249 research outputs found

    Multiple symptoms of total ozone recovery inside the Antarctic vortex during austral spring

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    The long-term evolution of total ozone column inside the Antarctic polar vortex is investigated over the 1980-2016 period. Trend analyses are performed using a multilinear regression (MLR) model based on various proxies (heat flux, QBO, solar flux, AAO and aerosols). Annual total ozone column corresponding to the mean monthly values inside the vortex in September and during the period of maximum ozone depletion from September 15th to October 15th are used. Total ozone columns from combined TOMS-N7, SBUV-N9, TOMS-EP and OMI-TOMS satellite datasets and the Multi-Sensor Reanalysis (MRS-2) dataset are considered in the study. Ozone trends are computed by a piecewise trend model (PWT) before and after the turnaround in 2001. In order to evaluate total ozone within the vortex, two classification methods are used, based on the potential vorticity gradient as a function of equivalent latitude. The first standard one, considers this gradient at a single isentropic level (475K or 550K), while the second one uses a range of isentropic levels between 400K and 600K. The regression model includes a new proxy that represents the stability of the vortex during the studied month period. The determination coefficient (R2) between observations and modeled values increases by ~0.05 when this proxy is included in the MLR model. The higher R2 (0.93-0.95) and the minimum residuals are found for the second classification method in the case of both datasets and months periods. Trends in September are statistically significant at 2 sigma level with values ranging between 1.85 and 2.67 DU yr-1 depending on the methods and data sets. This result confirms the recent studies of Antarctic ozone healing during that month. Trends after 2001 are 2 to 3 times lower than before the turnaround year as expected from the response to the slowly ODS decrease in Polar regions.Estimated trends in the 15Sept-15Oct period are smaller than in September. They vary from 1.15 to 1.78 DU yr-1 and are hardly significant at 2 level. Ozone recovery is also confirmed by a steady decrease of the relative area of total ozone values lower than 150 DU within the vortex in the 15Sept-15Oct period since 2010. Comparison of the evolution of the ozone hole area in September and October show a decrease in September, confirming the later formation of the ozone hole during that month.Fil: Pazmino, Andrea. Universidad Paris Saclay; FranciaFil: Godin Beekmann, Sophie. Universidad Paris Saclay; FranciaFil: Hauchecorne, Alain. Universidad Paris Saclay; FranciaFil: Claud, Chantal. Ecole Polytechnique; FranciaFil: Khaykin, Sergey. Universidad Paris Saclay; FranciaFil: Goutail, Florence. Universidad Paris Saclay; FranciaFil: Wolfram, Elian Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa. Centro de Investigación en Láseres y Aplicaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa. Ministerio de Defensa. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa; Argentina. Ministerio de Defensa; ArgentinaFil: Salvador, Jacobo Omar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa. Centro de Investigación en Láseres y Aplicaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa. Ministerio de Defensa. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa; Argentina. Ministerio de Defensa; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; ArgentinaFil: Quel, Eduardo Jaime. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa. Centro de Investigación en Láseres y Aplicaciones; Argentina. Ministerio de Defensa; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa. Ministerio de Defensa. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa; Argentin

    Temperature climatology with Rayleigh lidar above Observatory of Haute-provence : dynamical feedback

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    International audienceRayleigh lidar in synergy with satellite observations (SSU and AMSU) allow insuring an efficient monitoring and showing that cooling has continued. New approach for trend detection has been developed allowing a better estimate of changes due to radiative forcing. Stratospheric Warmings and gravity waves contribute to insure a dynamical feedback of the long-term changes


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    International audienceWe highlight some of the scientific benefits of the Aeolus Doppler Wind Lidar mission since its launch in August 2018. Its scientific objectives are to improve weather forecasts and to advance the understanding of atmospheric dynamics and its interaction with the atmospheric energy and water cycle. A number of meteorological and science institutes across the world are starting to demonstrate that the Aeolus mission objectives are being met. Its wind product is being operationally assimilated by four Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) centres, thanks to demonstrated useful positive impact on NWP analyses and forecasts. Applications of its atmospheric optical properties product have been found, e.g., in the detection and tracking of smoke from the extreme Australian wildfires of 2020 and in atmospheric composition data assimilation. The winds are finding novel applications in atmospheric dynamics research, such as tropical phenomena (Quasi-Biennial Oscillation disruption events), detection of atmospheric gravity waves, and in the smoke generated vortex associated with the Australian wildfires. It has been applied in the assessment of other types of satellite derived wind information such as atmospheric motions vectors. Aeolus is already successful with hopefully more to come

    -WAVVAP) campaign

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    [1] We present a validation study for the ground-based Middle Atmospheric Water Vapour Radiometer (MIAWARA) operating at 22 GHz. MIAWARA measures the water vapor profile in the range of 20-80 km. The validation was conducted in two phases at different geographical locations. During the first operational period the radiometer was operated at middle latitudes in Bern, Switzerland, and the measured water vapor profiles were compared with the HALOE satellite instrument. The agreement between HALOE and MIAWARA was for most altitudes better than 10%. The agreement between the balloon instruments and MIAWARA was better than 2% for a total number of 10 comparable flights. This showed the potential of MIAWARA in water vapor retrieval down to 20 km. In addition, the northern Finland MIAWARA profiles were compared with POAM III water vapor profiles. This comparison confirmed the good agreement with the other instruments, and the difference between MIAWARA and POAM was generally less than 8%. Finally, the tipping curve calibration was validated with tipping curve measurements of the All-Sky Multi Wavelength Radiometer (ASMUWARA) which was operated 10 months side by side with MIAWARA. The agreement of the tropospheric opacity derived from these tipping curves agree within 1%

    Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions

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    Significant reductions in stratospheric ozone occur inside the polar vortices each spring when chlorine radicals produced by heterogeneous reactions on cold particle surfaces in winter destroy ozone mainly in two catalytic cycles, the ClO dimer cycle and the ClO/BrO cycle. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are responsible for most of the chlorine currently present in the stratosphere, have been banned by the Montreal Protocol and its amendments, and the ozone layer is predicted to recover to 1980 levels within the next few decades. During the same period, however, climate change is expected to alter the temperature, circulation patterns and chemical composition in the stratosphere, and possible geo-engineering ventures to mitigate climate change may lead to additional changes. To realistically predict the response of the ozone layer to such influences requires the correct representation of all relevant processes. The European project RECONCILE has comprehensively addressed remaining questions in the context of polar ozone depletion, with the objective to quantify the rates of some of the most relevant, yet still uncertain physical and chemical processes. To this end RECONCILE used a broad approach of laboratory experiments, two field missions in the Arctic winter 2009/10 employing the high altitude research aircraft M55-Geophysica and an extensive match ozone sonde campaign, as well as microphysical and chemical transport modelling and data assimilation. Some of the main outcomes of RECONCILE are as follows: (1) vortex meteorology: the 2009/10 Arctic winter was unusually cold at stratospheric levels during the six-week period from mid-December 2009 until the end of January 2010, with reduced transport and mixing across the polar vortex edge; polar vortex stability and how it is influenced by dynamic processes in the troposphere has led to unprecedented, synoptic-scale stratospheric regions with temperatures below the frost point; in these regions stratospheric ice clouds have been observed, extending over >106km2 during more than 3 weeks. (2) Particle microphysics: heterogeneous nucleation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) particles in the absence of ice has been unambiguously demonstrated; conversely, the synoptic scale ice clouds also appear to nucleate heterogeneously; a variety of possible heterogeneous nuclei has been characterised by chemical analysis of the non-volatile fraction of the background aerosol; substantial formation of solid particles and denitrification via their sedimentation has been observed and model parameterizations have been improved. (3) Chemistry: strong evidence has been found for significant chlorine activation not only on polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) but also on cold binary aerosol; laboratory experiments and field data on the ClOOCl photolysis rate and other kinetic parameters have been shown to be consistent with an adequate degree of certainty; no evidence has been found that would support the existence of yet unknown chemical mechanisms making a significant contribution to polar ozone loss. (4) Global modelling: results from process studies have been implemented in a prognostic chemistry climate model (CCM); simulations with improved parameterisations of processes relevant for polar ozone depletion are evaluated against satellite data and other long term records using data assimilation and detrended fluctuation analysis. Finally, measurements and process studies within RECONCILE were also applied to the winter 2010/11, when special meteorological conditions led to the highest chemical ozone loss ever observed in the Arctic. In addition to quantifying the 2010/11 ozone loss and to understand its causes including possible connections to climate change, its impacts were addressed, such as changes in surface ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the densely populated northern mid-latitudes

    Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions : (RECONCILE) ; activities and results

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    The international research project RECONCILE has addressed central questions regarding polar ozone depletion, with the objective to quantify some of the most relevant yet still uncertain physical and chemical processes and thereby improve prognostic modelling capabilities to realistically predict the response of the ozone layer to climate change. This overview paper outlines the scope and the general approach of RECONCILE, and it provides a summary of observations and modelling in 2010 and 2011 that have generated an in many respects unprecedented dataset to study processes in the Arctic winter stratosphere. Principally, it summarises important outcomes of RECONCILE including (i) better constraints and enhanced consistency on the set of parameters governing catalytic ozone destruction cycles, (ii) a better understanding of the role of cold binary aerosols in heterogeneous chlorine activation, (iii) an improved scheme of polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) processes that includes heterogeneous nucleation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) and ice on non-volatile background aerosol leading to better model parameterisations with respect to denitrification, and (iv) long transient simulations with a chemistry-climate model (CCM) updated based on the results of RECONCILE that better reproduce past ozone trends in Antarctica and are deemed to produce more reliable predictions of future ozone trends. The process studies and the global simulations conducted in RECONCILE show that in the Arctic, ozone depletion uncertainties in the chemical and microphysical processes are now clearly smaller than the sensitivity to dynamic variability

    Satellite-based Inventory of Episodes of Stratospheric Penetration of Siberian Wildfires Plumes in the Period 2002 - Present

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    International audienceIn recent years, episodes of stratospheric penetration of plumes containing biomass burning products from wildfires became more frequent. An approach to detect and characterize such events from satellite data consists in synergetic use of limb and nadir measurements. It makes use of Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) from nadir and vertical profiles of aerosol extinction and biomass burning gases from limb. The approach is applied to detect the episodes of stratospheric penetration of Siberian wildfires plumes in the period from 2002 until present. We present an ongoing inventory of such events, some resulting from PyroCb events, some from other convective lifting mechanisms. It particular, it includes estimations of mass of smoke and gazes injected in the stratosphere by such events, which is a must data for modeling the tropopause-crossing episodes of wildfire smoke plumes. Injected mass estimations are performed from CCI Multi-satellite AAI, MIPAS, MLS, and OMPS NM and LP datasets, using two different methods. The limitations of the approach and its feasibility for OMPS NM combined with CAIRT limb profiler instrument, which is selected for Phase 2 of ESA Earth Explorer 11 mission, are discussed

    Stratospheric and mesospheric wind measurements from the new WIRA-C wind radiometer and comparison to the Doppler lidar on La Réunion island

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    International audienceMeasurements of wind speeds in altitudes between 30 and 70 km are surprisingly rare. Passive microwave radiometry and Doppler lidar techniques provide two methods for covering this gap region. With the Rayleigh-Mie Doppler wind lidar of CNRS/INSU (Guyancourt, France) and OSUR (La Réunion, France) and the passive microwave radiometer WIRA-C of the IAP (Bern, Switzerland) two such instruments are collocated in the Maïdo observatory on the tropical island La Réunion (21° South, France). Both instruments participate in the ARISE2 project that is funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020. The Rayleigh-Mie Doppler wind lidar is an active sounder, measuring the Doppler shift of backscattered visible light and can provide wind profiles from 5 up to 50 km with a vertical resolution of up to 100 m and an accuracy better than 1 m- s up to 30 km. On the other side, WIRA-C is a passive microwave radiometer that measures the Doppler shift of the ozone thermal emission line at 142 GHz. The radiometer has a high spectral resolution of 12.2 kHz and a band width of 200 MHz and can thus exploit the pressure broadening of the ozone line to retrieve an altitude resolved wind profile. The retrieval is based on a model of the atmosphere and optimal estimation techniques implemented by ARTS and Atmlab/Qpack, but in contrast to previous versions the atmospheric model is three-dimensional. Meaningful wind speeds can be retrieved for an altitude range of 30 to 70 km with a vertical resolution of up to 4 km. WIRA-C is able to measure continuously, independent of daylight and clouds. WIRA-C has been installed on the Maïdo observatory in August 2016 and has measured since then whenever the optical thickness of the atmosphere was low enough. The Doppler lidar at Maïdo was operated on a campaign basis since 2013 and routinely twice a week since September 2015. We present the WIRA-C instrument and its measurement results for the tropical summer 2016/17 and compare them to coincident measurements of the Rayleigh-Mie Doppler wind lidar. Further, we compare the measurements to ECMWF model data and, on the lower domain around 30 km altitude, to balloon soundings