581 research outputs found

    Molecular and enological characterization of autochthonous <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> strains isolated from grape-musts and wines Cannonau

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    Fermentation by autochthonous yeasts may produce wines with enological properties that are unique of a specific area or variety of grape must. In order to identify yeast starter strains for the production of the Sardinian wine Cannonau DOC, 66 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, isolated from musts and wines Cannonau of six vitivinicole areas in Sardinia, were subjected to enological characterization and molecular identification. The RFLP-PCR fingerprinting of the ITS region of rRNA (ITS1-5,8S- ITS2) as well as ethanol, foam, and H2S production were analysed


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    Jenis transformasi dalam BKO yang akan dibahas meliputi : pemindahan FV dan pelesapan FN[S] yang berfungsi sebagai subjek, kalimat tanya, kalimat menyangkal, kalimat perintah, dan kalimat sematan (embedded sentence)

    Filmare per sopravvivere. Lo sguardo antropologico implicito e decoincidente di Vesna Ljubić sulle Guerre Jugoslave.

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    With the death of General Tito, the dissolution phase of the Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia began. The member states "celebrated" the definitive dissolution of the union with an escalation of military actions, violence and crimes against humanity, which History remembers as the phase of the Yugoslav Wars. Precisely in that period, between 1990 and 1995, the city of Sarajevo was the scene of one of the longest and bloodiest sieges that contemporary History remembers. The city became a container of pain, but also of survival and resistance methods and strategies put in place by the inhabitants. In this context, Vesna Ljubić, a Bosnian director who filmed Ecce homo, a short movie shot to tell from the inside the living and nonliiving conditions of all the Sarajevans. Telling the siege through the images, Ljubić seems to have shown what could be called an "implicit anthropological sensitivity", as well as her artistic modality to leave evidence of a troubled condition, to symbolically contrast the siege and, therefore, to put herself in a "de-coincident" way towards the contingency lived

    Exponential trichotomies and continuity of invariant manifolds

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    In this work, we consider the invariant manifolds for the family of equationsx  = Ax + f(", x), where A the is generator of a strongly continuous semigroup of linear operators in a Banach space X and f(", ·) : X ! X is continuous. The existence of stable (unstable) and center-stable (center-unstable) manifolds for a large class of these equations has been proved in [2]. We prove here that, if A admits a exponential trichotomy and f satisfies some suitable regularity hypotheses, then those manifolds are continuous with respect to the parameter".

    La financiacion publico-privada (PPP-PPI) como alternativa a la rehabilitacion del patrimonio del estado

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    En la actualidad, la administración española tiene pocos recursos económicos disponibles para la rehabilitación del patrimonio, para lo cual necesitarían una financiación externa, realizada por fondos privados. La Dirección Integrada de Proyecto (“Project Management“) aplicada al proceso constructivo es una Técnica Metodológica que ayuda a organizar, controlar y gestionar los recursos de los promotores dentro del proceso edificatorio. Cuando los recursos están limitados (que normalmente es la mayoría de las situaciones) gestionarlos de una manera eficiente se convierte en algo muy importante. La financiación público-privada es una forma de no consolidar la deuda dentro del balance de la Administración Pública, según los criterios del SEC-95 EUROSTAT que, transfiriendo dos riesgos de los tres citados a continuación al sector privado puede ser que no se consolide la deuda dentro del balance de la Administración. Los riesgos fundamentales son: - Riesgo de construcción - Riesgo de disponibilidad - Riesgo de demand

    Health and safety in the construction : subject pending to be included in the curriculum of architecture in Spain

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    The art of construction is a risky activity that directly affects the life and physical integrity of persons. Since the approval of Law 31/1995, of November 8, Prevention of Occupational Risks was the first legislation that established the current basis in all sectors and then transposed into Spanish law Directive 92/57/CEE called Royal Decree 1627/1997 of October 24, on minimum safety and health dispositions in construction works, measures have been proposed to develop a mixed body of scientific literature composed of researchers and professionals in the field of occupational safety and health, but even today there is still no clear and firm proposal, showing a lack of awareness in the occupational risk prevention and, therefore, a consolidation of the culture of prevention in society. Therefore, the technicians, who make up the building process, can incur in very high responsibilities, such as: Author of the project, Coordinator of Safety and Health during the preparation of the project and during the execution of works, Site Management: Site Manager. This involves the immediate creation of a general training in prevention for all architects starting when still studying, as well as specific training, appropriate and complementary to all the architects that will be devoted to the specialty of occupational safety and health in construction works. That is, first, we must make the responsible bodies aware of the urgent need to integrate risk prevention in the curricula of architecture and later in the continuing education of the profession. It is necessary that our teaching must conform to the laws on safety and health, due to the fact that the law recognizes our academic degrees and professional qualifications to perform functions in that are

    Affects of Media and Media Amendments on the in Vitro Culture of Puccinia Recondita F. Sp. Tritici

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