24 research outputs found

    Technical Efficiency of Soybeans Commodity

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    This research aims to find out the description of soybean farming in Grobogan Regency, the efficiency of technical, price, and economy on soybean systems. Grobogan Regency is a major soybean producer in Central Java and Indonesia.  Based on the research result, it reveals that soybean farming in Grobogan has still not been efficient yet in technic, price, and economy. It means that farmers have not been able to optimize the inputs to obtain the maximum output. This inefficiency condition occurs because the farmers are considered to use the production factors excessively. Besides damaging the nature, the use of excessive production factors also leads to increasing production costs but without maximal results. Therefore, it requires a series of attempts to give knowledge to the farmers in order to reach efficient conditions by hoping that potential to maximized profitKeywords: Efficiency, Soybean, Groboga

    Dinamika getaran kaotiik bandul berpegas

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    INTISARI Peneitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sifat getaran bandul berpegas dengan can simulasi numerik Simulasi numerik dilakukan untuk memvariasi syarat awal dan redaman bandul berpegas. Pada harga syarat awal dan redaman tertentu di\u27 dalam simulasi numerik menunjukkan bahwa simpangan ayunan menjadikan osilasi pada pegas bersifat kaotik. Keadaan ini dapat diatasi dengan memperbesar redaman ayunan pegas. Sistem bandul berpegas dengan harga koefisien redaman lebih besar daripada harga kritisnya dapat dipakai sebagai syarat untuk pembuatan seismometer satu komponen. Kata Kunci: Getaran Kaotik, bandul berpag

    Rancang bangun mesin pengupas tempurung kelapa

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    The first work that must be done on coconuts after the coir stripping process is to strip the coconut shells. This is because the part of the coconut that is processed further is part of the coconut meat itself. Coconut shell is the hardest part of the coconut fruit. On this coconut shell, coconut meat is attached. Manually removing coconut meat will take a relatively long time, around 3-5 minutes for 1 coconut. Of course, with this time the capacity and production efficiency cannot be maximized. This research was conducted with the aim of designing and testing the capabilities of coconut shell peeling machines. This machine is operated by using 2 blades, namely a flat peeler blade as a barrier to the surface of the coconut shell and a toothed peeler to press the surface of the shell. The results of the functional testing of this machine obtained the best value at the rotational speed of the peeler teeth of 14 rpm with an average shelling time of 20.96 seconds per piece.Keywords: coconut, machine, coconut shells, shelling time

    Kuantisasi Jenis Gempa Volkanik Gunung Merapi Untuk Keperluan Prediksi Letusan Menggunakan Metoda Korelasi Dimensi

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    -Menggunakan metoda korelasi dimensi dapat dikuantisasikan tiga tipe gempa volkanik Gunung Merapi. Tipe 1 harga dimensi fraktalnya Dcr-4.49 ± 0.24, tipe 2 Dc2=5.97 ± 0.15 dan tipe 3 13,3=5.34 ± 0.16. Harga dimensi fralctal ketiga type gempa volkanik Gunung Merapi tersebut dapat dipakai sebagai dasar dalam merancang alat monitoring secara kontinyu untuk memprediksi adanya letusan secara cepat. Kata kunci : gempa volkanik dimensi korelasi, prediicsi letusan

    Estimasi Dampak Urban Heat Island terhadap Laju Evapotranspirasi: Studi Kasus di Kota Palembang: Estimation the Impact of Urban Heat Island on Evapotranspiration Rate: A Case Study in Palembang City

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    A review of air temperature in the Palembang city by reviewing data from the National Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics/BMKG (Kenten Climatology Station and the SMB II Meteorological Station) shows a difference in air temperature can indicate the occurrence of Urban Heat Island (UHI). The difference in air temperature affects the evapotranspiration rate (ET) because air temperature very influencing water evaporation. ET rate estimation with air temperature data is the first step to prove this hypothesis. Hargreaves and Samani, Blaney and Criddle, Linacre, and Kharuffa models is the ET model that using air temperature as the variable was used to estimate the ET rate. Air temperature data used in the period 2011-2020 by reviewing data from the Kenten Climatology Station and the SMB II Meteorological Station. The results of this study of air temperature data from the Kenten Climatology Station and the SMB II Meteorology Station showed a difference in air temperature with the minimum ∆T of 0.42 oC, the maximum of 0.43 oC, and the daily average of 0.41 oC. This difference in air temperature has an impact on the difference in the ET rate with the average ∆ET of the Hargreaves and Samani model of 0.05 mm/day, the Blaney and Criddle model of 0.05 mm/day, the Linacre model of 0.06 mm/day, and the Kharuffa model of 0.14 mm/day. The results of this study predicted that an increase in air temperature causes an increase in the ET rate of ± 10-30%

    Eksistensi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to explore the existence of character education values for elementary school students with online learning and door to door learning system, by choosing descriptive qualitative as its implementation. The research location was MI Muhammadiyah 1 Probolinggo City. The informants in this study were teachers from grade 1 to grade 3, totaling six people. This study used a phenomenological type of research. Data obtained by direct observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction, data display, and verification. The results of this study are (1) teachers must be able to provide an online learning system to support the existence of character education values for elementary school students during online learning; (2) collaboration of online learning with door to door provides enormous benefits in the development of the character values; (3) the role of teachers in learning innovation and collaboration with parents can help optimizing the development and habituation of the character values in students. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi eksistensi nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter siswa sekolah dasar dengan sistem pembelajaran online dan door to door, dengan memilih deskriptif kualitatif sebagai implementasinya. Tempat penelitian adalah MI Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Probolinggo. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru kelas 1 hingga kelas 3 yang berjumlah enam orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian fenomenologi. Data didapatkan dengan observasi langsung, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, display data, juga verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini meliputi, (1) guru harus mampu mengembangkan sistem pembelajaran online untuk mendukung eksistensi nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter siswa sekolah dasar selama pembelajaran online; (2) kolaborasi pembelajaran secara daring atau online dengan door to door ini memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar dalam pengembangan nilai karakter; (3) peran guru dalam inovasi pembelajaran dan kerja sama dengan orang tua dapat membantu mengoptimalkan perkembangan dan pembiasaan nilai karakter dalam diri siswa

    Pengembangan Soal Serupa Timss Untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Pada Konten Geometri Kelas VIII

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    This study aims to produce about TIMSS field Geometry valid and practical. This research used research and development method. The method used in this research is the development of research methods. This study requires ostages:preliminary and formative stages of evaluation that includes self evaluation, expert reviews, one-to-one, small group, and a field test. Data collection techniques used by walktrough, document, test, and interview. The test results overall of the problem solving skill at the stage of field test is six students (24%) fine, fifthteen students (60%) good, four students (16%) fair. The test results obtained by the average value of problem solving skill 7,03, included in the category of good. However, these results can also be said that a similar problem developed TIMSS considered valid and practical criteria and have a potential effect on students' mathematical problem solving skill.Keywords: geometry, math, problem solving skill, TIMS

    Pengaruh Campuran Bioaditif Serai Wangi Pada Bensin RON 90 Terhadap Prestasi Mesin Dan Penghematan Bahan Bakar Sepeda Motor

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    Citronella is a variety of bioadditives that are easily soluble and evaporate into fuel. The use of Bioadditives in fuel aims to improve engine performance and fuel economy. The method used in this research is an experiment with RON 90 Gasoline samples, and a mixture of Citronella Bioadditives with a ratio of S1-1.5%, S2-2.0%, S3-2.5%, S4-3.0%, and S5-3.5%. Engine performance testing using Sportdevice Dyno and impacted engine performance increased by 3.11% on the S4-3.0% type, and maximum torque increase reached 2.03% on the S2-2.0% ratio. The fuel economy test based on the distance traveled with 1000 ml of fuel volume per sample at an average speed of 40-60 km/h was able to achieve a savings of 20.93% on the S5-3.5% sample with a distance of 69.9 Km/l. This is different from RON 90 gasoline without citronella mixture can only be traveled as far as 57.8 km / l. Serai Wangi merupakan ragam bioaditif yang bersifat mudah larut dan menguap ke dalam bahan bakar. Pemakaian Bioaditif dalam bahan bakar bertujuan untuk meningkatkan performa mesin dan penghematan bahan bakar. Metode yang dipakai dalam riset ini adalah eksperimen dengan sampel Bensin RON 90, dan campuran Bioaditif Serai Wangi dengan rasio S1-1,5%, S2-2,0%, S3-2,5%, S4-3,0%, dan S5-3,5%. Pengujian performa mesin mengunakan Sportdevice Dyno dan memberi dampak prestasi mesin meningkat sebesar 3,11 % pada jenis S4-3,0%, dan kenaikan torsi maksimum mencapai 2,03 % pada rasio S2-2,0%. Uji Penghematan bahan bakar berdasarkan jarak yang ditempuh dengan 1000 ml volume bahan bakar setiap sampel pada kecepatan rata-rata 40-60 km/jam mampu meraih penghematan sebesar 20,93% pada sampel S5-3.5% dengan jarak tempuh sejauh 69,9 Km/l. Hal ini berbeda dibandingkan dengan bensin RON 90 tanpa campuran serai wangi hanya mampu ditempuh sejauh 57,8 Km/l

    Repetitive DNA sequences accelerate molecular cytogenetic research in plants with small chromosomes

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    Repetitive DNA sequences are highly abundant in plant genomes and are favorable probes for chromosome identification in plants. However, it is difficult to conduct studies on the details of metaphase chromosome structures in plants with small chromosomes due to their highly condensed status. Therefore, identification of homologous chromosomes for karyotyping and analyzing chromosome structures is a challenging issue for cytogeneticists without specific probes and precise chromosome stages. In this study, five repetitive DNA probes, i.e., 5S and 45S ribosomal DNAs (rDNAs), melon centromeric sequence (Cmcent), cucumber subtelomeric sequence (Type I), and microsatellite (CT)10 repeats, were used to identify primary constrictions and homologous chromosomes for karyotyping. Four and two loci of 45S rDNA were respectively observed on metaphase and pachytene chromosomes of Abelia × grandiflora. Cmcent was detected on both primary constrictions of melon pachytene and metaphase chromosomes. Furthermore, one pair of 5S rDNA signals were hybridized on melon metaphase chromosomes. Eight and two loci of 45S and 5S rDNA were respectively detected on cucumber chromosomes. Type I and (CT)10 probes were specifically hybridized on subtelomeric and interstitial regions on the chromosomes, respectively. These results suggest that repetitive DNA sequences are versatile probes for chromosome identification in plants with small chromosomes, particularly for karyotyping analyses

    Analisis Kualitas Produk Wisata Terhadap Program Wisata Petik Buah Strawberry: Studi Kasus Desa Wisata Pandanrejo Kecamatan Bumiaji Batu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis produk wisata apa yang mempengaruhi efektivitas program wisata petik buah strawberry. Metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode survey dan explanatory research. Sampel yang diambil dengan metode non-probability sampling dengan saturasi atau sensus. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah petani strawberry yang bergabung dengan program wisata petik. Analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode  Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)-Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Pandanrejo Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu pada bulan Juni 2019 sampai Juli 2019. Analisis data  menggunakan SEM-GSCA menunjukkan hasil bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan pada variabel efektivitas teknis, efektivitas sosial dan efektivitas ekonomi terhadap kualitas produk wisata, kualitas produk pariwisata dapat dikatakan berkontribusi positif terhadap maksud dan tujuan  program wisata petik bua