85 research outputs found

    El análisis de la realidad del fútbol desde una perspectiva científica

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    Julen CASTELLANO PAULIS (Eds.), Fútbol e Innovació

    Diseño y elaboración de una herramienta de gestión para evaluar la calidad percibida de los usuarios en clubes de golf

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una escala con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas, breve y de fácil aplicación que permita incorporar las percepciones de los usuarios a la gestión de los clubes de golf. Por otra parte, otra de las intenciones es llevar a cabo una segmentación integral de los practicantes de golf en Galicia, identificando los posibles perfiles existentes y explorando la existencia de diferentes vías para favorecer la satisfacción de los usuarios. Para ello, fueron entrevistados 1042 usuarios de 14 clubes de golf de Galicia a partir de un cuestionario estructurado ad hoc. El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio ofrece una escala de 15 ítems agrupados en 3 dimensiones, con un alto grado de validez y consistencia interna, convirtiéndola en una herramienta de notable interés aplicado. Fruto del análisis clúster se establecen dos grandes segmentos (Golfistas y Sociales), conformados a su vez por dos subgrupos: Golfistas vocacionales y Golfistas de ocio y negocio, Sociales maduros y Sociales familiares. Para los dos segmentos la dimensión más importante y con mayor peso sobre la satisfacción del usuario es la Profesionalidad del personal y gestión, seguido de la Zona de juego en el caso de los Golfistas y las Instalaciones en los Sociales.[Resumo] O obxectivo deste traballo é desenvolver unha escala con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas, breve e de fácil aplicación que permita incorporar as percepcións dos usuarios á xestión dos clubs de golf. Por outra banda, outra das intencións é levar a cabo unha segmentación integral dos practicantes de golf en Galicia, identificando os posibles perfís existentes e explorando a existencia de diferentes vías para favorecer a satisfacción dos usuarios. Para iso, foron entrevistados 1042 usuarios de 14 clubs de golf de Galicia a partir dun cuestionario estruturado ad hoc. A Análise Factorial Confirmatorio ofrece unha escala de 15 ítems agrupados en 3 dimensións, cun alto grao de validez e consistencia interna, converténdoa nunha ferramenta de notable interese aplicado. Froito da análise clúster é posible establecer dous grandes segmentos (Golfistas e Sociais), conformados á súa vez por dous subgrupos: Golfistas vocacionais e Golfistas de lecer e negocio, Sociais maduros e Sociais familiares. Para os dous segmentos a dimensión máis importante e con maior peso sobre a satisfacción do usuario é a Profesionalidade do persoal e xestión, seguido da Zona de xogo no caso dos Golfistas e as Instalacións no caso dos Sociais.[Abstract] The aim of this paper is to develop a scale with appropriate psychometric properties, brief and easy to apply which allows incorporating the user´s perceptions of the management of golf clubs. On the other hand, another intention is to carry out a comprehensive segmentation of the golf users in Galicia, identifying the possible existing profiles, and exploring the existence of different ways to promote the users´ satisfaction. For this, 1042 users of 14 golf clubs in Galicia were interviewed by means of an ad hoc structured questionnaire. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) provides a scale of only 15 items grouped into 3 dimensions with a high degree of validity and internal consistency, becoming a tool of considerable applied interest. As a result of the hierarchical cluster analysis can be established two major segments (Golfers and Socials) formed in turn by two subgroups: Vocational golfers and Business and leisure golfers, Socials mature and Socials family. Furthermore, for both groups, the most important dimension on the user´s satisfaction is the Professionalism of staff and management, followed by the Playing Area for Golfers and the Facilities in the case of Socials

    Aplicación de la teoría generalizabilidad a un análisis de tensiomiografía en ciclistas profesionales de ruta

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    El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la fiabilidad y generalizabilidad de la estructura de datos procedentes de la evaluación, a través de tensiomiografía (TMG), de los parámetros tiempo de contracción muscular (TC) y máximo desplazamiento radial del vientre muscular (DM) de los músculos vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris y bíceps femoris de 10 ciclistas profesionales de fondo en carretera. Las mediciones de TMG tuvieron lugar durante el periodo preparatorio y el periodo competitivo. Se realizó un análisis de componentes de varianza por procedimiento de mínimos cuadrados y de máxima verosimilitud (<.0001), y un análisis de generalizabilidad. Los resultados indican que los valores de error del análisis de componentes de varianza por procedimiento de mínimos cuadrados y de máxima verosimilitud son idénticos para las variables TC y DM, lo que permite considerar la muestra como normal, lineal y homocedástica. El modelo de precisión de la variable TC presenta un adecuado nivel de fiabilidad y de generalizabilidad (e2 = 0.890 Φ = 0.831). El modelo con la variable DM presenta un adecuado nivel de fiabilidad y una generalizabilidad cercana a la adecuada (e2 = 0.826 Φ = 0.785). La optimización de la estructura de diseño con la variable TC consiguió unos excelentes niveles de fiabilidad (e2 = 0.939) y de generalizabilidad (Φ = 0.903), al igual que la variable DM (e2 = 0.922 Φ = 0.901). La importancia de este trabajo radica en la utilización de la TMG como técnica de intervención primaria en la prevención de lesiones musculares a través del cálculo de simetrías y su compensación con garantías de fiabilidad, precisión y validez.The aim of this study is to determine the reliability and generalizability of the data structure from the assessment, through tensiomyography (TMG), the parameters of muscle time contraction (TC) and maximum radial displacement of the muscle belly (DM) of the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and biceps femoris muscles of 10 professional road cyclists. TMG measurements took place during the preparatory period and the competitive period. An analysis of variance components by least-squares procedure and maximum likelihood (<.0001), and an analysis of generalizability was performed. The results indicate that the values of error of the variance components analysis by least-squares procedure and maximum likelihood are identical for TC and DM variables, which enables us to consider the sample as normal, linear and homoscedastic. The precision model of the TC variable shows a suitable level of reliability and generalizability (e2 = .89 F = .83). The model of DM variable shows a suitable level of reliability and a generalizability close to the proper one (e2 = .826 F = .785). The optimization of the design with the variable TC achieved excellent levels of reliability e2 = .94) and generalizability (F = .90), as well as the variable DM (e2 = .92 F = .90). The importance of this work lies in the use of TMG as a primary intervention technique in the prevention of muscle injuries through the calculation of symmetries and their compensation with guaranteed reliability, accuracy and validity

    QGOLF-9 : Escala para la evaluación de la calidad percibida en los clubes de golf

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    The assessment of perceived quality has become important in the management of service providing organizations. The aim of this paper is to develop a brief, easy-to-apply scale with appropriate psychometric properties, which allows the incorporation of users' perceptions of the management of golf clubs. We interviewed 403 users of four 9-hole course golf clubs located in Galicia (316 males and 87 females) aged between 16 and 75 years (Mean = 47.19; SD = 13.91). For data collection, an ad hoc structured questionnaire which had 25 items grouped into 4 dimensions was used. As a result of Exploratory Factor Analysis and a subsequent Confirmatory Factor Analysis, it was possible to obtain a final scale made up of only 15 items, grouped into three dimensions. This scale, as well as being brief and easy-to-apply, has a high degree of validity (as it explains 72% of the perceived performance) and internal consistency (overall a of .91), thus making it a tool of considerable applied interest.La evaluación de la calidad percibida ha cobrado una gran importancia en la gestión de las organizaciones de prestación de servicios. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una escala con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas, breve y de fácil aplicación que permita incorporar las percepciones de los usuarios a la gestión de los clubes de golf. Fueron entrevistados 403 usuarios de 4 clubes de golf con campos de 9 hoyos ubicados en Galicia (316 hombres y 87 mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y 75 años (Media = 47.19; DE = 13.91). Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado ad hoc que contaba con 25 elementos agrupados en 4 dimensiones. Fruto de un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio inicial y de un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio posterior, ha sido posible obtener una escala final compuesta por tan solo 15 ítems agrupados en tres dimensiones. Dicha escala, además de ser breve y de fácil aplicación, posee un alto grado de validez de criterio (ya que explica el 72% del desempeño percibido del club) y una elevada consistencia interna (con un a global de .91), lo que la convierte en una herramienta de notable interés aplicado

    Characterization of Profiles as Management Strategies Based on the Importance and Valuation That Users Give to the Elements of the Golf Courses

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    The main objective of this study was to characterize golfers’ profiles based on the importance and valuation that users give to the elements of golf courses, considering the segmentation as key to making strategic decisions. This was done using a priori segmentation of the traditional style against a post hoc segmentation based on the importance that users concede to variability of elements of golf courses. Moreover, the relationship between the quality attributed to the service dimensions and the golf course global performance was examined for each of the obtained segments. The results have established certain specific characteristics of the typical golf user and two large segments of golfers were identified from Cluster Analysis (Competitives and Socials), they were made up of the following subgroups: Regular-leisure and business and matures-familiar. The causal analysis of covariance structures for each segment revealed partially different interests. This study provides useful information for managers to design management strategies that address the different characteristics, interests, and priorities of their customers and potential customers in order to win them, keep them, satisfy them, and build their loyalty, ensuring the development and sustainability of the entityS

    Measuring Perceived Service Quality and Its Impact on Golf Courses Performance According to Types of Facilities and User Profile

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    The study was aimed at: (1) Analysing the psychometric features of the QGolf scale, (2) examining the relation between the user’s perceived quality, the club service dimensions, and the golf club performance and, (3) exploring whether a better performance could vary depending on the player’s profile and/or the type of golf course. To do so, 968 users from 13 clubs in north-western Spain golf courses were interviewed. Psychometric and theoretical findings are introduced regarding their further use in field marketing. The causal analysis of covariance structure leads us to state that the human and organisational dimension of the service is key to assess perceived quality. When comparing models, the explanatory power of the Handicap ≥ 20 model was higher than the one concerning Handicap < 20. Thus, the strategy to increase user satisfaction should be quite different depending on whether users are beginners or advanced golf players. Therefore, managers should consider the users’ profiles diversity, their specific needs, and the variety of target-groups involved, on account of the golf course’s interests. This seems the best pathway to achieve sustainability and survival in the areaS

    Propranolol reduces viability and induces apoptosis in hemangioblastoma cells from von Hippel-Lindau patients

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    [Background] Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is a rare oncological disease with an incidence of 1:36,000, and is characterized by the growth of different types of tumors: hemangioblastomas in the central nervous system (CNS) and retina, renal carcinoma, pheochromocytomas, pancreatic serous cystadenoma, and endolymphatic sac tumors. These tumors do not express VHL protein (pVHL). pVHL ubiquitinates hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) protein for degradation by the proteasome; in the absence of VHL, HIF translocates to the nucleus to activate the expression of its target genes. Targeting VHL-derived tumors with drugs that have reduced side effects is urgent to avoid repeat CNS surgeries. Recent reports have shown that propranolol, a β-blocker used for the treatment of hypertension and other cardiac and neurological diseases, is the best option for infantile hemangioma (IH). Propranolol could be an efficient treatment to control hemangioblastoma growth in VHL disease because of its antiangiogenic effects demonstrated in IH and the hypothetical impact on HIF levels.[Methods] HeLa 9X (HRE) hypoxia responsive element cell line and primary hemangioblastoma-derived cells were subjected to propranolol treatment and cell viability and apoptosis were evaluated. HIF1-α and Hif-2α expression after propranolol treatment was analyzed by western blotting. Quantitative PCR was performed to study the mRNA expression of HIF target genes. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was measured in culture supernatants by immunoassay.[Results] Propranolol downregulated HIF-dependent transcription in HeLa 9XHRE cells. Under hypoxic conditions, propranolol decreased the expression of HIF target genes in hemangioblastoma cells, which stopped proliferating and died following long-term treatment. These results suggests that propranolol treatment promoted reduced HIF protein expression and corresponding downregulation of HIF target genes, and inhibited cell proliferation in parallel with induction of cell death by apoptosis.[Conclusions] Our results suggest that propranolol could reduce the growth of HIF-dependent tumors and may thus be a promising treatment to delay surgery in VHL patients.This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad SAF2011-23475 and from Alianza VHL Spain& Fundación Iberdrola to LMB. Virginia Albiñana was supported by Alianza VHL Spain, Fundación Iberdrola and Fundación Divina Pastora.Peer reviewe

    miR-873-5p targets mitochondrialGNMT-Complex II interface contributing tonon-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Objective:Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a complex pathology in which several dysfunctions, including alterations in metabolicpathways, mitochondrial functionality and unbalanced lipid import/export, lead to lipid accumulation and progression to inflammation andfibrosis.The enzyme glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT), the most important enzyme implicated in S-adenosylmethionine catabolism in the liver, isdownregulated during NAFLD progression. We have studied the mechanism involved in GNMT downregulation by its repressor microRNA miR-873-5p and the metabolic pathways affected in NAFLD as well as the benefit of recovery GNMT expression.Methods:miR-873-5p and GNMT expression were evaluated in liver biopsies of NAFLD/NASH patients. Differentin vitroandin vivoNAFLD murinemodels were used to assess miR-873-5p/GNMT involvement in fatty liver progression through targeting of the miR-873-5p as NAFLD therapy.Results:We describe a new function of GNMT as an essential regulator of Complex II activity in the electron transport chain in the mitochondria.In NAFLD, GNMT expression is controlled by miR-873-5p in the hepatocytes, leading to disruptions in mitochondrial functionality in a preclinicalmurine non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) model. Upregulation of miR-873-5p is shown in the liver of NAFLD/NASH patients, correlating withhepatic GNMT depletion. Importantly, NASH therapies based on anti-miR-873-5p resolve lipid accumulation, inflammation andfibrosis byenhancing fatty acidb-oxidation in the mitochondria. Therefore, miR-873-5p inhibitor emerges as a potential tool for NASH treatment.Conclusion:GNMT participates in the regulation of metabolic pathways and mitochondrial functionality through the regulation of Complex II activityin the electron transport chain. In NAFLD, GNMT is repressed by miR-873-5p and its targeting arises as a valuable therapeutic option for treatment

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 17 No. 37 Diciembre 1999

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    Al cierre de la edición número 37 de la Revista Temas Socio- Jurídicos, registramos la desaparición de la profesora de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Virginia Gutierrez De Pineda, antropóloga santandereana, profesora, quien en varias oportunidades honró con su presencia y su prestancia a la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, en especial la Maestría en Derecho de Familia, en la cual atendió el área relacionada con los conflictos entre los géneros, la pareja y la familia. Gus enseñanzas, su acción vital, su permanente indagación de la realidad del país han de servir de ejemplo a quienes deseen seguir la senda de la ciencia y conquistar horizontes de conocimiento. Como homenaje a esta mujer pionera, la revista publica una de sus últimas conferencias pronunciadas en la Universidad, denominada el conflicto en la relación de los géneros. Dos escritos salidos de la pluma del profesor Alfonso Gómez Gómez, el primero sobre el resurgimiento de las provincias, el segundo sobre las Asambleas Departamentales, incitan a la reflexión cobre la necesidad de una reconfiguración de la estructura político-administrativa de las regiones en el País. Proseguimos con la divulgación del ensayo sobre Institutos Jurídicos Básicos, la segunda parte, donde se exponen los fundamentos económico-sociales de las instituciones jurídicas y sus expresiones abstractas en el orden de los conceptos.At the close of the 37th edition of the Socio-Legal Issues Magazine, we recorded the disappearance of the professor at the National University of Colombia, Virginia Gutierrez De Pineda, an anthropologist from Santander, professor, who on several occasions honored the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, especially the Master's Degree in Family Law, in which he dealt with the area related to conflicts between genders, couples and family. Gus teachings, his vital action, his permanent investigation of the reality of the country must serve as an example to those who wish to follow the path of science and conquer horizons of knowledge. As a tribute to this pioneering woman, the magazine publishes one of her last lectures given at the University, called the conflict in the relationship between genders. Two writings from the pen of Professor Alfonso Gómez Gómez, the first on the resurgence of the provinces, the second on the Departmental Assemblies, encourage reflection on the need for a reconfiguration of the political-administrative structure of the regions in the Country . We continue with the disclosure of the essay on Basic Legal Institutes, the second part, where the socio-economic foundations of legal institutions and their abstract expressions in the order of concepts are exposed