60 research outputs found

    ( k , +)-distance-hereditary graphs

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    AbstractIn this work we introduce, characterize, and provide algorithmic results for (k,+)-distance-hereditary graphs, k⩾0. These graphs can be used to model interconnection networks with desirable connectivity properties; a network modeled as a (k,+)-distance-hereditary graph can be characterized as follows: if some nodes have failed, as long as two nodes remain connected, the distance between these nodes in the faulty graph is bounded by the distance in the non-faulty graph plus an integer constant k. The class of all these graphs is denoted by DH(k,+). By varying the parameter k, classes DH(k,+) include all graphs and form a hierarchy that represents a parametric extension of the well-known class of distance-hereditary graphs

    Networks with small stretch number

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    Abstract In a previous work, the authors introduced the class of graphs with bounded induced distance of order k (BID(k) for short), to model non-reliable interconnection networks. A network modeled as a graph in BID(k) can be characterized as follows: if some nodes have failed, as long as two nodes remain connected, the distance between these nodes in the faulty graph is at most k times the distance in the non-faulty graph. The smallest k such that G∈BID(k) is called stretch number of G. We show an odd characteristic of the stretch numbers: every rational number greater or equal 2 is a stretch number, but only discrete values are admissible for smaller stretch numbers. Moreover, we give a new characterization of classes BID(2−1/i), i⩾1, based on forbidden induced subgraphs. By using this characterization, we provide a polynomial time recognition algorithm for graphs belonging to these classes, while the general recognition problem is Co-NP-complete

    Mutual-visibility in distance-hereditary graphs: a linear-time algorithm

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    The concept of mutual-visibility in graphs has been recently introduced. If XX is a subset of vertices of a graph GG, then vertices uu and vv are XX-visible if there exists a shortest u,vu,v-path PP such that V(P)∩X⊆{u,v}V(P)\cap X \subseteq \{u, v\}. If every two vertices from XX are XX-visible, then XX is a mutual-visibility set. The mutual-visibility number of GG is the cardinality of a largest mutual-visibility set of GG. It is known that computing the mutual-visibility number of a graph is NP-complete, whereas it has been shown that there are exact formulas for special graph classes like paths, cycles, blocks, cographs, and grids. In this paper, we study the mutual-visibility in distance-hereditary graphs and show that the mutual-visibility number can be computed in linear time for this class.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, a preliminary version will appear on the proc. of the XII Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, {LAGOS} 2023, Huatulco, Mexico, September 18-22, 2023. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevie

    Dynamic Algorithms for Recoverable Robustness Problems

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    Recently, the recoverable robustness model has been introduced in the optimization area. This model allows to consider disruptions (input data changes) in a unified way, that is, during both the strategic planning phase and the operational phase. Although the model represents a significant improvement, it has the following drawback: we are typically not facing only one disruption, but many of them might appear one after another. In this case, the solutions provided in the context of the recoverable robustness are not satisfying. In this paper we extend the concept of recoverable robustness to deal not only with one single recovery step, but with arbitrarily many recovery steps. To this aim, we introduce the notion of dynamic recoverable robustness problems. We apply the new model in the context of timetabling and delay management problems. We are interested in finding efficient dynamic robust algorithms for solving the timetabling problem and in evaluating the price of robustness of the proposed solutions

    "Semi-Asynchronous": A New Scheduler in Distributed Computing

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    The study of mobile entities that based on local information have to accomplish global tasks is of main interest for the scientific community. Classic models for the activation and synchronization of mobile entities are the fully-synchronous (FSync), semi-synchronous (SSync), and asynchronous (Async) models, where entities alternate between active and inactive states with different timing. According to the assumed synchronization model, very different results have been achieved in the field of distributed computing. One of the main outcomes is the big gap between the Async and the other models in terms of manageability and algorithm design. In fact, there are still many problems for which it is not known whether synchronicity is crucial for designing resolution algorithms or not. In order to better understand the Async case, here we propose a further model referred to as the semi-asynchronous (SAsync). This slightly deviates from SSync. In fact, like in SSync (and FSync), the duration of the activation of an entity is kept of fixed time whereas, like in Async, the starting instant of the activation is not fully synchronized with the possible activation of other entities. We show that for entities moving on graphs, the SSync model allows accomplishing more tasks than the SAsync that in turn allows accomplishing more tasks than the Async. Furthermore, our results show that, especially to tackle problems in the Euclidean plane, the SAsync model is already quite challenging, therefore there is no need to get involved with complications arising in the Async model

    Solving the Pattern Formation by Mobile Robots With Chirality

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    Among fundamental problems in the context of distributed computing by mobile robots, the Pattern Formation (PF) is certainly the most representative. Given a multi-set FF of points in the Euclidean plane and a set RR of robots such that ∣R∣=∣F∣|R|=|F| , PF asks for a distributed algorithm that moves robots so as to reach a configuration similar to FF . Similarity means that robots must be disposed as FF regardless of translations, rotations, reflections, uniform scalings. In the literature, PF has been approached by assuming asynchronous robots endowed with chirality, i.e. a common handedness. The proposed algorithm along with its correctness proof turned out to be flawed. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm on the basis of a recent methodology studied for approaching problems in the context of distributed computing by mobile robots. According to this methodology, the correctness proof results to be well-structured and less prone to faulty arguments. We then ultimately characterize PF when chirality is assumed
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