1,057 research outputs found

    Estudio de la biología y ecología de Astragalus nitidiflorus

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    [SPA] Astragalus nitidiflorus es una leguminosa herbácea perenne de ciclo vital más bien corto. Por lo general, los individuos adultos no superan los 30 cm de altura, con tallos que se extienden desde el cáudice siguiendo un patrón circular que puede alcanzar hasta 150 cm de diámetro. El periodo de emergencia comienza en otoño y las plántulas se desarrollan hasta el verano. En verano las hojas y tallos mueren y sólo unas pocas yemas permanecen en la base del tallo a nivel del suelo. Tras las lluvias otoñales, las yemas latentes brotan y empieza un segundo periodo de crecimiento. La floración comienza en marzo y se alarga hasta finales de mayo, con frutos que necesitan aproximadamente dos meses para madurar. El ciclo vital continúa de este modo, con sucesivos periodos de crecimiento, hasta que la planta muere (máximo cuatro años). Esta especie es un endemismo de la Región de Murcia (sureste de España), donde forma la única metapoblación conocida a nivel mundial, estando catalogada como Critically Endangered por la International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) y como en Peligro de Extinción en el Catálogo Nacional de Especies Amenazadas. Debido a este hecho y al escaso conocimiento previo sobre la especie, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es el estudio de las características biológicas y ecológicas de A. nitidiflorus a fin de establecer las medidas apropiadas para su conservación. Por lo tanto, este trabajo incluye el estudio de: (1) localización, hábitat, características demográficas y biología reproductiva de la especie; (2) el nivel de diversidad genética, incluyendo la variación genética dentro y entre las poblaciones naturales de la especie, usando marcadores ISSR; (3) la capacidad de la especie para formar un banco edáfico persistente y el papel que éste puede desempeñar en el mantenimiento de la población en un entorno medioambiental árido e impredecible; (4) latencia física y características germinativas de las semillas de A.nitidiflorus y la influencia de algunos factores maternos y medioambientales sobre las mismas; e (5) idoneidad del empleo de la técnica HRM con marcadores cpSSR a la hora de comparar la estructura genética de los distintos estadíos vitales de la especie a lo largo de los años y la contribución potencial del banco edáfico para el mantenimiento de la diversidad genética en la población. Según los resultados obtenidos en los estudios realizados podemos afirmar que la etapa de plántula es la más crítica del ciclo vital de A. nitidiflorus. Aunque la viabilidad de la especie no se ve limitada ni por la floración ni por la fructificación, la conservación del hábitat en las primeras etapas sucesionales sí que parece ser un punto clave para la supervivencia de la especie a largo plazo. Las plantas adultas presentan un largo periodo de floración con un alto grado de sincronía. Los datos también demuestran que A. nitidiflorus es una especie xenómaga facultativa, pero que la presencia de polinizadores puede favorecer el cuajado de los frutos. Los marcadores ISSR indican una baja diversidad genética tanto a nivel poblacional como de especie. La elevada conectividad genética detectada entre las poblaciones de A. nitidiflorus es una prueba de la reciente fragmentación del hábitat. Además, se ha detectado la existencia de un cuello de botella en el pasado, con la consecuente reducción del tamaño poblacional y la pérdida de variación genética. Referente al banco edáfico, esta especie es capaz de formar un banco edáfico persistente a corto plazo que está fuertemente influenciado por factores medioambientales y las fluctuaciones poblacionales. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de las semillas se encuentran presentes en la superficie del suelo, dentro del fruto y distribuidas alrededor de la planta madre. En general la longevidad de las semillas es baja, pero mayor para las semillas protegidas por el fruto que para aquellas sueltas tras dos años enterradas en el suelo. Las pruebas de germinación muestran una gran variabilidad a lo largo de los años en la latencia física de las semillas de A. nitidiflorus debido a que factores maternos medioambientales como la sequía o la edad de la planta madre influyen en la proporción de semillas que adquieren dicha latencia. Esto a su vez determina la proporción de semillas que pasan a formar parte del banco edáfico cada año así como la edad de la población natural. Por último, el empleo de la técnica HRM con cpSSR resultó ser adecuada para estudiar la diversidad genética del banco edáfico de A. nitidiflorus. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la diversidad genética es mayor en el banco edáfico que en los adultos superficiales, aunque los genotipos almacenados no se mantienen constantes en el suelo más de dos años debido a la baja longevidad de las semillas. Una de las mayores diversidades genéticas se encuentra contenida en las plántulas pero, sin embargo, gran parte de esta diversidad genética no se transmite a los adultos debido a la alta mortalidad que se da en las primeras etapas de desarrollo, de ahí que este punto también sea determinante definiendo las características genéticas de las futuras poblaciones. En conclusión, este trabajo se adentra en la biología de esta especie amenazada y esperamos que se convierta en una útil herramienta a la hora de establecer las medidas apropiadas destinadas a la conversación de la especie cuando la Administración Regional establezca el Plan de Recuperación. [ENG] Astragalus nitidiflorus (Leguminosae) is a rather short-lived, perennial herbaceous legume. Mature plants are generally < 30 cm high, with stems spreading from a caudex in a circular pattern up to 150 cm diameter. Its emergence period begins in autumn with seedlings developing until the summer. In summer, leaves and stems die and only a few buds remain at the base of the stem at ground level. After the autumn rains, the dormant buds sprout and begin a second stage of growth. Flowering begins in March up to the end of May, with fruits taking about two months to ripen. The life cycle continues in this way with successive periods of growth until the plant dies (maximum four years). This species is endemic to the province of Murcia (southern Spain), where it forms the only known metapopulation worldwide and it is classified as Critically Endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categories, and as En Peligro de Extinción in the Catálogo Nacional de Especies Amenazadas. Due to this fact and the little prior knowledge about the species, the aim of this thesis is to study biological and ecological traits of A. nitidiflorus in order to establish appropriate measures for its conservation. Thus, this work includes the study of: (1) location, habitat, demographic features and reproductive biology of the species; (2) the level of genetic diversity, including the genetic variation within and between natural populations of the species, using ISSR markers; (3) the ability of the species to form a persistent soil seed bank and the role that it can play in the maintenance of the population in an arid and unpredictable environment; (4) physical dormancy and germination characteristics of the seeds of A.nitidiflorus and the influence of some maternal and environmental conditions on them; and (5) suitability of the HRM technique using cpSSR markers to compare the genetic structure of different life stages of the species over the years the potential contribution of the soil seed bank for maintaining genetic diversity of the population. According to the results obtained from the studies conducted we can affirm that the seedling stage is the most critical in the life cycle of A. nitidiflorus. Although the viability of the species is not limited by the flowering and fruiting process, the maintenance of the habitat in the early sucessional stages seems to be the critical point for long-term survival of the species. The adult plants show a long flowering season with a high degree of synchrony. The data also demonstrates that A. nitidiflorus is a facultative xenogamous species, but the presence of pollinators can enhance fruit set. Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers indicate a low genetic diversity both at the population and species level. The high genetic connectivity found among populations of A. nitidiflorus is an evidence of a recent habitat fragmentation. In addition, a bottleneck event in the past has been revealed, with a subsequent reduction of population size and a loss of genetic variation. Regarding soil seed bank, this species is able to form a short-term persistent soil seed bank that is strongly influenced by environmental factors and population fluctuations. Results show that most seeds are present on the soil surface, inside the fruit and close to the mother plant. In general seed longevity is low, but is higher for seeds protected by fruit than for single seeds after two years buried in the soil. The germination tests show a high variability over the years in the physical dormancy of A. nitidiflorus seeds because maternal environmental factors such as drought or mother plant age influence the proportion of seeds that enter dormancy. This in turn determines the proportion of seed that becomes part of the seed bank each year and also the age structure of the natural population. Finally, the use of the HRM technique with simple sequence repeats in chloroplast genomes (cpSSRs) proved to be suitable for studying the genetic diversity of the soil seed bank of A.nitidiflorus. Obtained results show that genetic diversity is higher in the soil seed bank than for above ground adults, although stored genotypes do not remain constant in the soil more than two years because of the low seed longevity. One of the highest genetic diversities is contained in the seedlings but nevertheless much of this genetic richness is not transmitted to adults due to the high mortality that occurs at early stages, hence this point also results to be determinant defining genetic characteristics of future populations. In conclusion, this work goes into the biology of this threatened species and we hope that it will become a very useful tool for establishing appropriate measures for the species conservation when the Regional Administration carry out its recovery plan.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Técnicas Avanzadas en Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentari

    Life history and demographic features of astragalus nitidiflorus a critically endangered species

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    Astragalus nitidiflorus is an endangered short-lived legume of SE Spain, which have been re-found after 100 years. To identify possible weak points that might contribute to its rarity and hamper its conservation, this paper presents data concerning location, habitat, demographic features and reproductive biology of the species. Censuses of three cohorts of seedlings show that the seedling stage is the most critical in the life cycle. The adult plants show a long flowering season with a high degree of synchrony. Despite the low reproductive success of the species, the annual seed production is very high due to the high floral production. The data show that A. nitidiflorus is a facultative xenogam species, but the presence of pollinators can enhance fruit set. The viability of the species is not limited by the flowering and fruiting process, however the maintenance of the habitat in the early successional stages seems to be the critical point for long-term survival of the speciesEscuela Técnica superior de Ingeniería Agronómic

    Environmental and Human Controls of Ecosystem Functional Diversity in Temperate South America

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    The regional controls of biodiversity patterns have been traditionally evaluated using structural and compositional components at the species level, but evaluation of the functional component at the ecosystem level is still scarce. During the last decades, the role of ecosystem functioning in management and conservation has increased. Our aim was to use satellite-derived Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs, patches of the land-surface with similar carbon gain dynamics) to characterize the regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity and to evaluate the environmental and human controls that determine EFT richness across natural and human-modified systems in temperate South America. The EFT identification was based on three descriptors of carbon gain dynamics derived from seasonal curves of the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI): annual mean (surrogate of primary production), seasonal coefficient of variation (indicator of seasonality) and date of maximum EVI (descriptor of phenology). As observed for species richness in the southern hemisphere, water availability, not energy, emerged as the main climatic driver of EFT richness in natural areas of temperate South America. In anthropogenic areas, the role of both water and energy decreased and increasing human intervention increased richness at low levels of human influence, but decreased richness at high levels of human influence

    Didactic itineraries: an interdisciplinary programme integrated in the curriculum

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe expone una propuesta de actividades de carácter interdisciplinar que se han ido integrando en el Programa de Itinerarios Didácticos de la Ecoescuela de Guazamara, experiencia que se ha ido consolidando en los últimos cursos, formando ya parte del proyecto educativo de este centro. En dichas actividades se muestra cómo los itinerarios didácticos pueden convertirse en un valioso instrumento integrador y vertebrador del curriculum, motivador y muy útil para trabajar diferentes competencias básicas; así como para introducir, desarrollar y complementar una gran variedad de objetivos y contenidos de nuestras programaciones. Esto, unido a que se trata de una propuesta basada en la normativa educativa vigente, contribuye a superar la tradicional consideración de los itinerarios didácticos como un complemento al margen del curriculum. Según los resultados, este tipo de experiencias son eficaces para alcanzar los objetivos planteados, mejorando, incluso, la valoración del entorno y la percepción del paisaje.ES

    Generalized, Complete and Accurate Modeling of Non-Ideal Push–Pull Converters for Power System Analysis and Control

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    Power converters are a basic element for the control and design of any power electronic system. Among the many available topologies, the push–pull converter is widely used due to its versatility, safety and efficiency. For its correct analysis, sizing, simulation and control, models that meet the characteristics of generality, accuracy and simplicity are required, especially if its control is to be optimized by means of some analytical technique. This requires models that consider the practical non-idealities intrinsic to the converter, as well as being intuitive and easy to handle analytically in a control loop. In general, the models reviewed in the scientific literature adopt simplifications in their definition that are detrimental to their accuracy. In response to the posed problem, this work presents a generalized, complete, accurate and versatile model of real (non-ideal) push–pull converters, ideal for the analysis, simulation, and control of power systems. Following the premise of general and complete converters, the proposed model includes all the practical non-idealities of the converter elements, and it is accurate because it faithfully reflects its dynamics. Furthermore, the model is versatile, as its state space formulation allows for its easy adaptability to the converter operating conditions (voltage, current and temperature) for each sampling time. Also, the model is excellent for use in model-based control techniques, as well as for making very accurate simulators. The behavior of the developed model has been contrasted with a real push–pull converter, as well as with reference models present in the scientific literature for both dynamic and steady-state response tests. The results show excellent performance in all the studied cases, with behavior faithful to the real converter and with relative errors that are much lower than those obtained for the reference models. It follows that the model behaves like a digital twin of a real push–pull converter.This work is a contribution of the two following projects: “H2Integration&Control. Integration and Control of a hydrogen-based pilot plant in residential applications for energy supply”, Ref. PID2020-116616RB-C31 supported by the Spanish State Program of R+D+I Oriented to the Challenges of Society; and “SALTES: Smartgrid with reconfigurable Architecture for testing controL Techniques and Energy Storage priority contaminant waste”, Ref. P20-00730 supported by Andalusian Regional Program of R+D+I

    Non-Ideal Push–Pull Converter Model: Trade-Off between Complexity and Practical Feasibility in Terms of Topology, Power and Operating Frequency

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    Power converters are the basic elements of any power electronics system in many areas and applications. Among them, the push–pull converter topology is one of the most widespread due to its high efficiency, versatility, galvanic isolation, reduced number of switching devices and the possibility of implementing high conversion ratios with respect to non-isolated topologies. Optimal design and control requires very accurate models that consider all the non-idealities associated with the actual converter. However, this leads to the use of high-order models, which are impractical for the design of model-based controllers in real-time applications. To obtain a trade-off model that combines the criteria of simplicity and accuracy, it is appropriate to assess whether it is necessary to consider all non-idealities to accurately model the dynamic response of the converter. For this purpose, this paper proposes a methodology based on a sensitivity analysis that allows quantifying the impact of each non-ideality on the converter behaviour response as a function of the converter topology, power and frequency. As a result of the study, practical models that combine the trade-off between precision and simplicity are obtained. The behaviour of the simplified models for each topology was evaluated and validated by simulation against the most complete and accurate non-ideal model found in the literature. The results have been excellent, with an error rate of less than 5% in all casesThis work is a contribution of the PID2020-116616RB-C31 Project supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, by the P20_00730 Project supported by Regional Andalusian Government under the European Union Regional Development Fund. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA

    Fuzzy logic-based energy management system for grid-connected residential DC microgrids with multi-stack fuel cell systems: A multi-objective approach

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    Hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) are considered for use in renewable residential DC microgrids. This architecture is shown as a technically feasible solution to deal with the stochasticity of renewable energy sources, however, the complexity of its design and management increases inexorably. To address this problem, this paper proposes a fuzzy logic-based energy management system (EMS) for use in grid-connected residential DC microgrids with HESS. It is a hydrogen-based HESS, composed of batteries and multi-stack fuel cell system. The proposed EMS is based on a multivariable and multistage fuzzy logic controller, specially designed to cope with a multi-objective problem whose solution increases the microgrid performance in terms of efficiency, operating costs, and lifespan of the HESS. The proposed EMS considers the power balance in the microgrid and its prediction, the performance and degradation of its subsystems, as well as the main electricity grid costs. This article assesses the performance of the developed EMS with respect to three reference EMSs present in the literature: the widely used dual-band hysteresis and two based on multi-objective model predictive control. Simulation results show an increase in the performance of the microgrid from a technical and economic point of view.Thisresearchwasfundedby‘‘H2Integration&Control.IntegrationandControlofahydrogen-basedpilotplantinresidentialapplicationsforenergysupply’’SpanishGovernment,grant Ref:PID2020-116616RB-C31’’,‘‘SALTES:SmartgridwithreconfigurableArchitecturefortestingcontroLTechniquesandEnergy Storagepriority’’byAndalusianRegionalProgramofR+D+i,grant Ref:P20-00730,andbytheproject‘‘Thegreenhydrogenvector. Residentialandmobilityapplication’’,approvedinthecallfor researchprojectsoftheCepsaFoundationChairoftheUniversity ofHuelva.Fundingforopenaccesscharge:UniversidaddeHuelva /CBUA

    Exploiting medical-expert knowledge via a novel memetic algorithm for the inference of gene regulatory networks.

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    This study introduces an innovative memetic algorithm for optimizing the consensus of well-adapted techniques for the inference of gene regulation networks. Building on the methodology of a previous proposal (GENECI), this research adds a local search phase that incorporates prior knowledge about gene interactions, thereby enhancing the optimization process under the influence of domain expert. The algorithm focuses on the evaluation of candidate solutions through a detailed evolutionary process, where known gene interactions guide the evolution of such solutions (individuals). This approach was subjected to rigorous testing using benchmarks from editions 3 and 4 of the DREAM challenges and the yeast network of IRMA, demonstrating a significant improvement in accuracy compared to previous related approaches. The results highlight the effectiveness of the algorithm, even when only 5% of the known interactions are used as a reference. This advancement represents a significant step in the inference of gene regulation networks, providing a more precise and adaptable tool for genomic research.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hybrid Intelligent Modelling in Renewable Energy Sources-Based Microgrid. A Variable Estimation of the Hydrogen Subsystem Oriented to the Energy Management Strategy

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    [Abstract] This work deals with the prediction of variables for a hydrogen energy storage system integrated into a microgrid. Due to the fact that this kind of system has a nonlinear behaviour, the use of traditional techniques is not accurate enough to generate good models of the system under study. Then, a hybrid intelligent system, based on clustering and regression techniques, has been developed and implemented to predict the power, the hydrogen level and the hydrogen system degradation. In this research, a hybrid intelligent model was created and validated over a dataset from a lab-size migrogrid. The achieved results show a better performance than other well-known classical regression methods, allowing us to predict the hydrogen consumption/generation with a mean absolute error of 0.63% with the test dataset respect to the maximum power of the system.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; DPI2017-85540-

    La problemática de las fracturas de la extremidad proximal del 5º metatarsiano

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    Las fracturas de la porción proximal del 5º metatarsiano son motivo de controversia respecto a su clasificación, diagnóstico y tratamiento, debido a la utilización indiscriminada de epónimos y términos anatómicos incorrectos. En el presente artículo se pretende efectuar una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, presentando la casuística de este Servicio entre los años 1994-96. De todas las clasificaciones utilizadas la que nos parece de mayor utilidad es la de Quill. El análisis radiológico cuidadoso del tipo de fractura así como la consideración de los aspectos anatómicos nos puede evitar en ocasiones incidentes desagradables. La filosofía de tratamiento de las fracturas-avulsión y de las fracturas de Jones es clara, por el contrario las fracturas de stress de la diáfisis proximal del 5º metatarsiano no se comportan, ni evolucionan como las fracturas de los restantes metatarsianos, ni como las de la tuberosidad del 5º metatarsiano.Lax usage of anatomic terms and applications of eponyms is the main reason of controversy in diagnosis and classification of fractures of the proximal third of the fifth metatarsal. This article serves as an overview of these fractures, showing the cases treated at our Hospital in the last three years. We propose Quill¿s classification scheme to aid in the management of these fractures. Careful radiological and anatomical analysis can help to avoid problems. Treatment of avulsion-fractures and Jones' fractures is quite clear. Neither the history nor the biological behaviour of proximal fifth metatarsal diaphyseal stress fractures seems to parallel those of fractures of other metatarsals