213 research outputs found

    How Intellectual Movements among External and Internal Actors Shape the College Curriculum: The Case of Entrepreneurship Education in Engineering.

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    This study focuses on key aspects of curricular change that are often overlooked in the engineering education literature. Specifically, attention is directed to the contextual factors and the collective action of multiple actors that shape the change process as the actors frame and reframe a new curricular idea. In order to analyze this process, the study employs the social movement theories of scientific and intellectual movements and collective action frames. Using a case study method, this investigation examines the emergence of entrepreneurship education at the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering (CoE). Over two years, the researcher conducted 27 semi structured interviews, collected over 300 documents, and observed 17 events. The case study is presented in four periods, the latent (late 1990s-2006), the launch (2006-2008), the start me up momentum (2008-2011), and the branching out from engineering (2011-2013). Over these periods, entrepreneurship education went from few individual and scattered efforts to a collective action that mobilized multiple actors, including student organizations and alumni groups. This collective action established new curricular programs and numerous co-curricular activities. More important, it built an entrepreneurial ecosystem and moved the CoE and the entire university towards a pro-entrepreneurial culture. In general, when the emergence of entrepreneurship education in the CoE is viewed as a movement, four processes can explain its success. First, senior faculty promoted a new vision for engineering education, one that could be accomplished alongside the traditional curriculum. Second, structural conditions in the university and in local and state government gave the movement access to key resources. Third, various micromobilization contexts served as spaces where movement participants came into frequent contact and where new members could be recruited. Fourth, movement participants framed and reframed curricular ideas in a way that both internal and external actors to the university could identify with and bridged differences between them. Overall, this research contributes to curricular change theories in engineering education by illustrating how contextual factors and collective action influence change. The study concludes with recommendations for both curricular change advocates and curricular decision makers.PhDHigher EducationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111515/1/scelis_1.pd

    El poder de prevision para la propia incapacidad

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    49 p."El Poder de Previsión para la Propia Incapacidad", es una institución que habilita a quien prevé su incapacidad futura, estipular con el agente instrucciones que cobrarán vigencia cuando cayere en incapacidad, física o mental, total o parcial. Nuestra legislación constitucional, civil y penal, no la considera; sin embargo, tiene cabida en los derechos patrirrioniales, y no en los sujetivos debido a la problemática moral que implica y por tipificar conductas delictuosas, como la eutanasia y el auxilio al suicidio. Por lo anteriormente expuesto, el memorista ve lejana la posibilidad que se legisle en Chile sobre ésta materia, y si ocurriese, sería imprescindible un adecuado control judicial, y el efectivo cumplimiento de las solemnidades propias de la escritura pública celebrada ante el competente Notario Público, a fin de asegurar la correcta ejecución de las instrucciones otorgadas

    Liderazgo transformacional y compromiso organizacional en el área de electrodomésticos de un supermercado de Lima Norte, 2019

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre liderazgo transformacional y compromiso organizacional del área de electrodomésticos de un supermercado de Lima Norte, distrito de los Olivos, año 2019, la muestra fue censal y estuvo conformada por 50 colaboradores del formato de supermercados que pertenecen al área de electrodomésticos, los datos que se obtuvieron fue por medio de la técnica de recolección de datos, la encuesta medido en la escala de Likert que contiene 24 Ítems, se procesaron los datos mediante el método estadístico inferencial y para esto se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 25;el método de la investigación fue un estudio de tipo aplicada, de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no experimental de corte transeccional de nivel correlacional, obteniendo como resultado la existencia de una correlación positiva muy fuerte (R=0.995),obteniendo una significancia de 0.000 < 0.05 por lo que determina que se rechaza la H0 y se acepta la H1.Concluyo que existe relación significativa entre el liderazgo transformacional y compromiso organizacional en el área de electrodomésticos de un supermercado de Lima Norte,2019

    Affirmative Action Policies for Top-k Candidates Selection, With an Application to the Design of Policies for University Admissions

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    We consider the problem of designing affirmative action policies for selecting the top-k candidates from a pool of applicants. We assume that for each candidate we have socio-demographic attributes and a series of variables that serve as indicators of future performance (e.g., results on standardized tests). We further assume that we have access to historical data including the actual performance of previously selected candidates. Critically, performance information is only available for candidates who were selected under some previous selection policy. In this work we assume that due to legal requirements or voluntary commitments, an organization wants to increase the presence of people from disadvantaged socio-demographic groups among the selected candidates. Hence, we seek to design an affirmative action or positive action policy. This policy has two concurrent objectives: (i) to select candidates who, given what can be learnt from historical data, are more likely to perform well, and (ii) to select candidates in a way that increases the representation of disadvantaged socio-demographic groups. Our motivating application is the design of university admission policies to bachelor's degrees. We use a causal model as a framework to describe several families of policies (changing component weights, giving bonuses, and enacting quotas), and compare them both theoretically and through extensive experimentation on a large real-world dataset containing thousands of university applicants. Our paper is the first to place the problem of affirmative-action policy design within the framework of algorithmic fairness. Our empirical results indicate that simple policies could favor the admission of disadvantaged groups without significantly compromising on the quality of accepted candidates.Peer reviewe

    Conocimiento en materia proambiental en los estudiantes del sexto grado de primaria de la I.E César Vallejo Mendoza del distrito de Moyobamba - 2014

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEl documento digital no refiere asesorEvalúa los conocimientos que los alumnos de la I.E. César Vallejo del distrito de Moyobamba poseen en lo que respecta a técnicas, metodologías y conceptos dirigidos al cuidado del medio ambiente, así como a su desarrollo sostenible y a su uso racional.Tesi

    Transmitir, internalizar y extender: las justificaciones disciplinares de los profesores al hacer resolución de problemas en educación superior

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    Este trabajo busca entender cómo la matemática como disciplina influye en la toma de decisiones de profesores de educación superior, en el contexto de actividades de resolución de problemas. Los profesores entienden transmitir, internalizar y extender como parte de su rol y, al juntar estos tres motores, logran abordar contenidos matemáticos de forma crítica y profunda

    Metodología de estudio de las interacciones Profesor-Estudiantes en clases de resolución de problemas en educación superior

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    Este documento presenta una metodología para analizar videos de clases de resolución de problemas. El análisis está centrado en las interacciones que ocurren entre el profesor y sus estudiantes, relevando la importancia de la matemática discutida y expuesta por estos últimos. Se detalla la estructura de las clases, el objetivo de la metodología, su desarrollo, los elementos que la componen y el procedimiento para su aplicación

    Application studies of a new key parameter to oil production system performance analysis

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    Orientadores: José Ricardo Pelaquim Mendes, Sérgio Nascimento BordaloDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica e Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: O avanço tecnológico na instrumentação de poços de petróleo tem proporcionado um vasto volume de dados. A análise desses dados pode fornecer uma importante contribuição aos projetos de futuras instalações de produção. Para esta finalidade é necessário organizar e integrar informações que se encontram em diferentes setores, referentes ao poço, ao reservatório e às linhas de escoamento. Este processo de interpretação de dados requer o desenvolvimento de ferramentas e de métodos de análise. O Índice de Desempenho do Escoamento (IDE) é um parâmetro operacional que serve de instrumentação para estudar o desempenho das instalações de poços de petróleo utilizando os dados abundantes de campo que são medidos periodicamente em tempo real. O IDE permite, por exemplo, avaliar o desempenho das tecnologias empregadas nos poços. Neste trabalho, estuda-se o potencial de aplicação do IDE para poços que operam com gas-lift. O IDE é utilizado para verificar a influência da geometria do poço, comparar o desempenho de poços horizontais, verticais e direcionais em um mesmo campo e zona produtora, para comparar o tipo de contenção de areia, para identificar a presença de problemas no sistema de produção e no auxilio ao diagnóstico de tais problemasAbstract: Technological advances in oil wells instrumentation have provided a volume of important data. The Analysis of these data can provide an important contribution to the projects of future production facilities. For this purpose is necessary to organize and to integrate information that are in different sectors, referring to the well, reservoir and flow lines. This process of data interpretation requires the development of tools and methods of analysis. The Flow Performance Index (FPI) is an operational parameter that can used to study the performance of oil wells facilities using the field abundant data which are measured periodically in real time. For example, the FPI allows assessment the technologies performance employed in the wells. In the present study, examines the FPI application potential for wells that operate with gas-lift. The IDE is used to verify the influence of well geometry to compare the performance of horizontal, vertical and directional wells for the same field and same producing area. The FPI is employed to compare the performance of the type of sand control technologic. The FPI is applied in identification of problems presence in the production system and in the aid to diagnosis these problemsMestradoExplotaçãoMestre em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróle