118 research outputs found

    Fracture-based interface model for NSM FRP systems in concrete

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    This paper introduces a numerical simulation tool using the Finite Element Method (FEM) for near-surface mounted (NSM) strengthening technique using fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) applied to concrete elements. In order to properly simulate the structural behaviour of NSM FRP systems there are three materials (concrete, FRP and the adhesive that binds them) and two interfaces (FRP/adhesive and adhesive/concrete) that shall be considered. This work presents the major details of a discontinuous-based constitutive model which aims at simulating NSM FRP interfaces implemented in the FEMIX FEM software. This constitutive model was adapted from one available in the literature, originally employed for fracture simulation in meso-scale analyses of quasi-brittle materials, which is based on the classical Flow Theory of Plasticity combined with fracture mechanics concepts. The most important features of the implemented constitutive model are the consideration of both fracture modes I and II and the possibility of performing 2D and 3D analysis. In the end, results based on FEM simulations are presented with the aim of investigating the soundness and accuracy of the constitutive model to simulate NSM FRP systems’ interfaces

    A contabilidade e o hipertexto: um estudo sobre o uso de websites como meio de disseminação científica contábil por instituições de ensino superior brasileiras

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    The present study investigated how the institutional Websites are being used by the Brazilian schools (heretofore "IES") for disseminating accounting academic-scientific knowledge. A research was carried out with those IESs, which offer the undergraduate program in Accounting and were submitted to the National Exam of Educational Programs (ENC) 2003, coordinated by the Ministry of Education. The total research - includes 461 programs in Accounting offered in Brazil that were submitted to the ENC. The sample was composed of the 303 programs graded A, B or C (medium or superior to the average) in the above mentioned Exam. The methodology used was an empiric-exploratory study. - There were 5.711 entries referring to scientific knowledge. The use of Websites by the analyzed IESs can be considered incipient given the high number of institutions that - do not have sites as a way of disseminating - knowledge and the evidences showed strong concentration - according to a few parameters, such as geographical area, States of the Brazilian federation and grades obtained at ENC 2003.Este estudo buscou investigar como as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras utilizam os Websites institucionais para disseminar a produção acadêmico-científica da área contábil. Foi realizado um estudo com IES que oferecem o curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis e que se submeteram ao Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC) 2003. O universo de pesquisa compreendeu 461 cursos que se submeteram ao ENC. A amostra foi composta pelos cursos que obtiveram conceitos A, B ou C (médios ou superiores à média) no referido exame, totalizando 303 cursos. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo empírico-exploratório. Foram efetuados 5.711 registros referentes à produção científica. Concluiu-se que a maneira como as IES pesquisadas utilizam os Websites pode ser considerada tímida, uma vez que um elevado número de Instituições não utiliza os sites como meio de disseminação do conhecimento e as evidências apresentaram forte concentração sob os diversos parâmetros analisados: região geográfica, unidade federativa e conceito no ENC 2003

    Estudo da viabilidade de utilização da Ponte Luiz I pelo Metro Ligeiro do Porto

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    Os subscritores desta comunicação elaboraram, no âmbito do I.C. - Instituto da Construção, a pedido da empresa Metro do Porto, S.A., um parecer sobre a viabilidade da integração da Ponte Luiz I na linha do Metro Ligeiro do Porto, troço Porto-Vila Nova de Gaia. Os estudos efectuados compreenderam a análise estática da Ponte, incluindo a acção do vento, a análise dinâmica, que englobou a medição das frequências do tabuleiro e do arco e a sua quantificação numérica, bem como a quantificação das forças sísmicas devidas às acções regulamentares e a sua combinação com as outras acções. Nestes estudos dinâmicos procurou se também avaliar a influência da passagem do metro a diferentes velocidades na estrutura da Ponte e as eventuais amplificações dinâmicas que possam ocorrer, permitindo também avaliar o conforto dos passageiros. Os estudos efectuados permitiram também a quantificação dos diversos modos de encurvadura da estrutura da Ponte, nomeadamente os modos locais, bem como os modos globais de encurvadura. Por outro lado, o estudo analítico foi acompanhado de uma série de trabalhos experimentais, desenvolvidos nas oficinas do Departamento de Mecânica da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, que permitiram a caracterização das propriedades dos materiais (módulo de elasticidade, coeficiente de Poisson, resistência, índices de fadiga, etc.) bem como a quantificação dos valores das tensões admissíveis a usar no dimensionamento, para além do período de vida útil que seria de esperar para as peças com características semelhantes àquelas que foram extraídas da Ponte. Quanto aos resultados apresentados reteve-se para cada barra e para cada combinação, apenas o esforço axial. De seguida, determinou-se a tensão instalada e comparou-se com a tensão admissível determinada com base e nos ensaios experimentais. A apresentação dos resultados revelou-se muito sugestiva e a sua interpretação resultou bastante simplificada, evidenciando as barras cujas tensões estão próximas ou excedem o máximo admissível. Nesta comunicação aborda-se sumariamente alguns dos estudos efectuados e são apresentados os resultados obtidos que permitiram concluir ser viável a passagem do metro pela Ponte Luiz I

    Development of a foam-filled steel web sandwich panel for the rehabilitation of timber floors

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    Lightweight sandwich panels offer a prominent solution for the rehabilitation of timber floors. This paper addresses the development of a solution capable of continuous production for a foam-filled steel web sandwich panel for floor rehabilitation. The newly designed flooring solution is tested in full-scale quasi-static flexural campaigns. The tests validate the analytical design’s compliance with Ultimate limit state (ULS) and Serviceability limit state (SLS) requirements. Furthermore, the flexural behaviour is compared with analytical predictions for thin-walled members according to the effective width method, described in Eurocode 3. Different effective cross-section design assumptions are assessed to allow an accurate prediction of the panel’s response.This work was developed within the scope of the research project “Lightslab – Desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras de lajes de painel sandwich”, supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Program for Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and the Portuguese National Innovation Agency (ANI) – project no. 33865 [POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033865]. Furthermore, it was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020 (doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04029/ 2020), and under the Associate Laboratory Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems ARISE under reference LA/P/0112/2020. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd authors wish also to acknowledge the grants 2021.07696.BD, 2022.13310.BD and DFA/BD/8319/2020 respectively, provided by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT), financed by European Social Fund and national funds through the FCT/MCTES. Acknowledgments are extended to LEST – Laboratório de Estruturas, for their technical and material suppor

    Influence of temperature and different post curing conditions on the mechanical behaviour of polyurethane-based adhesive for civil engineering applications

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    Sandwich panels based on cold-formed-steel (CFS) face sheets and polyurethane foam (PUR) core were designed and manufactured to be used as a feasible solution for the rehabilitation of degraded floors. This panel is manufactured by a continuous process, whereby the polymerization and foaming of the PUR core is performed simultaneously with the face sheets assembling and their adhesive bonding in certain zones. A three-component polyurethane adhesive, manufactured with the same components as the PUR, is used on the bonding of these steel elements. However, the foaming process of the sandwich panel involves moderate heating at specific stages of its manufacture to enhance polymerization of the PUR, which may influence the adhesive mechanical response. This work intends to establish the best adhesive composition and its thickness to be used on this connection. Additionally, the influence of different curing and post-curing conditions on the shear response of the adhesive is assessed.This work was developed within the scope of the research project “Lightslab – Desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras de lajes de painel sandwich”, supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Program for Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and the Portuguese National Innovation Agency (ANI) – project no. 33865 [POCI-01-0247- FEDER-033865]. This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020. The second and fourth authors wish also to acknowledge the grants DFA/BD/07696/2021 and DFA/BD/8319/2020 respectively, provided by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT), financed by European Social Fund and national funds through the FCT/MCTES

    Physical and mechanical characterization of polyurethane foam core of sandwich panels of various densities

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    Sandwich foaming is a manufacturing process in which a liquid monomer mixture is injected on the bottom face sheet of the sandwich panel where it polymerizes to form cross-linked polyurethane (PUR) foam providing an adhesive joint between the bottom and upper metal sheets. The single-step process avoids manual operations in the assemblage of the panel and the use of adhesive. However, the PUR foam in the core of the panel and at foam-to-face sheet interface may present fluctuations in the mechanical properties. The aim of this study is the mechanical and thermophysical characterization of PUR foam of various densities produced by sandwich foaming. Additionally, a qualitative assessment of the foam-to-face sheet interface is carried out based on the results of the flatwise tensile and shear tests.This work was developed within the scope of the research project “Lightslab – Desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras de lajes de painel sandwich”, supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Program for Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and the Portuguese National Innovation Agency (ANI) – project no. 33865 [POCI-01-0247- FEDER-033865]. This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020. The first and second authors wish also to acknowledge the grants DFA/BD/8319/2020 and DFA/BD/07696/2021 respectively, provided by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT), financed by European Social Fund and national funds through the FCT/MCTES

    Efeitos da cadeia produtiva mineral sobre os territórios: Uma análise dos casos do Banco de Dados Recursos Minerais e Territórios do CETEM / Effects of the mineral production chain on territories: An analysis of the cases of CETEM's Database of Mineral Resources and Territories

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    A ampliação global dos investimentos no setor de infraestrutura nas últimas décadas, impulsionado especialmente pela expansão econômica da China, gerou também o aumento da demanda internacional por recursos naturais. Com a expansão desse mercado, o Brasil se tornou um dos principais exportadores de minérios, chegando a ocupar o segundo lugar no ranking mundial em 2013. Neste cenário, o presente artigo mostra alguns aspectos dos impactos que essa expansão da cadeia produtiva mineral brasileira gerou sobre os territórios. A partir das informações disponibilizados pelo Banco de Dados Recursos Minerais e Territórios do Centro de Tecnologia Mineral (CETEM/MCTI), serão apresentadas a distribuição geográfica dos casos, a incidência das substâncias minerais nesses casos e em quais categorias e tipologias de impactos eles estão classificados