395 research outputs found

    Regional-scale effects override the influence of fine-scale landscape heterogeneity on rice arthropod communities

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    © 2017 The Authors Irrigated rice croplands are among the most biologically diverse agroecosystems globally; however, intensification and simplification of farmed areas into homogeneous monocultures can lead to biodiversity loss and a reduction of associated ecosystem services such as natural pest regulation. Understanding how landscape heterogeneity affects the diversity of arthropod communities is therefore crucial for the sustainable management of rice agroecosystems. Here, we examine the influence of fine-scale landscape heterogeneity and regional-scale effects on the arthropod communities of three rice-production regions in the Philippines. Our analysis of 213 arthropod morphospecies (37,339 individuals) collected using two sampling methods at 28 field sites indicated that the rice agroecosystems in each study region had unique arthropod assemblages, likely reflecting region-specific environmental and land-use conditions. For all sites together, we found no effect of fine-scale landscape context (classified as rather high or low heterogeneity sites) on assemblage structure (arthropod abundance, species richness or diversity). When assemblages were analyzed separately, significant effects of fine-scale landscape context were only detected in one region and for two functional groups (predators and detritivores). Elevation gradient, used as a proxy for regional-scale effects in the study regions, explained more than 60% of variance in assemblage structure. Total arthropod abundance and rarefied species richness were negatively related to elevation, suggesting that regional-scale effects rather than fine-scale landscape heterogeneity explained the composition of rice-arthropod communities in landscapes. To further disentangle the complex effects of broad-scale environmental drivers versus fine-scale landscape complexity on arthropod communities and biocontrol services, future research in rice agroecosystems should focus on a more detailed quantification of landscape heterogeneity and examine its effect at multiple spatial scales

    Selecting and Testing Cryptogam Species for Use in Wetland Delineation in Alaska

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    To support the determination of hydrophytic vegetation in wetland delineations in Alaska, USA, a series of tests were conducted to develop a group of “test positive” species to be used in a “cryptogam indicator.” In 2004, non-vascular cryptogam species (bryophytes, lichens, and fungi) from Interior and South-Central Alaska in the vicinities of Fairbanks and Anchorage were collected at a series of ten 50 × 50 cm plots along two 30 m transects in each of six upland and five wetland sites. Nineteen moss and liverwort species were selected from 86 species surveyed to test for wetland fidelity. In 2005, a plot-based analysis of frequency and cover data yielded a revised list of 17 bryophyte species that were specific to wetland communities dominated by black spruce, Picea mariana (P. Mill.) B.S.P. Fungi and lichens were found to be inadequate wetland indicators in the sampled locations because the lichen species were sparsely distributed and the fungi were too ephemeral. The cryptogam indicator was thus restricted to bryophytes. Also in 2005, bryophytes were analyzed for their presence on microtopographic positions within the landscape, including tops of hummocks and hollows at the bases of hummocks. Upland bryophyte species were found on hummock tops inside the wetland boundary, but were not abundant in the hollows (p < 0.05). The fidelity of the species selected for use in the cryptogam indicator was tested. It was determined that if more than 50% of all bryophyte cover present in hollows is composed of one or more of the 17 wetland bryophytes tested in 2005, then vascular vegetation can be considered to be hydrophytic (p < 0.001).Afin d’étayer la présence de végétation hydrophytique dans les délimitations de zones humides de l’Alaska, aux États-Unis, une série de tests a été effectuée dans le but d’aboutir à un groupe d’espèces « de test positives » à utiliser avec un « indicateur de sporophyte ». En 2004, des espèces de sporophytes non vasculaires (bryophytes, lichens et champignons) de l’intérieur et du centre-sud de l’Alaska, aux environs de Fairbanks et d’Anchorage, ont été recueillies à une série de dix parcelles de 50 sur 50 cm le long de deux transects de 30 m dans chacun de six sites montagnards et de cinq sites humides. Dix-neuf espèces de mousse et d’hépatiques ont été choisies à partir de 86 espèces prélevées dans le but d’en déterminer la fidélité aux zones humides. En 2005, une analyse de fréquence de parcelles et des données de couverture ont permis d’obtenir la liste révisée de 17 espèces de bryophytes propres aux zones humides dominées par l’épinette noire, Picea mariana (P. Mill.) B.S.P. Nous avons constaté que les champignons et les lichens étaient des indicateurs de zones humides inadéquats aux sites échantillonnés parce que les espèces de lichen étaient réparties maigrement et que les champignons étaient trop éphémères. Par conséquent, l’indicateur de sporophytes a été restreint aux bryophytes. Également en 2005, nous avons analysé les bryophytes afin d’en déterminer la présence à des positions microtopographiques du paysage, ce qui comprenait le sommet de hummocks et les creux à la base de hummocks. Des espèces de bryophytes montagnardes ont été décelées aux sommets de hummocks à l’intérieur de la limite des zones humides, mais celles-ci n’abondaient pas dans les creux (p < 0.05). La fidélité des espèces choisies afin d’être utilisées dans l’indicateur de sporophytes a été testée. Nous avons déterminé que si plus de 50 % de toute la couverture de bryophyte présente dans les creux est composée de l’une ou plusieurs des 17 bryophytes de zones humides testées en 2005, la végétation vasculaire peut alors être considérée comme hydrophytique (p < 0,001)

    Priorities to advance monitoring of ecosystem services using Earth observation

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    Managing ecosystem services in the context of global sustainability policies requires reliable monitoring mechanisms. While satellite Earth observation offers great promise to support this need, significant challenges remain in quantifying connections between ecosystem functions, ecosystem services, and human well-being benefits. Here, we provide a framework showing how Earth observation together with socioeconomic information and model-based analysis can support assessments of ecosystem service supply, demand, and benefit, and illustrate this for three services. We argue that the full potential of Earth observation is not yet realized in ecosystem service studies. To provide guidance for priority setting and to spur research in this area, we propose five priorities to advance the capabilities of Earth observation-based monitoring of ecosystem services

    Assumptions in ecosystem service assessments: Increasing transparency for conservation

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    Conservation efforts are increasingly supported by ecosystem service assessments. These assessments depend on complex multi-disciplinary methods, and rely on a number of assumptions which reduce complexity. If assumptions are ambiguous or inadequate, misconceptions and misinterpretations may arise when interpreting results of assessments. An interdisciplinary understanding of assumptions in ecosystem service science is needed to provide consistent conservation recommendations. Here, we synthesise and elaborate on 12 prevalent types of assumptions in ecosystem service assessments. These comprise conceptual and ethical foundations of the ecosystem service concept, assumptions on data collection, indication, mapping, and modelling, on socio-economic valuation and value aggregation, as well as about using assessment results for decision-making. We recommend future assessments to increase transparency about assumptions, and to test and validate them and their potential consequences on assessment reliability. This will support the taking up of assessment results in conservation science, policy and practice.Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (DE)BiodiversaBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Peer Reviewe

    Transformation archetypes in global food systems

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    Food systems are primary drivers of human and environmental health, but the understanding of their diverse and dynamic co-transformation remains limited. We use a data-driven approach to disentangle different development pathways of national food systems (i.e. ‘transformation archetypes’) based on historical, intertwined trends of food system structure (agricultural inputs and outputs and food trade), and social and environmental outcomes (malnutrition, biosphere integrity, and greenhouse gases emissions) for 161 countries, from 1995 to 2015. We found that whilst agricultural total factor productivity has consistently increased globally, a closer analysis suggests a typology of three transformation archetypes across countries: rapidly expansionist, expansionist, and consolidative. Expansionist and rapidly expansionist archetypes increased in agricultural area, synthetic fertilizer use, and gross agricultural output, which was accompanied by malnutrition, environmental pressures, and lasting socioeconomic disadvantages. The lowest rates of change in key structure metrics were found in the consolidative archetype. Across all transformation archetypes, agricultural greenhouse gases emissions, synthetic fertilizer use, and ecological footprint of consumption increased faster than the expansion of agricultural area, and obesity levels increased more rapidly than undernourishment decreased. The persistence of these unsustainable trajectories occurred independently of improvements in productivity. Our results underscore the importance of quantifying the multiple human and environmental dimensions of food systems transformations and can serve as a starting point to identify potential leverage points for sustainability transformations. More attention is thus warranted to alternative development pathways able of delivering equitable benefits to both productivity and to human and environmental health

    Patient Outcomes at Twelve Months after Early Decompressive Craniectomy for Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury in the Randomized DECRA Clinical Trial

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    Functional outcomes at 12 months were a secondary outcome of the randomized DECRA trial of early decompressive craniectomy for severe diffuse traumatic brain injury (TBI) and refractory intracranial hypertension. In the DECRA trial, patients were randomly allocated 1:1 to either early decompressive craniectomy or intensive medical therapies (standard care). We conducted planned secondary analyses of the DECRA trial outcomes at 6 and 12 months, including all 155 patients. We measured functional outcome using the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOS-E). We used ordered logistic regression, and dichotomized the GOS-E using logistic regression, to assess outcomes in patients overall and in survivors. We adjusted analyses for injury severity using the International Mission for Prognosis and Analysis of Clinical Trials in TBI (IMPACT) model. At 12 months, the odds ratio (OR) for worse functional outcomes in the craniectomy group (OR 1.68; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.96-2.93; p = 0.07) was no longer significant. Unfavorable functional outcomes after craniectomy were 11% higher (59% compared with 48%), but were not significantly different from standard care (OR 1.58; 95% CI: 0.84-2.99; p = 0.16). Among survivors after craniectomy, there were fewer good (OR 0.33; 95% CI: 0.12-0.91; p = 0.03) and more vegetative (OR 5.12; 95% CI: 1.04-25.2; p = 0.04) outcomes. Similar outcomes in survivors were found at 6 months after injury. Vegetative (OR 5.85; 95% CI: 1.21-28.30; p = 0.03) and severely disabled outcomes (OR 2.49; 95% CI: 1.21-5.11; p = 0.01) were increased. Twelve months after severe diffuse TBI and early refractory intracranial hypertension, decompressive craniectomy did not improve outcomes and increased vegetative survivors

    Подсистема автономного программно-аппаратного комплекса для индуктивного долгосрочного прогноза осредненных значений метеопараметров

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    The research of the inductive method of long-term (forestalling to 0,5 year) prognosis of average decade air s temperature on the basis of principle of analogies was executed and it s sufficient was shown. The research of the offered approach was also conducted: in the base of spatial models without principle of analogies; in the polynomial harmonic base; the analysis of middle quality of the inductive prognostic method for cases of the analogue principle usage and without it