276 research outputs found


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    On the basis of inclusive education importance for children with disabilities and special educational needs, which contributes to the development of communication and socialization skills, as well as the development of tolerance among typically developing children, the aim of this work was to describe a resource classroom as a model for the effective organization of inclusive education in mainstream schools of the Russian Federation.  The article defines a resource classroom in Russian educational system. The authors determine legal and regulatory frameworks to establish such classrooms. This study presents the main methodological base of resource classrooms, the organization for the educational process and space according to the students needs. Based on the generalization for the experience of the resource classrooms in the regions of the Russian Federation, the interaction for all elements of this model is shown. The study confirms that positive learning outcomes, involvement and inclusion of children with disabilities and special educational needs in a mainstream school and society are the evidence for the effectiveness of resource classrooms. The described model makes inclusion in education comfortable and effective not only for students of the resource classroom, but also for typically developing children, parents and the teaching staff of a school.

    Чисельне моделювання термо-напружено-деформованого стану елементів у процесі 3D друку

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    The paper is devoted to the assessment of the thermo-stress-strain state of elements of structures obtained by 3D printing using FDM (Fusing Deposition Modeling) technology. Three stages of solving this problem are considered: (1) - mathematical formulation of the problem, that includes universal balance relations, constitutive equations of mechanical behavior of the material and is based on the model of growing bodies; (2) the technique of finite-element solution with increasing mesh due to the addition of new elements; (3) - study of a specific problem of growing plate-like element by polymer PLA (polylactide) with temperature-dependent physical properties. Options of deposed layers of different thickness are considered. The residual stress-strain state of the body has a two-scale structure, which reflects the change of state characteristics in the scale of body size, as well as the thickness of the layers. As the thickness of the layers increases, the average values of the residual stresses decrease, but the amplitude of the stress fluctuations along the thickness of the layer slightly increase. Pages of the article in the issue: 70 - 75 Language of the article: UkrainianРобота присвячена оцінці термо-напружено-деформованого стану виробів, отриманих методом 3D друку за технологією FDM (Fusing Deposition Modeling). Розглянуто три стадії розв‘язання цієї задачі: (1) – математична постановка задачі, що базується на моделі тіл, що ростуть; (2) методика скінченно-елементного розв‘язку задачі; (3) – дослідження конкретної задачі з метою виявлення закономірностей термомеханічних процесів при 3D друку

    Monoharmonic approach to investigation of the vibrations and self‐heating of thin‐wall inelastic members

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    An approximate formulation is given to a dynamic coupled thermo‐mechanical problem for physically nonlinear inelastic thin‐walled structural elements within the framework of a geometrically linear theory and the Kirchhoff‐Love hypotheses. A simplified model is used to describe the vibrations and dissipative heating of inhomogeneous physically non‐linear bodies under harmonic loading. Unsteady vibration self‐heating problem is solved. The dissipative function obtained from the solution for steady‐state vibrations is used to simulate internal heat sources. For the partial case of forced vibrations of a beam, the amplitude‐frequency characteristics of the field quantities are studied within a wide frequency range. The temperature characteristics for the first and second resonance modes are compared. Santrauka Naudojant geometrinio tiesiškumo ir Kirchhofo ir Love hipotezes, pateikiama apytikslė jungtinė dinamikos ir disipacinės šilumos uždavinio formuluotė fiziškai netiesiniams konstrukciniams elementams. Apytikslis modelis taikomas harmonine apkrova veikiamo nehomogeninio fiziškai netiesinio kūno svyravimams ir išskiriamai šilumai aprašyti. Sprendžiamas neharmoninių svyravimų disipacinės šilumos uždavinys. Pasitelkus harmoninių svyravimų uždavinį, gaunama disipacijos funkcija, kuri naudojama vidinės šilumos šaltiniams modeliuoti. Esant priverstiniams sijos svyravimams, plačiai nagrinėjamos amplitudės ir dažnio charakteristikos. Lyginamos temperatūros charakteristikos, atitinkančios pirmojo ir antrojo rezonanso formas. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: plonasienė konstrukcija, jungtinis temperatūrinis ir mechaninis uždavinys, disipacinė šiluma, monoharmoninė aproksimacija

    Задание множества диагностических параметров системы на основе теории функциональных пространств

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    Развивается методический и математический аппарат формирования множества диагностических параметров сложных технических систем, содержание которого заключается в обработке траекторий выходных процессов системы с привлечением теории функциональных пространств. Траектории выходных переменных рассматриваются как измеримые по Лебегу функции. Это обеспечивает единство подхода к получению диагностических параметров вне зависимости от физической природы данных переменных и множества их скачкообразных изменений (конечных разрывов траекторий). Тем самым адекватно учитывается сложность построения, разнообразие физических принципов и алгоритмов функционирования систем. На множествах траекторий задается структура фактор-пространств измеримых функций, квадратично интегрируемых по Лебегу (пространства ). Свойства данных пространств позволяют раскладывать траектории по счетному множеству взаимно ортогональных направлений и представлять их в виде сходящегося ряда. Обоснован выбор множества диагностических параметров как упорядоченной последовательности коэффициентов разложения траекторий в частичные суммы рядов Фурье. Изложена усовершенствованная по сравнению с начальными вариантами процедура формирования множества диагностических параметров системы при разложении траектории в частичную сумму ряда Фурье по ортонормированному базису Лежандра. Предложен способ численного определения мощности такого множества. Раскрываются новые аспекты получения диагностической информации из вибрационных процессов системы. На множествах вибротраекторий задается структура пространств непрерывных функций, квадратично интегрируемых по Риману (пространства ). Поскольку они являются подпространствами в упомянутых выше фактор-пространствах , общеметодологические основы преобразования вибротраекторий остаются неизменными. Однако алгоритмическая составляющая выбора диагностических параметров становится более конкретной и обозримой. Это показано посредством реализации численной процедуры разложения вибротраекторий по ортогональному тригонометрическому базису, который содержится в пространствах  . Приводится обработка результатов экспериментальных исследований вибрационного процесса и задание на данной основе подмножества диагностических параметров в одной из контрольных точек системы. Материалы статьи представляют собой вклад в теорию получения информации о техническом состоянии сложных систем. Прикладное значение предложенных разработок — возможность их применения для синтеза алгоритмического обеспечения автоматизированных средств диагностирования

    Characterization of Structural Defects in (Cd,Zn)Te Crystals Grown by the Travelling Heater Method

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    Structural defects and compositional uniformity remain the major problems affecting the performance of (Cd, Zn)Te (CZT) based detector devices. Understanding the mechanism of growth and defect formation is therefore fundamental to improving the crystal quality. In this frame, space experiments for the growth of CZT by the Travelling Heater Method (THM) under microgravity are scheduled. A detailed ground-based program was performed to determine experimental parameters and three CZT crystals were grown by the THM. The structural defects, compositional homogeneity and resistivity of these ground-based crystals were investigated. A ZnTe content variation was observed at the growth interface and a high degree of stress associated with extensive dislocation networks was induced, which propagated into the grown crystal region according to the birefringence and X-ray White Beam Topography (XWBT) results. By adjusting the growth parameters, the ZnTe variations and the resulting stress were efficiently reduced. In addition, it was revealed that large inclusions and grain boundaries can generate a high degree of stress, leading to the formation of dislocation slip bands and subgrain boundaries. The dominant defects, including grain boundaries, dislocation networks and cracks in the interior of crystals, led to the resistivity variation in the crystals. The bulk resistivity of the as-grown crystals ranged from 109 Ωcm to 1010 Ωcm

    Up-regulation of lactosylceramide synthase in MDR1 overexpressing human liver tumour cells

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    AbstractHepG2 cells, stably transfected with MDR1 cDNA, encoding the P-glycoprotein multidrug resistance efflux pump, display an altered sphingolipid composition compared to control cells, stably transfected with empty vector. The MDR1 overexpressing cells display a ∼3-fold increased level of lactosylceramide and an increased ganglioside mass. Both the mRNA and the activity of lactosylceramide synthase were increased in HepG2/MDR1 cells. In conclusion, the increased glycolipid content in MDR1-transfected HepG2 cells is caused by a transcriptional up-regulation of the enzyme lactosylceramide synthase

    A blue-purple pigment-producing bacterium isolated from the Vezelka river in the city of Belgorod

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    The purpose of the present work was to study the properties of a newly isolated bacterium capable of synthesizing blue-purple pigment. An aboriginal bacterium was isolated from the coastal zone of the Vezelka River in the city of Belgorod. Based on chemical and spectrophotometric studies of the crude ethanol extract, the pigment was identified as violacein, and the isolate was assigned to the group of violacein-forming bacteria, which includes bacteria of the genera Chromobacterium, Iodobacter, Janthinobacterium, Duganella, Collimonas, and Massili

    Numerical study of Gezon experiment

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    International audienceTo prepare the microgravity experiment of crystal growth by floating zone method, GEZON, numerical studies of hydrodynamics of the melt are carried out. Calculations of zone length and convection driven by surface-tension gradients are presented for germanium floating zone operating under microgravity conditions. Results of linear stability analysis show the instability of intense thermocapillarity convection needed to be damped by using a magnetic field; the critical magnetic induction is obtained. it is expected to grow a striation-free crystal with this magnetic fiel

    Cytotoxicities and Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships of B13 Sulfonamides in HT-29 and A549 Cells

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    B13 analogues are being considered as therapeutic agents for cancer cells, since B13 is a ceramide analogue and inhibits ceramidase to promote apoptosis in cancer cells. B13 sulfonamides are assumed to have biological activity similar to B13, since they are made by bioisosterically substituting the carboxyl moiety of B13 with sulfone group. Twenty B13 sulfonamides were evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxicities against human colon cancer HT-29 and lung cancer A549 cell lines using MTT assays. Replacement of the amide group with a sulfonamide group increased cytotoxicity in both cancer cell lines. The sulfonamides with long alkyl chains exhibited activities two to three times more potent than that of B13 and compound (15) had the most potent activity with IC50 values of 27 and 28.7µM for HT-29 and A549, respectively. The comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) were used to carry out QSAR molecular modeling of these compounds. The predictive CoMSIA models for HT-29 and A549 gave cross-validated q2 values of 0.703 and 0.830, respectively. From graphical analysis of these models, we suppose that the stereochemistry of 1,3-propandiol is not important for activity and that introduction of a sulfonamide group and long alkyl chains into B13 can increase cytotoxicity