181 research outputs found

    The Fucík spectrum for nonlocal BVP with Sturm–Liouville boundary condition

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    Boundary value problem of the form x''=-μx++λx-, αx(0)+(1-α)x'(0)=0, ∫01 x(s)ds=0 is considered, where μ,λ∈ R and α∈ [0,1]. The explicit formulas for the spectrum of this problem are given and the spectra for some α values are constructed. Special attention is paid to the spectrum behavior at the points close to the coordinate origin

    On Solvability of the Damped Fučík Type Problem with Integral Condition

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    The solvability results are established for the boundary value problem with a damping term , x(0) = 0, where x + = max{x, 0}, x - = max{-x, 0}, h is a bounded nonlinearity, µ, λ real parameters. The existence results are based of the knowledge of the Fučík type spectrum for the problem with h ≡

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    On the Fučík type problem with integral nonlocal boundary conditions

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    The Fučík equation x=μx++λxx''=-\mu x^++\lambda x^- with integral nonlocal boundary value conditions x(0)=x(1)=γ01x(s)dsx(0)=x(1)=\gamma\int_0^1 x(s)ds is considered where μ,λ,γR\mu, \lambda, \gamma\in\mathbb{R}. The Fučík spectrum for this problem is constructed. The visualization of the spectrum for some values of γ\gamma are provided

    On some fučík type problem with cubic nonlinearity

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    We study the second order Fučík type problem with cubic nonlinearity  and construct the Fučík spectrum for this problem. The spectrum obtained under normalization condition (otherwise problem may have continuous spectra) structurally is similar to Fučík spectra for the problem   with the same boundary conditions

    Moeetendus "OmaMood"

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    On some problems with nonlocal integral condition

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    We study the second order nonlinear boundary value problems with non‐local integral conditions and construct the Fučík type spectrum for these problems. First published online: 09 Jun 201

    The regions of solvability for some three point problem

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    The solvability results are established for the boundary value problem , where x + = max{x, 0}, x - = max{-x, 0}, h is a bounded nonlinearity. The existence results are based of the knowledge of the spectrum for the problem with h ≡ 0

    Evaluation of different lighting sources on the growth and chemical composition of lettuce

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    ArticleExperiment were carried out in Latvia University of Agriculture in plant growth room. Lettuce Lactuca sativa L. var foliosum cv. ‘Dubacek’ and L . sativa L. cv. ‘Michalina’ were grown under 4 types of lights (luminescence lamps, commercial light emitting diodes (LED) lamps (V - TAC premium series – for plant growing) and two different Lumigrow LED strips - dominant wavelength - blue or red with 14 h ph otoperiod and total photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) 100 μmol m - 2 s - 1 in all variants. Plant weight, length, amount of leaves were measured. Content of chlorophylls, carotenoids, phenols, flavonoids in lettuce was determined three times per vegetation period. In experiments were found that higher lettuce yield was under commercial LED (V - TAC premium series), but these plants contain less soluble sugars, pigments and phenols. Better plant quality was obtained with luminescence lamps. These lettuces have higher sugar, phenols and flavonoids content. Lettuce growth under blue dominate LED (LEDb) was delayed, but these plants contain higher chlorophylls content. The differences in plant growth, response to light and biochemical content b etween cultivars wer e detected