201 research outputs found
Separação de compostos bioativos para a indústria farmacêutica por leito móvel simulado
Mestrado em Engenharia QuímicaNos últimos anos tem-se observado uma procura crescente de produtos naturais
e de origem renovável, o que tem promovido uma investigação intensiva nas
áreas alimentar, farmacêutica e da biorrefinaria em geral. Pode mencionar-se o
interesse das indústrias nutracêutica e farmacêutica em compostos naturais
para fins terapêuticos, e o desenvolvimento e implementação de métodos mais
eficientes de separação e purificação.
Nesta dissertação estudou-se o isolamento dos ácidos betulínico, oleanólico e
ursólico por técnicas cromatográficas, mais especificamente por leito móvel
simulado (SMB). São ácidos triterpénicos presentes na natureza, podendo ser
extraídos de cascas, folhas e frutas de espécies vegetais, e apresentam
propriedades biológicas reconhecidas. No entanto, a sua separação é complexa
devido à sua semelhança estrutural.
Neste momento está a ser montada uma unidade de SMB no laboratório do
Grupo EgiChem (CICECO, UA), sendo necessário realizar ensaios preliminares
para selecionar as fases móvel e estacionária mais adequadas, bem como
otimizar as suas condições de operação. Para isso, analisou-se a influência do
par solvente/adsorvente na separação destes ácidos triterpénicos através da
medição de solubilidades, seletividades e coeficientes de transferência de
Foram testadas três colunas analíticas C18 (octadecil) de vários fabricantes e
com tamanhos de partícula diferentes (Apollo, Spherisorb S10 e Spherisorb S5),
totalizando-se 78 experiências e todas com repetições. Verificou-se que os
melhores resultados foram obtidos com a coluna Apollo e que a mistura
acetonitrilo/metanol 50/50 (%, v/v) era a mais eficaz para separar os ácidos
betulínico e oleanólico. A presença de acetonitrilo na fase móvel melhorou a
separação do ácido betulínico dos restantes ácidos, mas prejudicou a separação
dos ácidos oleanólico e ursólico. A partir deste momento a dissertação focou-se
no isolamento dos ácidos betulínico e oleanólico, realizando-se experiências de
curvas de rutura para obter os parâmetros do processo.
Determinaram-se experimentalmente as isotérmicas de adsorção com a coluna
Apollo e a mistura acetonitrilo/metanol 50/50 (%, v/v), utilizando-se o método de
adsorção-dessorção. As constantes de equilíbrio linear dos ácidos betulínico e
oleanólico foram: HBA=1.93 e HOA=2.09, respetivamente. Para além disso
efetuou-se a modelação das curvas de rutura com a equação de Klinkenberg,
aplicável a sistemas lineares, obtendo-se as constantes de equilíbrio e os
coeficientes globais de transferência de massa de LDF (modelo da força diretriz
linear) seguintes: para o ácido betulínico, HBA=2.24 e KLDF.BA=8.81 min-1;
para o ácido oleanólico HOA=2.36 e KLDF.OA=31.5 min-1.
Por fim, simulou-se a separação da mistura de ácidos betulínico e oleanólico
numa unidade de SMB com configuração 2-2-2-2, usando o enchimento da
coluna Apollo, a fase móvel acetonitrilo/metanol 50/50 (%, v/v) e os parâmetros
de equilíbrio e cinéticos otimizados atrás. Os resultados mostraram que o
sistema assim especificado é capaz de produzir os dois compostos com purezas
superiores a 99 %.In recent years there has been a growing demand for natural products and
renewable sources, which has promoted intensive research in the areas of food,
pharmaceuticals and biorefinery in general. Specifically, the nutraceutical and
pharmaceutical industries are interested in natural compounds for therapeutic
purposes and subsequently in the development and implementation of more
efficient separation and purification methods.
In this dissertation the isolation of betulinic, oleanolic and ursolic acids was
studied by chromatographic techniques, more specifically by simulated moving
bed (SMB). These compounds are triterpenic acids present in nature; they can
be extracted from bark, leaves and fruits of plant species, and have proven
biological properties. However, their separation is difficult because of their
structural similarity.
Currently, an SMB unit is being assembled in the laboratory of the EgiChem
Group (CICECO, UA); it is necessary to carry out preliminary tests to select the
most suitable mobile and stationary phases, and to optimize its operating
conditions. For this, the influence of the solvent/ adsorbent pair on the separation
of these triterpenic acids was analyzed through the measurement of solubilities,
selectivities and mass transfer coefficients.
Three C18 (octadecyl) analytical columns from different manufacturers and with
different particle sizes (Apollo, Spherisorb S10 and Spherisorb S5) were tested,
totalizing 78 experiments; they were all duplicated. The best results were
obtained with the Apollo column and the 50/50 acetonitrile/methanol mixture (%,
v/v) was the most effective for separating betulinic and oleanolic acids. The
presence of acetonitrile in the mobile phase improved the separation of betulinic
acid from the remaining acids but hampered the separation of oleanolic and
ursolic acids. From this moment, the dissertation focused on the isolation of the
betulinic and oleanolic acids, performing breakthrough experiments to obtain the
process parameters.
The adsorption isotherms were determined experimentally with the Apollo column
and the 50/50 acetonitrile/methanol mixture (%, v/v), using the adsorptiondesorption
method. The linear equilibrium constants of betulinic and oleanolic
acids were: HBA=1.93 e HOA=2.09, respectively. Moreover, the Klinkenberg
equation was applied to linear systems, obtaining the equilibrium constants and
the global linear mass transfer coefficients (LDF) as follows: betulinic acid HBA=2.24 e KLDF.BA=8.81 min-1; for oleanolic acid HOA=2.36 e KLDF.OA=31.5 min-1.Finally, the separation of the mixture of betulinic and oleanolic acids in a SMB unit
of 2-2-2-2 configuration was simulated using the Apollo column packing, the
mobile phase acetonitrile/ methanol 50/50 (%, v/v) and the optimized equilibrium
and kinetic parameters above. The results showed that a system with these
specifications is capable of separating the two compounds with purities greater
than 99%
Castelo Branco
O presente estágio curricular foi desenvolvido na Aurea Interiores situada em Castelo Branco, correspondendo à etapa final do mestrado em Design de Interiores e Mobiliário. Com a execução do estágio curricular pretende-se cruzar todos os conhecimentos adquiridos durante a licenciatura e o mestrado com os saberes obtidos na empresa, e ter o primeiro contacto com o mercado de trabalho.
O facto de estar a estagiar numa empresa de interiores deu para conhecer a realidade do mercado de trabalho, conhecer metodologias de trabalho, fornecedores, projetar em equipa e interagir com clientes.
Durante o período de estágio de Outubro até Abril participei em vários projetos, na qual se desenvolveu trabalho na vertente dos interiores de espaços domésticos e de espaços comerciais e projetos fictícios para publicidade nas redes sociais. Também obtive conhecimentos ao nível da aplicação do têxtil nos interiores, as suas aplicações no espaço e compreensão da ficha técnica.Abstract :
This internship was developed at Aurea Interiores located in Castelo Branco as the final stage of the master’s degree in interior design and Furniture. With the implementation of the curricular internship is intended to cross all the knowledge acquired during the degree and the master with the knowledge obtained in the company and have the first contact with the job market.
Being an internship in an interior company gave to know the reality of the job market, to know work methodologies, suppliers, project in team and interact with clients.
During the internship period from October to April I participated in several projects, in which work was developed in the interiors of domestic spaces and commercial spaces and fictional projects for advertising on social networks. I also gained knowledge of fabric materials, its applications in space and understanding of the data sheet
Centroamérica Suena
Seminario Desarrollo de Emprendedores. 2013. Carrera Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales . Docente Lic. Vegacruz, Carlos.Programa de radio que brinda un espacio de difusión para la música contemporánea de los países Centroamericanos. Este pretende darle la oportunidad a bandas naciones de proyectarse como músicos y dar a conocer su música en toda el área de Centroamérica, así como permitir el intercambio cultural y artístico entre países para solidificar la construcción de una identidad regional. El programa de radio será realizado en Nicaragua y distribuido en Centroamérica, ofreciendo una vasta programación. El mercado potencial de la empresa es bastante alto, pues suma unos 43.000.000 de habitantes en toda la región centroamericana. Sin embargo, ellos se enfocan en alcanzar en su mayoría a jóvenes entre los 16 y 36 años de edad. “Centroamérica Suena” está ubicado en Vía Fontana Norte
The estrategies used by english teacher in the developing of speaking activities at 8th grade in the üblic School María del Socorro Ponce Chavarria during the second semester of 2014-Managua
Along our lives through our learning process we try different strategies in order to store important elements in our memory; for instance, when we are learning to speak; As children, our parents or the people around us use strategies to teach us to say certain words or sounds in order to communicate with them.
The most common words that we are taught would be “mom”, “dad”, “milk” among others, but why do parents teach these basic words? And, which strategy or strategies do they use so that babies get familiar with the use of language or sounds? Most parents teach babies by repetition and association.
For example, when they are drinking milk parents teach them the word “milk”, until the baby is able to associate the meaning of the words, and start to produce the language. Therefore, strategies take an important place during the learning process; each individual chooses the one that is the most suitable for him or her. (Oxford, 2004 cited by Murrieta and Hernández, 2012)
The Teaching of speaking language involves more than just providing students with speaking fluency practice. Teachers need to focus on skills and strategies that will help students negotiate meaning and communicate effectively with other people (Languages International, 2005).
O’Malley and Chamot (1990, p.1) define learning strategies as "special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn or retain new information." As Hismangolu (2000) mentions, language learners are continuously looking for ways of applying strategies to deal with situations in which they face new input and tasks proposed by their instructors. It is important for students as well a
Implementation of auditory screening programs at preschool and school age: a way to follow
Introduction: The auditory screening is an evaluation that aims at identifying early any alteration in hearing in order to permit the earliest possible diagnosis. In pre-school and school children, we verify a high pathological prevalence in the middle ear which is asymptomatic in many cases and that can only be detected through the implementation of auditory screening programmes.Objectives: To determine the prevalence of hearing loss in the auditory screening programmes at preschool and school age.
Methods: The sample consisted of 420 children, aged between 3 to 11, attending pre-school and primary school in a school group in the centre of the country. All the children have undergone an otoscopy, a tympanogram and a pure tone audiogram screening ("pass / fail") ") at the frequencies of 1000Hz, 2000Hz and 4000Hz. The children with cerumen obliterans, those with hearing threshold superior to 20db in at least, one tested frequency in one ear, those who presented a tympanogram type B, uni or bilateral or type C2 in both ears didn’t undergo the screening. The cases that presented a tympanogram type C2 unilateral were submitted to repetition. Results: Although most children (77,6%) passed the screening, we verified that 19% were sent to the Otorhinolaryngologist (ORL) for not having passed the screening and 3,4% of the children were requested to repeat the tympanogram one month and a half later. The children aged 3 to 5 were the ones who failed the screening the most and were sent to ORL consultation -35,7% children aged 3 and 31,4% aged 5. On the other hand, the 10 year-age range was the one that presented the lowest percentage of cases sent to ORL consultation (6, 5%). Conclusion: The auditory screening is a process that should be compulsory in pre-school and school age in order to obtain early diagnosis and intervention, reducing the impact of hearing loss in the global child development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Impact of water erosion on the profitability of agricultural producers in the partido of Tres Arroyos, Pampean Austral Region, Argentina
Mundialmente, la erosión hídrica se constituye como uno de los procesos de degradación de suelos más relevantes. Los objetivos del presente trabajo son: a) estimar la tasa de erosión hídrica actual y potencial y la variación de la pérdida total de suelos agrícolas del partido de Tres Arroyos (Región Pampeana Austral), para las campañas agroproductivas 1989/90, 2002/03 y 2019/20 y b) desarrollar un acercamiento a la estimación de la pérdida económica a causa de la merma de la productividad del suelo originada por la erosión hídrica en el área de estudio. Metodológicamente, se calcularon las tasas de erosión y pérdida de suelo y su evolución temporal, y se determinó la disminución del rendimiento de tres cultivos principales y su impacto económico. El partido demuestra, desde 2002/03, un aumento en la pérdida productiva, debido al incremento del área sembrada y la existencia de procesos erosivos; traduciéndose en un perjuicio económico sobre los productores, y en la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias enfocadas hacia un modelo de producción más sustentable.Worldwide, water erosion is one of the most relevant soil degradation processes. The objectives of the present work are: a) to estimate the current and potential water erosion rate, and the variation of the total loss of agricultural soils in the partido (roughly translated as district) of Tres Arroyos (Pampean Austral Region) in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the 1989/90, 2002/03, and 2019/20 agro-productive campaigns; and b) to develop an approach to estimating the economic loss due to the decrease in soil productivity caused by water erosion in the study area. Methodologically, the rate of erosion and rate of soil loss and their temporal evolution were calculated, and the decrease in yield of three main crops and their economic impact was determined. Since 2002/03, the partido (district) shows a decrease in productivity, due to the increase in the area of cultivated land and the existence of erosive processes, translating into economic damage to producers, and highlighting the urgency to develop strategies focused on a more sustainable production model.Fil: Sequeira, Nahuel David. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Sociales de América Latina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Vazquez, Patricia Susana. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Centro de Estudios Sociales de América Latina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil; Argentin
Actividades prácticas de seguridad alimentaria desarrolladas en terreno. Estrategia de vinculación docente y responsabilidad social
El desarrollo de estrategias educativas en el área de seguridad alimentaria llevadas a cabo en terreno permite al alumnado conocer la situación real de las empresas del sector alimentario. Al mismo tiempo, como el principal objetivo es satisfacer necesidades reales de una comunidad, el trabajo realizado en terreno tiene un impacto directo sobre la sociedad. En el presente trabajo estudiantes de la asignatura Higiene y Seguridad Industrial de la licenciatura en Tecnología de los Alimentos desarrollaron una lista de chequeo como herramienta de auditoría de inocuidad alimentaria para posteriormente aplicarla en terreno evaluando las fortalezas y debilidades de la herramienta desarrollada. La estrategia docente de combinar las actividades teórico-prácticas con actividades prácticas en terreno permitió al alumnado aplicar los conocimientos teóricos en situaciones reales. Finalmente, el alumnado aprendió a realizar una herramienta de trabajo adaptada a las necesidades del sector conforme a la legislación vigente. Por otra parte, el trabajo se desarrolló en el marco de un proyecto de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU) donde la vinculación entre docentes de distintas asignaturas permitió obtener una formación académica de excelencia y socialmente responsable, donde las iniciativas interdisciplinarias e interinstitucionales fortalecieron la formación profesional de estudiantes de Tecnología de los Alimentos y Veterinaria
Assessing the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli on fruits and vegetables
Introduction: The number of registered foodborne diseases involving fresh produce is a preoccupation in many countries. For this reason, the aim of this study was to better understand the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, two indicators of hygienic and sanitary conditions, on fruits and vegetables that were exposed at different temperatures. Methodology: The main salads served at the buffets of commercial restaurants were artificially contaminated with separate pools of both pathogens and subsequently exposed at 10, 20 and 30 °C and at different time intervals. Then, the growth potential of S. aureus and E. coli on each fruit and vegetable was determined. Results: There was no significant S. aureus and E. coli growth on all evaluated foods exposed at 10 °C until 6 hours. When comparing both microorganisms, E. coli demonstrated higher growth potential than S. aureus on all analysed salads. Peculiarly, E. coli had the highest growth rate for the tomato (α = 6.43 at 30 °C), a fruit with low pH. Conclusion: We suggest that fruits and vegetables should be distributed at temperatures equal to or lower than 10 °C and should not be kept for more than 2 hours at room temperature
Las condiciones ecológicas de los pastizales pampeanos favorecieron la expansión de la agricultura. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las transformaciones en el uso del suelo y las consecuencias ambientales en el partido de Benito Juárez, perteneciente a la Región Pampeana Austral, Argentina, para el período 2003-2011. Para ello, se realizó una clasificación supervisada de imágenes Landsat 5. Estas fueron procesadas a partir del Software ENVI 4.5, a fin de establecer “clases de uso de la tierra”. Los resultados demuestran que en 2003, la ganadería ocupa el mayor porcentaje de los usos del suelo del Partido (71,09%), mientras que en 2011 esas áreas ocupan un 52,58%. En el período se observa una expansión de la agricultura (82,48%), que se traduce en la disminución de los usos ganaderos (26,10%). Los impactos ambientales derivados de estas transformaciones son la contaminación por empleo de agroquímicos, fragmentación del hábitat, aparición de malezas resistentes, como así también la desigual concentración de las tierras y la inequidad social. En este marco, se considera primordial generar un diagnóstico ambiental del Partido que permita revertir los problemas críticos que afectan la sustentabilidad de los ecosistemas.
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