18 research outputs found


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    The opportunities of globalization and the massive development of the information and communication technology sector, the limitations of the state in providing optimal welfare, and the desire of sub-state actors to optimize their resources have become the impetus for sub-state actors to carry out foreign relations as an effort to fulfill sub-national interests. One of the sub-state actors in Indonesia is Kuningan Regency. To obtain foreign sources and attract global attention, Kuningan Regency carried out its regional foreign policy by organizing the Tour de Linggarjati. This study aims to determine the application of the Kuningan Regency Government in using Tour de Linggarjati activities as an instrument for diplomacy to the global public. This study used the qualitative method, the data collected through interviews with several relevant sources and documentation studies. This study found that the Kuningan Regency Government made the Tour de Linggarjati activity to introduce its region to the global public. This activity has also benefited the community in Kuningan Regency. Therefore, explore the tourism industry in Kuningan Regency can be done in a series of Tour de Linggarjati activities

    Hubungan Antara Indeks Produksi Retikulosit (IPR) Dengan Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW) Pada Klasifikasi Anemia Berdasarkan Defek Fungsional

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    Reticulocyte Production Index (RPI) is a shift correction for the presence of reticulocyte that can assesses the real erythropoietic response of the bone marrow. RPI can be used to classify anemia as result from functional defect, i.e. RPI<2 for hypoproliferative and maturation defect anemia, and RPI>3 for hemolytic anemia. Measurement of Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW) is the mathematical representation of variance within the size distribution of the red cell population. The objective of this study was to identify the variation of the red cell size within the population measured (anisocytosis) enable to determine the cell population as homogeneous (normal RDW) or heterogenous (increased or high RDW). The role of RDW to differentiate functional defect anemia with RPI<2 has not been studied. This study was done at Hematology Department Dr. Sardjito Hospital. In such a cross sectional study, the subjects were considered as anemic patients based on automated laboratory analyzer, peripheral blood smear, and reticulocyte count result. The result showed that seventy patients met the inclusion criteria. Sixty seven patients (95,71%) had RPI<2 classified as hypoproliferative and maturation defect anemia, 2 patients (2,85%) had RPI = 2-3 classified as borderline group and 1 patient (1,42%) had RPI>3 classified as hemolytic anemia. Means for reticulocyte count, corrected reticulocyte count, RPI, and RDW for hypoproliferative and maturation defect anemia were 2,8% and 2,3%; 1,1% and 1,1%; 0,4 and 0,5; 21,8% and 17,8% respectively, with p value by the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test are = 0,322; 0,52; 0,273; and 0,27 (CI = 95%). The proportion of anisocytosis and normocytosis for hypoproliferative anemia were 76,08% and 23,9% and for maturation defect anemia were 76,19% and 23,8% with Chi-Square test 0,000 and p = 0,993. No correlation between was observed RDW and RPI<2 with Spearman correlation (r = 0,0297 and p = 0,993). It is concluded that the use of RDW and RPI is not always useful to differentiate hypoproliferative and maturation defect anemia on the group of anemia categorized as RPI<2 without support from another laboratory test especially in combined anemia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani personel Brigadir Polisi Dua Angkatan 2015/2016 Satuan Kerja Polda D.I. Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah personel personel Brigadir Polisi Dua Angkatan Tahun 2015/2016 Polda DIY yang berjumlah 50 personel yang terdiri dari 40 polki dan 10 polwan. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes dan pengukuran samapta sesuai buku panduan Tim Binjas Mabes Polri. Untuk menganalisis data secara kuantitatif, hasil tes kebugaran jasmani kemudian dimasukkan dalam 5 kategori dideskripsikan sesuai kriterianya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menyatakan bahwa tingkat kebugaran jasmani personel Brigadir Polisi Dua Angkatan 2015/2016 Polda DIY yaitu sebanyak 0 personel (0 %) kategori Baik Sekali, 36 personel (72 %) kategori Baik, 14 personel (28 %) kategori cukup, 0 personel (0 %) kategori kurang dan 0 personel (0 %) kategori kurang sekali


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    The aims of this research were to determine the lighting of incubation rooms and browning prevention agents on the growth of “Pisang Raja Bulu” planlets by in vitro and determine whether there is a best interaction between the incubation rooms lighting and the type of browning prevention agents in the growth of “Pisang Raja Bulu” planlets that plants in vitro. This research was conducted in the Biotechnology laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta on June - August 2018. The research method was a laboratory experiment method compiled with the Split Plot Design of two factors. The first factor as a main plot is the incubation room lighting, which is with light for 90 days, without light for 90 days, without light in the first 45 days, and without light in the last 45 days. The second factor as a sub plot is browning prevention agents, named thidiazuron, activated charcoal, and vitamin C. Each combination of treatments was repeated 3 times. The result showed that there was the best combinations of treatments that is all combination of lighting and vitamin C 0,88 mg / l in terms of browning. The first 45 days lighting treatment gave the best result on the percentage of life, plantlet height, number of shoots, number of leaves, root length, and fresh weight. The treatment of vitamin C 0.88 mg / l gave the best result on the percentage of life, plantlet height, number of shoots, root length, number of roots, fresh weight, and dry weight.Keyword: in vitro, lighting, browning, raja bulu banana


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    Latar Belakang: Penyakit ginjal kronis adalah situasi klinis yang ditandai dengan terjadinya penurunan fungsi ginjal yang ireversibel. Kondisi ini membutuhkan terapi hemodialysis, kepatuhan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang dapat terjadi pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisa. Ketidakpatuhan dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan terapi sehingga motivasi sangat berpengaruh dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional, teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 69 responden. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan modifikasi kuesioner ESRD-AQ dan kuesioner motivasi, kemudian dilakukan analisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil: hasil uji Chi-Square diperoleh hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi dengan kepatuhan dengan nilai p value 0,0001 (p value<0,05). Simpulan: Ada korelasi antara motivasi dengan kepatuhan pada pasien hemodialisa. 


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    The Police are in the process of reforming the gender, namely the change of a police organization into a professional and responsible police force and implement a policing style that is responsive to the needs of the local community. Where in the act of finding solutions and decision-making field did not see any differences between men and women. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of gender in decision making in the reform era in Police institution (South Bekasi Police Station case study). Analytical methods used are qualitative, through the stages of data interpretation, data reduction, data preparation, examination of data validity, and draw conclusions. The new view that women have equal rights and opportunities and their potential will expand the space for women and the presence of female figures in the public dimension, to be treated proportionally and not to rule out their opinions and make decisions. Keywords: Gender Roles and Decision Making

    Tata Laksana SAR Minor untuk Mengurangi Rekurensi dan Keparahan

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    Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is an inflammatory condition of oral mucosa and is very common that occur in 20% of population, in which 80% of all cases are minor type. Etiology remains unknown but there are factors that can precipitate the attack, known as predisposing factors, which are haematinic deficiency, food hypersensitivity, bacterial or viral infection, hormonal changes, psychological stress, drugs and local trauma. Management of minor RAS are symptomatic and also discovering all predisposing factors which may play role in order to give the appropriate treatments to all predisposing factors. The appropriate treatment for all predisposing factors is to prevent recurrency or reduce the severity of RAS.This paper presents 2 cases of minor RAS which have bacterial infection from poor oral hygiene; local trauma from radices, irritating tooth cusp and rough surface of calculus; haematinic deficiency; physical / psychological stress and food hypersensitivity, as predisposing factors. The management of those cases are scaling, grinding irritating cusp, giving advice of proper and healthy diet including vitamin supplementation, finding any stress factor and also overcome it. We concluded that finding and eliminating predisposing factors can reduce recurrency and severity of RAS.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v15i2.7


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    AbstrakIndonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang menjadikan sebagian besar wilayahnya terdiri dari pesisir, yang sebagian bermatapencaharian sebagai nelayan masih identik dengan masalah kemiskinan yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi fenomena klasik pesisir. Wanita-wanita nelayan mempunyai potensi sebagai motor penggerak pemberdayaan masyarakat pantai. Dalam hal ini, istri para petani merupakan anggota rumah tangga yang memiliki potensi dalam membantu meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Pada penelitian ini peneliti memilih menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wanita di daerah pesisir memiliki kontribusi atau peran yang sangat besar dalam meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Kontribusi pendapatan istri tersebut dapat dilihat dari terpenuhinya kebutuhan primer, sekunder, bahkan tersier keluarga. Hubungan antara suami istri dapat memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga dengan saling bekerja sama untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga mereka. Pandangan ini tidak mempertentangkan antara pria dan wanita, melainkan antara pria dan wanita harus dapat bekerja sama untuk membangun kehidupan keluarga. Meningkatnya peran dan tugas istri sebagai pencari nafkah menimbulkan adanya kesepakatan antara suami dan istri untuk berbagi tugas.Kata Kunci:  Peran Wanita , Pendapatan, dan Keluarga Nelaya

    Virtual Reality Application of Interactive Interior: The Development Study for Computer and Android Smartphones

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    This research describes the process, obstacles, and results in making a Virtual Reality Application of interactive interior using Unity 3D. In this research, we propose a VR application that supports interaction and VR views between users and the digital environment using computers and android smartphones. The study has three stages, namely input, process, and output. C# script was developed for user interaction with the digital environment. The user can interact in a small interior room with digital objects such as moving around, changing furniture color, and switching the light on or off. The research successfully created a virtual reality application using Unity3D for computers and android smartphones. This study clearly describes the step of making virtual reality applications and the problems encountered during the process—also, a more stabilized method for developing the interactive user feature. Moreover, the research brings another opportunity for VR application development that focuses on other VR development factors such as immersion, imagination, and insight


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    This study aims to determine the effect of work stress and work discipline on employee performance at Manggarai Station, South Jakarta. The type of research used is probability sampling with a quantitative approach. The sample used in this study used a simple random sampling technique. The data obtained are primary data from the results of respondents' answers to questionnaires distributed by 115 respondents and processed using the SPPS (Statistic Product and Service Solution) software program 17. In the f test the variable Job Stress and Work Discipline together (simultaneous) affect the Employee Performance. The results of the study show that in the t test (partial) the Job Stress variable negatively affects Employee Performance and Work Discipline variables have a positive effect on Employee Performance. Keywords: work stress, work discipline, employee performanc