520 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of the Asset Health Index in a Maintenance Strategy

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    Hosted by the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. May 23-24, 2019 - European Safety, Reliability & Data Association (ESReDA)During many years, asset management methodologies used in industry were focused on knowing and analysing the operational control of the daily work and the impact of the maintenance on the availability. Later, the costs turn into the priority, and strategies were focused on assesses a longer lifecycle and optimizing processes and contracts. Finally, recent normative have included concepts as “knowing and managing the risks” and the target is to prioritize the maintenance tasks to the critical assets. However, taking a balanced asset management model for the operational environment, quite a lot of facilities of Oil & Gas sector are reaching the end of their initially estimated lifecycle. New challenges are related to extend the life of the main items of the facilities or at least, to find the optimal replacement moment that guarantees that the maintenance strategy is being optimized. Asset Health Index methodology considers a theoretical lifecycle of an item, in which depending on the proximity to the end of the useful life, the probability of failure increases. But take this theoretical lifecycle as a base, different operation location factors or O&M aspects can modify this period. All these factor are quantified and permit us to calculate a new theoretical profile. This paper is about assess the impact of the AHI into the maintenance strategy optimisation. AHI enables us to compare future alternative cost profiles and assess the impact in the failure probability of the item. As a result, we are able to know the risk that is taken when we enlarge the operation of an item, and the impact in the operational costs

    Adiciones a la flora alicantina, III

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    Se dan a conocer algunas plantas que suponen nuevas citas o ampliaciones de área notables para la flora de la provincia de Alicante. En cada caso se acompañan comentarios sobre su comportamiento ecológico, fitosociológico y corológico. Además, se realizan consideraciones sobre el estado de conservación de cada población.Some plants which are poorly known or new records for the flora of Alicante province are reported. Comments on ecology, phytosociology and chorology of each of them are also included. Moreover, some considerations for conservation of each population are presented.Trabajo realizado en parte a cargo del proyecto LIFE B4/3200/93/766 (“Creación de la red de microrreservas de flora de la Comunidad Valenciana”), cofinanciado por la Generalitat Valenciana y la Comisión Europea

    Aerobic Vitamin B-12 Biosynthesis Is Essential for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Class II Ribonucleotide Reductase Activity During Planktonic and Biofilm Growth

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major pathogenic bacterium in chronic infections and is a model organism for studying biofilms. P. aeruginosa is considered an aerobic bacterium, but in the presence of nitrate, it also grows in anaerobic conditions. Oxygen diffusion through the biofilm generates metabolic and genetic diversity in P. aeruginosa growth, such as in ribonucleotide reductase activity. These essential enzymes are necessary for DNA synthesis and repair. Oxygen availability determines the activity of the three-ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) classes. Class II and III RNRs are active in the absence of oxygen; however, class II RNRs, which are important in P. aeruginosa biofilm growth, require a vitamin B12 cofactor for their enzymatic activity. In this work, we elucidated the conditions in which class II RNRs are active due to vitamin B12 concentration constraints (biosynthesis or environmental availability). We demonstrated that increased vitamin B12 levels during aerobic, stationary and biofilm growth activate class II RNR activity. We also established that the cobN gene is essentially responsible for B12 biosynthesis under planktonic and biofilm growth. Our results unravel the mechanisms of dNTP synthesis by P. aeruginosa during biofilm growth, which appear to depend on the bacterial strain (laboratory-type or clinical isolate)

    Morfologia urbana mediterrània

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    La ciudad es un sistema complejo en el que confluyen muchos parámetros que dificultan sobremanera un análisis preciso de todos ellos y, en consecuencia, la valoración de los fenómenos que se producen y sus repercusiones en el medio ambiente. La planificación urbana es uno de los retos ante los que se encuentra la sociedad actual, implicando tanto a arquitectos y urbanistas como a otros colectivos muy diversos que convergen en este espacio común de intercambio energético y ecológico.La población mundial se está desplazando hacia las áreas urbanas en proporción cada vez mayor, por lo que estos son posibles puntos de conflicto y oportunidad en los que es necesario actuar y planificar de forma cuidadosa. Para optimizar la planificación urbana, será fundamental disponer de un cuerpo de doctrina en temas ambientales y sociales que tengan en cuenta aspectos de consumo energético y de recursos, así como de confort y bienestar personal.En este contexto nace el proyecto de investigación “MUM-Fundamentos para la Caracterización de la Morfología Urbana Mediterránea”. Este proyecto avanza en la mejora de la eficiencia energética en ciudades mediterráneas, identificando parámetros morfológicos de los edificios, en tanto que configuradores de ciudades, que permiten caracterizar distintas tramas urbanas y su influencia en la demanda energética.Actualmente no existe una parametrización de las estructuras urbanas que permita simular su comportamiento ambiental de forma razonable. Esta investigación ha identificado y definido parámetros urbanos necesarios para esta caracterización geométrica de las distintas tramas que facilitarían una aproximación al comportamiento ambiental.The city is a very complex system in which many parameters converge. The large number of these parameters greatly hinders not only an accurate analysis of all of them, but also the assessment of the phenomena that occur in the city and its impact on the environment. Urban planning is one of the challenges that society faces today, involving architects, planners and other social and professional stakeholders. All of them converge in a common field of energetic and ecological exchange. The world’s population is moving towards urban areas in an increasing proportion. Consequently, these areas are becoming potential points of conflict and opportunities and, therefore, must be carefully planned. To optimize urban planning, it is essential to have a body of doctrine in both environmental and social issues, considering subjects such as energy and resources consumption, comfort and well-being. In this context, the investigation project “MUM- Identification of Parameters Involved in Architectural Energy Efficiency is originated. This project aims to improve energy efficiency in buildings of Mediterranean cities by identifying those parameters of buildings morphology that allow to describe different urban tissues and their influence on energy demand. Nowadays, there is a lack of urban structures parametrization systems that allow to simulate their behaviour accurately. This investigation aims to identify and define urban parameters required for a geometric description of the different urban fabrics, in order to ease an approach to environmental performance assessment.La ciutat és un sistema complex en el qual conflueixen molts paràmetres que dificulten en gran manera una anàlisi precís de tots ells i, en conseqüència, la valoració dels fenòmens que es produeixen i les seves repercussions en el medi ambient. La planificació urbana és un dels reptes davant els quals es troba la societat actual, implicant tant a arquitectes i urbanistes com a altres col·lectius molt diversos que convergeixen en aquest espai comú d'intercanvi energètic i ecològic. La població mundial s'està desplaçant cap a les àrees urbanes en proporció cada vegada més gran, de manera que aquests són possibles punts de conflicte i oportunitat en els quals cal actuar i planificar de forma acurada. Per optimitzar la planificació urbana, serà fonamental disposar d'un cos de doctrina en temes ambientals i socials que tinguin en compte aspectes de consum energètic i de recursos, així com de confort i benestar personal. En aquest context neix el projecte d'investigació "MUM-Fonaments per a la Caracterització de la Morfologia Urbana Mediterrània". Aquest projecte avança en la millora de l'eficiència energètica en ciutats mediterrànies, identificant paràmetres morfològics dels edificis, com a configuradors de ciutats, que permeten caracteritzar diferents trames urbanes i la seva influència en la demanda energètica. Actualment no existeix una parametrització de les estructures urbanes que permeti simular el seu comportament ambiental de manera raonable. Aquesta investigació ha identificat i definit paràmetres urbans necessaris per a aquesta caracterització geomètrica de les diferents trames que facilitarien una aproximació al comportament ambiental.Peer Reviewe

    Function of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa NrdR Transcription Factor: Global Transcriptomic Analysis and Its Role on Ribonucleotide Reductase Gene Expression

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    Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) are a family of sophisticated enzymes responsible for the synthesis of the deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), the building blocks for DNA synthesis and repair. Although any living cell must contain one RNR activity to continue living, bacteria have the capacity to encode different RNR classes in the same genome, allowing them to adapt to different environments and growing conditions. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is well known for its adaptability and surprisingly encodes all three known RNR classes (Ia, II and III). There must be a complex transcriptional regulation network behind this RNR activity, dictating which RNR class will be expressed according to specific growing conditions. In this work, we aim to uncover the role of the transcriptional regulator NrdR in P. aeruginosa. We demonstrate that NrdR regulates all three RNR classes, being involved in differential control depending on whether the growth conditions are aerobic or anaerobic. Moreover, we also identify for the first time that NrdR is not only involved in controlling RNR expression but also regulates topoisomerase I (topA) transcription. Finally, to obtain the entire picture of NrdR regulon, we performed a global transcriptomic analysis comparing the transcription profile of wild-type and nrdR mutant strains. The results provide many new data about the regulatory network that controls P. aeruginosa RNR transcription, bringing us a step closer to the understanding of this complex system

    Inter-observer reliability of ultrasound detection of tendon abnormalities at the wrist and ankle in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess inter-observer reliability in US detection of tendon inflammatory and structural changes at wrists and ankles in RA patients. METHODS: Fourteen consecutive RA patients underwent bilateral US assessment of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECUT) and tibialis posterior tendons (TPTs) by two blinded rheumatologists, with different level of experience in musculoskeletal (MS) US. Grey scale and power Doppler (PD) US assessment was focused on detection of tenosynovitis, tenosynovial and intra-tendon PD signal and structural lesions (i.e. tendinosis, tendon erosion, partial or total rupture). RESULTS: The frequency of US findings detected by Investigator 1 was 28.6% for inflammatory changes and 51.8% for structural damage changes while Investigator 2 detected 34 and 53.6% for the corresponding abnormalities. A high overall agreement (82.7%) was found for inflammatory pathology and 89.7% for structural lesions in all tendons. Mean kappa (κ) values for all tendons and pathology was moderate (κ = 0.42), with fair level of agreement for the wrist region (0.27-0.34) and moderate to good values for the ankle region (κ = 0.47-0.62). Subclinical abnormalities were detected in 37.5% of the tendons by Investigator 1 and 28.6% of the tendons by Investigator 2. CONCLUSIONS: MSUS showed high overall agreement and fair to moderate inter-observer κ-values between investigators with different levels of experience in detection of tendon pathology at the wrist and ankle in RA patients. Further standardization of scanning method and pathology definitions may improve MSUS reproducibility

    Pay as you wish as a museum pricing mechanism

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    Currently, museums show difficulty in setting their ticket prices, as well as in increasing their revenue while remaining inclusive. Pay As You Wish is a pricing mechanism in which visitors are allowed to pay whatever value they wish for the museum visit, including zero. In order to evaluate if this pricing mechanism could be profitable in a museum while increasing inclusivity, online experiments were conducted to evaluate people’s willingness to pay. The results have shown that PAYW can be a profitable pricing mechanism in museum settings, translating into an increase of almost 40% in the museum’s return

    Criticality Analysis for optimising OPEX cost lifecycle

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    3rd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology AMEST 2016: Biarritz, France, 19—21 October 2016. - IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, Issue 28, 2016, Pages 7-12Identification and quantification of cost and value of industrial assets is a field in which much terminology is mixed. When we try to analyze the importance of an asset for our business, to discuss about its costs should not be separated from the value provided by the asset. Most of the times, managers only use the term “cost” because it seems to be more objective. Value is more subjective and more difficult to define. However, we must try to use definitions as amortization, inflation, replacement value in order to simplify the concept of “value” to improve our decisions. In the case of regulated companies, the economic valuation of the facilities is based on a legal normative, so the concept of “cost” may turn to be quite useless. Therefore, it is important to use a methodology that allows us to estimate the value of our assets. We have developed a criticality analysis of our infrastructures in order to assess the relative value of these items for the company. The target is to optimize the operation and maintenance (O&M) strategies at a corporate level. This must have a relevant impact in the OPEX of our company, and may be also an impact in future CAPEX. This paper discusses the methodology and presents clear examples of how O&M strategy is transformed according to criticality assessments

    Ajustes nomenclaturales en matorrales iberolevantinos de Rosmarinetea, II

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    Se aportan datos nomenclaturales sobre dos comunidades de Rosmarinetea presentes en Valencia, Murcia y Alicante. Como resultado se corrigen los nombres Teucrio belionis-Halimietum halimifolii y Centaureo dufourii-Rosmarinetum officinalis.Some nomenclatural data about two communities of Rosmarinetea in Valencia, Murcia and Alicante (E of Spain) are presented, and the names of two associations, Teucrio belionis-Halimietum halimifolii and Centaureo dufourii-Rosmarinetum officinalis, are corrected