use of entanglement and other quantum resources to improve precision measurement. An interferometer using N independent particles to measure a parameter X can achieve at best the "standard quantum limit" (SQL) of sensitivity {\delta}X \propto N^{-1/2}. The same interferometer using N entangled particles can achieve in principle the "Heisenberg limit" {\delta}X \propto N^{-1}, using exotic states. Recent theoretical work argues that interactions among particles may be a valuable resource for quantum metrology, allowing scaling beyond the Heisenberg limit. Specifically, a k-particle interaction will produce sensitivity {\delta}X \propto N^{-k} with appropriate entangled states and {\delta}X \propto N^{-(k-1/2)} even without entanglement. Here we demonstrate this "super-Heisenberg" scaling in a nonlinear, non-destructive measurement of the magnetisation of an atomic ensemble. We use fast optical nonlinearities to generate a pairwise photon-photon interaction (k = 2) while preserving quantum-noise-limited performance, to produce {\delta}X \propto N^{-3/2}. We observe super-Heisenberg scaling over two orders of magnitude in N, limited at large N by higher-order nonlinear effects, in good agreement with theory. For a measurement of limited duration, super-Heisenberg scaling allows the nonlinear measurement to overtake in sensitivity a comparable linear measurement with the same number of photons. In other scenarios, however, higher-order nonlinearities prevent this crossover from occurring, reflecting the subtle relationship of scaling to sensitivity in nonlinear systems. This work shows that inter-particle interactions can improve sensitivity in a quantum-limited measurement, and introduces a fundamentally new resource for quantum metrology

    Conformally rescaled spacetimes and Hawking radiation

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    We study various derivations of Hawking radiation in conformally rescaled metrics. We focus on two important properties, the location of the horizon under a conformal transformation and its associated temperature. We find that the production of Hawking radiation cannot be associated in all cases to the trapping horizon because its location is not invariant under a conformal transformation. We also find evidence that the temperature of the Hawking radiation should transform simply under a conformal transformation, being invariant for asymptotic observers in the limit that the conformal transformation factor is unity at their location.Comment: 22 pages, version submitted to journa

    Expression of Distal-less, dachshund, and optomotor blind in Neanthes arenaceodentata (Annelida, Nereididae) does not support homology of appendage-forming mechanisms across the Bilateria

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    The similarity in the genetic regulation of arthropod and vertebrate appendage formation has been interpreted as the product of a plesiomorphic gene network that was primitively involved in bilaterian appendage development and co-opted to build appendages (in modern phyla) that are not historically related as structures. Data from lophotrochozoans are needed to clarify the pervasiveness of plesiomorphic appendage forming mechanisms. We assayed the expression of three arthropod and vertebrate limb gene orthologs, Distal-less (Dll), dachshund (dac), and optomotor blind (omb), in direct-developing juveniles of the polychaete Neanthes arenaceodentata. Parapodial Dll expression marks premorphogenetic notopodia and neuropodia, becoming restricted to the bases of notopodial cirri and to ventral portions of neuropodia. In outgrowing cephalic appendages, Dll activity is primarily restricted to proximal domains. Dll expression is also prominent in the brain. dac expression occurs in the brain, nerve cord ganglia, a pair of pharyngeal ganglia, presumed interneurons linking a pair of segmental nerves, and in newly differentiating mesoderm. Domains of omb expression include the brain, nerve cord ganglia, one pair of anterior cirri, presumed precursors of dorsal musculature, and the same pharyngeal ganglia and presumed interneurons that express dac. Contrary to their roles in outgrowing arthropod and vertebrate appendages, Dll, dac, and omb lack comparable expression in Neanthes appendages, implying independent evolution of annelid appendage development. We infer that parapodia and arthropodia are not structurally or mechanistically homologous (but their primordia might be), that Dll’s ancestral bilaterian function was in sensory and central nervous system differentiation, and that locomotory appendages possibly evolved from sensory outgrowths

    Análisis cultural de los ítems de dos listas de verificación quirúrgica de España y Argentina

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    Objective To compare the agreement between two surgical checklists implanted in two hospitals in Spain and Argentina, using the international classification for patient safety as a framework. Method This was an expert opinion study carried out using an ad hoc questionnaire in electronic format, which included 7 of the 13 categories of the international classification for patient safety. Fifteen surgical security experts from each country participated in this study by classifying the items on the checklists into the selected ICPS categories. The data were analyzed with SPSS V20 software. Results There was a greater percentage of classifications in fields related to the prevention of critical events. The category “clinical processes and procedures” was mentioned most frequently in both lists. Conclusion The implementation of the surgical safety checklist is variable. Experts considered that the Argentinian list was clearer in every dimension

    Id-1 stimulates cell proliferation through activation of EGFR in ovarian cancer cells

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    Increased EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) expression has been reported in many types of human cancer and its levels are positively associated with advanced cancers. Recently, upregulation of Id-1 (inhibitor of differentiation or DNA binding) protein was found in over 70% of ovarian cancer samples and correlated with poor survival of ovarian cancer patients. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for the role of Id-1 in ovarian cancer are not clear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Id-1 on ovarian cancer proliferation and its association with the EGFR pathway. To achieve this, we transfected an Id-1 expression vector into three ovarian cancer cell lines and examined cell proliferation rate by flow cytometry and bromodeoxyuridine staining. We found that ectopic Id-1 expression led to increased cell proliferation demonstrated by increased BrdU incorporation rate and S-phase fraction. The Id-1-induced cell growth was associated with upregulation of EGFR at both transcriptional and protein levels. In contrast, inactivation of Id-1 through transfection of an Id-1 antisense vector resulted in downregulation of EGFR. Our results indicate that increased Id-1 in ovarian cancer cells may promote cancer cell proliferation through upregulation of EGFR. Our findings also implicate that Id-1 may be a potential target for the development of novel strategies in the treatment of ovarian cancer. © 2004 Cancer Research UK.link_to_OA_fulltex

    Communication Impairments in Mice Lacking Shank1: Reduced Levels of Ultrasonic Vocalizations and Scent Marking Behavior

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    Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a strong genetic component. Core symptoms are abnormal reciprocal social interactions, qualitative impairments in communication, and repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior with restricted interests. Candidate genes for autism include the SHANK gene family, as mutations in SHANK2 and SHANK3 have been detected in several autistic individuals. SHANK genes code for a family of scaffolding proteins located in the postsynaptic density of excitatory synapses. To test the hypothesis that a mutation in SHANK1 contributes to the symptoms of autism, we evaluated Shank1−/− null mutant mice for behavioral phenotypes with relevance to autism, focusing on social communication. Ultrasonic vocalizations and the deposition of scent marks appear to be two major modes of mouse communication. Our findings revealed evidence for low levels of ultrasonic vocalizations and scent marks in Shank1−/− mice as compared to wildtype Shank1+/+ littermate controls. Shank1−/− pups emitted fewer vocalizations than Shank1+/+ pups when isolated from mother and littermates. In adulthood, genotype affected scent marking behavior in the presence of female urinary pheromones. Adult Shank1−/− males deposited fewer scent marks in proximity to female urine than Shank1+/+ males. Call emission in response to female urinary pheromones also differed between genotypes. Shank1+/+ mice changed their calling pattern dependent on previous female interactions, while Shank1−/− mice were unaffected, indicating a failure of Shank1−/− males to learn from a social experience. The reduced levels of ultrasonic vocalizations and scent marking behavior in Shank1−/− mice are consistent with a phenotype relevant to social communication deficits in autism.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Intramural Research Program)Simons Foundatio

    alphabeta T cell receptors as predictors of health and disease

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    The diversity of antigen receptors and the specificity it underlies are the hallmarks of the cellular arm of the adaptive immune system. T and B lymphocytes are indeed truly unique in their ability to generate receptors capable of recognizing virtually any pathogen. It has been known for several decades that T lymphocytes recognize short peptides derived from degraded proteins presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules at the cell surface. Interaction between peptide-MHC (pMHC) and the T cell receptor (TCR) is central to both thymic selection and peripheral antigen recognition. It is widely assumed that TCR diversity is required, or at least highly desirable, to provide sufficient immune coverage. However, a number of immune responses are associated with the selection of predictable, narrow, or skewed repertoires and public TCR chains. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on the formation of the TCR repertoire and its maintenance in health and disease. We also outline the various molecular mechanisms that govern the composition of the pre-selection, naive and antigen-specific TCR repertoires. Finally, we suggest that with the development of high-throughput sequencing, common TCR \u27signatures\u27 raised against specific antigens could provide important diagnostic biomarkers and surrogate predictors of disease onset, progression and outcome

    Chemicals released by male sea cucumber mediate aggregation and spawning behaviours

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    The importance of chemical communication in reproduction has been demonstrated in many marine broadcast spawners. However, little is known about the use of chemical communication by echinoderms, the nature of the compounds involved and their mechanism(s) of action. Here, the hypothesis that the sea cucumber Holothuria arguinensis uses chemical communication for aggregation and spawning was tested. Water conditioned by males, but not females, attracted both males and females; gonad homogenates and coelomic fluid had no effect on attraction. Male spawning water, but not female spawning water, stimulated males and females to release their gametes; the spermatozoa alone did not induce spawning. H. arguinensis male spawning water also induced spawning in the phylogenetically related H. mammata. This indicates that males release pheromones together with their gametes that induce spawning in conspecifics and possibly sympatric species. Finally, the male pheromone seems to be a mixture with at least one labile compound (biological activity is lost after four hours at ambient temperature) possibly including phosphatidylcholines. The identification of pheromones in sea cucumbers offers a new ecological perspective and may have practical applications for their aquaculture.FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology [UID/Multi/04326/2013, SFRH/BD/90761/2012]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficacy of a Non-Hypercalcemic Vitamin-D2 Derived Anti-Cancer Agent (MT19c) and Inhibition of Fatty Acid Synthesis in an Ovarian Cancer Xenograft Model

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    BACKGROUND:Numerous vitamin-D analogs exhibited poor response rates, high systemic toxicities and hypercalcemia in human trials to treat cancer. We identified the first non-hypercalcemic anti-cancer vitamin D analog MT19c by altering the A-ring of ergocalciferol. This study describes the therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of action of MT19c in both in vitro and in vivo models. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDING:Antitumor efficacy of MT19c was evaluated in ovarian cancer cell (SKOV-3) xenografts in nude mice and a syngenic rat ovarian cancer model. Serum calcium levels of MT19c or calcitriol treated animals were measured. In-silico molecular docking simulation and a cell based VDR reporter assay revealed MT19c-VDR interaction. Genomewide mRNA analysis of MT19c treated tumors identified drug targets which were verified by immunoblotting and microscopy. Quantification of cellular malonyl CoA was carried out by HPLC-MS. A binding study with PPAR-Y receptor was performed. MT19c reduced ovarian cancer growth in xenograft and syngeneic animal models without causing hypercalcemia or acute toxicity. MT19c is a weak vitamin-D receptor (VDR) antagonist that disrupted the interaction between VDR and coactivator SRC2-3. Genome-wide mRNA analysis and western blot and microscopy of MT19c treated xenograft tumors showed inhibition of fatty acid synthase (FASN) activity. MT19c reduced cellular levels of malonyl CoA in SKOV-3 cells and inhibited EGFR/phosphoinositol-3kinase (PI-3K) activity independently of PPAR-gamma protein. SIGNIFICANCE:Antitumor effects of non-hypercalcemic agent MT19c provide a new approach to the design of vitamin-D based anticancer molecules and a rationale for developing MT19c as a therapeutic agent for malignant ovarian tumors by targeting oncogenic de novo lipogenesis