691 research outputs found

    Connecting the Brain to Itself through an Emulation.

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    Pilot clinical trials of human patients implanted with devices that can chronically record and stimulate ensembles of hundreds to thousands of individual neurons offer the possibility of expanding the substrate of cognition. Parallel trains of firing rate activity can be delivered in real-time to an array of intermediate external modules that in turn can trigger parallel trains of stimulation back into the brain. These modules may be built in software, VLSI firmware, or biological tissue as in vitro culture preparations or in vivo ectopic construct organoids. Arrays of modules can be constructed as early stage whole brain emulators, following canonical intra- and inter-regional circuits. By using machine learning algorithms and classic tasks known to activate quasi-orthogonal functional connectivity patterns, bedside testing can rapidly identify ensemble tuning properties and in turn cycle through a sequence of external module architectures to explore which can causatively alter perception and behavior. Whole brain emulation both (1) serves to augment human neural function, compensating for disease and injury as an auxiliary parallel system, and (2) has its independent operation bootstrapped by a human-in-the-loop to identify optimal micro- and macro-architectures, update synaptic weights, and entrain behaviors. In this manner, closed-loop brain-computer interface pilot clinical trials can advance strong artificial intelligence development and forge new therapies to restore independence in children and adults with neurological conditions

    As we may think and be: Brain-computer interfaces to expand the substrate of mind

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    Over a half-century ago, the scientist Vannevar Bush explored the conundrum of how to tap the exponentially rising sea of human knowledge for the betterment of humanity. In his description of a hypothetical electronic library he dubbed the memex, he anticipated internet search and online encyclopedias (Bush, 1945). By blurring the boundary between brain and computer, brain-computer interfaces (BCI) could lead to more efficient use of electronic resources (Schalk, 2008). We could expand the substrate of the mind itself rather than merely interfacing it to external computers. Components of brain-computer interfaces could be re-arranged to create brain-brain interfaces, or tightly interconnected links between a person’s brain and ectopic neural modules. Such modules – whether sitting in a bubbling Petri dish, rendered in reciprocally linked integrated circuits, or implanted in our belly – would mark the first step on to a path of breaking out of the limitations imposed by our phylogenetic past Novel BCI architectures could generate novel abilities to navigate and access information that might speed translational science efforts and push the boundaries of human knowledge in an unprecedented manner

    Factores de la personalidad y su relación con el uso de videojuegos

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    Si bien la relación entre la personalidad y el uso de videojuegos ha sido abordada desde diferentes enfoques, en los últimos años numerosos trabajos se han centrado en el estudio de la Personalidad a partir del Modelo de los Cinco Factores. Sin  embargo, no se han relevado estudios que se propongan una revisión sistemática de la literatura especializada. El propósito del presente trabajo consiste en realizar una búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos como scielo, latindex, redalyc o EBSCO de trabajos que exploren la relación entre los cinco factores de la personalidad y los diferentes usos de videojuegos. De acuerdo con los resultados, los estudios que evalúan la personalidad a partir del FFM han encontrado relaciones a (1) el uso de los VJ online (2) el uso problemático de VJ online y (3), el uso de videojuegos violentos. Sin embargo, las diferentes formas de evaluar el uso de videojuegos complejizan la posibilidad de comparar los resultados.  Se recomienda que futuros estudios se enfoquen en la evaluación del construct

    Justiça de transição na Colômbia : uma análise do acordo de vítimas e justiça

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Curso de Graduação em Direito, 2016.A Colômbia enfrentou nesses últimos cinquenta anos o maior e mais importante conflito armado da região na atualidade, buscando entre 2012 e 2016 negociar a paz com as Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia – Exército do Povo através dos Diálogos de Paz de Havana. As negociações deram origem ao Acordo de Vítimas e Justiça, importante parte do Acordo Final, que propôs uma jurisdição especial para julgar crimes cometidos em virtude do conflito; mecanismos de não-repetição; instrumentos de reparação para as vítimas e conciliação da sociedade. O presente trabalho busca analisar o Acordo de Vítimas e Justiça baseado no histórico colombiano e nos preceitos da Justiça de Transição. Para esse objetivo o histórico do campo e seus quatro pilares - Justiça; Reparação; Verdade e Memória; Reformas institucionais e Mecanismos de Não-Repetição serão apreciados. Pretende-se demonstrar através dessa análise que o campo da Justiça de Transição oferece ensinamentos valiosos para a construção da paz na Colômbia nessa etapa de transição entre um período de violência normalizada para paz.Through the past fifty years Colombia has faced the current longest and most important armed conflict in Latin America, attempting to negotiate peace with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army through the Havana Peace Talks, that took place between 2012 and 2016. The negotiations achieved the Victim’s and Justice Treaty in 2015, important part of the Final Treaty, that proposed a Special Jurisdiction to judge crimes committed due to the conflict; non repetition mechanisms; reparations to victims and reconcilement for the population. This paper analyses the Victim’s and Justice Treaty based on the conflict’s history and the norms of Transitional Justice. For this purpose the background of the field and the four pillars of Transitional Justice – Justice; Reparation, Truth-Seeking and Memory and Institutional Reforms will be studied. By doing this analysis the aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the field of Transitional Justice offers valuable lessons for the peace building in Colombia during this time of transition to peace from a institutionalized period of violence

    Análise do impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 sobre a atenção a mulheres em situação de aborto na América Latina e Caribe

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    Objective: to understand the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on aspects of quality of care provided to women in abortion situations in sentinel centers of the CLAP MUSA-Network (a multicenter network with international cooperation with the aim of encouraging good practices in Latin America and the Caribbean). Methods: cross-sectional study between January/2017 and December/2021 with women of any age admitted for abortion or miscarriage. We analyzed the total number of cases and the proportion of legal abortions. The dependent variables were complications and use of contraceptives after abortion. The independent variables were COVID-19 pandemic, clinical and sociodemographic data. Statistical analysis was carried out using linear regression, multiple Poisson regression, Cochran-Armitage, chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Cohen tests. Results: we analyzed data from 93689 women assisted in 12 sentinel centers of the CLAP MUSA-Network, 64.55% in the pre-pandemic period (NP) and 35.45% in the pandemic period (PP) (22.73% received post-abortion care and 77.27% legal abortion). We found no differences in the number of cases over the period, regardless of the legal context. We observed a significant increase in the proportion of legal abortions in liberal and moderate contexts. In NP, 46.46% of women underwent medical abortion, while 62.18% of women underwent medical abortion in PP (h-Cohen 0.32). We found no increase in the number of complications during PP. In NP, 79.12% started contraceptives after abortion, while in PP, 70.39% started contraceptives after abortion (h-Cohen 0.20). Conclusion: the COVID-19 pandemic was not associated with a decrease in the number of cases, a decrease in the proportion of legal interruptions, or an increase in complications in sentinel centers of the CLAP MUSA-Network. Submission: 30/04/23|Review: 08/11/23|Approval: 09/11/23Objetivo: comprender la influencia de la pandemia de COVID-19 en aspectos de la calidad de la atención brindada a las mujeres en situación de aborto en los centros centinela de la Red CLAP-MUSA (una red multicéntrica de cooperación internacional con el objetivo de fomentar buenas prácticas en América Latina y el Caribe). Metodología: estudio transversal entre enero/2017 y diciembre/2021 con mujeres de cualquier edad ingresadas para abortos espontáneos o inducidos. Se analizó el número total de casos y la proporción de abortos legales. Las variables dependientes fueron las complicaciones y el uso de anticonceptivos después del aborto. Las variables independientes fueron pandemia de COVID-19, datos clínicos y sociodemográficos. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante regresión lineal, regresión múltiple de Poisson, pruebas de Cochran-Armitage, chi-cuadrado, Mann-Whitney y Cohen. Resultados: se analizaron datos de 93689 mujeres atendidas en 12 centros centinela de la Red CLAP-MUSA, 64,55% en el período prepandemia (NP) y 35,45% en el período pandemia (PP) (22,73% recibieron atención postaborto y 77,27% aborto legal). No encontramos diferencias en el número de casos durante el período, independientemente del contexto legal. Observamos un aumento significativo en la proporción de abortos legales en contextos liberales y moderados. En NP, el 46,46% de las mujeres se sometieron al aborto con medicamentos, mientras que el 62,18% de las mujeres se sometieron al aborto con medicamentos en PP (h-Cohen 0,32). No encontramos aumento en el número de complicaciones durante el PP. En NP, 79,12% inició anticonceptivos después del aborto, mientras que en PP, 70,39% inició anticonceptivos después del aborto (h-Cohen 0,20). Conclusión: la pandemia de COVID-19 no se asoció con una disminución en el número de casos, una disminución en la proporción de interrupciones legales o un aumento en las complicaciones en los centros centinela de la Red CLAP-MUSA. Acceptación: 30/04/23|Revisión: 08/11/23|Aprobación: 09/11/23Objetivo: compreender a influência da pandemia de COVID-19 nos aspectos da qualidade da assistência prestada às mulheres em situação de abortamento nos centros sentinela da Rede CLAP-MUSA, uma rede multicêntrica com cooperação internacional visando encorajar boas práticas na América Latina e no Caribe. Metodologia: estudo transversal entre janeiro/2017 e dezembro/2021 com mulheres de qualquer idade admitidas por abortamentos espontâneos ou induzidos. Analisamos o número total de casos e a proporção de abortos legais. As variáveis dependentes foram complicações e uso de anticoncepcionais após o aborto. As variáveis independentes foram a pandemia de COVID-19, dados clínicos e sociodemográficos. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio de regressão linear, regressão múltipla de Poisson, testes de Cochran-Armitage, qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney e Cohen. Resultados: foram analisados dados de 93.689 mulheres, atendidas em 12 centros sentinelas da Rede CLAP-MUSA, 64,55% no período pré-pandêmico (NP) e 35,45% no período pandêmico (PP) (22,73% receberam atendimento pós-aborto e 77,27%, aborto legal). Não encontramos diferenças no número de casos ao longo do período, independentemente do contexto legal. Observamos um aumento significativo na proporção de abortos legais em contextos liberais e moderados. No NP, 46,46% das mulheres realizaram aborto medicamentoso, enquanto 62,18% das mulheres realizaram aborto medicamentoso no PP (h-Cohen 0,32). Não encontramos aumento no número de complicações durante o PP. No NP, 79,12% iniciaram anticoncepcionais após o aborto, enquanto no PP, 70,39% iniciaram anticoncepcionais após o aborto (h-Cohen 0,20). Conclusão: a pandemia de COVID-19 não se associou à diminuição do número de casos, à diminuição da proporção de interrupções legais ou ao aumento de complicações nos centros sentinelas da Rede CLAP-MUSA. Submissão: 30/04/23|Revisão: 08/11/23|Aprovação: 09/11/2

    Outcomes of the NuroSleeve and Occupational Therapy on Upper Limb Function of an Individual with Chronic Hemiparesis Following a Stroke: A Case Report

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    Background: Upper limb neuromuscular impairments can adversely impact function. This case report investigates the process and outcomes of occupational therapy (OT) for training in the use of the NuroSleeve, a novel research-grade exoskeletal powered orthosis, with a participant with chronic right hemiparesis following a stroke. Method: The participant engaged in 24 OT sessions using the NuroSleeve over 10 weeks. Therapeutic interventions included neuromuscular reeducation, device management, and engagement in occupation-based activities with training to use the NuroSleeve. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), ABILHAND, Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Upper Extremity Short Form 7a (PROMIS UE SF), Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), and Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) were administered before and after the 24 sessions. Results: With the NuroSleeve, there were clinically important increases in COPM performance and satisfaction for 6/8 and 7/8 goals, respectively; ABILHAND showed a clinically important increase of 4.959 logits; and there was an 11-point increase on the ARAT, indicating a clinically important difference. T-score on the PROMIS UE SF was 33.7 (SD = 2) compared to 23 (SD = 2.8) without the device. MMT remain unchanged. Conclusion: The data suggest that the NuroSleeve was the primary source of increased function and that incorporating OT with the NuroSleeve has benefits

    Severe maternal morbidity (near miss) as a sentinel event of maternal death. An attempt to use routine data for surveillance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To identify all the records within the Brazilian Hospital Information System (HIS) that contained information suggestive of severe maternal morbidity (near miss); to describe the diagnoses and procedures used; to identify variables associated with maternal death.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A descriptive population study with data from the HIS and Mortality Information System (MIS) files of records of women during pregnancy, delivery and in the postpartum period in all the capital cities of the Brazilian states in 2002. Initially, records of women between 10 and 49 years of age were selected; next, those records with at least one criterion suggestive of near miss were selected. For the linkage of HIS with MIS and HIS with itself, a blocking strategy consisting of three independent steps was established. In the data analysis, near miss ratios were calculated with corresponding 95% confidence interval and the diagnoses and procedures were described; a multiple logistic regression model was adjusted. Primary and secondary diagnoses and the requested and performed procedures during hospitalization were the main outcome measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall maternal near miss ratio was 44.3/1,000 live births. Among the records indicating near miss, 154 maternal deaths were identified. The criteria of severity most frequently found were infection, preeclampsia and hemorrhage. Logistic regression analysis resulted in 12 variables, including four significant interactions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although some limitations, the perspective of routinely using this information system for surveillance of near miss and implementing measures to avoid maternal death is promising.</p

    O Ministério da Saúde na política de ciência, tecnologia e inovação em saúde

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    A morte materna no Brasil: razão e sensibilidade

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