149 research outputs found

    Herramienta de ayuda al diagnóstico, seguimiento y medición de volúmenes en casos de linfedema

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo de Fin de Grado se desarrollan una serie de algoritmos que pueden ser usados en el ámbito clínico con el fin de ayudar a los especialistas a realizar el seguimiento del linfedema. Se parte de mallas 3D obtenidas mediante el escaneo de las extremidades de pacientes afectados por esta patología. Dichas mallas serán usadas para el desarrollo de diversos métodos automáticos para el cómputo de distintas medidas de utilidad, tales como el cálculo de volúmenes totales y parciales de la extremidad, así como la obtención del volumen de la fóvea, un hundimiento producido en la piel en base a la presión ejercida sobre la misma. Estos métodos se integrarán en una aplicación de gestión que permitirá su uso en la práctica clínica.[Abstract] This Final Degree Project proposes a series of algorithms for monitoring lymphedema that can be used in a clinical setting. This project is based on 3D meshes obtained by scanning limbs of patients. These meshes will be the starting point for the development of several measurement tools such as the calculation of the total and partial volume of a limb as well as the volume of the fovea, that is a sinking produced in the skin due to digital pressure. These tools will be integrated into a management application to be used in clinical practice.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría informática. Curso 2018/201

    Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue Using Living Biomass of the Microalga Chlamydomonas moewusii: Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies

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    [Abstract] The efficiency of the living biomass of the microalga Chlamydomonas moewusii in removing methylene blue dye is determined. The kinetics, equilibrium isotherms, and the effects on this process of the pH, contact time, and initial concentration of the dye are studied. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and point of zero charge are used to characterize the biomass and explore the process. The maximum removal capacity derived from the Langmuir isotherm is 212.41 ± 4.55 mg/g after 7 h of contact time at pH 7. The removal process is rapid because kinetic studies revealed that the best fit of the data is with pseudo-third-order kinetics. The removal efficiency is dependent on the pH; as the pH increased, the efficiency is higher. These results show that the living biomass of this microalga is a very efficient biosorbent and therefore very suitable for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions.This work was carried out with the financial support of the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” (CTM2017-88668-R

    Immediate effect of sewerage improvement on the phytoplankton and physicochemical conditions in the Urdaibai estuary (southeastern Bay of Biscay)

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    Anthropic nutrient enrichment has become a major environmental issue in estuaries around the world, being the effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) one of the main causes. Phytoplankton is, together with nutrients, a useful indicator for the ecological status assessment of estuaries due to its basal position in the food chain. The present study aims to evaluate the immediate effect of the cessation of the wastewater discharges on the environmental conditions and phytoplankton community along the eutrophicated Urdaibai estuary (southeastern Bay of Biscay). Thus, a short-term comparison of the physicochemical conditions and the phytoplankton abundance and community composition (by pigment analysis and microscopy) was carried out before and after the sewerage works. Results confirmed that the cessation of wastewater discharges had an immediate effect in the estuary, mainly noticed in the inner part. The abrupt decrease of ammonium (from 72.3 to 18.2 mu mol/L) and phosphate (from 3.5 to 2 mu mol/L) concentrations led to the improvement of the water status, reaching values lower than the "good" status threshold along the whole estuary. The phytoplankton community composition also showed and immediate reaction in the surroundings of the WWTP, with the chlorophyll b becoming the dominant secondary pigment in the area after the diversion due to the immediate and rapid increase of Eutreptiella sp. However, since the sampling-period of this study did not exceed a month after the cessation, a longer study-period is necessary, including interannual studies, to test the real effect of the sanitation works in the Urdaibai estuary.This study was partially supported by the project PPG17/67 funded by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain and project UPV/EHU:2021.0424 funded by “Consorcio de Aguas de Busturialdea”. J. Bilbao was funded by a grant from the University of the Basque Country, Spain (UPV/EHU – PIF 18/306). This paper is contribution number 1133 from AZTI (Marine Research Division)

    Evaluación de la toxicidad de fitoplancton marino mediante la aplicación de bioensayos con invertebrados marinos

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    The dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum and the haptophyte Prymnesium parvum are well known for their toxin production and negative effects in marine coastal environments. A. minutum produces toxins which cause paralytic shellfish poisoning in humans and can affect copepods, shellfish and other marine organisms. Toxins of P. parvum are associated with massive fish mortalities resulting in negative impacts on the marine ecosystem and large economic losses in commercial aquaculture. The aim of this work is to improve our knowledge about the reliability of the use of marine invertebrate bioassays to detect microalgae toxicity, by performing: (i) a 24- to 48-h test with the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana; (ii) a 48-hour embryo-larval toxicity test with the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus; and (iii) a 72-h test with the amphipod Corophium multisetosum. The results indicate that A. franciscana and P. lividus larvae are sensitive to the toxicity of A. minutum and P. parvum. LC50 comparison analysis between the tested organisms reveals that A. franciscana is the most sensitive organism for A. minutum. These findings suggest that the use of different organizational biological level bioassays appears to be a suitable tool for A. minutum and P. parvum toxicity assessment.Las microalgas Alexandrium minutum y Prymnesium parvum son bien conocidas por la producción de toxinas y sus efectos negativos en nuestras costas. A. minutum produce la toxina PSP (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) que afecta a humanos y una gran variedad de organismos marinos como copépodos y marisco. Las toxinas de P. parvum producen grandes mortalidades de peces ocasionando graves impactos negativos en el ecosistema marino e importantes pérdidas económicas en acuicultura. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mejorar el conocimiento del uso de bioensayos con invertebrados marinos en la detección de la toxicidad de microalgas, mediante: (i) un test de 24-48 horas con Artemia franciscana; (ii) un test de 48 horas con embriones y larvas del erizo de mar Paracentrotus lividus; y (iii) un test de 72 horas con el anfípodo Corophium multisetosum. Los resultados muestran que las larvas de A. franciscana y P. lividus son sensibles a la toxicidad de A. minutum y P. parvum. Los análisis LC50 revelan que A. franciscana es el organismo más sensible a A. minutum. Estos resultados indican que los bioensayos con diferentes niveles de organización biológica parecen ser una herramienta apropiada para la evaluación de la toxicidad de A. minutum y P. parvum

    Chloroplast genome sequences of seven strains of bloom-forming raphidophyte, Heterosigma akashiwo

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    We report here the complete chloroplast genome sequences of seven strains of the bloom-forming raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo. These ~160-kb sequences contain 124 protein-, 6 rRNA-, and 34 tRNA-coding sequences. Notable sequence variations were observed among these seven sequenced and two previously characterized strains

    Seguimiento del fitoplancton en el estuario del río Nervión. Identificación de especies potencialmente tóxicas

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    En los estuarios y costa del Cantábrico oriental (comunidades de Cantabria y País Vasco) se está llevando a cabo un seguimiento de la composición específica y abundancia del fitoplancton, que se enmarca en el contexto de la Directiva Marco Europea del Agua (2000/60/CE). Superpuesto a este seguimiento, se está realizando un estudio sobre la evolución de la calidad del agua del estuario del río Nervión, el más extenso de Vizcaya, que ha experimentado en los últimos años un considerable receso de la contaminación que soportaba, tanto de origen industrial, como doméstico. En este trabajo presentamos una relación de las especies potencialmente tóxicas identificadas en el estuario entre 1999 y 2006, con detalles sobre su distribución y abundancia. En este periodo, se han observado crecimientos masivos de especies que sin ser tóxicas han resultado nocivas por provocar hipoxia en los tramos de menor renovación del estuario, los más interiores [1,2]. Además, se han identificado varias especies, todas ellas marinas, consideradas como tóxicas en la bibliografía, entre las que destacan los dinoflagelados y en menor medida las haptofitas, las rafidoficeas y las diatomeas

    Phytoplankton community composition in relation to environmental variability in the Urdaibai estuary (SE Bay of Biscay): Microscopy and eDNA metabarcoding

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    Phytoplankton monitoring is essential for the global understanding of aquatic ecosystems. The present research studies the phytoplankton community of the Urdaibai estuary, combining microscopy and eDNA metabarcoding for the first time in the area. The main aims were to describe the phytoplankton community composition in relation to the environmental conditions of the estuary, and to compare the two methods used. Diatoms Minutocellus polymorphus and Chaetoceros tenuissimus dominated the outer estuary, being replaced by Teleaulax acuta (cryptophyte), Kryptoperidinium foliaceum (dinoflagellate) and Cyclotella spp. (diatom) towards the inner area. This change was mainly prompted by salinity and nutrients. Metabarcoding revealed the presence of 223 species that were not observed by microscopy in previous studies in the estuary. However, several characteristic species (e.g., K. foliaceum) were only detected with microscopy. Additionally, microscopy covered the limitations of eDNA metabarcoding concerning quantification. Thus, to give a full insight, a combination of techniques is recommended.This research was supported in part through computational resources provided by IMBBC (Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture) of the HCMR (Hellenic Centre of Marine Research). Funding for establishing the IMBBC HPC has been received by the MARBIGEN (EU Regpot) project, LifeWatchGreece RI and the CMBR (Center for the study and sustainable exploitation of Marine Biological Resources) RI. In addition, this study was partially supported by the project PPG17/67 funded by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and J. Bilbao was funded by a grant from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU – PIF 18/306). This paper is contribution number 1181 from AZTI (Marine Research Division)

    Evaluation of algaecide effectiveness of five different oxidants applied on harmful phytoplankton

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) in coastal areas similarly impact both ecosystems and human health. The translocation of phytoplankton species via maritime transport can potentially promote the growth of HABs in coastal systems. Accordingly, ballast water must be disinfected. The main goal of this study is to assess the effectiveness of different emerging biocides, including H2O2, peracetic acid (PAA), peroxymonosulfate (PMS), and peroxydisulfate (PDS). The effectiveness of these biocides is compared with that of conventional chlorination methods. Their effects on two ichthyotoxic microalgae with worldwide distribution, i.e., Prymnesium parvum and Heterosigma akashiwo, are examined. To ensure the prolonged effectiveness of the different reagents, their concentration–response curves for 14 days are constructed and examined. The results suggest a strong but shorter effect by PMS (EC50 = 0.40–1.99 mg·L-1) and PAA (EC50 = 0.32–2.70 mg·L-1), a maintained effect by H2O2 (EC50 = 6.67–7.08 mg·L-1), and a negligible effect by PDS. H. akashiwo indicates higher resistance than P. parvum, except when H2O2 is used. Based on the growth inhibition performance and consumption of the reagents as well as a review of important aspects regarding their application, using H2O2, PAA, or PMS can be a feasible alternative to chlorine-based reagents for inhibiting the growth of harmful phytoplankton.This work has been co-funded by the 2014–2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain). Project Ref.: FEDER-UCA18–108023. This work is part of the project TED2021–130994B-C31; TED2021–130994B-C33 and Grant IJC2020–042741-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR

    Psychological and Situational Variables Associated with Objective Knowledge on Water-Related Issues in a Northern Spanish City

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    This study brings together the level of objective knowledge on water-related issues and other variables of psychological and situational nature. A random sample of 459 participants was employed, selected proportionally based on sex and age. In this sample, knowledge on the water-related issues tended to be low, particularly related to the direct source of water in the household, the type of services involved in the management, and consumption itself. In order to understand both the relationship with knowledge on water and the relative importance of all the other factors, a regression model was formulated. The highest standardised effect was for sex, followed by occupation, political leaning, and water-related emotions. The best level of knowledge was attained if the residents were male, if they were actively employed or unemployed, if their political leaning was towards the left, and if they demonstrated greater emotional involvement with the water use. Consequently, the design of programmes would need to consider that the information flow must be greater for citizens as a whole, particularly for certain groups such as women and students. It should contribute to the realistic perception of water as a problem and to seek emotional involvementThis research was funded by VIAQUA, Gestión Integral de Aguas de Galicia, S.A.U.S

    Inhomogeneity detection in phytoplankton time series using multivariate analyses

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    Phytoplankton communities have long been used as water quality indicators within environmental policies. This has fostered the development of national and international phytoplankton monitoring programs, but these networks are subject to sources of uncertainty due to laboratory issues. Nevertheless, studies regarding the interference associated with these aspects are not well-documented. Hence, a long time series (2003-2015) from the Basque continental shelf (southeastern Bay of Biscay) was analyzed to evaluate the uncertainty given by laboratory strategies when studying phytoplankton variability. Variability in phytoplankton communities was explained not only by environmental conditions but also by changes in fixatives (glutaraldehyde and acidic Lugol's solution) and laboratory staff. Based on Bray-Curtis distances, phytoplankton assemblages were found to be significantly dissimilar according to the effect of changes in the specialist handling the sample and the employed fixative. The pair-wise permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) showed significant differences between the two fixatives utilized and also between the three taxonomists involved. Thus, laboratory-related effects should be considered in the study of phytoplankton time series.The data for this study were obtained from the project "Program for the monitoring and assessment of the ecological status of transitional and coastal waters of the Basque Country" funded by URA, the Basque Water Agency, through a convention with AZTI. This work was supported by the project "IM17MUSSELS". The participation of O. Muniz was funded by a grant from the Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government (BOPV num. 201; 2013/4467). This paper is contribution number 956 from AZTI (Marine Research Division). We also thank Proof-Reading-Service for their great professional proof reading and editing service, as well as the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions